The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, December 18, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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8 RALLY DAY IN CHATTANOOGA Anti-Saloon League and Gideons Meet in a Common Cause. By G. T. Howerton. The editor of Golden Age used to speak of this city as Boozanooga—and he usually calls things by their real name. But some day soon Atlanta and Georgia will be free from the evil influence of a thoughtless neighbor— for Chattanooga is awake to her li quorized shame and soon the sign of that shame will be seen in the land no more. Sunday, November 30th was Anti- Saloon Rally Day for Chattanooga, and a great day it was, too. The Gideons all of whom are Anti- Saloon men, opened the rally with a banquet at Hotel Patton Saturday at 7:30 p. m. at which the principal speaker was that “Noblest Roman” of them all, Ex-Senator Webb, of Bell buckle. He stirred the boys to a live ly faith in their powers and possi bilities, over evil. It was a great ban quet and did a great good; The next stand in the fight was made as an 8 o’clock “Banquet” a breakfast given the workers by the good lady who feeds the Y. M. C. A. boys. Forty people partook of her hospitality and several short talks were made. Sen ator Webb spoke, and gave us his counter-slogan to the saloon friends of repeated “Prohibition does not prohib it,” which is “It prohibits some, thank God” After this early meeting the Anti-Saloon men and Gideons went to the various churches where they oc cupied the pulpits in the interest of the Anti-Saloon work. But the climax of the day was reached when several thousand people assembled in the city auditorium to hear ex-Governor Patterson. It was probably the largest audience that ever forced its way into the building and it came through rain to a “dry meeting,” and it was a great audience in more ways than one. All partisan politics were forgotten and ex-Senator Saunders introduced the speaker. Mr. WHAT’S IN A NAME? Everything! For example, the name of “Ludden & Bates” on the fall board of a piano or player-piano is a positive and permanent guarantee of the highest quality and durability in every detail of construction. It means that the keys are genuine Ivory, not celluloid. It means that the strings are made of the finest imported piano wire, not of a cheap substitute. It means that the case is built of the choicest patterns of genuine Mahogany, not of painted imitations. It means that the sounding board, the most vital part of the instrucment, is built of the finest specimens of mountain spruce and has been seasoned and tested for five long years and has been pronounced perfect by experts before the piano is allowed to leave the Factory. It will never warp or crack — it is perfect. The name of “Ludden & Bates” on your piano is like an insurance policy, for it guarantees the owner against all imperfections in workmanship and ma terial. It is also your best guarantee of superior quality in tone and action. For nearly half a century Ludden & Bates pianos have maintained the highest standard of excellence. The Golden Age Piano Club makes it easy for you to own a Ludden & Bates Piano or player-piano. You are cordially invited to join. Write for your copy of the catalogue and full particulars. Address the Managers, Ludden & Bates, Piano, Club Dept Atlanta, Ga. NEWS FROM THE WORKERS THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF DEC. 18, 1913 1 atterson was in speaking trim for he grew more and more forceful and eloquent to the last minute of the two hours which he filled full of good words for the cause he once opposed. I can give only a few of the good things he said: “I drank my first dose of liquor in an open saloon in Nashville when 1 was twenty years old—just finishing my literary course in Vanderbilt. “If I could have done so without being twitted I would have spit it out it was not good, and I did not want it. “No one has a natural desire for liquor—it is an acquired habit. “To prohibit the sale of a thing injurious and dangerous for which one must acquire a taste is no inter ference with personal liberty. “I believe in prohibition—home wide, town-wide, county-wide, state wide. “Liquor, liquor, how I hate it! I hate it for what it has done to my own life, for the homes it has wrecked, for the lives it has destroyed. “Did you ever see a square circle, an honest thief, or a virtuous prosti tute? When you see these things you will see a respectable saloon. “When you destroy the saloon you will also destroy the gambling room above, and the house of prostitution in the rear. “I want all my old friends to know I am in deadly earnest. “I pray that God will give me strength to fight this battle, to win this victory, which, when won, will be one of the greatest recorded in the world’s history.” NEW HEAD OF SOUTHERN RAIL WAY SYSTEM. New York, December 1. —Fairfax Harrison, formerly vice president of the Southern Railway Company and for the last three years president of the Chicago, Indianapolis and Louis ville Railway Company, of which the Southern Railway Company to succeed the late William Wilson Finley, a special meeting of the board of direct ors being held for the purpose of filling the vacancy cause by Mr. Fin ley’s death. Mr. Harrison is a Virginian, his home being at Belvoir, Virginia. He is pe culiarly identified with the South, as his father was private secretary to Jefferson Davis while president of the Confederate States, and all his rail road experience has been with the Southern and its associated lines. Mr. Harrison was born in 1869, and was graduated from Yale with the A. B. degree in 1890, and from Columbia with the A. 11. degree in 1891. He was admitted to the bar in New York in 1892 and continued the practice of law in this city until 1896, when he en tered the service of the Southern Rail way in the legal