The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 11, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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16 INDIAN SPRINGS AND HOT SPRINGS (Continued from page 7.) Indian Springs is like Hot Springs in one particular. For instance, disease is inherited, caught, contracted, or gotten by acci dent. There are some six sorts of rheumatism, and four of them, at least are immoral. The doctors know this is true of pneumonia and several other maladies, as before said. Well, it is interesting to hear the preachers explaining why they are there, and how they took cold, dur ing a certain protracted meeting, and they are joined by many good stew ards and deacons, all wanting you to know that they are nice folks even if they are there. At Indian Springs there are groups, telling that they were put to using tobacco by their physician; others tell of their near approach to death, when they met a man who had been cured by the use of tobacco, and they tried it. Others still, say they asked the Lord about it, and He granted them a dispensation, but that they did agree that it is a bad habit. Then they turn and walk down to the tab ernacle, and every one of these holi ness people give you that dog look, which seems to say, “We wish you would quit that, and we want you to go with us all the way—but don’t forget that whether you do or not. that we love you well enough to die for you at any time.” JNO. B. CULPEPPER. St. Augustine, Fla. P. S. —School time is on again. We are packing our baby boy’s trunk for college. We packed Marvin’s twenty years ago; Burke’s eighteen years ago. They are both good and useful men. We put in, then, two suits of clothes, eight pairs of socks, one dozen handkerchiefs, an extra pair of Sunday shoes, and a lot of books, and YOU CAN WRITE LETTERS LIKE THESE. The following will give you a good idea of what kind of a letter you will be able to write after you have secured your piano or self-player p ; ano through The Golden Age Piano Club. Charlotte, N. C., Dee. 28, 1912. “We are all delighted with the piano. It is beautifully finished and has such a sweet tone. All of our friends, including a mu sician, pronounce it a most splendid piano. I am very much pleased with the Club Plan, because it enables people of modera'e means to obtain a fine piano at a small cost each month.” MARY ELLIOTT. Blytbewood, S C., May 2. 19*12. “The lovely piano came yes erday. Am just delighted with it; so are my musical friends. The tone is so full and sweet, and the case is livelv.” MRS. MAY W. FARMER. Waycross, Georgia. ‘.The Ludden & Bates Piano that I pur chased of you continues to give entire sat isfaction. I s tones are exceedingly sweet and do not give way under the changes of season and climate, but preserve the same roundness and fullness as at first.” W. E. DEMPSTER. Leesburg, Florida. “I am pleased with the Club Plan and more than pleased with my pAno. Its tone is the swee'est and construction perfect. I would advise anyone desiring a piano to join the Club and get the best. I cannot say enough in regard to the Club Plan and piano.” MRS. T F. TODD. Gaylesville, Alabama. “Club piano received in good order. We are well pleased with it. Better and nicer than pianos sold here for from three hun dred and fifty to five hundred dollars. Our little town is pretty well stocked with pia nos of different makes, and it is considered that we have the best piano in town. We thank you for your selection and prompt shipment.” J. R. WILLIAMS. Vaiden, Mississippi. ‘‘l am perfectly delighted with my piano. I think the Club Plan a capital idea. MRS. RUFUS B. SMITH. Letters like the above are received by the Club every day. They come from all parts of the South. Every body is delighted with Club and not a the Club is so organized that you can not possibly be dissatisfied. Write for your copy of the Club cat alogue today. Address the Managers, Ludden & Bates, Golden Age Piano Club Dept., Atlanta, Ga. THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF STPT. 11 writiug material. We told them that we would try and send them a quar ter now and then. I have marveled at the change, her fore I could get my baby boy educat ed for the same office —that of preach ing. There must go in a tennis outfit, a base ball outfit, a foot ball outfit, an electric pressing outfit, a couple of clothes hangers, a pair of room slip pers, a nice study robe, and a bath robe, and a gymnasium suit, and a bathing suit. The books can be taken along in the overcoat pocket. This is not extravagantly put, for you will find that if you ignore this, your boy will be cramped, and find himself with a boy who has them. Then the inci dentals are ore-third of as much as I Will Pay You $5.00 Cash jPvMv, 5 m■ na njk N. 1. sHIVAB. 1. You are to order and drink twenty gallons of this water as directed, at least two quarts a day, as directed in our free booklet. 2. If after that time you feel that you have received no benefit, send me back the empty demi johns and I will at once refund your money, or If you will at the same time send me a letter telling me just why you were drinking Shivar Spring Water and that you eareful’y followed the directions, used the water and received no benefit therefrom, I will then send you ten gallons more, absolutely free of charge, and if after using the third ten gal lons you see no benefit, I wiT cheerfully send you five dollars in cash. No strings to it: no fuss about it; just a simple letter to me telling the truth about your own ease. WHAT SHIVAR SPRING WATER HAS DONE FOR OTHERS. Was an Invalid and a Skeleton for Years. Mr. N. F.