The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, November 08, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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FRECKLES AND PIMPLES REMOVED In Ten Days. jgjj: Nadinola The Complexion r J|O Beautifier is en- —J orge d by thousands rate^ ladies, and guaranteed to remove all facial discolors -7;7>.. .. />** tions and restore the beauty of youth. The ■worst cases in twenty days. 50c. and SI.OO at all leading drug stores, or by mail. Prepared by NATIONAL TOILET CO., Paris, Tenn. A Rush Order. Western Union Telegraph Company. Kansas city, Mo. March 30, 1905. “To J. T. Shu r trine, St vannah Ga. Mail half dozen Tetterine, Fay Doyle.” A sample o'tdegrap ic o-der. tec« ived. Vhen wanted, it is "anted at once. f'uies Tetter, R ngworm, Erysipelas and itching cutaneous diseases. Box 50c. .1. i S|ll riit ix' 81. Mfr.. Savannah «;n li?jTOZZr~ ~ Light Saw Mills and Supplies Engines, Boilers, Fittings and Repairs « & TRY & & LOMBARD IRON WORKS AUGUSTA. GA. WAR ON LIQUOR AND TOBACCO. Tne Kansai Anti Liquor Society has adopted a. new plan to tight tne liquor traffic. It is dt»tri b iti g f ee to a l who write an i enclo -e a s amp, a recip • for the cure of tneiiqiorha i . It can be given s‘C etly in coffee or t, >d Also one for the obajco >iabf tnat can he gi>zen secre ly The .>ni» leq est they make is ti a yo.iuo not sell recipes, ut give copi sto f.ien Is. bend stamp to 63 Gray Bldg , Kansas City, Mo. Do Not Pay Three Profits For Your Eye Glasses. ___ ShUR-ON Write us tor Free i iformation We show you how t get your Glasses at Wholesale P i< es. We A n send you FREE our simple method Eyes Test and - be .utiful illustrated catalo ue No. 2. Write for itt<vay. Reference: any Bank. WIHF/ ' WBBBV RADIUS OPTICAL MFG. CO. «•*•»»«» ATLANTA, GA. We have tor sale one Columbia Typewriter, entirely new, price SIUU.UO, at a great bargain. THE GOLDEN AGE. ITWI I PENT spent * Big I lIEH I POSTAL CARD Will Deliver to Catalogue Your Door Our W i U V ■■ Showing BSF fl COMPLETE LINE OF STOVES AND RANGES jjj At a saving of from 25 to 50% from the price asked by others. —J Da Mat Fall to send for our catalog before buy- Dari croc I CH Ing your etove or range as the sav- Cnnk <ienu*>e ing will more than pay you, besides you will get the al °*i 3)0.40 and UP latest up-to-date patterns with all the latest Improve- JJ»4.25 and UP r mentsby buying yourstovesand ranges directfromus. _. .... . r . rs Vnu Dun Mn Dick in bu y f,om ua a3 we ® ,r Tight Heaters $2.90 and UD Hun IvU HldK guaranteesaledelivervand rtC and lin v _we will replace any stove that does not prove entirely ** lvi v, r / | j 1 ’ " satisfactory. Take one of our Stoves or Ranges into M A your home and at the end of Thirty Days, if you do vy not find It according to description and all that we H claim, return it to us and get your money back. gKMMMDMMMMMMMMMMaMDMMaHDDMDKHMWaMMI 9 WX'jJSff We give Advertising Coupons redeemable in mer chandise for five times the face value of your 1 . freight or express receipts. Read our unique plan yz which is fully exp.alned In our Catalog No. 67. Truly something for nothing. ALBAUSH BROS.. BOVER & CO. fW/ I fl Dept. 886 CHICAGO. ILL. (ml LMJULBJESLRATS ® the secret of eternal youth in his own maxim that “Cheerfulness, kindness, hopefulness, faith, love and gratitude should be the keynotes of human life.” Again, Dr. Willits said in speaking of his own life plan that he had found “Recreation good; mental inspiration better, but that the grandest work of all was done by him who upholds MORAL ideals.” Yet again, Dr. Willits remaiked that “Happiness is a twin—those who would have it must share it!” Dr. Willits on Sam Jones. Naturally, the office conversation led to Sam Jones, the memorial number of The Golden Age being open beside the visitor. “Sam Jones was not a razor,” remarked Dr. Willits, “though many have called him one—he was not fine cutie:y, but a Broad Axe that hews to the line and makes many a crooked stick straight!” A Personal Letter. The Editor of The Golden Age was surprised and gratified to receive the following personal letter just after Dr. Willits left the office of The Golden Age; it speaks so eloquently of the real character of the man and his universal kindliness that we aie glad to share it with our readers: “My dear Upshaw: I shall long remember with pleasure my brief but pleas ant meeting with you this morning—to see you face to face—to learn some thing of your grand work and come in sympathy with your beneficent aims and spirit! God bless the men who are trying to do good—whose aim is to give men brighter views of life and inspire them to higher aims and nobler walks in life. “The beautiful words of Pollack, in his ‘Course of Time,’ describing a Christian’s death which I quoted were: “ ‘Her eyes grew bright and brighter till too bright for ours to look upon (suffused with many tears); they set as sets the