The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 18, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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12 The Home Circle for Our Young People JUST MILK iand ♦ Jell-0 : Ice Cream | Powder | without cooking and without adding T a anything else, make the finest Ice 2 ♦ Cream. ♦ T Dissolve the powder in the milk and ♦ Xfreeze it. That is all there is to do 2 ♦to make Ice Cream in the new and ♦ T easy way. ♦ X Anybody can do it. 2 < It will cost you only nine cents a ♦ ♦ quaff. Think of that for the price of ♦ X Ice Cream 1 2 ♦ Made in five kinds: Vanilla, Strawberry. ♦ ♦ Lemon, Chocolate, and Unflavored. ♦ ♦ Each 10 cents a package at grocer’s. ♦ 2 The Genesee Pure Food Co., Le Roy, N. Y. Y Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup Has been used for over SIXTY-FIVE YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN, WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN, DISPELS WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for infantile diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure to ask for “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup.” and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. AN OLD AND WELL-TRIED REMEDY. wk This Is your PPORTUNSTY >N, COMMERCIAL ART tRICATURE, fashi n AZINE ILLUSTRATING IYMAIL. You can earn > SIOO or more, per week, or or cartoonist. Our ystem of personal in ssons will develop your lybody who can learn to earn to draw. Send for )gue today, and learn S. D. turns out prac ts. Dept. 16, riONAL SCHOOL Os DRAWING, Washington, D. C. LOWER’S PURE BLOOD REMEDY Gives entire satisfaction in the treatment •f Blood Poison, Paralysis, Catarrh Rheu matism, Malaria, or any Blood or Skin dis ease whatever. Purely Vegetable. Can be taken at your home. Write for booklet. ROBERT H LOWER, P O. Box 252. Hot Springs, Ark. Morphine whiskey HABITS cured without pain or restraint. No fee until cured. Home or Sanitarium Treatment, Bookletfree. CEDARCROFT SANITARIUM, Box 1001, Lebanon, Tenn. CANCER CURED AT THE KELLAM HOSPITAL. The record of the Kellam Hospital 1» without parallel in history, having cured to staj’ cured permanently, without the um of the Knife, Acids or X-Ray, over 50 per cent of the many hundreds of sufferers from Cancer which it has treated during the past eighteen years. We have been endorsed by the Senate and Legislature of Virginia. Physicians treated free, KEL LAM HOSPITAL, 1617 W. Main St., Rich mond. Va. Write for Literature: CAN BE PERMANENTLY CURED BawMk By the “Schuiling Rupture Lock,’’the wonderful, scientific discovery of the age, it’s holding power can be regu lated by yourself at will. Endorsed ” byleadingphysiciansasNature’strue method. No leg straps, springs or other annoying features. It’s worn with the same comfort as a pair of old suspenders. Nature’s healing process never intcrferred with, etc. Price within reach es all and it is sent on trial. <dg-Write our Institate today, for our free booklet, if you want to forever rid yourself of rupture. Schuillng Rapture Institute 100 West Market Street Indianapolis, Indian THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF SEPT. 18 THE MAID OF DREAMS By ARTHUR GOODENOUGH. O, Golden Girl and loveliest of lassies, My inspiration and my guiding star, My poor tongue falters and I find no language In which to tell you just how dear you are! But you can help me; you are very clever, And can interpret every glance and sigh: Dear Young People: Y this time you have doubt less returned either to school, college or position from your vacation and are B. fee i Lied down for another year of work. I hope the rest time was filled with happiness and that you have come ba?k in the best of health and sp’r.ts, with courage high and vitality renewed, determined to make the best ‘ term” of your life. While on vacation you probably made many new acquaintances, per haps you were so fortunate as to gain one or two real friends; to me the meeting o fnew personalities, the contact with new minds, is one of the most interesting features and great est benefits of change of scene. And so I trust that you are not only rested after your vacation, but are also richer in the realm of fellowship than when you went away. And yet speaking of friends, did you ever realize that people whom you feel you understand the best are sometimes those concerning a thous and and one details of whose daily lives you are ignorant? In other words, that your best friends are sometimes those with whom you are not in the least acquainted in the sense of being “chummy” with them? Let one give you just this little thought for the making of new “chums” among new pupils or new faces that greet you out in the busi ness life. GO SLOW! Let that first impression that is so favorable have time to “develop” before you trust it to the hight of your heart secrets. And again, withhold judgment on that retired unresponsive nature that does not seek you out. Often there is far more depths of character in the friend as well as the sweetheart which is not so easily won. I can easily afford to give you this advise for no lessons are so valuable as those learned by experience, and more than once in my life I have had to “review” this one before I was ready to “say it by heart.” The wisest plan even with your childish secrets, is to have but two confidants your Saviour and your mother. If under a sad Providence you have lost the latter —then lean the harder on the first and seek you out carefully, a tender, sympathetic mother-nature among your older friends to take her place for we all need very much to be close to an understanding responsive heart lest