The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, October 09, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Protest Against Weakening Mann Act By Chicago Church Federation Council. (600 Churches) In obedience to the rising tide of moral reformation which has swept over this country and the whole world as a result of an awakened concious ness of the prevalence of unrestrained immorality which has resulted in the ruin of girls and the degradation of humanity, the Congress of the United olaico UAt u uxiC xuiv, u.xl etui - - w —.— - - . - - - . * .. . v. - x. • x*-*--* a- V * w x* —' Ixax-aa, xxAxW. V— U, A-U/»V,AwaA llUu. OVO, cilUt. Uji v aaC4.»j jyOnQX V » LX uXXXxJjJ v/X L <4> V a V> Al v» aaa <Z AA U AX V t ul W A KJ I *-*■ CKjO 14. XX kA XAAvaV AU AAWU A A A ./ CAXJkA LXX C U viX I j a-a q . vv e iia»c Ixl pi‘L/lIV u.XAt> aaa o uaax> U.V. _A A - O WX doe O1 Ulc ». vzx Cwaa O a 11l Cue Loux.c ML uaaC C.O al l bdlu ; ■ UUF Uu<x£ £OIXII O1 O xx .OX AixxxoxXG xxaxi IIS pCl’plCXxxvXCo, OLvxvo xxxixx • > tU.U.. IxlLViUg UxilvxCUl o£ jaxloUxC uon, as we nave sam, oiu 11 must ue kept in mind that we are one people; and the powers reserved to the states and those conferred on the Nation are adapted to be exercised, whether in dependently or concurrently, to pro mote the general welfare, material and moral. This is the effort of the decisions, and surely if the facility of interstate transportation can be taken away from the demoralization of lot teries, the debasement of obscene lit erature, the contagion of diseased cat tle or persons, the impurity of food and drugs, the like facility can be taken away from the systematic en ticement to and the enslavement in prostitution and debauchery of wom en and more insistently of girls.” In answer to the plea that it is a persinal or state question, the Court replied that: “If the statute be a valid exercise of that power, how it may effect per sons or states is not material to be considered. It is the Supreme Law of the land and persons and states are subject to it.” Recently wide publicity has been given to the effective wielding of the strong arm of a strong govenrment which has power to capture and pun ish those scoundrels who cross state lines in the consummation of their infamous purposes, in the Diggs and Caminetti cases at San Francisco. Certain very influential newspapers have, strange to say, either knowing ly or unknowingly, voiced the demand and wishes of the lecherous men, both rich and poor, who, feeling the halter draw or seeing prison bars staring them in the face, as a conse- NEWS FROM THE WORKERS THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF OCT. 9 quence of their seduction of young girls or escapedes with immoral wom en, have expressed a poor opinion of the law. The Chicago Church Federation Council calls attention to the broad scope and unmistakable val.dity of this law, it also calls attention of all people to the eternal principles of right and wrong which this Act of Congress have been written into the law of the land. We also call atten tion to the low moral tone existing in certain prominent and influential quarters, which makes it possible to suggest a free and unrestrained lic ense to those men who give -the first thrust to girls and women and start them on the path leading down to the chambers of death, where at last white slavery flourishes in all ofi ts hideous and revolting degradation. Therefore, Resolved by the Chicago Church Federation Council in session on September 29, 1913, that: We call upon Christian churches and reform organizations and all men who desire the safety of our homes, and upon all good women and wom en’s organizations, to support this law in its prohibition of debauchery, whether for gain or for personal in dulgence, and we protest against any weakening of the Mann Act for the evil gratification of influential men or others, whose crimes bring the cor ruption of the innocent or the deeper corruption of the fallen. We call upon the President of the United States and the Deportment of J ffitice to enforce this low rgorously, and urge them never to make void ;he law by exempting any class of offenders fiom its penalties. (The foregoing resolution was adopt ed, unanimously, at the first fall meet ing of the Federation in the Audito rium of the Central Y. M. C. A., in Chicago, 111., September 29, 1913.) Evans Artist JPtanO at Yes, at the rock bottom wholesale P. rice ’ T any Artist Model Ull ■— "'ftStWaH I Piano 1 manufacture direct from my gg't] - ._—*g | factory to you on approval without any job- g| ■ E -__ZE SM ber’s, dealer’s, agent’s or middlemen’s profit of any &lft ftflAnav sS |Sf kind-you get this superb Evans Artist Model Piano ■’*'* IVlUieey VOWR eS HM Wh-i i n '■■'.....'" ... j [ under my direct selling plan from SIOO.OO to $200.00 less than ■■■«■■ i«i mu Fl JSg| R ( - you can buy a cheap commercial piano from your local dealer. Not one Cent OU this ■ THIRTY DAYS FREE TRIAL I Think of it. Absolutely free! Not a cent to pay, cen t to us unless you decide to |h ma W all freight charges prepaid and on free trial for four keep the piano. If you want S 3 ‘fe£ * ! Ila weeks in your home. Notice the beauty of the cab- iVI" 15 do so at our ex gsj iBH! KhBT —Birl rl sweet singing tone, regard carefully the even action, the deep, <l ' s fi e , Es ■H- HE- -- K"lf ■ full, rich, sweet, mcllo tone,and if you do not think my Evans h' . ./‘ 1,l . t •'° ll " !, nt to keep •• - Klr! eS r— . 