department as solic itor. In 1903, he was made assistant to the president, and in 1906 became vice president, which position he held until 1910 when he resigned on being elected president of the Chicago, Indi anapolis and Louisville. He, how ever, continued as a director of the Southern Railway so that his service with the parent company has been un interrupted. Mr. Harrison was one of Mr. Fin ley’s closest and most trusted advis ors and is thoroughly in sympathy with the policies which made Mr. Finley’s administration so successful both for the Southern Railway Com pany and the territory served by its lines. Though Mr. Harrison entered the service of the Southern in the legal department, his experience has not been confined to that branch of the service. He has given much study to financial, traffic and operating prob lems and is intimately acquainted with conditions on the Southern Railway and throughout the section which it traverses.. As president of the Chi cago, Indianapolis and Louisville, he was actively in charge of the opera tion of the railway, so that he comes to the Southern Railway prepared by practical experience as well as the most detailed knowledge of the details of its affairs to take up the duties of chief executive. Mr. Harrison today was also elected president of the Ala bama Great Southern Railroad, the (Continued on page 13.) If I Ate That I Would Die You Will Never Fear Food If You Go to a Dinner Carrying One Little Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablet. You needn’t pass up all those sav ory dishes just because you are afraid of what the stomach will say to them. Armed with a box of Stuart’s Dyspep sia Tablets, you can bid defiance to the most cantaakenrous stomach and be as sured that your food will be perfectly digested in spite of the stomach’s ob jections. n n 11 ~ jB/Sh ! “At Every Banquet You Will See Some Person Who is Afraid of Food.” Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets are a compound of pepsin, and those ele ments that must be secreted by the stomach if the food is to be digested. When the stomach fails to secrete enough of these digestive agencies, the only sane remedy is to supply a suffi cient quantity of these elements to di gest the food. This is the service for which Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets were made and they are recommended by leading doctors and scientists. One or two of these tablets is sufficient to di gest the largest dinner. They stop al most instantly all forms of digestion, such as sour stomach, belching, heart burn, dizziness, brash and dysentery. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets contain di gestive elements, a single graft! of which is capable of digesting 3,000 grains of food, such as meats, eggs, grains, vegetables, starches and mineral matters of all kinds. If your stomach is sluggish or worn out, let Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tab lets do your digesting for you until the stomach can recuperate. Give it a little vacation. It has a hard enough struggle at the best, with all you put in it. And even when your stomach is in perfect condition, you will occa sionally need one after a big banquet or other social affair that taxes your stomach to the uttermost. Make Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets the ever-ready friend and assistant to your stomach. Get a 50c box of your druggist today. tUE make and control many famous Home games that you know by name, but the popularity of ROOK and PLAZA is today fefeafer than that of any two other games in the world. ROOK The Game of Games. TtAAfJ is a bright, live, clean RJ'lSshEa game for bright, live, clean-minded people. ROOK is recommended and used by Clergymen all over the world. Give your family, both adults and chil dren, WHOLESOME FUN. The best household MjF game in America— Bl the largest selling game in the world— a never-failing de light for winter evenings. Worth .X/X ten times its price. /7~T7 fir sOc at your Deal- £ 14 ISf ers.or by mail from *** -J f" us. PLAZA The Newest Parker Game n “MwMSjwgl a w 1 l le most attractive t new game for many O years. It is abso- S 8 lutely fascinating. A* \ lly <-z 7 For 2, or 3, or many H players ‘ Sixty cards fl % X ■s' n \ 111 five acts > hand fl \ ]A; > somely illustrated \ / Q\ C ■> ' in colors. 50c at your Dealer’s or by mail from us. GET BOTH GAMES fl Each will delight you in a dififerentway. Send for Illustrated List of 50 PARKER GAMES. We do NOT make nor handle playing-cards. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Home Cure That Anyone Can Use Without Discomfort or Boss of Time. We have a New Method that cures Asth ma, and we want you to try it at our ex pense. No matter whether your case is of long-standing or recent development, whether it is present as occasional or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter in what climate you live, no matter what your age or occupation, if you are troubled with asthma, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send it to those apparently hopeless cases w’here all forms of inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, “patent smokes,” etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our own expense, that this new method is designed to end all difficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms at once and for all time. This free ocer is too important to neg lect a single day. Write now and then begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mail coupon below. Do it today. FREE ASTHMA COPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room 778-H Niagara and Hudson Sts., Hudson, N.Y. Send free tria lof your method to: Song Poems Wanted For Publication Eighteen years experience. One Song Poem may bring you both fame and for tune. A Square deal. Write for booklet. Imperial Music Co., Roanoke, Virginia.