the softening influence of “sympathy” die in our own hearts leaving them hard and critical, We are glad to have Julia Lane with us again and hope the return to Conducted by MRS. G. B. LINDSEY Can read the meaning of the quicken ed heart beat And note the thought that eye re peats to eye! If I were only half as wise as you are, Half as discerning, O, delightful one, I should not hesitate, but show my meaning As flowers unfold their petals to the sun! CHAT autumn activities will bring others of the old class to us “off their vacation.” LITTLE MOTHER. A SEPTEMBER SUNSET—AND REVERY. It was at the close of an afternoon in late August that I stood at the edge of a field of forage, where the dark green of the peavine mingled and harmonized with the more vivid green of the cane, waiting for and watching the silent coming of the night. How silent and peaceful the scene! A faint breeze blew from the west bringing a slight tinge of au tumn but in no way marring the sum mer beauty. The sun had alredy set but in his wake was left a sea of living fire and glory. A few clouds above the western horizon caught the glorious beauty and every color was mirrored in their shining depths. The vivid red and gold of the lower clouds grad ually shaded into the purple, pink, and orange of the upper clouds, and even far away to the northward were dimmer reflections of opals and pearls. No sounds disturbed the the almost sacred silence save the far away call of a milk-maid —“soo-ook cow, soo cok cow,” followed by the low tinkl ing of a cow’s bell made soft and musical by the distance. Far away in another direction came the soft sad dened coo of the dove. Through the twilight stillness it came plaintive and low. Many tims it came and then it changed to a cheerier note as if some where in that outer world of fast-coming darkness had been caught an answering note from its miate — the same call that goes echoing down the ages, the call and response from the lover and the loved. Now the west is a sea of pearl and gray and one star has come out keep ing watch over the silent resting world. “In the west the weary day Folds its amber wings and dies; Night, the long delaying night, Walks around in starry guise. “Rest more precious than a sleep; Silence sweeter than a dream, These enfold me as I drift Idle waif on idle stream. “Fainter, fainter, fainter, still By no breath of passion crossed. With the tide I drift and glide Out to. sea and all is lost.” —DJXIE GIRL. ECZEMA BOOK FREE The National Skin Hospi'al. located at 121 Main Street, St. Joseph, Mo., who treat skin diseases, only, have published a book of more than sixty pages w’hich they are mailing free to anyone writing for it. It has many colored plates showing the dif ferent forms of skin diseases and tells how they can be treated at home. Anyone in terested should write for it at once, en closing 4c stamp for postage. FOR DISCOURAGED WOMEN. readers will be interested in the an nouncement that a woman of as great experience as Dr. Luella McKinley Derbyshire believes that many of the frightful operations women undergo are unnecessary, and that a simple home treatment, of special application to the individual case, will often cure the afflic tions known as women’s diseases. Dr. Derbyshire’s great experience enables her to speak as an authority, as she is probably the best known woman physician in America. So sure is she of the curability of most of these diseases that she will mail a trial treatment and her free book on “Woman’s Ills” to any sufferer who will write her and describe her symptoms. These symptoms the doctor must know fully to treat success fully. Tell them all. Since these letters are all confidential, women may be ex plicit and aid the doctor in telling them how to get well. Send her no money, but ask for her book. Write at once to Dr. Luella McKinley Derbyshire, Box 146, Fort Wayne, Ind. DON’T BURN YOUR COTTON. What would you think of a man who would deliberately ..burn eight hundred and thirty-three pounds of good cot ton? He would be destroying about one hundred dollars of good money. No sane man would waste his wealth in such a manner,' and yet we all waste a hundred dollars or more each year in thoughtless and careless buy ing. When we pay more for an arti cle than is necessary we are wasting just that much money and are burn ing our good cotton. If your home is in need of a good piano or self-player piano you can save upwards of eight hundred and thirty three pounds of cotton by uniting with ninety-nine other careful and thought ful buyers in The Golden Age Piano Club. Write for your copy of the Club catalogue, which explains the great saving in price, the convenient plan of payment and the protection against every cause for dissatisfaction. Ad dress the Managers, Ludden & Bates, Golden Age Piano Club Dept., Atlanta, Ga. Gallstones S Stop colic, pains, gas. End Stomach EDEE Misery. Send for 56-page Li vei Gall Book I HEE Gallstone Remedy Co., Dept. 466, 219 8. Dearbern St., Chicaff* THE “BALL-LANDS” COMPRISING 52,000 acres, are placed upon the market for the first time, in tracts to suit pur chaser; these lands in Anderson and Free stone counties, Texas; 32,000 acres upland; 20,000 acres virgin hardwood timber on Trinity river; the soils are sandy loam and black-way. C. R. HALL, Agent, Pal estine, Texas. TELL IT TO OTHERS. You folks who know by actual experi ence the wonderful dispatch with which Tetterine cures Eczema, Ringworm, Salt Rheum, Itch, Itching Piles, etc., tell others. Get one friend to try this soothing, heal ing antiseptic ointment and win his ever lasting gratitude. 50 cents at drug stores or by mail from Shuptrine Co., Savan nah, Ga.