The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 18, 1913, Page 15, Image 15

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54-inch handle We JMHI Give Jillh You For a short time only. A year’s supply (one quart) of Wizard Polish—‘‘more than a furniture polish”—given with a Wizard Triangle Polish Mop The Mop that “Gets-in-the-Corners” No more back-ache. You beautify your floors while you stand. The 54-inch handle reaches everywhere. The wonderful triangle shape “gets-in-the-corners.” No second operation. Regular combination price $2.50. All yours tor only $1.50 for a snort time only. I This will make an excellent Christmas| gift. Sent by parcel post on receipt of price, I if your dealer can’t supply you. Address WIZARD PRODUCTS CO., Nashville, Tenn. ARTISTIC Visiting Cards In beautiful Copper Plate Old English Shaded or Copper Plate Script, printed on high.quality Linen Finished Board, including a neat Leather Card Case FREE, for only SI.OO A HUNDRED Duplicates at same price. Make ideal Christmas Gifts. Order a hundred to day, or write for Free Samples. Send Money Order. Agents Wanted. CLINTON CALLING CARD CO., Box 132, Clinton, S. C. An Only Daughter Relieved of Consumption. When death was hourly expected, all remedies having failed, and Dr. H. James was experimenting with the many herbs of Calcutta, he accidently made a prepa ration which cured his only child of Con sumption. His child is now in this coun try and enjoying the best of health. He has proved to the world that Consumption •can be positively and permanently cured. The doctor now gives his recipe free, only asking two 2-cent stamps to pay expenses. This herb also cures Night Sweats, Nausea at the stomach and will break up a fresh cold in twenty-four hours. Address CRAD DOCK & CO., Philadelphia, Pa., naming this paper. ■Jr X ( • Send for Free Sample of Sanitary Composition Flooring Fire-proof, Germ-proof, Vermin proof, Water-proof, Wear-proof Does not crack or chip. Easy to walk on, stand on, can be applied by anyone handy with a trowel, over any old or new floors of wood, concrete, hollow tile or brick, absolutely sani tary, and very easy to keep clean. At tractive in appearance, low in price. Write for sample, literature, and es timate. SANITARY COMPOSITION FLOOR COMPANY 55 W. Onondaga Street Syracuse, N. Y. Georgia-Alabama Business College, Macon, Georgia. Write for free illus trated catalog to day> and learn °i ■HHL O greater opportuni ties that may be awaiting you. No ambitious young ■||||k man or young wo tnan can afford not ML investigate. THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF DEC. 18, 1913 THE END OF A JEALOUS WO MAN. (Continued from Page 2) woman. For her jealousy of Moses and of his wife, Miriam was stricken with leprosy. What if every woman who has green eyes was suddenly stricken with leprosy, who has no more reason for it than Miriam had. This jealousy also prevented her from as suming one whit of leader-ship which she so much sought. She not only spoiled her chance for big things but for anything. Then it shut her out from the camp of Israel and kept her out for 7 days. She was only relieved of her leprosy and allowed to enter the camp again by the prayer of Mo ses and by his humble confession of sin and wrong. Oh there is no more fiendish sin than this sin of jealousy. It is unjust to ourselves, to other peo ple, and to our position in the world. It hurts us in three ways. It hurts us physically, mentally, spiritually. There is nothing that I know about that hurts in these three respects more than the sin of jealousy. You allow a man or woman to be consumed with jealousy and watch him ,you will soon find spiritual wreckage, mental wreckage, physical wreckage. You talk with the specialist in nervous disorders and get on the inside of their experience, as I have done, ask them the extent of jealousy among men and women whose nervous system has gone to wreck and with that their spiritual and physical condition and see if they do not tell you that it is one of the most frequent and hurtful of all diseases. There is something somehow about it that eats like a canker-worm at the very vital parts of the physical man, the mental man, the spiritual man. It is impossible for a man or woman who is consumed with jealousy of any sort to be normal, and without being nor mal there is absolutely no chance of being healthy in body, in mind or in soul. The