The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 31, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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12 The Home Circle for Our Young People NINE CENTS I a Quart is the cost of Ice Cream made from Jell-0 Ice Cream [ Powder You cannot wake Ice Cream at that price by any other method, and you cannot buy it for three times nine cents. To make Ice from Jell-0 Ice : 4 Cream Powu r, you simply dissolve the powder in mlk and freeze it. Everything is in the powder. There are five kinds: Vanilla, Straw berry, Lemon, Chocolate and Un flavored. : Each 10 cents a package at grocers’. ■ I Send for our beautiful Recipe Book. I | The Genesee Pure Food Co., Le Roy, N. Y. || IL^-n— if ii =ir=iF=4J Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup Has been used for over SIXTY-FIVE YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN, WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN. DISPELS WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for infantile diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure to ask for “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup,” and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. AN OLD AND WELL-TRIED REMEDY. FRECKLES Now is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots. There’s no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othine—double strength —is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othine— double strength—from your druggist, and apply a little of it night and nuorn ing and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disap pear, while the lighter ones have van ished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. Gallstones ™ Stop colic, pains, gas. End Stomach EDEE Misery. Send fors6-pageLiverGallßook ■ HLk fl.ll.tnne Remedy Co., Dept. 466, 218 S. Dearbtrn BU, Chieaga v| IRIDIAN mIIJTARV/'. TR AINI NG IN F LUENCE| Male coiLEGgl In the Health Giving Pine I Hills of Mississippi Beautiful campus and recreation grounds. I Dignified, manly athletics encouraged. Preparatory, Collegiate, Theological and I Commercial courses. Commercial school all I the year. Enter any time. An ideal home I school, for your boy where he will receive ■ thorough instruction, morally, mentally I and physically with best home influence. Write for illustrated catalog No. J. W, Beeton, A. M., LL. D., Preet. Meridian. Miss. Meridian Woman’s College—near ] I by ia an ideal place for a girl. Non-secto* jA rian, Christian i nfluences, operated in I connection with Meridian Male Colleges lifmgi i si i J Somebody knows when your heart aches, And everything seems to go wrong, Somebody knows when the shadows IN*ed chasing away with a song. Somebody knows when you’re lonely, Tired, discouraged and blue; Somebody wants you to know Him, And. know that He dearly loves you. Somebody cares when you’re tempted, And the world grows dizzy and dim, Somebody cares when you’re weakest And farthest away from Him; Dear Boys and Girls: With the timely aid of a good doc tor and a grim determination “not to down,” your “Little Mother” has miss ed a serious attack of typhoid fever, verily by the “skin of her teeth.” She is still too weak to be up, and the doctor says “change of climate and a long rest.” How obedient she is MABEL ASHTON’S DREAM By COURTNEY H. FENN. As the guests came together in the brilliantly lighted parlors, at the home of Mabel Ashton, that crisp winter evening, there was nothing unusual in the appearance of the rooms to in dicate that the party to which they had been invited was to be, in any respect, different from the round of gaiety to which they had been de voting themselves for the jgreater part of the winter. Some of the guests, as they greeted their young hostess, noticed an un usual degree of nervousness in her manner, but attributing it to the ex citement of preparation and anticipa tion thought no more of it, and all were soon engaged in conversation and in making up theiff cards for the various dances of the evening. The musicians were in their places, and the young people beginning to wonder why the signal was not given for the orchestra to strike up, when Mabel Ashton, her sweet face flushed and pale by turns, took her stand by the musicians, and, after closing her eyes for a moment, during which the room became perfectly still, in a voice at first trembling, but soon clear and steady, she said: “Friends, I know you will think me very queer, but before we do anything else I must tell you a little story. “I had a dream last night, which has made such an impression on my mind and heart that I must tell it to you. I dreamed that tonight had ar rived, and you had all assembled in these rooms, when there came to the door and was ushered in, a guest who seemed strangely familiar and yet whom I could not recognize. “He had a rare