morning star which goes not down behind the darkened west, nor hides obscured amid the tempests of the sky—but melts away into the light of heaven.” “In the whole range of literature there is nothing more exquisitely beau tiful. Ever truly youis, A. A. Willits.” I A Short Talk to Mothers. J The health of your family is your first concern < X How to promote it your greatest care. Gro n people, and child en too, to be well require, that— t The Liver s i.ud<oi sdmy. 9 The Kidneys peiform ti eir part. ( ? The Blood be kept Mine. 0 The stomach kptin a heal hy condition. ? If any o bese condit.ons tie wanting, disarrangement of the balance follows, and the 9 general health is un er» ined. ? DR. THACKER’S LIVER AND BLOOD SYRUP insures a hea’thy body, because it goe« 9 to the origin ot rhe du ease, curing that and naKiiig the other evils irnpo sib'e. Tne for ? no la on • very ott e will convince jout at it is the most >ogicai and edab e remedy for 9 sof the Liv, r ana Kidneys ever placed upon the ma ket. Your dealer telli it in tOc ? a d SI.OO bottles. You c n get a sample free by »ritin us i Thacher Medicine Co. Chattanooga, Tenn. Q Ministers, teachers, Clubs, or anybody interested in bringing to their town some wholesome entertainment such as popular lectures, Humorists, Impersonators, Male Quartets, and Musi cians of the highest class, are requested to write the Alkahest Lyceum System in regard to some open bargain dates they have to dispose of in the itenerary of the artists now on tour in the South for them. Write at once to the ALKAHEST LYCEUM SYSTEM, Atlanta, Ga. The Golden Age for November 8, 1906. The Golden Age’s Liberal Clubbing Offer. Select Your Reading For the Coming Year. The regular subscription to The Golden Age is two dollars per year. We will give one year’s subscription to The Golden Age and the periodicals mentioned, at the following prices: The Golden Age and Cosmopolitan Magazine (regular price, $3.00), $2.25. The Golden Age and the Woman’s Home Companion (regular price S3.UO>» $2.25. The Golden Age and The Review of Reviews (regular price $5.00), $2.95. The Golden Age, Cosmopolitan and Woman’s Home Companion (reg ular price $4.00), for $2.90. The Golden Age, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Woman’s Home Companion and Review of Reviews (regular price $7.00), $4.25. The Golden Age, Woman’s Home Companion and Harper’s Bazaar (reg ular price $4.00), $2.90. The Atlanta Georgian, published by Frederick L. Seely, and edited by John Temple Graves—a great daily paper that does not advertise liquor. Price, $4.50 per year. The Golden Age and The Georgian together only $5.00. We will be glad to make any combination of the periodicals mentioned above at prices equivalent to those quoted. Watch this column for new offers. Address THE GOLDEN AGE, Atlanta, Ga. TO CURE ECZEMA. The one infallible method by which Eczema can be quickly and permanently cured Is by the use of Heiskell’s Oint ment. For half a century this great remedy has been the means of curing skin diseases of every nature. Erysipelas, Tetter, Ulcers, Pimples, Ringworm, Blotchy Skin, Erup tions, Rough Skin, Salt Rheum, Scald Head—all yield as readily to the marvelous curative virtues of Heiskell’s Ointment asthedreaddisease—Eczema. Beforeappiy ing the ointment, bathe the affected parts, using JI eiskell’s Medicinal Soap. Heiskell’s Blood and Liver Pills tone up the liver and cleanse the blood. Oint ment, 5J cents a box: Soap, 25 cents a cake; Pills. 2'» cents a bottle—at all druggists. Send for interesting book of testimonials to Johnston, Holloway & C0.,531 Commerce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. BLAIR’S The Angle Lamp Our Proposition is to send you a light which, burning common kerosene (or coal oil), is far more economical than the ordinary old-fashioned lamp, yet so thoroughly satisfactory that such people as ex-President Cleveland, the Rockefellers, Carnegies, Peabodys, etc., who care but little about cost, use it in preference to all other systems. We will send you any lamp listed in our catalog 30, on thirty clays' free trial, so that you may prove to your own satisfaction that tne new method of burning employed in this lamp makes common kerosene the best, cheapest and most satisfactory of all illuminants. Convenient as Gas or Electricity Saferand more reliable than gasoline or acetylene. Lighted and extinguished like gas. May be turned high or low without odor. No smoke, nodanger. Filled while lighted and without moving. Requires filling but once or twice a week. It floods room with its beautiful, soft, mellow light that has no equal. WRITE FOR OUR CATALOG 30 and our proposition for a 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL. Do it now--right away. It will tell you more facts about the How and Why of good light than you can learn in a lifetime’s experience with poor methods. The Anq’e Mfj. Co., 78-80 Murray St., New York. 13