The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, January 29, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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ANNA BELLE And Her Two Bolls Only 25c Every little girl and boy wants one of these Great Big Beautiful Dolls” and her Two Smaller Dressed Dollies. They have lovely golden hair, big brown Just send us eyes and one Quarter are most and we will life like in- send postpaid, deed. these three All three dolls exactlyas dollies are vtijS Vzw illustrated, beautifuly Arz Give your full printed on nameandmen- one large ' , v z # y \ tion this paper piece of fl \ \^AsL.. s d/ h V to receive Muslin a V xjjvvYuy // \> your dolls all / H fjl tilltt Vk without ready fl I ' ~ \ \\ delay. t° CUt V 27 % Y Southern Stuff. # A | Novelty Co. H /''l *”v\ v Clinton, / /l $ S ’ C ' —M—// o sßf Actual Height Olff 25 Inches ',VJ I /■ BIGGER THAN e i}X\ NA A BABY Actual Height Actual Height 7 1-2 Inches 7 1-2 Inches I Cabbage Plants 30 Acres ot Genuine Frost Proof Plants These plants are grown in the open field on our farms at Albany, Ga., and Greenville, S. C., from strictly high grade seed, and will make heads if given half a chance. We change our land each year, thus avoid ing lice and disease. We ship promptly, guarantee full count, safe delivery, and good strong plants. Varieties: Early Jer sey Wakefield, Chas. Wakefield, Succes sion, Drumhead, and Flat Dutch. Price: 500 for sl.lO post paid; by express 500 for 75c; 1000 to 4000 at $1.25; 6000 to 9000 at $1.00; 10,000 to 15,000 at 90c per 1000. Special prices on larger lots. Beetsand Bermuda onion plants at SI.OO per 1000. Lettuce plants, Big Boston, at $2.00 per 1000. Strawberry plants,leading varieties, at $2.50 per 1000 Also a choice line of fruit trees. Nancv Hall potato plants ready April Ist. PIEDMONT PLANT COMPANY Albany, Ga., and Greenville, S. C. Write for our catalogue, which gives a hill description of our plants an< * trees - HOSIERY BY PARCEL POST We Sell Our Product Direct to the Weareflr. There is no Salesman or Traveling Expense or Merchants Prof its. You buy direct from the Mill. We manufacture High Grade Men’s Half Hose. Black, Tan, Navy Blue and Gray. We will send you 6 pair (%-doz.) for 75c. Ladies’ Hosiery, Black, Tan, 6 pair for 75c. The 25c Value you are buying at half the Re tail Price. Money refunded if not Satisfactory. Send money order or stamps. The Parcel Hosiery Co., Terre Hill, Pa. DO Y OWANT A LITTLE FARM IN FLORIAD’S CHIEF AGRICUL TRAL COUNTY? I offer in Columbia county, Florida, some beautiful, level fertile, truck, fruit, poul try stock and general farming lands at $12.’0 per acre. Lake City is county seat, 7,000 people, three banks, three railroads, seven churches, high school, $400,000 col lege, paved streets, sewers, ice plant, water works, electric lights. My land near town; easy terms. GEO. L. COLBURN, Box 30, Lake City, Florida. Do you suffer with Headache or Neuralgia One trial of Megrimine is suffl- I cient—your suffering will cease. I For over a quarter of a century I [Has been a Godsend co victims of all forms of headache and neuralgia. Write at once for atria 1 box without cost # The Dr. Whitehall Megrimine Co. 10 N. Lafayette SL, South Bend. Ind. THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF JAN. 29, 1914. the invitation and announced his de termination to quit drinking. He and some others who stood outside the window in their work clothes and had heard Mr. Ando. In my heart I could not smother the question “Will it be possible for such a drinker to stop right off and stand against an over whelming pressure and the scorn of his friends?” He promised to go to church the next Sunday night. Mon day he asked where he could buy a hymn book. It seems Omoto San’s father had a Bible, even though the old man’s life was far from Biblical. “Since that day he has not missed a Wednesday night or Sunday. He said before he had been taught six weeks that he could easily stop his work on Sunday, since he didn’t drink he could easily feed his family and work six day only. The men at the corner are sure his religion means something for now Omoto San doesn’t fight and quarrel; he is ami able. He waited after he was ready to be received into the church till his wife was received too. The par ents and four children received bap tism the same day. Omoto San’s faith had bad quite a test, and he came through the new year season without drinking and the men in this big city who have a similar record are few in comparison. He is the only one from his grade of society that I know of.” LOVE MARRIAGES. A marriage should’ only be consum mated when both of the parties are morally certain that they are necessary to each other’s existence; that life would be a dreary waste without the oasis of the loved; that the intended one possesses all you admire and es teem, and that the journey through life in his or her companionship will be one of se r enity and happiness. The union will then, by