- Shivar, Shelton, S. C. Sh’var Spring Water has done more for me than all the medical treatment I have used. I was an invalid and a skeleton when I began us'ng your water and have gained from 90 to 124 pounds during the 9 weeks I have been using this wonderful water. I met some friends at Church and they did not know me, the improvement in my condition was so great. Several of my friends are us’ng your mineral water since they see the good it has done me. Had I known of tlu's great water I might have been restored long ago. MISS ANNA SWYGERT, Lexington, S. C. Gained Fifteen Pounds in a Short While. Mr. N. F. Strvar, Shelton, S. C. I commenced using Shivar Spring Water about June Ist, and in six weeks I gained about fifteen pounds. I highly recommend Shivar Water to anyone afflicted with stomach trouble. Shivar Spring Water does not detonate from standing and may be shipped any distance or to any climate. YOU ARE SAFE IN ORDERING IT. You may send me two dollars for ten gallons two five-gallon demijohns. Give Shivar Spring Water a fair trial, following directions, and if the results are not satisfactory to you I will refund the price on receipt of the two empty demijohns and your report—YOU to be the Sole Judge. N. F. SHIVAR, Proprietor Shivar Springs, Shelton, S. C. Reference: The advertising manager of this paper is personally acquainted with Mr. Shivar and can vonch for the genuineness of his offer. You run no risk in making the deposit. it all cost a few years ago. Ten cents a week twenty years ago was all right for a boy to “blow in.” Now a quarter a day is too little. I don’t care to dispute the point with any one, but 3ir, if you take out what they pick up by travel and lec ture and between the dormitory and baseball ground, they are not being educated much. One of the shammi est things of this day, is our educa tional system J B. C. P. S.-2 —If just three of your readers will drop you a card, saying for me not to write again, I will be sweet and thankful, and will retire with the same opinion, viz: that you are giv ing the public one of the most read able papers for the money, that could be produced. J. B. C. if Shivar Spring Water fails to benefit you. For five years I have been trying to devise some sure plan that would convince people who suffer as I did that Shivar Spring Water would help them, and that I be ieve in its efficacy with every particle of faith I have* backed by every dollar I have. First I told you I would give you your money back if ten gallons failed to he p you in any ease of dyspepsia, indigestion, gastritis, diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys or bladder* Bright’s disease, diabetes*, rheuma tisrn, gall stones, nervous headache, uric acid poisoning or chronic sores due to bad blood. Less than TWO IN A THOUSAND asked for their money back on that, olfer. Now, I think if these few had kept on using the water for more than the ten gallons they would have been benefited. So, to show my faith in Shivar Spring Water, and make it um-easonable for you to refuse its help in getting well. I am going to make you this remarkable additional offer. Read the terms carefully: and if not already a sufferer file this for future reference: There are a number of parties here that are using Shivar Water on my recommendatiou, and they are all be ing benefited. C. V. TRUITT, La Grange, Ga. H'flbly Benefited —Orders 30 Gallons. Mr. N. F. Shivar, Shelton, S. C. Am enclosing check for $5.00 for which you will ship me at once six carboys (30 gallons) of water. I have found the water very beneficial. My stomach is much stronger and I have gained 9 pounds since I began using the water. MRS. ALICE CUTHRERTON, Monroe, N. C. Suffered Five Years With Bad Blood, Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble. Well Once More. Shivar Spring Co., Shelton, S. C. After using your water six or eight weeks I feel better than I have felt in five years. Why should others suffer with Kidney trouble, when Shivar Spring Water w'll cure the most stub born case ever known? I suffered for five years with bad blood, rheumatism A SPLENDID TONIC. Cora, Ky.—Mrs. Iva Moore, of this place, says, “I was so weak I could hardly walk. I tried Cardui, and was greatly relieved. It is a splendid ton ic. I have recommended Cardui to many friends, who tried it with good results.” Testimony like this comes unsolicited, from thousands of earnest women, who have been benefited by the timely use of that successful tonic medicine, Cardui. Purely vegetable, mild, but reliable, Cardui well merits its high place in the esteem of those who have tried it. It relieves worn en’s pains and strengthens weak worn en. If is certainly worth a trial. Your druggist sells Cardui. and kidney trouble and spent thou sands of dollars for medicine and doc tor’s bills, and found no relief until I used about five bottles of your water. After using ten bottles I feel perfectly well as I ever did. Before using this water my weight was 132 and today 198. I will thank you by saying en closed find $5.00 for which send me six bottles promptly, and oblige. J. W. REID, 711 Main St., Columbia, S. C. “I think more of Shivar Spring Wa ter every day. Nothing but it and God alone could give such hea-ling power.” D. P. GOODE, Rutherford College, N. C. “This water is gradually restoring a complete wreck for which I am verv grateffil.” GEO. D. TAYLOR, New Bern, N. C. “My stomach trouble has been re lieved so that I can eat anything, even to lean ham meat, without any un pleasant feeling.” J. W. WILSON, Matthews, N. C