The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 27, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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How to Get Rid of Catarrh. A Simple, Safe, Reliable Way, and It Costs Nothing to Try. Send for It and See. Those who suffer from it well know the miseries of catarrh. There is no need of it. Why not get it cured? It can be done. The remedy that does this is the invention of Dr. J. W. Blos ser, an eminent Southern doctor and minister, who has for over thirty-two years been identified with the cure of catarrh in all its worst forms. He will send you, entirely free, enough to satisfy you that it is a real, genuine, “home cure” for catarrh, scratchy throat, stopped up feeling in the nose and throat, catarrhal head aches, constant spitting, catarrhal deafness, asthma, etc. His discovery is unlike anything you ever had before. It is not a spray, douche, atomizer, salve, cream or any such thing, but a genuine, tried-and true cure, that clears out the head, nose, throat and lungs, so that you can again breathe the free air and sleep without that choking, spitting feeling that all catarrh sufferers have. It saves the wear-and-tear of internal medicines which ruin the stomach. It will heal up the diseased membranes and thus prevent colds, so that you will not be constantly blowing your nose and spitting. If you have never tried Dr. Blos ser’s discovery, and want to make a trial of it without cost, send your ad dress to Dr. J. W. Blosser, 32 Walton St., Atlanta, Ga., and a good, free trial treatment and also a beautiful il lustrated booklet, “How I Cure Ca tarrh,” will be sent you at once, free showing you how you can cure your self privately at home. Write him immediately. STATE OF GEORGIA, FULTON COUN TY, ss.—Petition for Incorporation of Drug Company. To the Superior Court of Said County:— The petition of Emma M. Billingsley and Olive Laing, both of said State and Coun ty, respectfully shows: 1. That they desire, for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns, to become incorporated under the name and style of THE NORTH SIDE DRUG STORE. 2. The term for which petitioners ask to be incorporated is twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. 3. The capital stock of the corporation is to be Five Thousand Dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. Petitioners, however, ask the privilege of increasing said capital stock from time to time, not exceeding in the aggregate Twen ty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000). 4. More than ten per cent of said capi tal stock has already been paid in. 5. The object of the proposed corpora tion is pecuniary gain to its stockholders. Petitioners propose to carry on a retail drug business and to deal at retail in the goods and articles commonly kept for sale in retail drug stores: buying and selling, for cash or on credit, all such articles or things as are usually embraced in the retail drug business; and all such articles as may be profitably handled and sold in connec tion therewith; and to do all such acts and things as are necessary for the proper con ducting of said retail drug business. 6. The principal office and place of busi ness of the proposed corporation will be in the city of Atlanta, said State and County. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, entitled to the rights, privileges and immunities and subject to the liabili ties imposed by law. This 14th day of November, A. D. 1906. A. E. RAMSAUR, HOWARD & BOLDING, Attorneys for Petitioners. Filed In office Dec. 3, 1906. ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk. Georgia, Fulton County. I, Arnold Broyles, Clerk of the Superior Court, of Fulton County, Georgia, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for incorporation now on file in my office. ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk of the Superior Court of Fulton County. Ga. BOOKKEEPING Business, Phonography TYPEWRITING and TELEGRAPHY Commercial College of Kentucky University Refers to thousands of graduates in positions. Cost of Merchants’ Business Course, including tuition and board, about SBS. Kentucky University Assets $1,000,000 its diploma, under seal, awarded our grad uates. Address, WILBUR R. SMITH, Lexington, Ky. Recent Victories For Prohibition. The following- brief record of the recent victories gained for the Pro hibition Party in the elections this fall, is deeply significant of the trend of the times, and of the growth of sentiment on this great question: The returns show over 500,000 votes for prohibition legislative candi dates throughout the country. In Illinois, prohibition candidates were elected for the second time; in Minnesota, three prohibition candidates were elected to the legislature for the first time in the history of the state; in West Virginia, one straight pro hibition candidate was elected and two Democratic prohibitionists; in New York, the first prohibition candidate since 1856, wias elected to the state senate; in Massachusetts, a member of both the state and the national prohibition committees was elected to the legislature; in Florida, a pro hibitionist was elected to the state legislature on the prohibition and So cialistic ticket, defeating a Democratic liquor advocate; in Washington, a national Grand Chief Templar was elected to the state senate; in Pennsyl vania, one prohibition candidate was elected to the state legislature; one to the state senate, and thirteen prohibition-fusion candidates were elected to the lower house; in Connecticut, a prohibition candidate w T as elected to the lower house, while nearly twenty other prohibition candidates came within a few votes of winning official place in the various states of the country. The total vote showed an aggregate increase of from twenty-five to fifty per cent on the vote of 1904. Gains were reported for prohibition candidates in almost every state in the Union, and these candidates were potent factors in the elections at all points. Law cannot effect a perfect cure of any vice. It may remove the temp tations partially, but it cannot command virtue. In enthroning virtue, we must go into a sanctum where law cannot invade. All denouncing of drun kenness and intemperance in word and in print is in vain if we cannot break the power of modern social habits, and the main troops in this battle must be total abstainers. Salvation can come from no other source. —Kentucky Issue. FREE TO YOU—MT SISTER I am a woman. GjWMMMBk I know woman’s sufferings. * have found the cure. 1 wiU mail ’ ,re ® of any charge, my home treat* yffl: ■ <-X ment with full instructions to any sufferer from. (O ; women’s ailments. I want to tell all women about W‘ ■■:-■■ X this cure —you, my reader, for yourself, your SaMßKa^Oa? -- daughter, your mother, or your sister. I want to jfflflraKuMHSSv eHHEsBW *'.l tell you how to cure yourselves at home without the help of a doctor. Men cannot understand worn- InVMHt' en ’s sufferings. What we women know from ex jSjgß I perience, we know better than any doctor. I know 'jg that my home treatment is a safe and sure cure for Leucorrhoea or Whitish discharges,Ulceration.Dis ' I 'SKUT/lllHk. 