The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 03, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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14 God in the Unseen Forces of Life. (Continued from page 2.) seven and twelve years. All til’s after life shows the impression of those years. It shows his early training in an atmosphere cf love, virtue, relig ion, faith, patience and training in the knowledge of the irae God. / Iso it shows us his early training in the le Jig ous writings and traditions of h’s people. Ancestcis like At ram, Noah, Enoch, Seth, Abel; and in the knowl edge of the covenants of God with Ab ram, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. It shows us his early framing : n the best morals then known- Obedience to par ents; faith toward God, and love to ward man. It shows us his early train ing in self-reliance and frugality. Any man may consider himself rich, who ■starts out at the age of seven or twelve with such a home training be hind him. Then there was his training in the •■school of Egypt. Egypt had two great universities, one at Heliopolis, and the other at Hermopolis. Moses is said to have studied at Heliopolis. It is said that Herodirus and Plato both studied at this university. It was noted for its great library, even at that time. The library at Theobes built by Rame ses 11. contained twenty thousand books; and yet. the early school of higher critics, argue that Moses could not have written the Pentaeuch, be •cause writing was not known at that time. But in all this I want to observe the wisdom of God in preparing this man who was to be the great law giver ■of the world. The man that does not see God back of it all is blind in deed. I say the law giver of the world. Yes, for the world; not only for that time, but for all time. For ■our present law- is founded upon the law- of Moses—and so is the law of •every civilized country in the w-orld. Following this is an account of his identification with the sufferings of his people, and his flight to Midian, where he remained in exile for another 40 years. This w-as brought about by his taking the side of his people Shorter College A High Grade Institution for the Eduaction of Young Women Large faculty, excellent equipment. Best advantages in Music, Art, Expression, Domestic Science. Most healthful location in the South. Not a death among its stu dents in forty years. All buildings fire proof. Every bed room con nected with study and private bath.—Address, A. W. Van Hoose, President, Box 45, ROME, GEORGIA. ■ ' <i ' f g—-w am—Mß—B»—^^l^——] Cortrigh t Me ta I 1 Cortright Shingles inter- I Simplicity lock at sides and M 1 overlap top and 1 /\ ij bottom noth- gggj /\ ing to do but push together, and drive three nails to the ST shingle—no solder, no seams, least cutting. Any good Every ■ mechanic can lay 9 i I xi 3i Metal Shingle is ■ them and make j •ii. u. ■ „ x ’ F l|i stamped with the I a ec 9 Bg^^maker’s name —a guar- I X ° Ot anty of materials and construc- tion that will make your house I 9 9 I I weather and fireproof —the best I M V y roof that money can buy. X Zx Z X JL, Write for dealer’s name. If we haven’t an I r~ fsenfV inyour locality, full particulars, I II | 111 samples and prices will he promptly sent I \\ || | 111 to those actually in need of roofing. I Jft A < J j k Cortright Metal Roofing Co. l^llXX|| Z Z \ IIZ \ llz \IIZ \l 54N.23d5t, Philadelphia 162 N. sth Ave, Chicago ■ THE GOLDEN AGE FOR JULY 3, 1913 against an Egyptian persecution which resulted in his takng an Egyptian’s life. No doubt Moses had already plan ned for the deliverance of his people; but God was not ready. In the first place, Moses himself was not pre pared. He needed toning down. Then the Israelites did not know him as a leader, but only as one brought up among the’r oppressors. Then again, the Israel tes did not know God suffi ciently to follow him in the dark. Noth ing but trouble so great that there was no hope but in God could prepare them for their exodus. Moses needed fur ther schooling in the quiet, cut-off pen insula of Midian, where the earthly court, with all its glitter and glare, was exchanged for the solitude of the mountains, and communion with God, Here he learned all the most important lessons of life. First, he learned the blessing of loneliness, when God is in charge. Then he learned the importance of communion with God. Again, he learn ed something of the regions where, for for L y years he was to guide his peo ple. He had an opportunity for the format.on of friendships in the coun try through which he must go. He learned too the lesson of subjugation to the will of God. How important all this was! No man or woman is ever prepared for leadership of any sort, without learn ing these lessons. They cannot lead a nation, a community, not even a Sunday school class; yes, and may I come closer, a family; and still closer, no man or woman is prepared to lead himself without it. Certainly to enjoy any kind of right leadership one must know the benefits of loneliness, with God in charge; communion with God; and subjugation to the will of God. All of this Moses learned in Midian before he was prepared to hear the call of God to deliver his people. Practical Summary. 