The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, November 13, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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14 BUY THIS IMPROVED FARM IN SOUTH CAROLINA. 136 acres, 6 miles east of Greenville, S. C., on public road, conveniently near good school and several churches. Located in fine neighborhood. The soil is red loam, also some gray top with red subsoil. About 75 per cent in cultivation. Has a very fine pacture which fattens annually about 50 head of cattle. Has a nice com fortable 6 room cottage surrounded by good barn, outhouses and splendid orchard. A good portion of the land produces near a bale of cotton per acre. Has very fertile bottom lands which produce fine yields of corn. Lands in same community same grade Sell for SIOO per acre. Price $55 per acre, 1-5 cash, balance to be paid in annual installments covering 6 years, 7 per cent interest on unpaid balance. A rare bargain. Address, HENDERSON & HUNT, Greenville, South Carolina. 31-PIECE DINNER SET GIVEN AWAY FAFF _ < If you will sell 20 «f our beautiful Pastel Pictures, ■ I ■ ■ ■ assorted subjectsi—Family Records, Marriage Certifi- ■■ BK 9* cates, Religious Scenes, Farm Scenes, etc.—size 18x26 I k at 25c each, we will send you absolutely FREE, with ■ ■■ ■■ all charges prepaid, a beautiful $7.00 Royal Under- IQ. V. Slaze Blue Dinner Set of 31 pieces. WE TRUST YOU — simply se- yu cure the pictures and when sold send us the $5.00 and the entire | Dinner Set of 31 pieces will be shipped at once. Address WEST VIRGINIA ART St CHINA CO., Box 287-A, Huntington, W.Va. WINTERSMITH’S Cj 1’ ■ ■ ■ Makes You Immune From Malaria < 9 n in all Its forms. Contains no arsenic or opiates; pleasant to take and harmless, for children as well zn 01-DE S T as adults. Sold and guaranteed by your druggist. I A D REST Arthur Peter & Co., Louisville, Ky., General A gents. <The Postal life Insurance Company : pays you the. Commissions that other Companies pay their agents. ||| |||lr entrance into the Company you get the agent’s ||||| average f.rst-year commission, less the moderate ad vertising charge. Other companies give thiscommis- . sion money to an agent: the POSTAL gives it to you. That’s for the first-year: in subsequent years POSTAL policyholders receive the Renewal Com missions other companies pay their agents, namely 7% %, and they also receive an Office-Expense Sav of 2%, making up the STRONG POSTAL POINTS 1 First: oid-une leyatre- Annual 9 xs/~s Guaranteed nerve insurance- --not fra- J ffß ternal or assessment. I Dividend of £J 1/ in the Policy Second: Standard policy ~ reserves, now $10,000,000. In- , r 1 TK'kO'-T" A T surance in force $50,000,000. And after the nrst-year the r(Jb lAL pays con- Third: S andard policy I I ingent dividends besides— -depending on earnings as I provisions, approved by the . , . , State Insurance Department IH the CSSC Ol Other Companies. Fourth: operates under Such is the POSTAL way: it is open to you. Call at the Company’s offices, if convenient, or write now postal authorities. an J find out the exact sum it will pay you at your age —the first year and every other. r .u^. r .. POSTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Health Bureau provides one The Only Non-Agency Company in America L7h exa “ inatioa Wil R. Malone. President year, if desired. 37 NftSSHU St., NeW Yotfe A’ee How It L? In writing simply say: Mail me in surance-particulars for my age as per advertisement in w H Tlie <*°i<i en A^c 'QEmHh In Your letter be sure to give, 1. Your Full Name. 2. Your Occupation. Insurance A 3. Exact Date of your Birth. iMogy f Assets: No agent wil l be sent to visit you: the Postal |o|lF 111I 11 lorce: $10,000,000 Life employs no agents. $50,000,000 ww Direct from mill to wearer at manufacturers ’ wholesale prices. By prepaid Parcel Post. I Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. JL TiW HM■ k? The only mill in the world selling direct to wearer at wholesale prices. Reference: First National Bank. Write for free sample and prices. A postal will do. SOUTHERN WOOLEN MILLS CO., Dept. R., Corinth, Miss. Raise Money For Your Church Society WRITE US t«r tor plan by whirt »die» eia quickly urn rIHiH uni«QMin ■noey for their Missionary Society, Ladies* Aid, etc. Any wo- t preparation ol nnrit. man wanting to earn money easily and in a dignified manner » I k clp ?» to era dicato dandruff, for any purpose whatever will be interestedin our proposition. For Restoring Color ana Modern Specialties Mfg. Co., 130 High St, South Bend, Ind, Beauty toGray or Faded Hair. 50c. and SI.OO at Druggists. THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF NOV. 13 boy became the teacher of the men. Finally they said to him: “You be our teacher and leader, and we will erect a chapel for you so that you can do the work asjt is done by the Chris tian missionaries.” Thus this boy was teaching the whole village the knowledge of the gospel as he had learned it. There are hundreds of oth er villages where the people are just as anxious to know the truth. THE TRIUMPH OF PROTESTANT ISM. (Continued from page seven.) world’s supremest type of evangelical religion Then comes Switzerland and the Netherlands, those sturdy states which have done so much for Protestantism, for civilization and truth. And, in its order, after these comes America, the