The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 27, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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12 SOUTHERN GIRL BWfl OJ /7<( £a2 |m KJ famous for | *4 iheirWinsome and*- fcffl Sterling Qualifies a //V fafi/OUS IrAT/teaSAMfAITT&WS MaDE BY t-o Craddock-Terry co ir^ m Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad OPERATING The Bert Equipped Freight and Passenger Service in the South. Coaches electric lighted, with steam heat in Winter and elec tric fans in Summer. If you desire to have your freight handled with dispatch and to travel comfortably and conveniently, patronize THIS POPULAR ROUTE h. c McFadden, General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Can Cancer be Gured? It Can. We want every man and woman in the United States to know what we are doing We are curing Cancers Tumors and Chro >ic Sores without the use of the knife or X-Ray, and are endorsed by the Senate and Legislature of Vir ginia. We Guarantee Our Cures. THE. KELLAM HOSPITAL, 1615 West Main Richmond. Va. SNYDER’S MOTH DEATH l p " oll g r i d al boxes. KILLS moths, moth worms, moth eggs. Has felted hook attachment to hang in upright PIANOS. Moths work unmolested in pianos everywhere—this is the time to kill them, while incubation is slow. Don’t open, simply put boxes in trunks, closets, drawers, etc. No bad odor, clean, effective 1 yr. 15c a box, 2 boxes postpaid for name of your druggist and 25c. Snyder & Co., Dept. 24, Wilming ton, Del., Sole Mfrs. 9 CORDSIN 10 HOURS RUNS EASY t-V""— SAWS DOWN WWBackacheJ| welhg nr ft ggk >a?si ib ß * Mil® aS MTsjf JKmI K it . BY ONE MAN, with the FOLDING SAWING MACHINE. It saws down trees. Folds like a pocket knife. Saws any kind o i timber on any kind of ground. One man can saw more timber witlßVban 2 men in any other way, and doiteasier. Send for FRSYiP lustrated catalog, showing latest IMPROVEMENTS ani. from thousands. First order secures aeenoy. Addreel FOLDING SAWING MACHINE CO., 158-lU4 E. Harrison Street, Chicago, Illinois. STUDY I 111 I BY MAIL Prepare for the I 11 IfU Bar in any State. Methods scien- ■ ■ ■ title, thorough and original. ■■ M Duly correspon dence Law School in the United States in affiliation with a resident college— Central University, College of Law, Danville, Ky. Lessons prepared under the direction of A. H. Throck morton, A. M., LL. 8., Dean of the College. Credit given by resident school for work done by mail, Special courses given by correspondence in Academic, Preparatory, Business and Stenography. Interesting information sent free. Address the Home Office. United Schools of Correspondence, Dept. A, Lexington, Ky. A Road-Maker of Reforms. The prohibition party is the road-maker of the greatest of political reforms. It has the true passion of the explorer to push on and on and on, looking- back almost not at all, and careless of the supplementary touches of the lesser thought. It does not, <and probably it cannot, alone, operate the line that it has laid out and left behind. Its mind runs to earth-work, bridge-work, blasting, boring, pile-driving, and in its specialty it is mag nificent. The Anti-Saloon League cannot build road. Its proposition is too imme diate and flexible. But it has a talent for operation, and is improving it assiduously and successfully. It is a judge of men and machinery and opportunity, a master of details. It cuts the grass from between the ties of the prohibition road-bed, and sets wheels humming over the rusty nails. It is developing the property and making it do business and pay divi dends. It is moving freight and pasengers as they have never been moved before in the prohibition movement. For God’s sake let us call off our wreckers and open the block to express trains, local trains, freight trains, construction trains, hand-cars—anything.—The New Voice. Solving the Liquor Problem. “The suppression of the liquor traffic is the main and only problem,” writes Dr. G. A. Nunnally, in the Georgia Issue: To its solution the best thought of every man and woman, of every scientist and statesman, of every economist and moralist, of every sinner and Christian, should be given. Every man who feels an interest in his fellow-man, every laborer and capitalist who has any desire for individual or general prosperity, every citizen who loves his country and hopes for a gnod government, and every Christian who serves his Lord and Master, and would have this world become the kingdom of our God, should conspire and concentrate and combine and co-operate in all movements that look to the suppression of the traffic. It seems useless to appeal to political par ties or to seek the influence and -power of political aspirants, who from time immemorial, and on various occasions, have refused or declined, have con fused or compromised, have misled or betrayed the forces that were en gaged in a prohibitory effort. As Christians, we cannot do less and be helpful and beneficent to our neighbor as the good Samaritan that we profess to be, and be true to our mission as adherents to the simple truth of the Bible which we claim to be the Word of God, and faithful and loyal to our Master, whose we are and whom we serve, and who loved us, and who by prayer and patience, by poverty and peril, by shame and sorrow, by life and death, proved that He loved us, and to seal that love, gave Himself for us in the sufferings of Calvary and in the blood of the Cross. Last Call to Preachers. In launching The Golden Age last February, the publishers naturally coveted the friendship of preachers everywhere. Knowing- that they are in the cun-ent of so many demands, both mental and financial, we decided to send the paper to them at half price (SI.OO per year). But as this does not cover the actual cost of the paper, especially since counting out great outlay in securing G. Campbell Morgan, we find that we will have to raise the price to ministers to $1.50, after January Ist, 1907. All subscriptions received from ministers before that date will be accepted at SI.OO, or two subscrip tions secured by you will give you The Golden Age free. Every preacher must have Campbell Morgan’s “Track Through the Bible.” It begins in January, and can be secured nowhere else in America. If your letter is written before midnight, December 31st, it will bie ac cepted. P. S.