The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, April 03, 1913, Page 15, Image 15

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journey. How foolish! As if a per son’s right foot were endowed with a prophetic instinct. “A woman once burned a bunch of hair, and on the evening of the same day she received a message inform ing her of the death of her father. The ignorant creature believed that the burning of the hair was the cause of the whole occurrence; when, in reality, her father had been dead for two days, and the message had been started immediately after his death. TEXAS WOMAN NEAR DEATH. Wills Point, Tex. —In a letter from Wills Point, Mrs. Victoria Stallings says: “I was afflicted wtih womanly troubles, had a dreadful cough, and suffered awful pains. I certainly would have died if I had not been re lieved by taking Cardui. Now I am stronger, and in better health than I ever was in my life. I can’t say half enough for this great medicine.” Do you need relief? Try Cardui for your womanly troubles. Its long record of successful use is your guarantee. Thousands of ladies have been helped to health and happiness by Cardui. It will surely help you. Try a bottle to day. ■ ■■ ■ 3 Jjgjgp | It Wins | its Way by service | L. C. Smith & Bros. | | Typewriter | M (Ball Bearing —Long Wearing) M In buying a typewriter you want a |B| ’ satisfactory answer to three questions: ) What Will it do for me ? HoW Well Will it do it? HoW long Will it do it? ■ By answering these queries with the y TH needs of the typewriter owner and user gy gj in mind, the L. C. Smith & Bros. Type- jg| ■ writer Company has attained the front ' ™ rank in the typewriter field. Ml Some p-ople think that a typewriter is a type- f-'J tjiS writer ai d 1 hat is all there is to it. N achmes |H| 1 may look alike but theie is a lot of diffeituce Hg H 3 i n efficiency. Msg The new Model Five is built not only for Tyj j s'riight correspondence but f r tabulating, b'll- : 3 T g i°B and in fact lor eveiy service needed in the L i Hi average bus.ness. 1H I‘s ball bearings at all points where friction de- iggg j velmes through action, permit closeadiustmi nt JJgf Us and insure correct and accurate typewriting. g- SS / Bag H PV t , . m ■j We would like the opportunity to tell you (jf more about it. U WPite for free book of our new Model Five. J|B ■ L. C. SMITH & BROS. ■ TYPEWRITER CO. TH Head Officefor Domestic and Foreign Business SS SYRACUSE, N. Y.. U. b. A. r Branches in all Pr incipal Cities Atlanta Branch: 121 N. Pryor Street ■ ■ ' ' HHMNINHHiW The above ad tells you all about the typewriter we are giving you for 185 subscriptions to The Golden Age at $1.50 each. Writs? us quick and get busy. “Moving cats, spilling salt, finding money, and many other such things have various and curious meanings to the superstitious. If a rabbit crosses the road before some people, they will instantly turn and hasten home, half scared to death, when, perhaps, the poor frightened little bunnie fair ly flies to its hiding place. “And, too, if we trace superstition in history, we find that it has never led to anything that is good. Think of the three hundred Spartans and .seven hundred Thespian soldiers that perished in the pass of Thermopylae, because the religious scruples of the Greeks would not allow them to post pone the Olympian games. The in scription, placed at this famous spot, which read: ‘Stranger, tell the Lace daemonians that we lie here in obe dience to their commands,’ might well have read: ‘Go tell the Greeks that we lie here, having fallen a prey to the enemy, because of superstitious practices.’ “Superstition caused the Chinese empire to be enthralled by a false doc trine —that of ancestral worship. Su perstition forced beneath the gibbet’s rope more than fifty American men and women accused of witchcraft at Salem, Mass. “Now, back to Friday. Did you not know that Columbus spread the sails of his ships and moved out of a Span ish port in quest of a new route to the East Indies on Friday; and that he discovered the new world on Oc tober 12, 1492, which was Friday? And are you not aware —” Oh, well, I guess you may advise the citizens of Hot Springs that we will be there at the appointed hour.” DR. BROUGHTON “DELIGHTED.” The following copy of a letter re ceived by Ludden & Bates, Managers of The Golden Age Piano Club, from Dr. Len G. Broughton, Pastor of Christ Church, London, will be of interest to prospective Club members who are in terested in self-player pianos. It reads as follows: CHRIST CHURCH LONDON. S. E. February 5, 1913. Messrs. Ludden & Bates, Atlanta, Georgia, U. S. A. Gentlemen: We have one of your Farrand Cecil ian player pianos and are most de lighted with it. All who have ever heard it are in an agreement that it is one of the very best combinations that has ever been put on the market. Persons desiring such an instrument will certainly do well to examine yours and if they will only give it a trial I feel sure that they will try no further. Fraternally yours, Len G. Broughton. If you are interested in pianos or player-pianos write for a copy of the Club’s catalogue. It will save you money and insure the best quality of instruments. Address the managers, Ludden & Bates, Golden Age Piano Club Dept., Atlanta, Ga. NOT THE USUAL THING. “Do you suspect that your stenog rapher has any matrimonial designs on you?” “No, she wants only to be assister to me.” A Londoner was once dining with a Yorkshireman in a restaurant. The latter, true to his natural habit, kept turning round to see if his hat and coat were all right. “Look here, old chap,” said the Londoner at