1 placement or Falling of the Womb, Profuse, Scanty - "J or Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or '■> Growths; also pains in the head, back and bowels. gs bearing down feelings, nervousness, creeping feel- Ing up the spine, melancholy, desire to cry, hot OMSr flashes, weariness, kidney and bladder troubles .'/.aMEKoy Where caused by weaknesses peculiar to our sex. v ' 7 I want to send you a complete ten days* treatment entirely free to prove to you that you can cure yourself at home, easily, quickly and surely. Remember, that it will cost you nothing to give the treatment a complete trial; and if you should wish to continue, it will cost you only about 12 cents a week, or less than two cents a day. It will not interfere with your work or occupation. Just send me your name and address, tell me how you suffer if you wish, and I will send you the treatment for your case, entirely free, in plain wrapper, by return mail. I will also send you free of cost, my book— “WOMAN’S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER” t ith explanatory illustrations show ing why women suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at home. Every woman should have it, and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says—" You must have an opera tion,’’ you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves with my home remedy. It cures all, old or young. To Mothers of Daughters, I will explain a simple home i treatment which speedily and effectually cures Leucorrhoea, Green Sickness and Painful or? Irregular Menstruation in Young Ladies. Plumpness and health always result from its use. ? Wherever you live, I can refer you to ladies of your own locality who know and will gladly tell any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cures all women’s diseases, and makes women well, strong, plump and robust. Just send me your address, and the free ten days’ treatment la yours, also the book. Write today, as you may not see this offer again. Address MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box 544 • . • • • Notre Dame, Ind..U. S. &• FOR SALE. We have for sale at a bargain, one L. C. Smith Writing in Sight Type writer, regular price, $102.50; entirely new, at much less than usual cost. THE GOLDEN AGE. “GLORIOUS PRAISE” More than 300 songs. 114 composers, and 153 writers. Round or Shaped Notes. Best Silk Cloth Binding. Composed by W. H. Doane, who is recognized as the best man living to prepaj ea book of sacred song, and this is the crowning work of his life. He has had the assistance of Mr. W. J. Kiik patrick, who is second only to Dr Doane. The following letter from the Superintendent of West End Presbyterian S. S., Atlanta, Ga., is a sample of the endorsement of leading Presbyterian papers : Suitable for Church Services, Sunday Schools and Young Peoples’ Meetings. Atlanta, Ga., January 3, 1906. Mr. H. C. Robtrt, Mgr. Dear Sir: Answering your favor of 30th inst., referring to the matter of song books purchased by our Sunday School, we wish to state that the competent committee selected “Glorious Praise,” after a careful consideration of a large number of song books. We are more than pleased with our selection, it is, in our ot inion, the best book we have ever used in our Sunday School work, cover ing a period of more than twenty years. Yours very truly C. R. Normandy, Supt. West End Pres. S. S. READIWHAT OTHER GOOD JUDGES SAY: Dr. E. C Dargan of the Southern Baptist Dr. J. M. Frost, Sunday School Secretory, calla Theological Seminary, and himself a master of it a glorious book. ( sacred song: “It strikes me as a very handy Dr. Carter Helm Jones of Louisville: The best and useful book, . . . admirably serving the old ana new hyms have been skillfully blended, purpose for whichlit was intended. an “ a musical sense and taste pervade the $25 a 100; $3.60 a Dozen, Not Prepaid. Single Copy by Mail, 35c. If you examine “Glorious Praise” you will buy no other. Send all orders to HARVEY 6 BURNETT, Louisville, Ky. (When writing Advertisers please mention The Golden Age.) The Golden Age for December 27, 1906. The Widow of a Club Member Re ceives a Receipt in Full for Ludden & Bates Piano—Join the Club Now Forming. The Ludden & Bates Club Piano stands in a class by itself. It has every feature in its construction of a piano to sell for $500; it is built of the best material that money can buy, and made the best that workmen of the highest order scan produce. “Tone — action —workmanship”—has been our watchword, —the result: a piano we guarantee as to material and work manship for a life time. Ludden & Bates Pianos have been in the market and in daily use in the south for over 20 years; they were always good, but are better today than ever. It is the best piano for S4OO sold in the south. Under our club plan we furnish them to members for $287 cash on terms of $lO cash and $8 per month, with inter est. All club members receive Free Life Insurance, —in other words, if a member dies after contract has been in force six months and all payments have been made promptly according to contract, we give the family a receipt in full for whatever is due on the piano. Only a short time since we sent the widow of a member a receipt for balance of $l5O. If you join our club you have many other advantages which will be explained on request. Write today for club Booklet I. LUDDEN & BATES S. M. H. SAVANNAH, GA. System of Home 1/lCtl/t Tnarrnm. " Educational as Well as Curative. 500-501 Lowndes Building Atlanta, Ga. J&uM/neM €> Strong faculty. Thorough courses All com mercial branches taught. Special offer to those of limited means. W. J. DAVIS, Mgr., AUGUSTA, GA. ’’The Old Reliable” GEORGIA RAILROAD Elegantly Equipped PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN ALL POINTS. Pullman Palace Cars be tween Atlanta, Augusta and Charleston, also between Au gusta and St. Louis and Charleston and Cincinnati. Fast Freight Service Between the West and Augusta, Athens, Macon, Charleston, Savannah and all points in SOUTHEASTERN AND CAROLINA TERRITORY. A. G. JACKSON ifoneral Freight and Paaaengor AgL, Augunta, Ga. 13