1. A sovereign God may be counted on to be on the side of a sorrowing people. That is only true, however, provid ed the sorrowing people will be on God’s side. \*e make a mistake some times in fancying that because we are sorrowing, God is under an obligation to us. We must remember that our sorrowing may be due to our sinning. And while God is in the closest sym pathy with us, and love, for us in the midst of our sinning and sorrowing, he can be on our side only when we Shivar Spring Water Cured Me of a Chronic Case of Dyspepsia and Kidney Trouble I used to be a drummer —travelled in South Carolina —until a severe case of Dyspepsia, complicated by a dangerous form of Kidney Disease, forced me to I give up my position. I grew steadily worse —washed in strength and flesh un- I til I was little more than a walking skeleton. I could ea,t no/tiung without I suffering agonies. This continued for some time, and then I made a discovery. I I learned of a mineral spring, the waters of which were attracting a good deal of attention at the time. This water was being tipped off as a cure for Kid ney, Bladder, Stomach and Liver troubles —I decided to give it a trial. I Improved From the First. In a week I had gained five pounds. In three weeks I had gained eighten pounds. My appetite and digestion returned, my ■ sleep became restful and refreshing, and my kidneys gave me no more trouble. ■ I was well! That was five years ago and I am well and sound today. This Set Me to Thinking. I knew that there were hundreds of thousands g suffering from dyspepsia, indigestion, kidney and bladder trouble. Would this water cure them? I decided to see. I bought the spring and published that ■ I would ship the water free to all who suffered. Letters poured into my office from all over the country. I shipped twelve thousand gallons the first year absolutely free. And the water cured oth- IHR ers just as it cured me! There was hard ly an exception. W J Realizing the marvelous curative powers W E of the water, I decided to devote the re- J W mainder of my life to the spring. I gave my name to the spring—and now every mail brings letters from physicians and patients praising Shivar Spring Water. MYSTANDINu J. D. McClam, Scranton, S. C., writes: i iiwiniwmw -W —“My wife has been a sufferer of rheuma- ’ IT BT E* tism and after drinking twenty gallons of 1J ■ S EfT your -water was entirely relieved of the ■ horrible disease.” E. F. Latimer. Lowndesville, S. C., If y° u suffer from any writes:—“Shivar Water has cured me of f° r,n of stomach, kid " intestinal indigestion after about twelve ney or bladder trouble, years of suffering and treatment from oth- Jf P er sources. I consider Shivar Water good ™ Sth under- Ifor all it is recommended. standing that If it falls to What It Has Done For Others It Will benefit you I will refund Do For You. your mone y promptly on re- Read my offer to sufferers —it is made * urn of B in good faith and with a full realization of 1 ts-^nothing* if what the water must do. I couldn’t make Ihi! nothing ir such an offer if statistics didn’t show that ■ ’ / f 99.6 per cent of the people using it have ■ 44 o^4/o'/yfyzsr been cured or benefited. Write me in con- ~7 \J r lidence. and ask for a list of testimonials from physicians and relieved patients. | N. F. SHIVAR, Proprietor, Shivar Spring, SHELTON, S. C. | Reference: The advertising manager of this paper is personally acquainted with Mr. Shivar and can vouch for the genuineness of his offer. You run no risk in making the deposit. MO Sff Gold Medal, London, 1311 yßk Sffs Sale HIGH-GRADE Tea in World ®7 Cooling Mi ■I as a IB I Sea Breeze I |3l is the effect of a glass of Ridgways 5 O’Clock Iced Tea. To make IB properly, pour the hot brewed tea into a glass of cracked ice with a IK slice of lemon, adding sugar to taste. iU Sealed air-tight, pound, half pound and quarter jKi pound packages only. IK Ridgways Popular Grade “5 O’clock,” 75c. a pound. / All High-Class Grocers /J Older Trial Package TO-DAY! (338) L. W. ROGERS CO., DISTRIBUTOR. w.ll be on his s!de. 2. Affliction properly regarded is the surest soil for strength and great ness. You have seen a violinist take his violin and screw up the strings until they look like they are going to snap, and we think that that tightening of those strings perhaps, unless we know something of the nature of the instrument, is not necessary; but if