The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 03, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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12 The Home Circle for Our Young People -by MRS. Q. B. LINDSEY PUDDINGS oAf) made from JELL-0 ICE CREAM POWDER Are the easiest made and most delicious ever served by the finest cooks. Simply stir the powder into milk, boil a few minutes, and it’s done. Directions printed on the package. Flavors: Vanilla, Strawberry, Lemon, Chocolate, and Unfiavored. At Grocers*, IO cents a package. Beautiful Recipe Book Free. Address, The Genesee Pore Food Co., le Roy, N. Y« Everybody’s Wearing Them NOW” tStWh Fashionable Neckwear jfcgy of Pearls and Maline nSS caught with the New vkflTParis Bow Clasp £ftp A "s*” -A ty VV Prepaid AiVust'' r 'ie t ■■ i 9Esrf jav< s ribbon, tune anl patience. Latest emphatic French fashi< nhittiiat has taken America by storm. ]f you're notdelightedwith I this bow and clasp return f ‘ AJ and your money will be r - v - -Ilia •• - funded. PEARL Clasp jr • JS& ' ' c '/B and Xiynamo Maline bow \ '<4*l (water proof) all for 50c / y Whe, Any store or direct. Writi lie today. State color wanted. BEST SILVER CO cJ. 83 ChambersSL, N. SPECIAL FUND FOR MINISTERS. Meridian Male College, by special arrange ment, offers a great reduction to young preachers, and Woman’s College offers preachers’ daughters less than half price. For particulars write PRES. J. W. BEESON, Meridian, Miss. Mrs. Winslow's rooming Syrup Has been used for over SIXTY-FIVE YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHI LDREN, WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN, DISPELS WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for infantile diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure to ask for “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup,” and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. AN OLD AND WELL-TRIED REMEDY. WEAK EYES Are mad strong by Leonardi’s Eye Lotion. Inflammation is cured without pain in one day. No other eye remedy so pure and healing, Keeps the eyes in working trim. It makes strong eyes. Guaranteed or money refunded. Drug gists sell it at 25 cts, or forwarded pre paid on receipt of price be S. B. Leonardi & Co., Tampa, Fla. FACIAL DISFIGUREMENT. Many people with poor complexions and blotchy skins fool themselves into believ ing that it improves their looks to cover up the defects with cosmetics. It only makes matters worse. A 50-cent box of Tetterine will do more good than SSO worth of cos metics by removing the blemishes for good. Ringworm, pimples, abrasions, gca liness, eczema, tetter, etc., are quickly and permanently ended. At drug stores or by mail from Shuptrine Co., Savannah, Ga. IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT ON HEIDER TRACTORS. In another part of this paper appears the advertisement of the Heider Mfg. Co., Carroll, lowa, announcing an important improvement on Heider Tractors, namely, a simple device which permits the using of either gasoline, motor spirits or kerosene. As a Gasoline Tractor, their machine was an unquestioned success, easily leadng as a practical, economical, one-man tractor With the Kerosene device which from now on becomes a part of every Heider Tractos, the operating expense is not only greatly reduced, but it enables every owner of a Heider Tractor to use the kind of fuel best adapted to his needs. Speaking of reduced operating cost, ac tual tests have proven that one gallon of kerosene now does more work than a gal lon of gasoline and develops the same power. Those of our readers who expect to look into the tractor proposition should by all means investigate the Heider Tractor. An illustrated descriptive catalog and full particulars will be sent free to all who write the Heider Mfg. Co., 795 Main Street, Carroll, lowa. Is not the Bible for fallen man, To teach him the way to arise again? Is there anything yet that man can do To promote the cause of Christ anew? To raise humanity from its fallen state Which surely seems a bitter fate, To those who are bound in fetters of sin; Why not accept Jesus and be ye clean. This falling away in the spiritual man Christ said would precede his coming again, Who will account for this at the judg ment bar? While the gate of heaven stands ajar, To receive the saints that are trusting in God; And are sweetly saved through his precious blood. Man in the pulpit, is the fault with you, Or does it belong to those in the pew. (Although this is a personal letter from “Our Missionary ’ in China, I am sure you will agree with me that it was too full of interesting things to be kept all to myself.—L. M.) Yangchow, China, May 28, 1913. Dear Cousin: Your letter just receiv ed, and I was so glad to hear from you again. I have thought so many . times recently that I would write you, but I am letting other things crowd my letter writing out. The hospital work is keeping us busy all the time and when I have any time for rest I feel that I must rest in order to keep a sweet disposition. You know that is hard to do when you are tired. Yes, I read in the paper a few days ago the good news of the arrival of my little cousin, Margaret Adeline Upshaw. Congratulations to the fath er and mother. I know you are happy and I am happy for you. If she is as pretty and as sweet as the little foreign babies born in China since I have been here she is a darl ing. I am crazy about our babies. We have a dear Chinese baby in the hos pital now, six days old. Her mother is the postmaster’s wife here, and she is so lovely. We have many things of interest occurring every day about the hospital, but I cannot begin to write about them all. Please remember that I think of you often and pray for you and your great work. I wish that you had a flying machine if it would bring