The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 03, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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16 STOPS TOBACCO HABIT Elders’ Sanitarium, located at 1017 Main St., St. Joseph, Mo., has publish ed a book showing the deadly effect of the tobacco habit, and how it can be stopped in three to five days. As they are distributing this book free, anyone wanting a copy should send their name and address at once. A FAMILY NECESSITY. Very few families, if any, are entirely free from occasional visits from some sort of skin trouble. It is so easy for Willie to get poison oak. and baby is so oft< n troubled with chafes. A few applicati ns of Tetterine will relieve any kind of skin eruption from the simplest abrasion to the worst case of eczema, tetter, ringworm, pimples, rashes, also itching piles. Price 50c at drug stores or by mail from Shup trine Co.. Savannah. Ga. A SET OF BOOKS FOR PREACH ERS AND BIBLE STUDENTS. 1. Volume I. of a set of books con tains about 300 sermons and sermon outlines. Price, 50 cents. 2. Volume 11. of a set contains near ly 300 sermons. Price, 50 cents. 3. Volume 111. contains about 150 sermons. Price, 50 cents. These vol. umes contain the cream, the best of recent great sermons. 4. Our fourth volume in this set of books we call “1000 diamonds.” It contains nearly 1000 bright, sugges tive religious anecdotes. Price, 50 cts. These books are of uniform size, large double column pages, printed on good book paper and substantially bound. You can have either book at the price named. Or the four books for $1.50. We prepay them. These books are not cloth bound, but are bound with a tough, flexible material that will outlast many grades of cloth binding. These sermons are by the leading preachers of the world, such men as Rev. A. C. Dixon, D.D.; Bishop John H. Vincent, D.D.; Rev. F. B. Myers, D.D.; Bishop J. N. Fitzgerald, D.D.; Rev. D. J. Burrell, D.D.; Rev. F. L. Patton, D.D.; Rev. G. B. F. Hallock, D.D.; Rev. G. J. Buchett, D.D.; Rev. J. W. Chapman, D.D.; Rev. F. W. Palmer, D.D., and scores and scores of other men of na tional and international reputation. Address Rev. Wm. E. Rutledge, 1108 Baugh avenue, East St. Louis, 111. Pellagra Cured! » ®L , Money Back If Remedy Fail# \ Rejoice! Pellagra HAS been cured’! “" a b ? well and strong Affected—Doctors AGAIN.’!.’ My Remedy NEVER Couldn’t Help Her—Cured Tn reli £Y? ' tbe m9st distressing 30 Days By Aiy Kemedy. k symptoms within a few days, and State of Alabama, CURES within a few weeks or months. Walker County; A Hundreds of grateful patients testify Before me, J. Frank Baker, aW to the marvellous healing power of Notary Public in and for said suite Baughn’s Pellagra 2 “ 1 ° ® sworn, deposes and says cnai on 01 Rpmpnv about tile first day of July, lyff, she K „,, ±xvll| CUJ went to Dr., r ,of Carbon xiiff foi ■ For Pellagra and Nothing Else treatment for Pellagra ana used nu ■ FR n EE^ S O D OK: na d W af I Vo" 10 llke I Baker ’ s - tells be°gan eil iL r ing Dn D. T Bazhan’S I RemJdv R ?t l « e JP ella ’ ra — about my treatment, snowed decided improve- ■ Co£t — my unreserved ment alter three days and was en- I guarantee—my responsibility—gives tirely cured after 30 days. B order lOm blank and teils you ow to sworn to and subscribed before me W If you have Peltaara-lf you know ““ S SSM > book"Doirt Xn?v ,I vWl te tor i h l? We «"““««« this Kemedy, W Remem'ber l vnu %'r \?r U risk ’ I used according to directions, B EuJSlnteo e DroUcted by our I to cure Bellas ra. or refund all W guarantee. | you - ve paid us< witn 8% per \ B annum interest for tne time I I we’ve had your money. The a ■ I General Bank and Irust C. 0., of I AAoQirCSS Jasper. Ala., guarantees this Xg, ■ J iMnerican Compounding 6 * Jasper, Ala. V A SHUT-IN’S TRIBUTE (Continued from 10.) always so goo dto the shut ins and never forgot to ask for us to be re membered at Christmas. How much we will miss her! I have been in bed since the first of May. I first had rheumatism, then the grippe, and a very severe cough. My cough is all gone and this hot weather is good treatment for rheu matism. In spite of everything, I am trying to get up. Oh, how disagree able it is to lie in bed these long, hot days. So you see I am not en joying my little Golden Age buggy. I hope to get a few rides before sum mer is gone. Can’t you all send me a little cheer and sunshine? My mail has almost stopped. The days seem so long and lonesome. My fan is my daily companion. I wonder what has be come of The Golden Age baby? I never see a word about' her on the Piney Woods page. I wish for all a pleasont summer. Faithfully yours, MARY ELLEN WILLIS. SEEING JESUS. (Continue! from