The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 11, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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EVE AND HER DEPARTMENT “I go to the woods after game; but If the game is not there, I get nuts; if there are no nuts, I gather flowers or leaves; if all fail, yet I get health, a little woodcraft or, by grace of heaven, a thought. I am not one of those who find that the road is only good to leave behind them.” What happy cheerful thoughts are these; beautiful, insp s ring, suggestive —we get things by endeavor. And so I come to the good people to get sub scT:pt:ons to the Golden Age. It will make the editor smile and you most happy to send yours right along. “Don’t tell me of tomorrow, Give me the man who’ll say That when a good deed’s to be done, 'Let’s do the deed today’ ” Home is the father’s kingdom, the children’s paradise, the mother’s world. Friends, you need th’s paper in your homes for its strong, brave and kindly influence. It will help to build strong character in your chil dren and make them a safe deposit in the bank of life for your old age. It tells us—sweetly—how to live; it teaches us —nobly—how to die. You get fifty-two interesting papers a year Clergymen and Intelligent Christian Gentlemen to Represent the Bible. Institute Colportate Association. Generous arrangements will be made with a few qualified representatives to serve The Bible Institute Colportage Association of Chicago, (D. L. Moody founder). Full instructions make the work plain and easy and mnay are earning excellent remuneration. We want energetic men and women i n ev ery community. Others are doing well and you may participate in the pros perity yourself. Write for particulars to The Bible Institute Colportage As sociation, 831 North La Salle Street, Chicago, in. G. A. R. REUNION CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Sept. 15-20, 1913. VERY LOW FARES VIA Southern Railway Premier Carrier of the South $3.00 $3.00 Correspondingly Low Fares from Other Points. TICKETS ON SALE: Sept. 12th to 19th and for trains scheduled to arrive Chattanooga before noon of Sept. 20th. FINAL LIMIT: Tickets will be good to return until Sept. 27th, 1913, with privilege of exten sion until October 17th, 1913, by deposit of ticket and payment of fifty cents. Stopovers Permitted at all Station Call on any Southern Railway Agent for full in formation, or write JNO. L. MEEK, R. L. BAYLOR, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. Div. Pass. Agt., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF SEPT. 11 for only $1.50. So much good read ing matter in exchange for a very little sum. Many of these little sums added together will enable the editor to keep the paper up to its present standard. Lend a helping hand! And the commission, Mrs. Lindsey has kindly allowed me on every $1.50 subscription sent in and marked for the “Eve Adam Department” w‘ll help one to pay off the mortgage on my little home. Now, friends, send in a long Ist fcr me and help me to cancel the death-head and h?ve my little home free again—my very own. O,! blessed thought! That dollar and a half is just like a little pebble that is thrown into a lake, at first there is only a tiny rip ple, but it widens and w'dens and continues to widen until it grows big and broad and far reaching in its good influence. And so the influence of The Golden Age grows and bless es all who read it. “They are never alone that are accompanied with noble thoughts.” Don’t you want to help? Then send your subscripting—from one to a hundred —to Mrs. G. B. Lind sey, 13 Moore Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. “Do the deed today!” And be sure to mark each subscrip tion for the “Eve Adam Department.” WANTED NO AMATEURS Edith and Flora were spending their vacation in the country. “Do you know,” said Edith, “that young farmer tr’ed to kiss me. He told me that be had never kissed any girl before.” “What did you tell him?” asked Flora. “Why,” replied Edith, “I told him I was no agricultural experiment sta tion.” —Harper’s Bazaar. CDCC Tfl Vm I || V CICTCD Free to Toil on<l Every Sister Suf* liikC lU lUU Iff! ulwlLll erlng from Woman's Ailments. • 1 know woman’s Bufferings. 1 have found the cure. 1 will mail, free of any charge, my horns (ml mill with lull instructions to any sufferer from woman’s ailments. 1 want to tell til women about this cure— you, my reader, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your Bister. 