The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, May 08, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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The Man Who Put the EEs in FEET yk W Look for This Trade-Mark Pic fcLjE ture on the Label when buying JHk ALLEN’S FOOT=EASE HIS The Antiseptic Powder for Ten- Trade-Mark. der Aching Feet. Sold every where. 25c. Sample FREE. Address, ALLEN S. OLMSTED, Le Roy, N. Y. NINE CENTS a Quart is the cost cl Ice [ Cream made irom Jell-0 ] Ice Cream [ Powder r You cannot wake Ice Cream at that price by any other method, and you cannot buy it for three times nine cents. J To make Ice Cream from Jell-0 Ice *: Cream Powd r, you simply dissolve r the powder in milk and. freeze it. Everything is in the powder. There are five kinds: Vanilla, Straw berry, Lemon, Chocolate and Un flavored. : Each 10 cents a package at grocers’. : I Send for our beautiful Recipe Book. I j The Genesee Pure Food Co., Le Roy, N. Y. I !==»—ll= —- IL=- ■ H=H=! mmi Ira. this JEWEL ELGIN .HIN2SYEAR CASE ohw FREE TRIAL Now—during thia Special Sale—is a splendid time to buy a fine Watch. We would like to send you this 17-Jewel Elgin in hand en graved 25-year gold case for your inspection. It sells regularly at $20.00. We save you nearly one half. If you answer this advertisement you can buy it for $12.75. NO MONEY DOWN J&Bas MM —— MMMMB Cent. NOt ft P6DDy. Merely give us your name and address that we may send you this handsome Watch on approval. If after you receive it and want to fih • MABITU keep it, then you pay us only X H IRvlllll If you don’t want to keep it, send it back at our expense. You assume S no risk whatever in deal- " TM Ing with us. You do not buyer pay a cent until we have placed the watch ■Kj** MB in your hands for your H 8 decision. We ask NO Hall SECURITY, NO INTER. .ijWiff EST. No red tape—just XjjujWml ffiS common honesty among men. If this oiler appeals | to you write today for w“t r oh & g D Amn (URlis-GIHrH Diamond D VtIR 1 Lkansascity mo. HARRIS-GOAR CO. Dept. 656 KANSAS CITY, MO. THE HOUSE THAT SELLS KOBE ELGIN WATCHES THAN ANY OTHER FIBM IN THE WORLD. A WOMAN’S APPEAL. To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism, whether muscular or of the joints, sciati ca, lumbagos, backache, pains in the kid neys or neuralgia pains, to write to her for a home treatment which has repeated ly cured all of these tortures. She feels it her duty to send it to all sufferers FREE. You cure yourself at home as thousands will testify—no change of climate being necessary. This simple discovery banish es uric acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened joints, purifies the blood, brightens the eyes, giving elasticity and tone to the whole system. If the above interests you, for proof address Mrs. M. Summers, Box 576, South Bend, Ind. MUST WE PROVE IT! Must we prove to you that Tetterine really does relieve Tetter, Eczema, Ring worm, Pimples, Salt Rheum, and most any other form of skin disease, before you will try it at 50 cents? We can and will glad ly' do it. Doubting Thomases are our best friends when once convinced. However, if you are willing to risk it, get a box from your druggist or by mail from Shuptrlne Company, Savannah, Ga. Price 50 cents. SHE WANTS AN EDUCATION. Andrews, N. C., April 18, 1913. Mr. Will D. Upshaw, Atlanta, Ga. Dear Brother Will: One year ago today you visited our small town and ou: large school. And your talk, as well as your motto, has been a great help to me in many ways. Once I thought of giving up Latin. I got the idea into my head that I could not learn Latin, and that there was not any use for me to try any more; when I happened o think, “Let noth ing discourage you; never give up.” So I redoubled my efforts, and now I have not a study that I like better than Caesar. Then for the last two months it has seemed that I would have to give up the idea of getting a college education; when suddenly I remembered that you said, “If any of you want to go to college and have not the money, just write me and I will try to show you the way.” Is there some way by which you can help me to get an education? If there is, please write me, for I cannot be content without it. I have two more years in the high school, but if I am going to pay my own way through school ,it is time that I make some kind of arrangements. I hope you will visit us again some time. Write me just whenever you have time and show me the way to a college education and larger useful ness. Sincerely, “PLUCKY PURPOSE.” Editor’s Note: Certainly, Miss “Plucky Purpose,” there is away for you all the way to the top of the