The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, January 29, 1914, Page 16, Image 16

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16 can possibly prevent it, will the United States spill the blood of her sons upon Mexican soil. We will per suade. We will wait. We will be patient, for what is property value in comparison with the blood of our sons? We will persuade, we will wait and see developments until at last we will win, and not a gun will be fired. My brethren, when will the Church, and when will God’s people come to the place where they learn something from this example in the Old Testament Scriptures and the direct teaching in the New, and realize that our God is still the Captain of His Host, and that His methods are not human? It may come to pass that a nation may have to fight. God may lead it that way, but let it be the leadership that follows A Genuine Rupture Cure Sent on Trial to Prove It. Don’t Wear A Truss Any Longer After Thirty Years’ Experience I have Produced an Appliance for Men, Women and Children That Actually Cures Rupture. If you have tried most everything else, come to me. Where others fail is where I have my greatest success. Send at tached coupon} today and I will send you free my illustrated book on Rup ture and its cure, showing my Appliance and giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and were cured. It is instant relief when all others fail. Remember, I use no salves, no harness, no lies. I send on trial to prove what I say is true. You are the judge and once hav ing seen my illustrated book and read it you will be as enthusiastic as my hun dreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Fill out free coupon below and mail today. It’s well worth your time whether you try my Appliance or not. Pennsylvania Man Thankful Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich, Dear Sir:— Perhaps it will interest you to know that I have been ruptured six years and have always had trouble with it till I got your Appliance. It is very easy to wear, fits neat and snug, and is not in the way at any time, day or night. In fact, at times I did not know I had it on; it just adapted itself to the shape of the body and seemed to be a part of the body, as it clung to the spot, no matter what position I was in. It would be a veritable God send to the unfortunate who suffer from rupture if all could procure the Brooks Rupture Appliance and wear it They would cer tainly never regret it. My rupture is now all healed up and nothing ever did it but your Appliance. Whenever the opportunity presents itself I will say a good word for your Appli ance. and also the honorable way in which you deal with ruptured people. It is a pleasure to recommend a good thing among your friends or strangers. I am, Yours very sincerelv. JAMES A. BRITTON. 0 Spring St., Bethlehem, Pa. Confederate Veteran Cured Commerce, Ga., R. F. D. No. 11. Mr. C. E. Brooks, Dear Sir:—l am glad to tell you that I am now sound and well and can plough or do any heavy work. I can say your Appliance has effected a permanent cure. B'efore getting your Appliance I was in a terrible condition and had given up all hope of ever being any better. If it hadn't been for your Appliance I would never have been cured. I am sixty-eight THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF JAN. 29, 1914. as a result of prayer and supplication rather than of politics and hot-heads. But, my last word. I just merely mention this. It is a type of the cap ture of the human soul. Have you read Bunyan’s “Holy War”; the capture of the city of mansoul? I shall never for get reading it as a child. I have had a picture of the city of mansoul be fore me ever since; the great walled city of mansoul, and the wall made up of unbelief, lying, cheating, stealing and many other things that Bunyan mentioned as making up the walled city round mansoul. How many have tried to break that wall down, invade that city, free that soul by all sorts of human inventions, all sorts of phi losophies, vagaries and the like. But Satan will stand round the city of __- A - _ 'Warfhll irirfuTn -rflhlilfihrr • ■ < ■ ■■ v ' 00 Wlk : -<' z ' * - w ' -iWglwMjrolwm J® The above is C. E. Brooks, inventor of the Appliance, who cured himself and who is now giving others the benefit of his experience. If ruptured, write him today, at Marshall. Mich. years old and served three years in Eck le’s Artillery, Oglethorpe Co. I hope God will reward you for the good you are doing for suffering humanity. Yours sincerely, II D. fiANKS. Others Failed but the Appliance Cured Mr C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir: — Your Appliance did oil you claim for the little boy and more, for it cured him sound and well. We let him wear it for about a year in all, although it cured him 3 months after he had begunu to wear it. We had tried several other remedies and got no relief, and I shall certainly recommend it to friends, for we surely owe it to you. Yours respectfully, WM. PATTERSON. No. 717 S Main St., Akron, O. mansoul until after a while the Cap tain of the Host of God comes, and. on the Cross of Calvary, by methods entirely removed from the human; by the method of DEATH, He, one man, God in human flesh, shattered the wall round the city of mansoul and had the soul of man lifted into a world of perfect liberty. All the philosophers of all the ages could not do that. But one drop of blood from His veins did it all. God be thanked for the fact that His methods are not ours, and what we have to do is to sub mit ourselves to Him to get His. Wisconsin University students spent over 20,00’0 for booze last year, accord'ng to a reported statement of the authorities. Cured at the Age of 76 Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir : 1 began using your Appliance for the cure of rupture (I had a pretty bad case I think in May, 1905. On November 20, 1905, I quit using it. Since that time I have not needed or used it. I am well of rupture and rank myself among those cured by the Brooks Discovery, which, considering my age, 76 years, I regard as remarkable. Very sincerely yours, High Point, N. C. SAM A. HOOOVER. Child Cured in 4 Months 21 Jansen St., Dubuque, lowa. Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir: —The baby’s rupture is alto gether cured, thanks to your appliance, and we are so thankful to you. If we could only have known of it sooner, our little boy would not have had to suffer near as much as he did. He wore your brace a little over four months and has not worn it now for six weeks. Yours very truly, ANDREW EGGENBERGER. THIS WILL INTEREST YOU. y. W. Parkhurst, the Boston pub- Waher, says that if anyone afflicted with rheumatism in any form, neu ralgia or kidney trouble, will send their address to him at 701 Carney Building. Boston, Maes., he will direct them to a perfect cure. He has noth ing to sell or give; only tells you how he was cured after years of search Cor relief. Hundreds have tested it with success. SHOEMAKER’S POULTRY and Almanac for 1911 has 224 pages with many colored plates fowls true to life. It tells ;Olhg||§gall about chickens, their prices, their care, diseases and reme dies. All about Incubators, their prices and their opera tion. All about poultry houses how to build them. It’s an encyclopedia of chickendom. You need it. Only 15c. C. C. SHOEMAKER, Box 1163, Freeport, HL Ten Reasons Why You Should Send For Brooks Rupture Appliance 1 It is absolutely the only Appliance of the kind on the market today, and in it are embodied the principles that inven tors have sought after for years. 2. The Appliance for retaining the rup ture cannot be thrown out of position. 3. Being an air cushion of soft rubber., it clings closely to the body, yet never blisters or causes irritation. 4. Unlike the ordinary so-called pads,, used in other trusses, it is not cumber some or ungainly. 5. It is small, soft and pliable, and positively cannt be detected through the clothing. 6. The soft, pliable bands holding the- Appliance do not give one the unpleas ant sensation of wearing a harness 7. There is nothing about it to get foul, and when it becomes soiled it can be washed without injuring it in the least. 8. There are no metal springs in the Appliance to torture one by cutting and bruising the flesh. 9. All of the material of which the Ap pliances are made is of the very best that money can buy, making it a durable and safe appliance to wear. 10. My reputation for honesty and fair dealing is so thoroughly established by an experience of over thirty years of dealing with the public, and my prices are so reasonable, my terms so fair, that there certainly should be no hesitancy in sending free coupon today. Remember I send my Appliance on trial to prove what I say is true. You are to be the judge. Fill our free coupon below and mail today. Free Information Coupon Mr. C. E. Brooks, 1261-B State St., Marshall, Mich. Please send me by mail in plain wrapper your illustrated book and full information about your Appli ance for the cure of rupture. Name City R. F. D State