The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 11, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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Broadway Central Hotel Corner Third Street In the Heart of New York Special attention given to ladies unescorted Special Rates for Summer. OUR TABLE is the foundation 3f our enormous business. American Plan, $2.5® upwards European Plan SI.OO upwards Send for Large Colored Map and Guide of New York, FRIES. TILLY HAYNES, Proprietor DANIEL C. WEBB, Mgr* Formerly of Charleston, S. C. The Only New York Hotel Featur ing American Plan. Moderate Prices Excellent Food Qood Service Noiseless, dust-proof, self-collecting, saves l A cost other P Services. Uses shallow glass—no tipping ol head. Our I Special Introductory Offer makes purchase easy. I Outfits on trial—state number of communicants. Thomas Communion Service Co., Box 424, Linn, Ohio. J Shirley President Ml a * mn,f yo " buspenders °* k SB Be sure “Shirley President "is. out XKklo.s M II The t'.A.Edgrarton Slfg.Co.,Shirley, Mass. Increase Your Income The big, steady and growing demand for Oliver Typewriters makes this one of the most attractive Local Agencies available today. The market is unlimited. Oliver agents sell many thousands of Oliver Typewriters every month. We divide our earnings on a liberal ba sis that insures steady incomes for bust lers. Holders of the 15,000 Oliver Agencies al ready established have realized hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits on type writer sales. There are still several hundred localities where agencies have not yet been opened. The applicant, if accepted, is given ex clusive selling rights in his territory dur ing the life of the contract. We teach Lo cal Agents how to sell. This free training includes enrollment in The Oliver School of Practical Salesmanship. When he has demonstrated his ability, the Local Agent is eligible for promotion to the direct service. Some of our general officials have risen direct from the ranks as a result of the promotional system. The— OLIVER Typewriter The Standard Visib’e Writer. The Oliver Typewriter is easy to sell be cause of its splendid merit and its world wide reputation. It has many exclusive features which give versatility, speed and convenience and is the only typewriter that prints print. Printype has achieved immense popular ity. You can sell the Printype Oliver Type writer at the same price as the regular machine. We authorize Local Agents to sell on our 17-Cents-a-Day Plan and even furnish the sample outfits on this convenient plan, so that the agency earnings may help pay for the machine. Local Agents are authorized to handle the work in connection with other business. Full details of Agency Proposition, a specimen of Printype and other important information wiLl be sent on receipt of your application. (339) THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY No. 999 Oliver Typewriter Bldg. Chicago THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF SEPT. 11 the impressions for right living and learning. Peaceful home scenes, farm ing, pastoral and all pictures of the innocent sports would add greatly to the enjoyment of all and leave a sa lutary effect on the mind of the audi ence. A little boy in the fifth grade spoke a great truth —a truth that should awake the public to the dire need of reform—when he said, “Some mov ing picture shows are not fit to go in because it smell bad and they need fumigating.’’ EVE ADAM. MEANT VACATION FOR MOTHER. Mrs. Emerson did all t*e cooking, washing, mending and other house work for her family of five. Among her other duties was the making and baking of five loaves of bread three times a week, for Mr. Emerson and the growing children had hearty ap petites. At last Mrs. Emerson decided she must have a vacation. “I feel,” she told her husband, “that if I had to stand up to that bread board and make one more batch of bread I should drop dead. I’ve got to have a change.” Mr. Emerson was more than will ing. He had often urged her to take a rest. It was decided that she 3hould pack up that very day and go to visit her younger sister in Kansas. “Now, Laura,” said Mrs. Emerson as soon as she had got into a loose house dress and dropped into an easy chair, “I’ve come to rest and visit. I don’t want you even to ask me what I want to eat, or expect me to turn my hand to help with a thing. I’m sick and tired of housework, and I don’t want even to hear it mentioned.” “All right,” said Laura, laughing, “you can depend on me. I’ve always wanted you to rest and let somebody else take the work and worry for a little while.” At dinner the second ray Mrs. Emer'_ son said to her brother-in-law: “John, do you like baker’s bread?” “No,” confessed John, “we don’t any of us like it, but Laura has so much to do that I insist on buying the bread.” Beauties" Carefully" J That lg one of the claims we make for onr nursery stock. T \p|j “You bring home some yeast this evening,” said Mrs. Emerson, “and 1 will make you some home-made bread.” Two weeks later, when Mrs. Emer son returned home, her husband was delighted to see how fresh and rest ed she looked. Nevertheless, he tried to speak severely: “Now, see here, Martha, I thought you went for a rest and change. Laura wrote that you had been baking bread for them ever since you got there. I’d like to know what change there was in that.” “O,” and Mrs. Emerson laughed, happily, “it was a change of bread boards!” —Y'outh’s Companion. A Temperance Sermon To Youth. A young lawyer in Lewis county, Kentucky, brilliant hut addicted to drink, was recently appointed Judge in a criminal court. Soon after, he appeared on the bench intoxicated The following day, on opening court, he addressed the persons present as follow's: “Gentlemen and fellow citizens: I appear before you to say I am a victim to a vice which has dis graced me before you and my coun. try. As I entered this court room I heard someone say, ‘There goes pret ty timber to make a criminal judge of.’ I felt that remark as I steel thru my heart, for it is just. I am un worthy the h ! gh honor and trust you have conferred upon one so young, and I return to you the office I have lost, being unworthy of it. Pardon me, friends and countrymen, hut you shall hear this no longer. My judicial integrity and official acts are blame less. Thank God I am no longer criminal judge of Lewis county. May heaven keep me in my affliction!” NIGHT. By Ella C. Bacon. O. the gentle quiet night, Falling o’er our souls as light! Neath the moonbeam’s silvery calm All the earth a silent psalm! Peace without and peace within, Pardon covering all our sins. Lord of all to thee we raise Silent grateful hymns of praise. Fitzgerald, Ga. Out xtt the Open ms y No fear of ttie Burning m* Sun f [233110321113 Quick}*) relieves SUNBURN Sold bj) all 25 andso a jar FREE OFFER— To anyone who lias not used Metholatum we will send PS gj| jF a sample on requestor for ten cents |*l in coin a large trial size package. THE MENTHOLATUM CO. 153 Seneca St. Buffalo, N.Y. FARM OPPORTUNITIES. East Texas and the Coast Country of Texas and Louisiana are the only remaining areas in the United States where fertile land and opportunities for small farmers and industrial loca tions can be obtained at reasonable prices and terms. Address for information and litera ture. Industrial & Immigration Bu reau, Southern Pacific, Sunset-Central Lines, Houston, Texas. FACIAL DIBFIGUREMENT. Many people with poor complexions and blotcliy skins fool themselves Into believ ing that it improves their looks to cover up the defects with cosmetics. It only makes matters worse. A 50-eent box of Tetterine w r ill do more good than SSO worth of cos metics by removing the blemishes for good. Ringworm, pimples, abrasions, sea liness, eczema, tetter, etc., are quickly and permanently ended. At drug stores or by mall from ghnptrlne Co.. Savannah. Qa. PiIIIDPII tAffIDIfCDC Ra,se money for ununun VYUIHVCHw church purposes by forming clubs among your friends to buy Dress Fabrics direct from us. Our prices are most economical; we also give generous Club Rebate which you can donate to your church. Queen Fabrics are exclusive in design, exceptional in quality. Free samples, money-back guar ante •. Write today for details of Church Club Plan. OUEEN FABRIC MFG. CO. Deot.7n? Syracuse,f*.Y. 13