The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, November 15, 1906, Page 16, Image 16

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16 ■MamMMaMHMHMMBMMMBMMMMMMMMMMMMMW Tke best authority in the world on the medicinal qualities of a drink is “The Lancet” of London, England. Here is what it says ahout Ginger Ale: “First —by the carbonic acid acting as a stimulant to the movements of the stomach. Second—by assisting in the disintre gration of the stomach.” Nothing could be better for your stomach than RED ROCK. Manufactured by H&ga<n Dodd Co., ATLANTA, GA. 1 “Originators For Imitators.” We have for sale one Columbia Typewriter, entirely new, price SIOO.OO, at a great bargain. THE GOLDEN AGE. I That Dear Old Delusion, I I Laundry Soap I A fi ANY housewives hug it still —though it costs them untold labor, /y 1 expense and unnecessary wear and tear of clothes. Laundry soap belongs back with the day of the flail, and I other crude washing methods. It has no place in the modern If you want to escape the old-fashioned arm-paining, back-straining toil and moil of household cleansing with laundry soap —Change to GOLD DUST Gold Dust Washing Powder has for its base, a good, honest vege table-oil soap, to which is added other purifying materials in just the right proportions to cleanse easily, vigorously and without harm. No soap, borax, soda, ammonia, naphtha, kerosene or other foreign ingredient needed with GOLD DUST. ■ ing woodwork, oil cloth, sil- verware and tinware, polishing brass work, cleaning bath room j pipes, refrigerators, etc., soft- 1 ening hard water and making ~ I Made by I I the GOLD DUST Twins do your work”# l (When writing Advertisers please mention The Golden Age.) The Golden Age for November 16, 1006. IN MY COLLECTION OF DIAMONDS This season I am offering some Gem Stones of exceedingly beau tiful quality and at very reasonable prices. If you contemplate the purchase of a Diamond, it will pay you to investigate what I am showing. WEDDING SILVER—This fall I have an unusually large and attractive line of Sterling Silver Pieces, both in hollow and flatware. A number of new designs just received. I should be pleased to show you this stock. Large handler of the celebrated Gorham Sterling Silver Lines. Wedding and Society Stationery a Specialty. Send for esti mates and samples. Out-of-Town Orders have prompt attention. CHARLES W. CRANKSHAW DIAMOND MERCHANT AND JEWELER 16 Whiteha ll St., Centuiy Building, Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE. __ ” We have for sale at a bargain, one L. C. Smith Writing in Sight Type writer, regular price, $102.50; entirely new, at much less than usual cost. THE GOLDEN AGE. THE STORY OF ONE PIANO SALE. What Free Life Insurance Does For Club Members. Macon, Ga., Sept. 18, 1906. LUDDEN & BATES S. M. H.» Savannah, Ga. Gentlemen: On being informed of the death of my husband on the 14th. inst, your manager here today handed me receipt for $l5O, same being amount of unpaid balance on the Ludden & Bates Club Piano No. 9106, bought of you August 29, 1905. We had paid $137 on this piano, which, with the above receipt, com pletes the purchase price of $287, and our indebtedness to you is now canceled. I wish to express my deep appreciation of your action in this matter, and am glad we decided to purchase a Ludden & Bates Club Piano particularly on account of the Free Life Insurance feature. Wishing you every success, I re main, Very truly yours, (Signed) MRS. CHAS. GEISMAR. If interested in the purchase of a Strictly High Grade Piano write us at once—tod %y —about our Sixth Club now forminer. Uiub Booklet “I” will explain the fairest, safest and best piano proposi tion e\ er made. Club Members pay $287 instead of $4( 0 which is the regular price. Easy payments Each Club Mem er receives Free Life Insurance benefits —the above letter speaks for itself. Write for Club Booklet T” full particulars. LUDDEN 6 BATES S. M. H. Savanneh, Ga. To have a happy home you must have children, as they are great happy-home makers. If a weak H woman, you can be made strong enough to bear ■ healthy children, with little pain or discomfort to yourself, by taking TCARDUI I Woman’s Relief I ■ It will ease away all your pain, reduce inflam- ■ mation, cure leucorrhea (whites), falling womb, ovar- H ian trouble, disordered menses, backache, headache, etc., and make childbirth natural and easy. Try it. At every drug store in SI.OO bottles. WRITE US A LETTER “DUE TO CARDUI ■ freely and frankly, telling us all your and nothing else, is my baby girl, now troubles. We will send free advice (in two weeks old,” writes Mrs. J. P. plain sealed envelope). Address: La- West, of Webster City, lowa. “She dies’Advisory Dept.,The Chattanooga Is a fine, healthy babe and we are Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. both doing nicely.” ?£. && ktadLtii \ We Don’t Ask for Any Money with Order "°ubor»| you get our \ I Ever / New Vehicle \IZ xlrl ■■ r . r-AWanl'l ■ Madt* Catalog __ Y- g 1 ’m| Hl A||T TTMIfi ABI OI IT Bcn< * t 0 us an< * we you ree most complete catalog of vehicles and harness ever printed. The Cuts are VJU ■ ■■■■W rIaAJ Wl very large, the descriptions are complete and plain. All vehicles shipped direct from our factory. Prices lowest ever made. Don’t buy a vehicle or harneas until you get our 1906 catalogue and MA £3 If 18l Ct II ITU ftft Amomn |fl ■ see our astonishingly low prices aisd the most liberal terms ever made. 9 niftnwlH Olvll I el Wo VallVftUVe llalwß (When writing Advertisers please mention The Golden Age.)