The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, January 29, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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14 10 CENT “CASCARETS” IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels—They work while you sleep. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi gested food, which sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel. That’s the first step to untold misery—indi- gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret to-night will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They ■work while you sleep—a 10-cent box from your druggist will keep you feel ing good for months. Your Foot Comfort MBANTEED IN , unlined, turn feel arch sapport, rub- I low to the tip. Laced I to shape of any foot. 1 Jso in Oxford Ties. i’s EZ WEAR Shoes I Men, Women. Children I io away with foot troubles. Don’tsuf fer agonies that are caused by misfit shoes. Ezwear shoes are built to give every possible comfort—soft, sti lish, do not need breaking in. We GUARANTEE to fit any foot perfectly or if for any reason you are not satis fied, to refund your money. PRFP fiATAI HR of 197 handsome EZWEAR styles and IH4.U measurement blanks. Write today! THE 0. SIMON' SHOE, 1588 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. ¥. I »«ee, 3 eian or wcmsn, one eanst'e A Srai lit' i c ’ ear "’ n g a Sood salary, in every community XIVSILiL 1 A. U nittcra vre sra net represented. SUH MFE CO., Write Us BEAM CLOG., SOUTH BEHD. INDIAHA Os J lood <as If a,fertilizer dealer says this to you, ask yourselfwhf Royster's is the standard of comparison. TRADE MARK U REGISTERED F.S.Rcnjslev Guano Co., Norfolk. Va.. Sold evfer/wkere THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF JAN. 29, 1914. tain of the Hosts of God appears to you as a merchant. And when you start out tomorrow morning to your business He will appear to you if you will only let Him, as a merchant man, to give you the campaign of the day, which may be contrary to the cam paign of man. But it will be a cam paign of victory. Are you a doctor? A Christian man? Listen. The Cap tain of the Hosts of Israel proposes that you allow Him to appear to you as a doctor, to give you the campaign of the day. To tell you how you are to do in every emergency as it comes up through the day. And it may be a very different way from men around you in your profession; it may be one that will entirely cancel everything you have ever been taught. But, lis ten, if He gives it it will be victory. Are you a servant in somebody’s home? Don’t despise your job. The world can not get along without you. You stay very close by the base of sup plies. You have never been properly appreciated, perhaps; but don’t you despair. If you are a Christian in serv ice of that kind, the Captain of the Host God will appear to you as a serv ant on your level, knowing your life and the conflicts ahead of you, to give = QUALITIES-NO HABIT FORMING DRUGS you the campaign of the day and to tell you how you are to march to vic tory. And at that day you may be called on to do some things you have never done before, strange, inexplic able, but if He is the Captain, victory will perch around your dop rby night fall. Are you a minister or teacher of the Word of God? a man engaged in any walk of life as a Christian ? My friend, remember. Remember. That the Captain of the Host of God will ap pear to you if you let Him, along your level, knowing where you live and what you are doing, and what you ought to do to succeed. He will ap pear there to give you the campaign of the day. Oh, the greatest thing in this world that Christian people need to realize is that truth. That very experience that Joshua had before he made the attack on Jericho is the thing I need to know myself and that you need to know. Oh, my brethren, can we take it in? We have away, somehow, perhaps it is the result of our education ,of looking upon Jesus as being upon such a pinnacle. We can not even touch the hem of His garment. We feel in some way it is lowering to Jesus to think of Him down here doing the dirty things we have to do in the ordinary run of life. There is nothing that Jesus exalts more than to give Him a chance to get down in the thing you have to work in. Never mind where it is, dirt or dust. And do you know it will help us a great deal in our Christian work if we will endeavor to emulate as far as we can the example of Jesus? ' I never have been able to get away from Philip on that Damascus road with the Eunuch. Do you remember what they did? The spirit of God spoke to Philip and said: “Go near, join thyself to that chariot.” And he got up in the chariot to get on a level with the man he was trying to win. The spirit of God was having Philip do exactly what Jesus would have done, bring himself upon a level with the man he is trying to win. God was in all the walks of life. Jesus is trying to get into our life as Captain of the Hosts of God. Don’t you know when a girl sits down to work a typewriter if she could realize that Jesus as Cap tain of the Hosts of God was by her side helping and blessing her, she would have an easier day than she had before? Don’t you know it would % be so with you, mother, with the chil dren, and -with you man, in your af fairs? IS EPILEPSY CONQUERED? New Jersey Physician Said to Have Many Cures to His Credit. Red Bank, N. J., Special.—Advices from every direction fully confirm eiquifjmuej eq} }uq} sjjodej snoiAQjd treatment for epilepsy being admin istered by Dr. Perkins of this city, is achieving wonderful results. Old and stubborn cases have been greatly benefltted and many patients claim to have been entirely cured. Persons suffering from epilepsy should write at once to Dr. H. W. Perkins, Branch 94, Red Bank, N. J., for a supply of the remedy which is being distributed gratuitously. MONEY LENT ON SCHOLARSHIP Positions guaranteed, SSO to $75 start. We pay your railroad fare from home. Write for catalogue, terms and contract. Piedmont Busines College, Fynchburg, Va. GET THIS TRUE-TONE CORNET FREE If you prefer you may have Instead a high grade violin, a Tru-Tone trombone or oth_ er instrument. ABSOLUTELY FREE A Big Opportunity awaits the young man or woman who will organize a band or orchestra in his or her town or church or lodge. Instruments need cost but little, and their use brings great profit that you can turn into dollars. We will give you full directions for organizing, help you select your instruments, tell you how others have made money and gained pleasure and social prestige. Complete True-Tone Instrumentations for bands (new) from $375.00 up. Second-hand outfits from SIOO up. Complete new Orchestra from $175 up. Complete second hand Orchestras from $75 up. Then if you organize a band or orches tra from the plans we furnish for. you we will give you your own instrument abso lutely free —an entirely new True Tone if new instruments are purchased and a good second-hand instrument if second-hand in struments are purchased. For 37 years we have been manufactur ing the famous Buescher Musical instru ments. Our True-Tone Instruments are known the world over by musicians great and small as the best money can pro duce. You make no mistake when you deal with us. Get our catalog. BUESCHER BAND INSTRUMENT CO. 100 Foundry Street, Elkhart, Indiana.