1 want to tell you how to cure yourselves at home with out the help of a doctor. Men cannot understand women's sufferings. What we women know from •xporionco, we know better than any doctor. I know that my’home treatment is safe and sure cure for Leucorrhooa or Whitish tfachargis, Ulceration. Dis placement or falling of tha Womb, Profuse, Scanty or Painful Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Tumors, or Growths; also paint b head, bach and bowtls, bearing dcwn ft slings, norvouontoa crssping (soling op the spine, melancholy, desire to cry, hoi flashes, weariness, kidney, and bladder troubles share caused ly weaknesses peculiar to our sex. I want to send you a complete ten day’s treatment entirely free to prove to you that you can cure yourself at borne, easily, quickly and ourely. Remember, that, it vUI coat you nothing to give the treatment a complete trial: and if you wish to oontlnue, it will cost you only about Is cents a week or less than two cents a day. It wui not interfere with your work or occupation. Juet send mo your namt and addrtst, tell me how you suffer if you wish, and I will send you the treatment for your case, entirely free,in plain wrap per, by return mail. I will also send you fret of east, my book—" WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISED" wiv explanatory Illustrations showing why women suffer, and how they can easily cur*- thamselvefe at home. Every woman should have it, and learn to thlnkfor herself. Then when the dootor says— You must have an operation,” you can deoide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves with my home remedy. J t cures all old or young, To Mothoro of Doughfort, I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures Leucorrhoea, G.een Sickness and Painful or Irregular Menstruation in young Ladies, Plumpness and health always results from Its use. Wherever you live, I can refer you to ladles of your own locality who know and will gladly tell any sufferer that this Homo Treatment really euros all women’s diseases, and makes women well, strong, plump and robust. Just send mo your address, and the free ten day’s treatment is yours, also the book. Write to-day, as you may not see this offer again. Address mrs. m. summers. Box • • South Bend 9 Inch, if. 8. “A Cure for Every 111, Dear Lady." fin Nature’s unfailing pharmacoepia there is balm for every wound and cure for every ill. It remains to be dis covered by the intelligent mind of a trained physician and applied to each case. Dr. Luella McKinley Derbyshire is a physician of vast experience wko is also a mother. To the knowledge and experience of one she has added the experience and sym pathy of the other. One of the most widely known lady physicians in the world, she offers her services free to suf fering womankind, and from the wisdom gained by her own busy life will freely advise every ailing woman who will write her, giving the benefit of her lifetime of experiences and the wonderful discoveries in the scientific treatment of all female diseases. She will also send you her valuable booklet, “Woman’s Ills,” and a free trial treatment of the medicines she would prescribe for you. These may save you from years of suffering and a serious operation. There is no need for thousands of women to continue to suffer from curable ills when the attention of a success ful lady specialist may save them and restore them to the good health and good spirits loved ones have a right to expect. Only a mother knows the many cares of a home, the suffering and heart aches which most women must bear. She is a woman, a mother and a physician and can appreciate, as only a woman can, the sufferings, the aches and pains women endure. For twenty-five years in hospitals and in private practice she has treated women for nearly every complaint to which they are subject. Is it not reasonable to suppose that she should be more successful in treating woman’s ills than a physician who on-ly has an occasional case of this kind? To Whom It May Concern:— I have been personally acquainted with Dr. Luella McKinley Derbyshire for more than lifteen years and know her to be perfectly honorable and upright. I take pleasure in recommending her as one w ho is thoroughly equipped in the knowledge and practice of medicine and especially on the diseases of hersex. Any woman taking her treatments cannot but be helped by the same. Yours truly, F. H. Starkel,l’res. Epworth League. Many others of prominence testify as to her standing and integrity, while thousands of women will tell of her skill and marvelous cures. All correspondence is confidential; you may write freely. SEND NO MONEY; but describe your case fully. Write today and get the booklet and trial treatment free. LUELLA McKINLEY DERBYSHIRE, Box 146, Fort Wayne, Ind. M , ■■■■■ ' ■ ——A Corn Chicanery Trying to Cheat One’s Feet Thousands of people pare their Anyone can do this in a scien corns merely take tific way. It is being done on a toss the top layer. million corns a month. Thousands of oth- The entire corn comes out, ers use liquids and root, callous, everything. And plasters, just for brief without any pain or soreness, effect. You simply apply a Blue-jay plas- Yet every corn can ter and then forget the corn, be removed in two You are cheating yourself days. Every corn when you use makeshifts in these pain can be instantly modern days. The use of Blue- I ended. jay ends the corn. Aln the picture Is the soft B& B wax. It loosens the corn. B stops the pain and keeps the wax from spreading. C wraps around the toe. It is narrowed to be comfortable. D is rubber adhesive to fasten the plaster on. J • j li | Blue-jay Com Plasters | J Sold by Druggists —l5 c 25c per package I I Sample Mailed Free. Also Blue-jay Bunion Plasters. (306) Bauer & Black, Chicago & New York, Makers of Surgical Dressings, etc. ■■MMHaaRaMHHHMRHMMiaMMHHMMMIMMHMHHaMIBBHnHMMMBMHMHMBMHHMMMMMHMMM 11