face, peaceful, yet a little sad in its expression, and his eyes were more penetrating than any that I had ever before seen. He was dressed in neat, yet very plain cloth ing, but there was something in his appearance which marked him as no ordinary man. “While I was trying to think where I had seen him, he advanced to me, took my hand, and said, gently: ‘You THE GOLDEN AGE FOR JULY 31, 1913 Conducted by MRS. G. B. LINDSEY SOMEBODY CARES By F. E. STAFFORD. Somebody grieves when you’ve fallen, Though you are not lost from His sight; Somebody waits for your coming, Taking the gkiom from your night, Somebody loves you when weary; Somebody loves you when strong; Always is waiting to help you, Watches you, one of the throng Needing His friendship so holy, Needing his watch-care so true; His name? We call His name Jesus, His people? Just I and just you. CHAT going to be we will have to wait and see. I hope you will enjoy and absorb the moral to “Mabel Ashton’s dream” which lam giving you. And then you know it is not only what we do that offends the Master. Sometimes what we leave undone is just as bad. The balanced life is the ideal life. do not recognize me, Mabel?’ Sur prised at such a form of salutation from a stranger, I could only say: •Your face, sir, seems familiar, yet I cannot recall your name.’ “ ‘Yet I am one whom you have in vited here this evening, or, I should rather say, one to whom both you and your parents have extended many in vitations to come. You have even in vited me to make my home here ;and I have come tonight to join your lit tle company.’ “ ‘I beg a thousand pardons,’ I re plied, but you mystify me all the more, and I beg that you will relieve me by 'telling me whom I have the pleasure of greeting.’ Then he of fered to my view the palms of his hands in which there were scars as of nail wounds, and looked me through and through with those piercing yet tender eyes, and I did not need that he should say to me: ‘I am Jesus Christ, your Lord!’ “To say that I was startled would be to express only a small part of my feelings. For a moment I stood still, not knowing what to do or say. Why could I not fall at his feet and say with all my heart, ‘I am filled with joy at seeing you here, Lord Jesus.’ “With those eyes looking into mine I could not say it, for it was not true. For some reason, on the instant uncomprehended by myself, I was sor ry he had come. It was an awful thought to be glad to have all the rest of you here, yet sorry to see my Saviour. “At length I recovered myself to a degree and said: ‘You wish to speak to my parents 'I am sure.’ "Yes, Mabel,’ as he accompanied me to where my mother and father sat gazing in .surprise at my evident confusion in greeting an unexpected guest, ‘but I came this evening chiefly to be with you and your friends, for I have often heard you speak enthusiastically in meetings about how delightful it would be if you could have me visibly present with you.’ “Again the blush came to my cheeks rpfFJJji [iXTIAY FEVER A Trial Treatment of “HIMALYA” We don’t care who you are or where you are —a man or woman, young or old, or whether you have had Asthma for fifteen years or fifteen months—all we want is your name and address, so that we can send you, free of charge, a trial treatment of Himalya,”oursimple, con venient and reliable home remedy for Asthma and Hay-Fever. We want to show you, at our expense, and prove to you beyond any shadow of doubt, and to your entire satisfaction that Himalya will stop all difficult breath ing, wheezing, choking spells, and all smothering sensations and painful par oxsysins once and for good. We want to demonstrate to you conclusively, that, regardless of what climate you live in, your age or occupation, that this splen did remedy will do for you exactly what it’has done for thousands of other suffer ers in past years. We want you to know how different Himalya is from other treatments —inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, smokes, etc.,—how it purifies the blood and r novates th? whole system, eradicating the disease by removing the cause. Don’t Delay. Don’t wait until another attack comas, but start the treatment at once. Send no money, simply mail the coupon below. H .• I• • • II» K ******* .MMIMM ~„u 1K |»»| I B Mil 111 siii I ■III I • I The Himalya Company, | I 397 Howard St., | I Detroit, Mich. | Please send postpaid, and at once, free I trialof Himalya to: I I Name I | I j Town .... | | State R. F D. | — —l Muskeetopunk KILLS MOSQUITOES To rid your tent, cabin, boathouse, hom,e to enjoy undisturbed sleep, to avoid the bite of malaria carrying and poisonous mosquitoes, use Muskeetopunk. No dan ger of fire, no bad odor, does not affect breathing, makes camp life ideal. Guar anteed 35c, or 3 packages for SI.OO. All dealers, or direct. MUSKEETOPUNK CO. Dept. 8. Pekin, Illinois.