7_— ■ g«L3 jrj Artist Model thebest piano you have ever seen or heard any- 'r'!? ?'!? meet plan is open :. jg E '"' J where, just return it at my expense. toyou. Take join time topay for it. •; • FAgY I will appoint you our agent s and name wholesale price. V g> g- f Remember, on th s offer you do not pay one cent in advance, not e" gj, t acentC. O.D. All freight charges prepaid to your nearest rail- 1B Be K S ga road station. If you decide you want t<> keep this Evans Artist & .■ IHallHli aOll OSalOw Model piano you can have it at the confidential wholesaleprice F.O.Evans Piane Co. HQBJBcc vvb « and make settlement on the easiest monthly payments. Dept. B, Chicago. ■ P SEND COUPON TODAY /send full particulars ot ■ ited time make sales at the low, confidential, agents . of our hand- -V your wholesale H wholesale price. This offer means a saving of SIOO to some art catalog, and full particulars of the greatest piano and two-year course in I S2OO on the purchase of a piano. To the first buyer in offeravermade. Learn allaboutour confidential wholesale prieeand 4K music free. I each locality we offer a two years course in music free, how to save SIOO to S2OO on the purchase of a piano. Write today. IF. O. EVANS PIANO CO., Dept. B CHICAGO, ILL./ N ‘” Address H. Z. DUKE COMING TO MISSISSIPPI. The announcement is made that H. Z. Duke, the consecrated Texas mer chant, is to spend a week, beginning Nov. 15, in Greenville, Miss., and sur rounding country. The fact that this practical business man has more than twenty stores at work for God, giving all his income above a to different causes in the great cause of the kingdom, is an inspiration to Christian workers the country over. He never meant for it to be told, but his pastor, George W. Truett, told it to the Southern Baptist Convention in order to illustrate a great principle— and since then, in a modest, humble spirit Mr. Duke has been encourag ing others with the thrilling story of how he started by giving a tenth, and has finally reached the joyous ex perience of giving all. CONSIDER THIS. A debt of over $2,000.0'0 was incur red in a southern state fighting the bloody liquor traffic. I have a good stock of most excellent religious books on hand. If people who love God and hate the booze devil will 1 uv these books I will personally do ur, e the whole $2,000.00. Order one cr more of these books today and get your full money’s worth and at the same time help the good work. Books by Rev. J. B. Culpepper. Sermons, (Eloquent and pow erful.) SI.OO Some Women 1 Have Known (will melt your soul) .75 A Letter to Hell (on suicide) .25 : 3ooks by Rev. L. L. Pickett. The renewed Earth LOO The Blessed Hope (on the sec- ond coming of our Lord) 1.25 Leaves from the Tree of Life (Bible Studies) 1.00 T’-e Danger Signal (on Ro manism) LOO O i; r Choice (a great new song- book) .25 Miscellaneous. Our Own Gcd, by G. R. Wat- son i.oo White Robes, by G. D. Watson 1.00 Secret of Spiritual Power (Wat- son) LOO Love Abounding (Watson) 1.i25 The Last Times, by Seiss 125 These are very fine, helpful books. Order today, of Rev. L. L. Pickett, St. Augustine, Fla. WORK DAY FOR HELPLESS OR PHANS, SATURDAY, OCT. 11th. NO WORTHIER CHARITY IN THE WORLD. The Methodist Orphanage, located in Macon, Ga., is askeing every person irrespective of denominational lines, to give the proceeds of one day's work for the maintenance of this institu tion. For over forty years this Home has been engaged in the care of or phan boys and girls. In this time twenty-six hundred children have pass ed through the Home. The benefits of which are absolutely n on-sectarian. Here is one of the very best invest ments you have ever been offered. There is no holier charity than the “helping hand” given these unfortu nate little ones. There is at present one hundred and fifty children in the Home. Twenty five o fthis number being babies. Let Everyone Give Something. Certainly you have never given mon ey to better purpose. One day’s work sent to this institution will mean ev erything to those who are engaged in this God-like endeavor of feeding, clothing, educating, and saving these Lttle lives. Remember the Day—Saturday, Oct. 11. Send all contributions to Rev. J. A. Smith. Agent, 103 Clayton St., Macon, Ga. AU 1 ores of clothing, barrels of syiup. and prov sions to Mr. J. T. IN.zier, Superintendent, Macon, Ga. LOOK AT THE LITTLE LABEL ON YOUR PAPER. AND IF YOU ARE NOT PAID IN ADVANCE, MAKE US HAPPY BY SENDING US YOUR RENEWAL TODAY. WE WILL EXPECT IT.