The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 20, 1906, Page 17, Image 17

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Hf JMi H r ; . ' 0 MWP l^' . 1 Jlj BTW < REV. J. W. BLOSSER, M. D. A Noted Minister and Doctor of At lanta, Ga., is Meeting With Wonder ful Success. Those who have long doubted whether there really is a permanent cure for catarrh will be glad to learn that a southern physician, Rev. J. W. Blos ser, M. D., of Atlanta, Ga., has dis covered a method whereby catarrh can be cured to the very last symptom without regard to climate or condi tion. So that there may be no mis givings about it, he will send a free sample to any man or woman without expecting payment. The regular price of the remedy is SI.OO for a box con taining one month’s treatment. The Doctor’s remedy is rapidly dif ferent from all others, and the results he has achieved seem to mark a new era in the scientific cure of catarrh, foul breath, hawking and spitting, stopped-up feeling in nose and throat, coughing spells difficult breathing, ca tarrhal deafness, asthma, bronchitis and the many other symptoms of a bad case of catarrh. If you wish to see for yourself what this remarkable remedy will do, send your name and address to Dr. J. W. Blosser, 32 Walton St., Atlanta, Ga., and you will receive the free package and an illustrated book. STATE OF GEORGIA, FULTON COUN TY, ss. —Petition for incorporation of Drug Company. To the Superior Court of Said County:— The petition of Emma M. Billingsley and Olive Laing, both of said State and Coun ty, respectfully shows: 1. That they desire, for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns, to become incorporated under the name and style of THE NORTH SIDE DRUG STORE. 2. The term for which petitioners ask to be incorporated is twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. 3. The capital stock of the corporation is to be Five Thousand Dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. Petitioners, however, ask the privilege of increasing said capital stock from time to time, not exceeding in the aggregate Twen ty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000). 4. More than ten per cent of said capi tal stock has already been paid in. 5. The object of the proposed corpora tion is pecuniary gain to its stockholders. Petitioners propose to carry on a retail drug business and to deal at retail in the goods and articles commonly kept for sale in retail drug stores: buying and selling, for cash or on credit, all such articles or things as are usually embraced in the retail drug business; and all such articles as may be profitably handled and sold in connec tion therewith; and to do all such acts and things as are necessary for the proper con ducting of said retail drug business. 6. The principal office and place of busi ness of the proposed corporation will be in the city of Atlanta, said State and County. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, entitled to the rights, privileges and immunities and subject to the liabili ties imposed by law. This 14th day of November, A. D. 1906. A. E. RAMSAUR, HOWARD & BOLDING, Attorneys for Petitioners. Filed in office Dec. 3, 1906. ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk. Georgia, Fulton County. I, Arnold Broyles, Clerk of the Superior Court, of Fulton County, Georgia, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for incorporation now on file in my office. ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk of the Superior Court of Fulton County, Ga. The question of Temperance Legislation is of especial interest to all states in which liquor laws are needed, and the following communication, sent to Nashville (Tenn.) by Dr. Edgar E. Folk, editor of the “Baptist and Reflector,'’ published in that city, and president of the Anti-Saloon League, will be carefully read by the people of the entire South. Dr. Folk’s statements are clear and full, and they bear unmistakable evidence of the careful thought which he has given to the subject, and we believe the reproduction of this communication will prove of value to our readers: Editor of the Banner:— “I have great respect for Senator Adams,” said Dr. Folk, “both as a Christian gentleman and as a strong temperance advocate. It was, therefore, with all the more surprise and disappointment, and, I may add, pain, that I read the statement of his views. In the first place, he is mistaken as to the number of cities in the state that have saloons. As has fre quently been published, there are at present fifteen places in the state with saloons. Seven of them have a population of less than 5,000. to which lhe Adams law may hie applied, but which have not yet taken advantage of it. Most of these places under 5,000 will, I believe, however, take advantage of the law at the next session of the legislature ■ to abolish saloons. Eight of the fifteen places 'nave a population of over 5,000, which, under the Adams law, have not the privilege of getting rid of saloons. These eight cities are Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Jack son, Bristol, Clarksville and Columbia. Mt. Pleasant, which Mr. Adams includes in his list of nine cities, has a population in its correct corporate iimitis of less than 5,000. It can abolish saloons, and will abolish them, any time that Columbia does. “What we are asking now is that the Adams law shall be extended to cities of 150,000 population and under, so as to give to every place in the state the privilege of saying whether it shall have saloons or not. Is not this only a poor privilege to ask for them? By what rule of equity shall you say that places under 5,000 inhabitants may have that privilege, while it shall be denied to places over 5,000? Is it not righit, is it not just, is it not democratic, is it not American, to give to these larger