last, “do you think any one is going to steal our hats and coats?” “Well,” said the Yorkshireman, “I’ll take good care they don’t have mine, but yours went ten minutes ago.” The Golden Age for April 3, 1913 Liver Sluggish? Go To Your Doctor “How are your bowels?” This is generally the first question the doctor asks. He knows what a sluggish liver means. He knows that headaches, bilious attacks, indigestion, impure blood, are often promptly relieved by a good liver pill. Ask him if he ap proves of Ayer's Pills. Then follow his advice. A* am? Bl atet J■ iM The “Best on Earth” brands are made by the CHICKA MAUGA FERTILIZER WORKS. This trademark is based upon a name earned for those brands by the planters who have used them for years with splendid success. This factory was established for the express purpose of mix ing accurately the various formulas for growing cotton, corn, grains, fruit, etc., on different soils and under all sorts of condi tions. How well it has succeeded is evidenced by the constantly increasing tonnage demanded by the trade season by season. No shoddy or questionable materials are ever used —only those worthy of the brand name under which they are sold. Expert chemists at work at the plant from day to day examine these mixtures regularly and see to it that there is no change or falling off in the grade. The CHICKAMAUGA goods are made from Fish Scrap, Cot ton Seed Meal, Nitrate of Soda, Tankage Blood and Sulphate of Ammonia, blended with the highest grades of Phosphates and Potashes, and supply plant food to the growing crops in just the right proportions, and feed them all the way from planting until maturity. For growing big crops at low cost you can’t beat the “Best on Earth.” They are for sale by our agents nearly everywhere. If your fertilizer dealer doesn’t handle them, write direct to Chickamauga Fertilizer Works Offices: ATLANTA, GA. Factory: CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Free! Uric Acid Solvent There is no Need of Any Man or Woman Having Aching Back, Kidney or Bladder Troubles, or Rheumatism. 50 Cent Bottle (32 Doses) FREE Just because you start the day worried and tired, sore, stiff legsand arms and muscles, an aching head, burning and bearing down pains in the back —worn out before the day begins, do not think you have to stay in that condition. Thanks to a new discovery you can be strong, well and vigorous, with no more trouble, pains from stiff joints, sore muscles, rheumatic suffer ing, aching back or kidney disease. For any form of bladder trouble or weakness its action is really wonderful. Those sufferers who are in and out of bed half a dozen times a night will appreciate the rest, comfort and strength this treatment gives. And here is the best part of it all, it need not cost you a penny to see whether this treatment will do this for you or not, as a full-sized 50c bottle (32 doses) will be sent you by mail with out charge," if you simply send the coupon in other column. There is no impossible thing required of you, no need of staying away from your drastic diet necessary. All you have to do is to take four times a day just a little of the famous Williams’ Treatment for kidney disease and rheumatism, the new uric acid solvent and eliminator, then you see yourself grow young and strong. This new treatment absolutely conquers uric acid and the troubles it causes on a thoroughly scientific principle, and gives the comfort that 1 111 h d tl, let us I SEND YOU I Vi o Knox Recipe Book and enough Gelatine to make one pint-enough to | try most any one of our desserts, pud* | dings, salads or jellies, also ice cream, ices, candies, soups, sauces or gravies. Recipe book free for your grocer's r.ame—pint sample for 2c stamp. | CHARLES B. KNOX CO. | LCI Knox Ave. Johnstown, N. Y. always comes to those who have perfect health. Itovercomes the effect of uric acid poison, drive? it from the system and prevents its cause so as to give perfect health and strength. Toprove The Williams Treatment conquers kidney and bladder diseases, rheumatism and all uric acid troubles, no matter how chronic or stubborn, we will give one 50c bottle (32 doses) free is yon will cut out the coupon below and send it with your name and address, with 10c to help pay distribution expenses, to The Dr. D. A. Williams Company, Dept. Bs3 East Hampton, Conn. Send at once and you will receive by return mail a regular 50c bottle, without charge and without incurring any obligations. This coupon (please send 10c in stamps or silver to help expenses of distribution) is good for one 50c bot tle (32 doses) of The^Williams’treat ment for rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles. Good for ten days only. The Dr. D. A. ’Williams Co., Dept. 853 j East Hampton, Conn. MEIlf From the Bar-Room to the Pul- nEVf DvV* pit and Mission Fields of Africa. The author is the son of a former Chicago sa loon keeper; converted, but not until he fell into the depths of sin. He becomes a flaming Evan gelist—a live wire for God. Later, makes 3 trips to darkest Africa as a Missionary. 36 chapters; each a well of living water. 400 pages in cloth. Gold lettering. 40 illus. of life in Africa. Agents wanted. Price SIOO, 12c extra by mail. Address, KEV. FEED WEISS, Dept. 24, Shenandoah, lowa. NEW BEAUTY IN ONE WEEK Wf Ladies everywhere are learning the * V great value of Beautiola, the remedy \ that removes brown spotsand Freck- v»™ * les, modifies Wrinkles and aids in permanenly curing Pimples, B'ack Heads and all Factal blemishes. Price 50c per box. Agents wanteid. BEALTIOLA COMPANY, Dept.,4, Beautiola Bldg. 2924 Ollre Street, St. Louis, Mo. 15