the endeavors of both, be attended with all the joy, con tentment and happiness that it is in the power of mortal to obtain here below. .Marriages are usually con tracted to satisfy desires, as love, for tune and position. The results are most truthfully stated by an eminent divine in the following passages: Who marries for love takes a wife; who mar Des for fortune takes a mis tress; who marries for position takes a lady. You are loved by your wife, and regarded by your mistress, and tol erated by your lady. You have a wife for yourself, a mistress for your house and friends, a lady for the world and society. ‘Your wife will agree with you, your mistress will rule you, your lady will manage you. Your wife will take care of your household, your mistress of your house, your lady of your appearances. If you are sick your wife will nurse you; your mis tress will visit you, your lady will in quire after your health. You take a walk with your wife, a ride with your mistress, and go to a party with your lady. Your wife shares your grief, your mistress your money, and your lady your debts. If you die, your wife will weep, your mistress lament, and your lady will wear mourning. Now, which will you have 1 ? To man there is but one choice that he can rationally make —a marriage of love. My female readers, I hope, will also decide rather to wed a husband than the master or the elegant gen tleman. —BACHELOR. B Tired? Just as tired in the morning as at ; I If* night? Things look dark? Lack nerve I JL Lz/L/w power? Just remember this: Ayer’s Sar- saparilla is a strong tonic, entirely free Make no mistake. Consult your own from alcohol. It puts red corpuscles into doctor first. Take only those medicines the blood; gives steady, even power to the the best doctors endorse. nerves; strengthens the digestion. ■BHHBHHHHBBBHBHBBBBBBBHBBBHHBHHHBHIBHBHBIMHMIMBMHBIBHIBHHBBHHMk. -BBBBBBBMHBBBBBHBBBBBBBI e AFFLICTED PEOPLE TAKE NOTICE Do not despair. A drugless remedy has been discovered that deserves your consideration. “Electro-Galvanic Ring Bat eries” The most important discovery of modern times. I Guaranteed for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Aches. Pains, Ner vousness, Stomach, Bowel. Kidney and Liver Troubles, Fits, Cramps, etc. Composed of Electro-Negative and Positive Metals in right proportions to produce a pure current day and night, which purifies the blood, strengthens the nerves and muscles, induces sweet, refreshingsleep, improves the appetite and expels disease from the body. Accept no imitations. Trade-mark registered and custom ers protected by a bank guarantee, For full particulars, copy of Bank Letter, numerous testi _ monials Free Trial offer for 30 days and other proof, write to T. B. JONES, Inventor, z/ -'*■* Department P, Athens, Tex. ■■■■—hiiiMHiißiiiiWiii |||M TTrMUMiiiMMfiiiiintfMWiQWiT M»BiHiwi>TwiTMiiiTiMn iiim Florida Service VIA Southern Railway U» 1A A TVI Pullman sleeping cars, dining car, day coaches- ZJLv IVI. —Arrives Jacksonville 8:20 p. m. WAS O A/I New Roya| Pa,m; 3,1 steel train —Pullman JVt) 1 • 1V1« drawing room and compartment sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars —Arrices Jacksonville -7:40 a. m. Work mm Local sleeping car, Atlanta to ZOv JL • IVle open at 9:15 p. m. —Breakfast on dining car be- fore reaching Jacksonville 8:40 a. m. n/1 A O IVI Pullman drawing room sleeping cars, day Z4rV * . IVI. coaches —Breakfast on dining car before reach- ing Jacksonville 9:.20 a. m. CITY TICKET OFFICE, NO. 1 PEACHTREE ST. >IOO Lbs f Mafees ,£m tay I H*’ 1 1M COl MMf 's' Makes ’Em Pay I 0! «w II I s Nothing will produce better n >|| / results and keep your hens in better Rf- . J/V. i physical and laying condition, than O A A, i\$ — Sunshine Scratch Feed, Especially /adapted to the requirements of flocks kept W arvwluk. laying purposes. Keeps’em busy. Makes B Br every hen a paying hen—makes them hunt || r the nest. Contains no grit. |g| w f Feed in dry straw litter night and morning This is the Bag. Remember it, w anf l i°°k f° r a t y° ur dealer’s. If he can’t sup- B m I** CT W ply you, we can. Write us for sample and price B Cm 3 delivered your station. If 17 £ ft Feed and Poultry Booklet Free. Well II IIJaEiM J. H. WILKES & COMPANY, Nashville, Tennessee. w ~ /'At 1V KA BEAUTIFUL TRANSFER RY PATTERNS POSTPAID FOR ONLY 25 CEN TS /. Designs for shirt waists, kimonos, towels, pillow cases, belts, night gowns, baby caps, collars, jabots, / /corset covers and chemises as well as every letter of ’W the alphabet. f Etill Instructions and illustrations of different I stitches for each and every design, thus making it easy for even a child to embroider beautifully. No Special Transfer Ink Required. x\ No Transfer Paper Needed. KV Mention this paper and we will send postpaid the \\ y 50 patterns and full details for only 25c. Stamps . / n °t taken. AGENTS WANTED. SOUTHERN NOVELTY CO., Clinton, S. C. LA GRIPPE JOHNSON’S AND BAD COLDS ” 25c and sOc, and Tablets 25c TONIC 11