The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, November 13, 1913, Page 15, Image 15

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MERIDIAN COLLEGE REVIVAL. (Continued from page eight.) the word. He told no jokes, had no “hobbies,” or side lines or “clap>-trap” methods; but preached the word in a faithful manner. He did not scold or berate the people but let the Holy Spirit convict them. He preached short sermons, thus giving plenty of time for altar services, without tiring out the audience. He did not have a sermon of set length, that he must get in regardless of time or circum stances. One night he saw the time was ripe for an altar service and he did not preach at all, but opened the altar and seekers came promptly and found God. He preached twice to the men of the railroad shops and was asked by the men, through the railroad Y. M. C. A. secretary, to return and hold a great meeting for them. Bro. Huff will be a blessing to any church or school or town that will have him hold a meeting for them. This was one of the best meetings we have had in the colleges. Many who had resisted the light for years were gloriously saved. It is now some days since the revival closed and the work still abides. The colleges are in fine condition. The attendance is larger and the clos er association of the two schools is proving a great blessing to both boys and girls. It is not a “mixed” school in the general understanding of that term, yet both colleges are drawn clos er together in away that is inspiring and uplifting to both, and without the bad results generally resulting from the unrestricted mingling of the sexes. The colleges are, in our opinion, doing the best work they have ever done. We have room for only a few more in ■each college. We can take about half dozen more boys and probably twice as many girls. J. W. BEESON, Pres. CRAWFORD JACKSON VINDICATED. Although The Golden Age took no part in giving publicity to the charges brought against Mr. Crawford Jackson, THE GOLDEN AGE PIANO CLUB STANDS FOR QUALITY. The greatest danger in buying a piano or self-player piano is the diffi ■culty of securing one of real and last ing quality. There are so many cheap Imitations and so few genuine, high grade instruments on the market that the chances of full and permanent satisfaction are slim, unless you are an expert judge and are extremely -careful in your selection. If you feel that you are not a good Judge of both quality and durability, or if you have not time to make a thorough and exhaustive investigation -of these matters why not throw the responsibility on the Golden Age Pi ano Club. It has already made the investigation for you and will assume full responsibility of giving you abso lute and perfect satisfaction. What your insurance policy is to your home, the Club is to your piano or self player piano. But the Club doesn’t stop there; it also insures the lowest factory price and provides convenient terms of payment. You are cordially invited to join us. Write for catalogue, se lect the style you think would please you and we will ship it on approval. Address the Managers, Ludden & Bates, Golden Age Piano Club Dept., Atlanta, Ga. FARM OPPORTUNITIES. East Texas and the Coast Country of Texas and Louisiana are the only remaining areas in the United States •where fertile land and opportunities •for small farmers and industrial loca tions can. be obtained at reasonable •prices and terms. Address for information and litera ture. Industrial & Immigration Bu reau, Southern Pacific, Sunset-Central {Lines, Houston, Texas. THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF NOV. 13 we are glad to aid in his vindication by publishing the letter below, which explains itself. This letter was ad dressed and mailed on Nov. 6, 191.2., to the editors of all the city papers of Atlanta, Ga. The charge referred to was found to be utterly baseless and to have been prompted by the spleen of a discharg ed stenographer and by the desire of the father of this stenographer to squeeze money out of Mr. Jackson, ac cording to statements made by Clif ford L. Anderson, and Janies L. An derson, his attorneys. Exonerating Letters Sent to Dailies. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 6, 1913. Dear Sir: You will recall that your paper, as well as the other city papers, publish ed on July 27th last a lengthy and sensational statement concerning Mr. Crawford Jackson, and his alleged Inr / GUARANTEE Send me two dollars for ten gallons, two five-gallon demijohns. Follow the directions, and if.the results are not satisfactory to you I will refund the price on receipt of the two empty demijohns and your report— You to be the sole judge. • But ten gallons is not a fair test for any mineral water. Therefore I make you the following guarantee to secure a fair trial: Order and drink twenty gallons of Shivar Spring Water, at least two quarts a day, as directed in my booklet, and if after that you feel you have received no benefit therefrom return the demijohns and I will send you ten gal lons more, absolutely free of charge, and if, after using the third ten gallons, you see no benefit, I will cheerfully send you five dollars in cash, being a S’*"*• refund of the money you have paid me and a dollar for your trouble. No strings to it; no fuss about it; just a simple letter to me telling ***<• „ the truth about your own case. * Columbia, S. C., July 28, 1913. I feel better than I have felt in five years. You can tell anyone using six bottles of this water without good results, I will pay for it. E. W. REID, 711 Main St., Columbia, S. C. Lexington, Va., Sept. 9, 1913. I suffered with intestinal indigestion and kidney trouble, and have been relieved. J. H. WHITMORE. