The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, November 29, 1906, Page 16, Image 16

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16 SAY Say It Plain! If we had confidence enough in a drink to spend more than THREE HUNDRED THOUS AND DOLLARS advertising it, don’t you think you should have confidence enough in it to buy a 20c quart bottle or a 15c pint. NO DOPE! NO ALCOHOL. Manufactured by Hag&.n & Dodd Co., ATLANTA, GA. IA Happy Home I To have a happy home you must have children, as they are great happy-home makers. If a weak woman, you can be made strong enough to bear healthy children, with little pain or discomfort to yourself, by taking 7CARDUI I Woman’s Relief I ■ It will ease away all your pain, reduce inflam- ■ ■ mation, cure leucorrhea (whites), falling womb, ovar ian trouble, disordered menses, backache, headache, etc., and make childbirth natural and easy. Try it. At every drug store in SI.OO bottles. WRITE US A LETTER “DUE TO CARDUI I freely and frankly, telling us all your and nothing else, is my baby girl, now HB troubles. We will send free advice (in two weeks old,” writes Mrs. J. P. plain seated envelope). Address: La- West, of Webster City, lowa. “She I dies’Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Is a fine, healthy babe and we are Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. both doing nicely.” HIN Repairs of Gin ENGINES, BOILERS and PRESSES and Repairs for same. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, In jectors, Pipes, Valves and Fittings, Light Saw, Shingle, and Lath Mills, Gasoline Engines. Cane Mills in stock. LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND SUPPLY COM PAN V, Augusta, Ga. (When writing Advertisers please mention The Golden Age.) The Golden Age for November 29, 1906. IN MY COLLECTION OF DIAMONDS This season I am offering some Gem Stones of exceedingly beau tiful quality and at very reasonable prices. If you contemplate the purchase of a Diamond, it will pay you to investigate what I am showing. WEDDING SILVER —This fall I have an unusually large and attractive line of Sterling Silver Pieces, both in hollow and flatware. A number of new designs just received. I should be pleased to show you this stock. Large handler of the celebrated Gorham Sterling Silver Lines. Wedding and Society Stationery a Specialty. Send for esti mates and samples. Out-of-Town Orders have prompt attention. CHARLES W. CRANKSHAW DIAMOND MERCHANT AND JEWELER 16 W hit eha 11 St., Centui y Building, Atlanta, Ga. THE STORY OF ONE PIANO SALE. What Free Life Insurance Does For Club Members. Macon, Ga., Sept. 18, 1906. LUDDEN & BATES S. M. H., Savannah, Ga. Gentlemen: On being informed of the death of my husband on the 14th. inst, your manager here today handed me receipt for $l5O, same being amount of unpaid balance on the Ludden & Bates Club Piano No. 9106, bought of you August 29, 1905. We had paid $137 on this piano, which, with the above receipt, com pletes the purchase price of $287, and our indebtedness to you is now canceled. I wish to express my deep appreciation of your action in this matter, and am glad we decided to purchase a Ludden & Bates Club Piano particularly on account of the Free Life Insurance feature. Wishing you every success, I re main, Very truly yours, (Signed) MRS. CHAS. GEISMAR. If interested in the purchase of a Strictly High Grade Piano write us at once—today—about our Sixth Club now tormina. Club Booklet “I” will explain the fairest, safest and best piano proposi tion ever made. Club Members pay $287 instead of S4(O which is the regular price. Easy payments Each Club Memter receives Free Life Insurance benefits—the above letter speaks for itself. Write for Club Booklet “I” full particulars. LUDDEN 6 BATES S. M. H. Savanneh, Ga. J. LEE BARNES, Prop. & Mngr J. N. COUCH, Asst. Mngr. "Motel r_/ (EUROPEAN) Atlanta, - Georgia ■ Open All the Year Finest Case in the City “GLORIOUS PRAISE” More than 300 songs. 114 composers, and 153 writers. Round or Shaped Notes. Best Silk Cloth Binding*. Composed by W. H. Doane, who is recognized as the best man living to prepare a book of sacred song, and this is the crowning work of his life. He has had the assistance of Mr. W. J. Ki k patrick, who is second only to Dr. Doane. The following letter from the Superintendent of West End Presbyterian S. S., Atlanta, Ga. is a sample of the endorsement of leading* Presbyterian papers s Suitable for Church Services, Sunday Schools and Young Peoples’ Meetings. Atlanta, Ga., January 3,1906. Mr. H. C. Robert, Mgr. Dear Sir: Answering your favor of 30th inst., referring to the matter of song books purchased by our Sunday School, we wish to state that the competent committee selected “Glorious Praise,” after a careful consideration of a large number of song books. We are more than pleased with our selection. It is, in our opinion, the best book we have ever used in our Sunday School work, cover ing a period of more than twenty years. Yours very truly C. R. Normandy, Supt. West End Pres. S. S. READLWHAT OTHER GOOD JUDGES SAY: Dr. E. C. Dargan of the Southern Baptist _ J. M. Frost, Sunday School Secretary, calls Theological Seminary, and himself a master of lt T v?', T sacred song: “It strikes me as a very handy Dr. Carter Helm Jones of Louisville: The best and useful book, . . . admirably serving the and new hyms have been skillfully blended, purpose forjwbich’it was intended. arrangement^> Slcal Bense and taste pervade the s2sa 100; $3.60 a Dozen, Not Prepaid. Single Copy by Mail, 35c. If you examine “Gloriout Praise” you will buy no other. Send all orders to [HARVEY & BURNETT, Louisville, Ky. £""■ (When writing Advertisers please mention The Golden Age.)