hill. Some of the brightest boys and girls in all the land have put themselves into college and through lollege work for The Gol den Age and othe rworthy publica tions. It is inspiring work also to put pure, uplifting literature in a home, for you remember: A sentence hath formed a character and charac ter hath subdued a kingdom.” So glad that motto has helped you. Let every ambitious boy and girl who wants an education write to The Gol den Age, Atlanta, Ga. BLESSINGS FOR CURSES. (Continued from page 6.) by the words of the Prophet, “He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peale was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed,” and turning to one of the Jewish Rabbis, he asked: “To whom does this prophecy refer? What does it mean?” The Rabbi looked at the young man quite surprised, and whispered some words in his father’s ear. anud, when he least expected it, the young man received a slap in his face. When the converted Jew was explaining the 53d chapter of Isaiah, this slap in the sac the remem brance of it—came back to him with a mighty power, for he could not but compare the difference between the interpretation given by his father and that given by this converted Jew. Conviction. After the preaching, the Missionary asked the young Jew what he thought of the preaching and, of course, the young man could not but express him self as satisfied. A New Testament was offered to him, and he was asked to read it through. He accepted it and conscientiously went through the Book, but when returning it, was con strained to confess that he had not found anything extraordinary in the Book. The Missionary, however, call ed his attention to the various proph- The Golden Age for May Bth, 1913 bilious? Go To Your Doctor Stir up your liver a little, just enough to start the bile nicely. One of Ayer’s Pills at bedtime is all you need. These pills act directly on the liver. Made for the treatment of constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick-headache. Ask your doctor if he knows a better pill for a sluggish liver. Then follow his advice. ACCOUNT Southern Baptist Convention The Southern Railway Premier Carrier of the South HAVE ANNOUNCED Greatly Reduced Round Trip Fares to ST. LOUIS, MO. $21.40 Round Trip from Atlanta, Ga. $21.40 Correspondingly Low Fares from Other Points TICKETS WILL BE SOLD: MAY 9th to 14th Inclusive. FINAL RETURN LIMIT: MAY 27th, 1913. SPECIAL PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS WILL LEAVE AT LANTA 5:10 P.M., MONDAY, MAY 12th, FOR USE OF DELE GATES AND THEIR FRIENDS ENROUTE TO CONVENTION. Going Via LOUISVILLE, KY., THE SITE OF THE FAMOUS SOUTHERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Make Reservations Now. J. L. Meek, A. G. P. A. R. L. Baylor, D. P. A. ATLANTA, GA. Read How This Boy Was Cured of Dreaded PELLAGRA State of Alabama, Walker County. Before me, J. Frank Baker, a Notary Public in and for said State and county, personally appeared Mr. W. R. Key, who being duly sworn, deposes and says that on or about the Ist of March, 1911, he went to Dr. B a practicing physician of Carbon Hill, and to Dr. G , of the same place, for treatment for his son, John Key, for the disease known as pellagra, pronounced so by both Dr. B , and Dr. G , vvho gave him some medicine, but told him that he could not be cured. He kept growing worse till he sent to G. P. Baughn for treatment, and after using Baughn’s Pellagra Remedy for about two weeks began to improve, and was completely cured after taking the treatment eight months. He is now entirely well and able to do good work. (Signed) W. R. KEY. Sworn to and subscribed before me this, the 20th day of February, 1913. J- FRANK BAKER, N. P. Pellagra—The Curse of The South Cured | At Home—ln One Week to Five Months* I OFFER QUICK AND SURE RELIEF. I’ve never failed to com pletely cure a sufferer who used my Home Remedy as directed. I give you my guarantee to do so or refund your money. DON’T DELAY! WRITE TODAY FOR MY FREE BOOK which tells you how to detect this monster that is destroying young and old —tells you all about my remedy—gives personal, sworn-to testimonies of those I’ve cured to STAY CURED. $lO pays for a full month’s treatment. Write today. NOW! DR. G. P. BAUGHN American Compounding Co., Jasper, Alabama. ecies that had been fulfilled in Christ, and began pointing out in the first chapters, the fulfilling of this and that prophecy in reference to Christ, and the young man -was so struck with this demonstration that he asked for the Book once more, and began read ing through the New Testament in. the light of the Old Testament. (TO BE CONTINUED.) 13