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 10, 1913. I suffered with indigestion for twelve years and had given up hope of ever getting well. I used three bottles of Shi var Spring Water and was cured. Have never had indiges tion since. MRS. A. J. NOONAN, 548 Broughton St. E. Lexington, S. C., August 25, 1913. I am using your water for indigestion, and am proud to say that it is doing me more good than any medicine I ever took. MRS. J. A. Q. MEETZE. Note This Well—lt May Mean Much To You Since the marvelous success of this water in treating such diseases as those mentioned above has been made known to the people of the South, there have of course been imitators—people who have springs “just as good,” they say. If you want to, use their water. But it seems to me no man ought to take unnecessary chances with the most precious posses sion he has—his health—or ought to delay in getting well. The chief merit of these other springs, their owners say, is that “they are like Shivar Spring Water.” If that is the case, why should you risk a disappointment by failing to get the real article? Shivar Spring Water is guaranteed over rnv signature, as above. I’m not proud of my handwriting, but lam proud of this spring. So I put the handwriting on the‘bottles of Nature’s healing product simply that you may be sure you have the real article, not an imitation. Then When You Get The Right Water You Will Get The Benefit SEND FOR MORE OF MY PROOF Shivar Spring Water does not deteriorate from standing and may be shipped to any distance or to any climate. You are safe in ordering it. N. F. SHIVAR, PROPRIETOR SHIVAR SPRING, SHELTON, S. C. Reference—The aivertisin? manager of this Paper is personally acquainted with Mr. Shivar and can vouch for the genuineness of his offer. You run no risk in making the deposit. conduct toward a young girl prior to that date. And now that he has been exonerat ed by the board of trustees of the Juvenile Protective Association, by the girl herself voluntarily in a written Read My Guarantee of Health If you suffer from any of the following named diseases and give Shivar Spring Water a fair test without any benefit, I will refund your money, or If you follow my directions, as given in the guarantee below, and you are not helped, I will pay you $5.00. The reason for this is that I have personally been cured by Shivar Spring Water after long suffering—in fact, I was a physical wreck —and I have personally known of thousands who have been helped and cured. What a man sees with his own eyes and feels with his own nerves he is sure of. Thus I know that the genuine Shivar Spring Water will benefit or cure 997 of every thousand who suffer from any of these diseases: Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Gastritis, Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys or Bladder, Bright’s Disease, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Gall Stones, Nervous Headache, Uric Acid Poisoning or Chronic Sores due to bad blood. Knowing of these thousands of cures, I make the following: Here’s Ample Proof For You FLORIDA S E £ GROVES in the frost-protected gulf section of Port Richey are profitable and dependable in vestments, and have now been placed within reach of the small investor. Terms of payment made easy. No taxes until deed is delivered. No assessments. We will plant, cultivate, harvest and market the crop at nominal cost for purchasers. Full particulars mailed on request. PORT RICHEY COMPANY, 408 Zack Street, Tampa, Florida. on Uncle Sain’s Pay Roll A government position means steady employment and good salary for life, with excellent opportunity for promotion. Prepare now to pass Spring Civil Service Examinations and commence work. Particulars Free. Become an expert in bookkeeping, stenography, typewriting or telegraphy and command big pay. Write for Free Booklet. d*’7F 00 A LAKELAND BUSINESS COLEEGE, T Cl Qftft °° A I .MONTH Amidst the Orange Groves, Lakeland, Fla. 10 yluVv* YEAR Bishopville, S. C., August 20, 1913. My friends see such a change in my condition, that I am getting many inquiries from them about your water. The water has done more good than any medicine I have ever taken for rheumatism. 11. S. CUNNINGHAM. Fredericksburg, Va., Aug. 18, 1913. The water did Mrs. Carter more good for the length of time she used it, than probably anything that she has ever used. Mrs. Carter had enlarged joints upon her hands, caused by rheumatism. Shivar Spring Water removed every trace of the enlargement. W. C. CARTER. Hepzibah, Ga., May 21, 1913. We gave some of this water to a poor man down in bed with his feet all swollen. After using three gallons, he could walk about, and I want ten gallons for him. J. L. BARBER. statement to Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey,, and by the court, we ask you as a matter of simple justice to Mr. Jack son, as well as to the movement which he organized and has prosecuted so faithfully for years, to give as much 15