The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, November 13, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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THE HOBBLE SKIRT, NOT MORE ATTRACTIVE By Solon Hume Bryan Os the Alkahest Lyceum Bureau. In the early days of the settlement of our country there came to the Piedmont section of North Carolina a group of Moravians, seeking a clime where they could w ork and worship according to the dictates of their own conscience. It is said in the few pages of history which Uncle Sam’s people have managed to muster to gether that this privilege was not very freely accorded the people of the old world in those days, and that many of the people who braved the dangers and h ardships attending life in pioneer days of our country did so in order that they might pray when and where they pleased. And I dare say that the inspiration for praying was good. Not only did Nature, beautiful because yet un touched by the destructive forces of civilization invite the devout soul to communion with its Creator, but the Nudian in his savage love for blood also was occasion for prayer for pro tection from his ruthless hand. I never visit Winston-Salem and the territory around it, that I do not mentally comment on the splendid judgment of those who chose this section as an abiding place. I wish I could have seen it then—as Nature made it. ’Tis pretty now, but what must it have been then! The hills as they roll away toward the sea, broken here and there with limped streams, attract the eye and create interest in a country so naturally beautiful. The hobble skirt broken with a slit which rolls away sufficient ly to expose the graceful form of beautiful limbs, certainly cannot be more attractive, though I must admit that the young women descendents of of the early Moravian settlers of Winston-Salem are not bad to look upon. The old town was called Salem, and out there we find many evidences of a former generation. The architect ure in particular speaks of a past TRY THIS FOR PAINFUL AND ACHING FEET. Get a twenty-five cent box of Tyree’s Antiseptic Powder from any drug store or direct from the manufacturer, sprinkle some into the shoes or stockings, or dilute strongly with water. Apply morning and night. This will reduce any swelling, al lay pain and stop the odor of perspiration. Pleasing and gratifying. Try it and if not pleased, return the empty box and get your money back. J. g. Tyree, Chemist, Washington, D. C. Mr. Tyree will send a liberal, free sample of his powder and full directions free to any who write mention ing this paper. Appropriate Designs.... FOR Business Stationery Letterheads Statements Checks Cards Let Us Make Your Electrotyping Zinz Etchings Halftone Cuts Engravings Our work will be found best. Our prices the lowest. Our service the quickest. Advertising matter written, illustrat ed and printed. Our work in this line is highly commended by experts. Write for estimates. JACOBS & COMPANY CLINTON, 8. C. THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF NOV. 13 age, such as we see in Charleston and Savannah and St. Augustine and Mobile. It was a plain but stable sort, the kind which holds its own against rain and storm and the des structive elements of time. The win dows are small, the roofs gabled, por ticoes absent. But the walls of brick which were made on the other side of the sea stand firm and fast. They are typical of the people who con structed them, and in a large measure typical of ’ those who now live in them. Salem Academy is out there. Right in the center it is. Next to religion came education, and throughout the years Salem Academy has been do ing service to the daughters of the daughters of those early settlers, pre paring them, in a profound way for the responsibilities of womanhood. The new town was called Winston, but the postal authorities have com bined the two and now they are one under the name of Winston-Salem, the combined population approximat ing thirty thousand souls. Winston-Salem is the center of a great tobacco section, drawing its trade from many miles distant. As a plug cut tobacco manufacturing cen ter is it second only to St. Louis, and by many it is thought that it will eventually be the largest manufactur ing center for plug tobacco in the world. Many of the most popular brands on the Southern market are made here and those who use the “nasty weed” say they are all right. Other factories are also here and the Winston side of the town presents a busy picture indeed of a modern pro gressive city. “THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE.” Dear Little Mother: Find enclosd $1.50, which moves my subscription up to February 22d, 1914. Let The Golden Age keep coming. I would rather do without anything else, unles it is my Bible. Its weekly visits are a grand inspiration to me. I want to highly indorse your article on “The Hand That Rocks the Cradle is the Hand that Rules the World.” Would to God that every mother could realize that. I also wish to indorse the hot, stinging editorials of Mr. Up shaw against “John Barleycorn.” May God spare you both, with all the other monagers and contributors to The Gol den Age, for many years to come. May my son and daughters grow up too such noble man and womanhood lis my heart’s desire. With many good wishes for a hap py birthday. MRS. A. C. NICHOLS. Fayette, Ala. THE BROTHERHOOD OF MAN. • “I’m a sister to the work, And I love his manly look, As I love a thought of beauty, Living star-light in a book. I am sister to the humblest, In the world’s red-handed strife — Those who wield the sword of labor In the battle ranks of life.” The common tie of humanity proves the brotherhood of man which makes the whole world kin. And this divine feeling of kindship implants in the heart of every good person a desire to help some one else over the rough places and stony way. Oh, how good and self-satisfied we feel when we know we have aided a brother or sis ter. Franklin said, “Dost thou love life?” Then waste not time, for time is the stuff that life is made of.” But it is what we put into these atoms cf time that counts for most and goes on liv ing through the eternal ages. For a (Continued on page fourteen.) HIM y° ur doctor about Ayer’s Pills. B Ask him if he advises you to keep this family laxative in the house. He knows the action of these pills, and can wisely advise you. Take them or not, as he directs. Ayer’s Pills have been sold for over 60 years. For constipation, biliousness, sick-headache, indigestion, dyspepsia. LowenrS&l Mamma Says Its Safe for TT contains W no ■ MWfWw WWFiMRra opiates r (Ml if 1■ I 4711 1 J STATE THIMBLE SIZE -njT . Illustration about one-half scale. The scissors are ware. We want to senfl you oneof thesebooks FREE, 4’ in. long, finest steel, beautiful finish, gold-plated and to cb«ain your name and address we offer this handles. The thimble, tape needle and emery top are $2.50 sewing set, packed in a nice box, complete for solid silver stamped “Sterling.” The turtle is quad- SI.OO. We guarantee safe delivery, prepay postage ruplesilver plateandhas 3ft. tape. The retail value and return your money if for any reason you are not of this set is $2.50. The scissors alone sell for 75c. sat’sfled. Weissue a beautiful catalog illustrating diamonds,® As this offer is made solely tolntroduceour catalog, watches, gold and silver jewelry, toilet sets and table ONE SET ONLY will be sent to an address. WOOD-ELLIS CO., 95 Eddy St. - - PROVIDENCE, X. I. TheDividing'l Cortright Metal Line between Shingles on a Safety and h ° usa mar^ a t llne Danger of safety that n 0 —J danger can cross —lightning flows harmlessly B from them; flying sparks die B on them; no rain, snow of tinplate, wind can penetratepainted both their closely sides; or galvan- B fitted ized, so no paint is need- ed; no solder, no seams, few- B || '' na^Sj i cutting; laid by K W anycompetent mechanic; final cost B l ess than flrst-class wood shingles. Jig Write for dealer’s name. If we haven't an B BL agency in your locality, full particulars, stun- ■ pies p r * ces will be promptly sent to those 7 \ V// actually in need ° f rooflng - B VT/flm K Cortright Metal Roofing Co. J, m 54 N. 23d SL, Philadelphia 162 N. sthAve.. Chicago B CHILLS AND FEVER JOHNSON’S AKI W rrt/E-n 30 YEARS OF SUCCESS TO M I OR ANY FEVER in curing folks I MIV 8 I . V» Southern University of Music GIRARD THIERS, KURT MUELLER, Directors 353 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Phones, Office Ivy 6490, Dormitory Ivy 4416 Eminent Faculty of European Specialists. Diploma and Certificate courses. Dormitories. Write for catalog. 11