—Remember that two years from now this great commentary of G. Campbell Morgan in fifty volumes will be selling for possibly one hun dred dollars. By subscribing now for two years in advance, you can get it for Two Dollars. Then have your volumes bound, at nominal cost, and you will be rich in the greatest work of modern times. Write before midnight December 31st. The hour glass is running low. The Golden Age’s Liberal Clubbing Offer. The regular subscription to The Golden Age is two dollars per year We will give one year’s subscription to The Golden Age and the periodicals mentioned, at the following prices: The Golden Age and Cosmopolitan Magazine (regular price, $3.00), $2.25. The Golden Age and the Woman’s Home Companion (regular price $3.00 L $2.25. The Golden Age and The Review of Reviews (regular price $5.00), $2.95. The Golden Age, Cosmopolitan and Woman’s Home Companion (reg ular price $4.00), for $2.90. The Golden Age, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Woman’s Home Companion and Review of Reviews (regular price $7.00), $4.25. The Golden Age, Woman’s Home Companion and Harper’s Bazaar (reg ular price $4.00), $2.90. The Atlanta Georgian, published by Frederick L. Seely, and edited by John Temple Graves—a great daily paper th? 1 - 4 oes not advertise liquor. Price, $4.50 per year. The Golden Age and 3*2 Georgian together only $5.00. We will be glad to make any combination of the periodicals mentioned above at prieea equivalent to those quoted. The Golden Age for December 27, 1906. TO CURE ECZEMA. The one infallible method by which Eczema can be quickly and permanently cured is by the use of Heiskell’s Oint ment. For halfa century this great remedy has been the means of curing skin diseases of every nature. Erysipelas, Tetter, Ulcers, Pimples, Ringworm, Blotchy Skin, Erup tions, Rough Skin, Salt Rheum, Scald Head—all yield as readily to the marvelous curative virtues of Heiskell’s Ointment as the dread disease—Eczema. Beforeapply-* ing the ointment, bathe the affected parts, using Heiskell’s Medicinal So A F. Heiskell’s Blood and Liver Pills tone Up the liver and cleanse the blood. Oint ment, 50 cents a box; Soap, 25 cents a cake} Pills, 25 cents a bottle—at all druggists. Send for interesting book of testimonials to JoiiNsToN, Holloway & Co., 531 Commerce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Do you want to act as Agent for the best medicine made for Fever or La Grippe? Send money order for $4.00 and we will send you express prepaid 12 bottles of Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic with 200 pieces of advertising matter with your name on same. Write The Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic Co., Savannah, Ga. I >1 I ■ Permanently Instant I *J I ■ Tl W re.icf. Destroys the Parasite I B I ■■ ] i ,q Itching Piles. NoMoreTor- tore. Trial box MAILED FREE. Aaorass Xiio dem Cure, 202-9th St. Cincinnati, 0. Dent. 45. 240-EQG egO INCUBATOR VIU 120 Egg' Incubator $6.50 60 Egg Incubator $4.00 100 Chick Outdoor Brooder $5. 100 Chick Indoor Brooder $4.0 r Why pay double these prices for machines that are no better? Reliance Incubators and Brood ers sent complete with all attachments. Send for free book giving full particulars. We save you monev and guarantee satis faction. Reliance Incubator Co.. Box 585, Freeport, ill. 11l M BTHPHTI . LADY, for seveial |Af A |\| I |4 11 * w eks home work, to f ■ jl !■ I 1 a If a advertise our goods locally. Salary sl2 per week, $1 a day for expenses. LAUNDERS 00., Dept. 20, J ack'on Boulevard Chicago. A GENERAL TONIC. Better than tak ng a Jot of stro g medicine or drinking gallons of mineral water, is the daily use of Piedmont-Bedford Concentrate i Iron and Alum Water. It improves the anpetite, cleanses the system, qu’etsthe nerves, builds up ad the orga s and keeps out malaria, and is Nature’s own remedy for any dis a«e. Send f r pam phlet stating how to use in all cases of sickness. One $i bottle contains minerals of 25 gallons of water. Get from your druggist or send to J. M. ECHOLS CO., 1 ynchburg, Va. Cures Her Friends, u Glenshaw, Pa., Oct. 20th, 1904. “Dear Sir: —Incleosed find SI.OO for which please send me two boxes of Tetterine for my friends. It is so good that I have told a great many people about it and I hope that they will send to you for it. Mrs. Henrietta Herron.” Tetterine destroys the disease germs in all forms of skin diseases 50c. per box. J. T. SHUPTRINE, Mfr., Savan nah, Ga. WINTER CLOAKS $6 TO $16.50 X''- MAN-TAILORED Made to Measure NoGuessfit Ready-made V Direct from fac tory- In wool W] Kersey, in all lead j ing shades; amply T ( fuT both front and iMMfMfl'back; co lar and JT/ JSsi '' s't' fA cufls i nlai d with finest soutache ; fey , ■' satin half-lined. We are tlie lar_ *** aMw gest manufactur- *1 MET ers - SOuth °f the . JSf Ohio, and employ ’< none but high- W? W * ii priced cutters and ; V *ll operatives. Prices JETp X 11 as low as You gHF *■& save retailer’s pro- * H I 1 fits and get a coat made to measure. V 9 Don’t wait another . IjSbjk minute. There is 4. - 1,0 risk. V e guar 's.. x antee satisfaction - or refund money " cheers ully. Samples, measurement blanks and style book free. Address plainly, GUARANTEE CLOAK Co’ LOUISVILLE, KY.