most unhappy people I have ever known are jealous people. The greatest menace to society that I know anything about in many respects, is jealousy. Nobody is safe in the pres ence of it. Nobody’s reputation is safe, in the presence of jealousy. There is no limit to it. It goes to all sorts of extremes, and the wisest prognisti cator is unable to say where it will end. I have read a story of a great sculptor who had spent a lifetime in chiseling a wonderful statue. A statue that to him was to set forth a perfect face, and when he had put his life time into it he sent out for experts to come and inspect it with the hope that after their inspection was over and their tribute had been paid he would get the reward of a lifetime’s labor. And, while his back was turned in waiting for the experts to come, a child, with a toy mallet, and a toy chisel, climbed up the little ladder by the side of the statue, and with one stroke, destroyed the work of a lifetime. My friends, there has been many a man and many a woman, who has worked for a life time to chisel, not a perfect face, but to chisel a perfect character, to make something that is worth while, that in the evening hours of life would bring its reward in a sweetened conscience and in a healthful atmosphere, and alas! alas, at some unexpected moment, the fiend jealousy, with something far more insignificant than a toy mallet and a toy chisel, with one stroke has wrecked the work of a lifetime. God pity the one that made the stroke. There are men who have died in lunatic asyl ums, who have died in prison, and I do not doubt have died on the scaffold as a result of the stroke of the fiend of jealousy. But, mark you, the man or woman who is guilty of the stroke CHRISTMAS GOOD MINCE PIE INDIGESTION It’s a crying shame to associate these ideas. But it is also a fact that the good things prepared by the best cooks of the land DO lead to indi gestion. Ask Mr. Average Man and he will admit “feeling bad’’ after his Christmas feasting. The human furnace is not equal to the demand. The pies and puddings have been too rich. The inner works get clogged. You get ill. You hate to admit it, but it’s a fact. Now listen. If your sickness is only a case of simple overeating, it can speedily be relieved, but it will leave a weaker digestive apparatus. If it is a case of chronic indigestion and faulty elimination, it will doubtless be much aggravated, but it can be much benefited. Many have been cured. SHIV AR SPRING WATER used freely during the holiday season will completely dissociate the idea of indigestion from Christmas and mince pies. Drink freely of it and your idea will associate thus: CHRISTMAS GOOD MINCE PIE SHIVAR SPRING WATER HAPPINESS Don’t put it off until you get sick. If you are sick, don’t wait to get worse. Let Dr. Nature help you out. Nature’s way is Shivar Spring Water. Two dollars buys ten gallons of this remarkably good spring water. If that much fails to benefit your case I will gladly refund the $2. You are to be the sole judge. Thousands have bought on that basis and derived great benefit. I would be pleased to send you testimonials from them. But the best way is to try the genuine Shivar Spring water, which bears my signature and get well yourself. N. F. SHIVAR, Shivar Springs Company, Shelton, S. C. The Finest Florida Fruits DIRECT FROM GROVE TO CONSUMER. Picked right and packed right. Oranges, Navel Oranges, Kumquots, Manderines, Grape-Fruit and Tangerines. Oranges single box $‘2.50. Two or more boxes $2.25. Grape-Fruit $3.50. Assorted box Grape-Fruit and Oranges $3.00. A special Christmas box, cf all fruits put up in the finest shape $3.75. Send check or money order for number boxes wanted. I guarantee safe delivery. Get your orders in early. All shipped on date wanted. . . . M. P. LIPE, Box 1307A, Sanford, Florida. _ _ _ AT responsible parties throughout ■Ma M ■ill TT 1 vINUluj the South to represent us locally; MH* al awl B Mi I I spare time only, if preferred; BB AA B W B I 11 opportunities of recognized value. Write immediately ■ ■ Ml 11 I Mm to COGGINS MARBLE COMPANY, 410 Main St. Canton, Ga., for particulars. * MMM IWIIB fIM.. f ... ... - ■ N Southern University of Music GIRARD THIERS, KURT MUELLER, Directors 53 Peachtree St, Atlanta, Phones, Office Ivy 6490, Dormitory Ivy 4416 Eminent Faculty of European Specialists. Diploma and Certificate courses. Dormitories. Write for catalog. 15