you to China just a little while if for no longer. I am sending you a copy from the Shanghai paper an account of a most remarkable character, who was in command of the soldiers of this place. The general has been a great friend to Dr. Taylor and his work and had promised him two thousand dollars to wards new buildings for the hospital. We all as foreigners feel that God used him as an instrument in protecting us during the revolutionary war. We were horribly shocked to get the news of his death last Saturday afternoon. The Chinese began to get frightened and those who had plenty of money began to move away. They felt that so much depended on the “Tiger,” as he was called. To our surprise, THE GOLDEN AGE FOR JULY 3, 1913 THE BIBLE AND HUMANITY. Lottie Brouse. News from China One plan of redemption to man is given, • One God is watching, from his throne in heaven; The Holy Spirit, the comforter, came To glorify our redeemer’s name; One cure for sin God’s word reveals, And to mankind it thus appeals— To learn of him in his blessed word, Ank seek an interest in his blood. How can humanity scorn the name Os him who on Calvary was slain! When for us, his life was so freely given, To buy cur redenmption and a home in heaven. Oh, why not heed to his pleading voice! And make his salvation our eternal choice; For he is “the life, the truth, the way,” That leads us to eternal day. Ray, Indiana. everything has seemed very quiet, however, since his death. The general was first heard of in connection with a powerful band of robbers in the north of this province, Kiang Su. He soon became the leader of the band up into the thousands. The viceroy found that it would be hard to control this force, and there fore an agreement was made for a meeting, in which this chieftain was appointed by the government to man age and control the bandits, and he did, for the good of the government. This was about two years before the Boxers of 1900. He helped to keep this section peaceful during the Boxer trouble. He has permitted the foreign ers to distribute Bibles and literature to his soldiers during the revolution and preach to them every Sunday since. He has been very friendly to wards Christianity. We feel that he is a great loss to his country. We do not anticipate trouble at the present, but it is the opinion of many that it is coming later. I mean in Yangechow. Dr. Taylor has a great many patients among the soldiers. Don’t you want to go over to the hospital with me just a few minutes and see the baby and the other little folks and grown folks, too? They make real nice pa tients, and they listen to the Gospel too. I believe a great many of them are saved. We have a patient now who wants to be baptized. She has been here about six months. Her foot was amputated a few weeks ago, and since she is one of the many who have no money, Dr. Taylor is having her a wooden leg made, which I hope will be satisfactory. We have prayers in the chapel ev ery morning at 7:30 for the helpers and all the patients who are able to A WOMAN’S APPEAL. To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism, whether muscular or of the joints, sciati ca, lumbagos, backache, pains in the kid ■ey» or neuralgia pains, to write to her for a home treatment which has repeated ly cured all of these tortures. She feels It her duty to send it to all sufferers FREE. You cure yourself at home as thousands will testify—no change of climate being necessary. This simple discovery banish es uric acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened joints, purifies the blood, brightens the eyes, giving elasticity ana tone to the whole system. If the above Interests you, for proof Iddress Mrs. M. Summers. Box 576, South Bend, Ind. FROd [iPHAY FEVER A Trial Treatment of “HIM AL YA” We don’t care who you are or where you are—a man or woman, young or old, or whether you have had Asthma for fifteen years or fifteen months— all we want is your name and address, so that we can send you, free of charge, a trial treatment of “Himalya,” our simple, con venient and reliable home remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever. We want to show you, at our expense, and prove to you beyond any shadow of doubt, and to your entire satisfaction that Himalya will stop all difficult breath ing, wheezing, choking spells, and all smothering sensations and painful par oxsysins once and for good. We want to demonstrate to you conclusively, that, regardless of what climate you live in, your age or occupation, that this splen did remedy will do for you exactly what it has done for thousands of other suffer ers in past years. We want you to know how different Hi-nalya is from other treatments —inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, smokes, etc.,—how it purifies the blood and r novates tho whole system, eradicating the disease by removing the cause. Do I’t Delay. Don’t wait until another attack comes, but start the treatment at once. Send no money, simply mail the coupon below. nr fl .! •> Hi! 1111 lillijllllirlllllnlin II i b ■■■ 111 Illi Mil||| Mi l|l|ji|||| SgSgli i • I Tie Himalya Company, | I 397 Howard St., | I Detroit, "Mich. | Please send postpaid, and at once, free I trial of Himalya to: I I I Name ’ | Town .... | | State R. F D | ~*~ ~~ ~~* *~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ***** “• ‘ I Noiseless, dust-proof, self-collecting, saves X cost other services. Uses shallow glass—no tipping of head. Our I Special Introductory Offer makes purchaseeasy. fl Ouwits on trial*—state number of communicants. Thomas Communion Service Co., Box 424, Lima, Ohio. ] PIO IT Let us tell you how to catch rI \ H them wii ere you think then 1 lull are none- We make the famous 1 * zv Double Muzzle Wire Fish Baa “?,t. G reatly Improved this year. Writs EUREKA FISH NET CO., Griffin, Georgia