mighty republic of the West, child of the Reformation, asylum of the oppres sers of all lands. In this republic, as in England, papacy has been lorced to attitudes and interpretations more rational than she has presented in pa pal countries. A certain victory of Protestantism is the platform of Ro manism in England and America. Nor shall we forget in this summary the Antepodes—the mighty young common wealth of Australasia; nor im perial young Canada, in territory, it self, nearly twice the area of all papal lands combined, no South America, nor these other huminous coast over which fly the flag of St. Andrew and St. George, Protestantism rules over more than fifty-seven per cent of the earth’s anea, while papal rulers can claim authority over scarcely twenty per cent, a per cent which decreases every century in favor of Protestant ism. Glory of Protestant Literature. The triumphs of Protestantism are tremendously illustrated in the litera ture which it has created. The only literary ages of the world which eclipse the literary ages of ancient Greece and Rome are the Elizabethian and Victorian ages in England, and the age of Goethe and Schiller in Germany. For all uses of moral and intellectual greatness the Qliad, the Oddyey, the Aeneid and the Athenian tragic masterpieces are as twilight to noonday when compared with the an thologies of Shakespeare, Milton and Tennyson, and with the two great poet masters of Germany. The translation of the whole Bible into English by King James’ transla tors, in 1611, was a distinctive liter ary triumph of Protestantism. Indeed, I consider it the most significant and morally efficient event which has oc curred since the close of the New Testament Carsdus. It is worthy to be called a new revelation. By this sign Protestantism has conquered and will conquer. THE BROTHERHOOD OF MAN. (Continued from page eleven.) good deed is like the little wind flower that sows its own seed year after year, germinating and growing again to exhale the same sweet perfume and make a bright spot of color to delight the beholder. So atoms, big and little, make up the sum total of life and all are important in the great plan. The Golden Age is doing a mighty work along this line in carrying forward the salutary movements that make for the wellfare of the human race. Better than all the paper is a Christian “gem of purest ray serene.” My dear bro thers and sisters you need this paper in ycur homes. Obey the impulse of your hearts and unite your purse strings now—today —and send in a subscription, $1.50, and be sure to mark them for “Eve Adam.” You’ll remem ber that, won’t you? I know you will for I believe in my heart that “you all” want to help “us all.” And send ing in subscriptions to the Golden Age is the best way to help us. You won’t regret it for the paper is one that is good to read every day and Sunday too. You can put it in the hands of your children with a peaceful conscience for it will do them good. Let’s help each other along life’s way. The more sub scriptions the editor gets will insure us a better paper still. And you help me, too, don’t you see? by the com mission allowed me on all subscrip tions marked for “Eve Adam” list. This will help me so much in paying off a most detestable debt that clutch es at my heart-strings, a mortgage on my little home. Send your subscrip tions —from one to a hundred —direct to the Golden Age, 13 Moore Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Do it now, mark them for “Eve Adam,” and may we all be true brothers and sisters in the “bat tle ranks of life.” Pick Out The Dyspeptic You Can Tell Them Anywhere and Especially if You See One Eat. A Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablet Will Digest Any Meal One of the saddest sights at a roy ally rich dinner is to see a man or a woman unable to eat because of dys pepsia. It is really a crime to continue this martyrdom when all one has to do is to eat a little Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tab let. an nii|| a fl.B “Too Bad.” One grain of the ingredients which compose a Stuart’s Tablet will digest 3,000 grains of fish, soup, coffee, ice cream, meats, vegetables and pastries. The whole idea of this great natural digester is to aid nature to do her work without exhaustion and it cer tainly accomplishes this result. Stuart’s Dyspep sia Tablets are our best known remedy for all stomach and dys pepsia troubles. It is positively won derful to see the way one of these little tablets will digest a meal. And “I Used to be Like no one can realize Him.” it until one has used these tablets. |O| “I Know I’ll Be Sick.” long time. Absolutely convinces you dyspepsia can be prevented. Many thousands of people use these tablets occasionally just to keep their digestion always perfect. If you stay up late or overeat then take a tablet before bedtime; there will be no hor rible dreams or bad mouth taste. Go to your druggist now and buy a 50c box and go armed against any kind of stomach trouble. Just carry a tablet in your purse and after each meal eat it as you Would a peppermint. It will digest the meal and surely con vince you that food will not hurt you. t If- 3® Every drug store sells Stu art’s Dyspepsia Tablets and sells them in huge quantities. N o matter where you are located you may go to any druggist and buy a 50c box that will last you a