page 9.) urrection. Everything is strangely hushed. And the hush is that of grief, but of grief stilled by hope. At last her work is done. In the dawn of the Sabbath, covered with flowers she lay asleep. “Precious Mother.” Her sons are all grown into good and noble mandhood, and her daughters striving to follow her ex ample have found their Mother’s Sa vious. Their lives too are filled with faith and good deeds. “Blessed Mother!” She passed on the Sabbath as she had desired as peacefully as a child falls asleep upon its mother’s loving breast. Life as we know it is over. Life as we see it dimly through the veil, be gun. Her heart’s desire was granted. On the Sabbath day she had gone to meet her Lord. THE GOLDEN AGE FOR JULY 3, 1913 The Arcade at Cox College and Conservatory, College Park, Ga. ■ .. h ... -; Iff fir - " ■ ■■ —!■■■■■ IM i ' w .I.,_■■■■■■'.i'' The above view is taken from a beautiful nook called “Environs of Cox College,** which has recently been issued from the press. Here is given a good view of the grand stairway and spacious elevator. This ele vator service is more appreciated by young ladie sthan the general public may realize, since its use is a wonderful saving of time, physical exertion and health. This is but one of the many features of Cox College which adds to the efficiency of the college work, among which figure largely modern laboratories, commodious lecture rooms, museum and a mounted telescope. The Academy furnishes splendid preparation for college work. For college entrance 15 units are required. High standards are main tained and a strong faculty is in charge. In the Conservatory department are found many pianos, pipe organs, orchestral outfit, a large concert hall, and most important of all, a faculty of artists of national and international fame. Cox College offers literary scholarship in each congressional district of Geor gia. Those who wish to avail themselves of these scholarships, should apply at once. PJ ■■ for this high grade J V U U s uaran * ee< l H. P. JHu. W_W Gray Marine Engine lEj with complete marine and elec- 8188 ; J||&H W trical equipment—everything ready to , Um install in your boat. 13 other sizes from 4% to 36 H. P. at proportionately IP -» * low prices shown in our Big Engine « Book —be sure and send for a copy. fr W- G WBMyj. Marine Engines |jrS ■< are standard the world over and are made in sizes ® v ,J suitable for boats of all kinds— row boats, pleasure boats, work boats, fishing boats, hunting boats, ferry boats, ™ |S||||||l paddle wheel boats, etc. WWls 1 ’ Let us send you free our three helpful books _about boats and engines, *■— r, ■n >u • <. i also details of our boat ''lsßafflSSlSttr From Our Boat Builder’s Catalog buyer’s service. _- t _- / ' r y. ; •.; | We want to help every one who is interested ■ • 7 ■’ ' ■ . ■’• / ’ n Marine Engines or Motor Boats get the V : ■ •.7- .■•.'•■ J best and most serviceable outfit possible, and * will gladly send you, absolutely free, a 1 Q Ft. family CO Py of our Boat Builder’s catalog I Q launch—a well made, comfortable boat—will which tells you where to get practically any * v carry 8 people with comfort. A splendid outfit type of boat with a Gray Motor installed and for inland lakes and rivers and for use at your sum- gives price of these complete motor boats, mer home. Complete outfit equip- d? 1 /I O Also a copy of “A Book of Boats,” ped with a 3 H.P. GRAY MOTOR tp X a showing over 200 motor boats from all parts I-———--——J /of the world —a great help in making the right selection. ■ Engines for Shop a copy of our Engine Book iand Plantation WTHk “M” which contains a world of valuable in- t L j4A. formation about marine engines in general. Complete line of 4 cycle stationary Write us today —it puts you under no engines— water cooled, fuel tank / obligation—get the benefit of the real help in base kerosene, gasoline, or we can give you. r^r^to^TaSme’^ t 0 GRAY MOTOR COMPANY Ask for Engine Book “S” LHr 4J6 Gray Motor Bldg.,Detroit, Mich. e Chronic Diseases Cured Without Drugs If you are afflicted with Paralysis, Dyspep sia, Rheumatism, Nervous Debility, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh or other diseases, that medicine has failed to cure, write for our Free book which tells all about this new and bet ter way. THE BIGGS TREATMENT As surely as medicine proves useless, our natural t methods and Sanitarium appliances will restore your health and put you on your feet. Liberal guarantee of satisfaction. Low charges. Write at once for names of physicians, ministers, lawyers, merchants, bankers, farmers, teachers, former patients and oth ers who endorse our treatment. THE BIGGS SANITARIUM, Asheville, North Carolina.