The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 06, 1906, Page 16, Image 16

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16 SAY Red Rock Say It Plain! Don’t condem RED ROCK because it is in a bottle. Milk is delivered in bottles and you had just as well condemn one as the other. Some of our best customers are Bishops and Preachers. Get RED ROCK any where but be sure to look for the RED ROCK Crown on every bottle. Manufactured by Hagaui <& Dodd Co., ATLANTA, GA. Originators Tor Imitators. fegigs JUST SEND ME ONE DOLLAR"! I *1 h Jgg and I will ship C. O. D. to any railroad station in the | I ■J"™ U. S. this fine Willard Steel Range. Anyone can say M 8 ~L- ]MiS»lMlfy IVSTfu* e beat I ?? g ® ln the world, but I will fur- ■ I aish the evidence and leave the verdict to you. After I ■ Z Oa examl “e this range, If you are satisfied in every I JY ay • -Agent $14.00 and freight, and you become H 1 ™«n POSß nn. sor ot best range 111 the world for the S V. ?? on ? y - The range has six 8-inch lids; 17-inch oven; ■ P* gaL re o® e KY? ir; l * rge warming closet; top cooking I surface, 30x34 Ins. Guaranteed to reach you in perfect I order. Shipping weight, 400 lbs. Thousands in use I 1.... w “ ,9iot I I wood WM. G. WILLARD ST. LOUIS, KoJ FIELDER &■ ALLEN CO. 61 Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, GA. ==| EXCLUSIVE agents for ( you DONT get _______ We furnish Book J J yw buy a euiMN *i Cases to suit your I Fp h demands. WjlfTtWlT)' fIWB enou &h to have You all know SSssSjsm Gunn about the wonder- know its superior ful advantages pre- ggggf fr advantages over sented in the use all other manufac- of Sectional Book JH|! turers. Cases. j gS r * e Send for Catalog. r - S-- ■r’nijW! W r?L _ The Golden Age for December 6, 1906. IN MY COLLECTION OF DIAMONDS This season I am offering some Gem Stones of exceedingly beau tiful quality and at very reasonable prices. If you contemplate the purchase of a Diamond, it will pay you to investigate what I am showing. WEDDING SILVER—This fall I have an unusually large and attractive line of Sterling Silver Pieces, both in hollow and flatware. A number of new designs just received. I should be pleased to show you this stock. Large handler of the celebrated Gorham Sterling Silver Lines. Wedding and Society Stationery a Specialty. Sena for esti mates and samples. Out-of-Town Orders have prompt attention. CHARLES W. CRANKSHAW DIAMOND MERCHANT AND JEWELER It) W hitehall St., Centui y Building, Atlanta, Ga. The Battle Cry of Freedom from Intemperance A Sure Escape from the Slavery of Drink PERHAPS you want to break the habit that you know is making you poorer both in health and purse. It may be a friend of yours who needs help. You will find Willis’ Home Remedy, the Cure tnat Cures for All Time. Thou sands of grateful hearts in homes restored to happiness and prosperity P rocla ’ m tliat Truth is the foundation of every statement I make. Let Me help You to help yourself or your friend. wan t to send a FREE Trial Treatment of IJI W Willis* Home Cure p in a plain wrapper- enough to test its wonderful, exclusive merit. A A doses taken at home, at work, or anywhere, will show how : ' ' easily it acts. Nerves are steadied; the appetite for food is increased; all craving for liquors of any kind is destroyed; k refreshing sleep follows. Its magic drives all alcoholic poison jjy from the system. I KNOW what a blessing this Cure brought into my own ay 1 n °t send you letters breathing in every line joy and gratitude from people cured by my Home Cure? The Worst cases are the ones I am most anxious to ii treat. Those that have found other remedies and treat- - nicnts worthless I Guarantee to cure. Let me treat the ' wWffi/F Case you deem hopeless, and if I dont cure it I don’t 11 '"SSmwVMKKUB want a cent. Just give me a chance to prove it. TFrite to-day for Free treatment to PARKER WILLIS, 321 State Life Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. The Biggs Treatment. A Complete Natural Curative System---No Drugs. B SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. If you are interes’ed in the cure of disease by natural means, you should inves tigate the BIGGS TREATMENT, which embraces al that is of value in the various drugless methods. The Biggs Hytienic Sanitarium is the only place in the South where a'l rational measures, such as Physical Culture, Swedish Move ments, Massage, Osteopathy. Mechanical Vibration, Violet Ray, White Light Dry Het Air Bath, Electric Light Bath, Electricity, the Oxyoline Method, Hydro therapy, ar d prescribed diet, are thoroughly and systematically employed. As we are able to accommodate but a limited number of patients, we accept for treatment only such cases as we consider curable. Each patient that is accepted !^T?D , c n - £ai u lest L l houg htful attention ; and every effort is being made to effect a ————l CUKE in the shortest time possible. Considering the nature of the treatments gtven, our charges are remarkably low. Interesting booklet free. The Biggs Hygienic Sanitarium, ( reensboro, N. C.