cities the same privilege enjoyed by the smaller ones? Os course, if the larger cities do not wish to take advantage of this privilege to abolish saloons, that is their lookout. I may say, though, that I believe, if only they had that privilege. Bristol would abolish them; so would Knoxville, so would Clarksville; so, I believe, would Jackson and Chattanooga; so, also, would Nashville, unless the segregation bill now pending before the city council or some similar measure should be passed. “As to high license, which Senator Adams proposes for the larger cities, I may say, I should, of course, prefer high license to low license, but I believe that segregation is better than high license, and I believe that entire abolition is better than segregation. Really, after all, the only solution of the saloon problem is, not fewer saloons, but no saloons. For as long as you have the saloon at all in any community, you are going to have lawlessness and vice and crime, which How as naturally from the saloon as lhe stream from the fountain. I hope that Senator Adams will join lhe temperance people of the state in the effort to secure the exten sion of tne law which bears his name to every place in the state. And then, if some places fail to take advantage of it to abolish saloons, we can regulate the saloons in those places either by high, license or segrega tion or some other measure which will prove effective. Do Not Pay Three Profits For Your Eye Glasses. how to get your Glasses at Wholesale Prices. We m n send you FREE our simple method Eyes Test and beautiful illustrated catalogue No. 2. Write for it today. Reference: any Bank. wMWr / RADIUS optical mfg co. -.-MU ATLANTA, GA. S Early Cabbage Plants Guaranteed to Satisfy Purchaser ! U 9 9 EARLY JERSEY CHARLESTON SUCCESSION AUGUSTA SHORT STEMMED ts) £ WAKEFIELD LARGE TYPE TRUCKER FLAT DUTCH > “ The Earliest WAKEFIELD The Earliest Flat A little later Largest and Latest 4 5 Cabbage Grown Second Earliest Head Variety than Succesoion Cabbage Ji q PRICE: Inlots of Ito4m. at $1.50 perm., sto 9m. at $1.25 per m., 10 m. and over, atsl.oo per m. 3 q F. O. B. YOUNG’S ISLAND, s. C. My Special Express Rate on Plants is Very Low. H Z riiomnioa I guarantee Plants to give purchaser satisfaction, or will refund the purchase 0 Vjuaraniee price to any customer who is dissatisfied at end of season. These plants are 0 < grown in the open field, on Seacoast of South Carolina, in a climate that is just suited to £ C growing the hardiest plants that can be grown in the United States. These plants can be » V reset in the interior of the Southern States during the months of January, February, and j IZ March. They wdl stand severe cold without being injured, and will mature a head of Cab- 2 Q bage Two to Three weeks sooner than if you grew your own plants in hot beds and cold v frames. X a My Largest Customers are the Market Gardeners near the interior towns and cities of m i the South. Their profit depends upon them having Early Cabbage; for that reason they pur- U chase my plants for their crops. * Ci I also grow a full line nf other Plants and Fruit Trees, such as Strawberry and Sweet Po- y 1 5 tato Plants; Apple, Peach, Pear, Plum, Cherry and Apricot Trees, Fig Bushes and Grape Vines. __ ia C Special terms to persons who make up club VY7 f'' “OX 55 _ ® orders. Write for illustrated catalogue. ” 11, YOUNG’S ISLAND, S. C. --/ (When writing Advertisers please mention The Golden Age.) The Golden Age for December 20, 1906. Temperance Legislation. Bv EDGAR E. FOLK. CRADDOCK TERRY COS J > If /'A-': ' V If length of service ns an important consideration this stylish,easy fitting shoe is unexcelled I A. K<i»t standahpA gga O that has never been equalled. The guard on the spring pre jzS/j | vents tearing the cloth. The ICV/f I only pin that fastens from either wHiv I side can ’t through. See yj that all cards have our name on. Send 4 cents in stamps for sample worth double the money. \ wKt consolidated safety p,n co, » UJJhr 80X159 BLOOMFIELD, N. J. Keeps Piano Keys White. IVORBLANC is harmless, efficient. Easily applied. Price 35c a bottle, post-paid, two years supply. Neglect means yellow ivo ries. Snyder & Co., Dept. 24. Wilmington, Del., Sole Mfrs. Want Running Water? You can have a constant stream at house or other buildings from spring or stream on a lower level by installing a OITPI7 hydraulic Kir JL ram. Most satisfactory water service known. Al waysgoing, no attention, no running expense. Raises water 30 feet for every foot of fall. 18 inches fall enough to operate it. Over S,(MH) now in use. IBWM Sold on 30 Days Free Trial. HI Ask for booklet giving particulars. ftjMS RIFE ENGINE CO.. 2135TrinityBldg.. NEW YORK. ■andsome Nlokel tel Range wanning closet or With high warm t, porcelain lined , just as shown la ;large,square oven, ig holes,body mads >lled steel. Duplex irns wood or coal, e nickel trimmings, dished. OUR TERMS ?h? most liberal ever nade. You can pay ifter you receive th. •ange. You cantaka It into your home, (days. If you don’t xactly as represent biggest bargain you w, equal to stoves for double our eturn it to us. W 9 freight both ways. UfrHa Ttwlaw for our beautifully illustrated Stove wrng ipuay Catalogue No. 1293 a postal card will do. 75 styles to select from. Don’t buy until you get it. MARVIN SMITH CO., CHICAGO, ILL. lusetheGreat English Remedy BLAIR’S I Safe, Sure, Effective 50c. SI, KSzjTfii 11 [DRUGGISTS, or93 Heary St, Brooklyn, N. Y Big Money in Poultry Our big Poultry book tellshowtnmakeit to breed, feed and market for best results. 100 "'vUi'3 illustrations. Describes largest pure bred poultry farm in the world. Tells how to start small and grow big. AU about our 30 leading varieties. Quotes lowest prices on fowls, eggs, cubators and brooders. Mailed for 10c in postage F. FOY, Box 43,Des Moines,lowa 17