The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 27, 1906, Page 16, Image 16

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16 SAY Red Rock Say It Plain! Christmas Prescription Eat all you want for X’mas dinner. Drink a bottle of RED ROCK. After effect —good feeling. Get it in quarts or pints at druggists or grocers. Manufactured by Hag&.n 6 Dodd Co., ATLANTA, GA. "Originators Tor Imitators.” SOUTMERn SHORTHRnd s' — QjA (/'!) / arca/itt &7. Offers 10 per cent discount to those entering before December 15th 30 anplicatinns received and 14 Students placed in positions last week. A 1904 Graduate received $2,5j0 salary for first year’s work. Another appointed Court reporter after four months’course, 1,200 Positions opened to our Students this year. 600 pupils annually. 67 Typewriting Machines. 8 Teachers, Write at once for Catalog and Testimonials. Address A. C. BRISCOE, President, or L. W. ARNOLD, Vice-President, Dept., , ATLANTA, GA. A Short Talk to Mothers. The health of your family is your first concern— How to promote it your greatest care. Grown people, and children too, to be well require, that— The Liver s ou d do its duty. The Kidneys perform their part. The Blood be kept pure. The stomach k *pt in a healthy condition. If any of these conditions are wanting, disarrangement of the balance follows, and the general health is un ermined. DR. THACHER’S LIVER AND BLOOD SYRUP insures a healthy body, because it goes to the origin of the disease, curing that and making the other evils impossible. The for mula on every oottle will convince you that it is the most logical and ieliabie remedy for diseases of the Liver and Kidneys ever placed upon the market. Your dealer sells it in 50c and J 1.00 bottles. You can get a sample free by writing us. Thacher Medicine Co. Chattanooga, Tenn. Walter Ballard Optical Co. MAirUIAOTURING, BISPJWSIHG AND RSPRAOTING OPTICIANS Bell Phone 352 61 Peachtree St. Atlanta, G We have had many years experience in manufacturing fine optical lenses, a r filling oculists’ prescriptions. Our factory is second to none in doing high-cl’ ’ optical work. Our salesrooms, 61 Peachtree street, you can find everything th is carried in an exclusive optical house, including every nose gass made. If 1. Sossible for you to wear nose glasses we can fit you. The service given you her I not usually found elsewhere. We can furnish you with any glass made. (Whan writing Advertisers please mention The Golden Age.) The Golden Age for December 27, 1906. Come and see my superb Christmas stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Etc. CHARLES W. CRANKSHAW DIAMOND MERCHANT AND JEWELER 16 Whitehall St., Centuiy Building, Atlanta, Ga. SUPERIOR SERVICE IS OFFERED BY THE Seaboard Air Line Ry. Between ATLANTA and BIRMINGHAM and the West; Raleigh, Wilmington, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Richmond, Washington and New York and the East. THE SHORT LINE Interchangeable Mileage is good over the entire system, including the NEW BIRMINGHAM DIVISION. Pullman Drawing-Room Sleepers, Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars, comfortable coaches, and Case Dining Car Service—Meals a-la-Carte C. B. WALKER, D. T. A., Atlanta. D. W. MORRAH, C. P. & T.>A., Atlanta. W. E. CHRISTIAN, A. G. P. A., Atlanta. —< |A Happy Homel To have a happy home you must have children, as they are great happy-home makers. If a weak woman, you can be made strong enough to bear healthy children, with little pain or discomfort to yourself, by taking TCARDUI I Woman’s Relief I It will ease away all your pain, reduce inflam mation, cure leucorrhea (whites), falling womb, ovar ian trouble, disordered menses, backache, headache, etc., and make childbirth natural and easy. Try it. At every drug store in SI.OO bottles. WRITE US A LETTER “DUE TO CARDUI freely and frankly, telling us all your and nothing else, Is my baby girl, now troubles. We will send free advice (in two weeks old,” writes Mrs. j. P. plain sealed envelope). Address: La- West, of Webster City, lowa. “She dies’Advisory Dept.,The Chattanooga is a fine, healthy babe and we art ■ Medidne Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. both doing nicely.” repairs wk 9 H SAWS, RIBS, Bristle Twine, Babbit, &c., for any make ■ 9 of Gin ENGINES, BOILERS and PRESSES ® and Repairs for same. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, In- jectorsi Pipes, Valves and Fittings, Light Saw, Shingle, and Lath Mills, Gasoline Engines. Cane Mills in stock. LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND SUPPLY COMPANY, Augusta, Ga. (When writing Advertisers please mention The Golden Age.)