The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 05, 1914, Page 15, Image 15

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to have a part in. I was reading the other day the history of the forma tion of the London Missionary Socie ty. I ran up against something I was surprised to see. It was that Rowland Hill, the founder of this Church, was the founder of the Lon don Missionary Society. We say “Thank Cod’”—but listen, has it ever occurred to you that that fact in it self brings this Church under the most tremendous obligation in all the world. I submit to you that the formation of the London Missionary Society, with the one thing in view, the evangeliza tion of a lost world, was more in keep ing with the idea of a Christian than even the foundation of this local Church, great as this was in the pur pose of God. What a responsibility it puts upon this Church to be a For eign Missionary Church. Every one of us saved this morning is brought under obligation to somebody that has preceded us to the beyond, who is looking down, saying, “Oh, be faith ful that piece of work which I start ed. I do not care how you do it, but be faithful to that bit of work which I started to help bring on the Kingdom.” I hear them talking like that to me this morning all over heav en, for I am under obligation to so many people and they have gone and God, in His providence has let me stay here. We owe it to those who are going to follow us.—There is no such thing af ter all as a man dying. Science tells us that all sounds we hear the rat tling of wheels, the blowing of horns, the crying of children, the shrieking of whistles, the shouting of soldiers, everything that makes sound is gath ered up and wafted on, and out, by those invisible currents that they may ramify the atmosphere, and that fi nally they are gathered up in nature’s great conservatory of sound,. and blended into one glorious harmony. I sometimes fancy the orchestra of heaven will be made up of the con flicting noises of earth, blended to- SAGE AND SNLPHUR DARKENS GRAY HAIR Brush This Through Faded. Lifeless Locks and They Become Dark Glossy, Youthful. Hair that loses its color and lustre, or when it fades, turns gray, dull and lifelsss, is caused by a lack of sulphur in the hair. Our grandmother made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful daik shade of hair which is so at tractive, use only this oldtime re cipe. Nowadays we get this famous mix ture by asking at any drug store for a 50 cent bottle of “Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy,” which dark ens the hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody can possibly tell it has been applied. Besides, it takes off ■dandruff, stops scalp itching and fall ing hair. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, tak'ng one small atrand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; but what de lights the ladies with Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur is that, besides beauti fully darkening the hair after a few appTcations, it also brings back the gloss and lustre and gives it an ap pearance of abundance. THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF FEB. 5, 1914 gether. So life, and all the days of our life, goes on and on, every little tit giving a little further shove. Now. what about our work? We are handing down to somebody a job, and they have got to tackle it, and it behooves us as honest, conscienti ous, Christian men and women to be so perfect in our work, that when they come to follow after us there will not be anything needed in the way of a change, save to adjust it to the times in which they live. I am thinking this morning of a man yonder in America. One of our best preachers. He was a lawyer practicicng at the Bai’. One day he happened to pick up a volume of Spurgeon’s sermons, and that led to h’s conversion. How little Charles Spurgeon thought when he preached I This World-Renowned Work IM C A Bound Complete in Seven B| CIA Published in Smaller Big Volumes Including NftWf S| and More Volumes WW Ow Index Volume HUff IU I The grandest library of Bible Knowledge and Teaching in existence at the most sweeping reduction ever made on a work of similar value. Originally published and sold in a bulky and unwieldly set of 25 small volumes at $49.00, we now offer the identical complete work I compactly bound in seven volumes at a small fraction of the original cost FOR A LIMITED TIME. We Guarantee Satisfaction BUT YOU MUST ACT QUICKLY 1 AN EXPOSITION OF THE BIBLE I “By far the best commentary on Genesis ’’—The Churchman, New York. ■ / “Full of spiritual truth and instruction.”— Christian Work. I “Young ministers will find it a mine of treasure.”—New _ Evangelist, “Unusually fresh and bright.”— Presbyterian and Reformed -■•sfjlrfflif' Review. I | II “Delightful and instructive reading. ’’-Continent. 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IMBwl‘‘plQHßrnWg® IH| 'jgggg "The plan is most admirable, being in the nature ofexposi- SeHHm imMwMMnililuMraAflslMll!M wKSaiiljw! lllMMl.dnW^| |Ha tory lectures rather than conservative and verbal comments, HNRm| iMKHHKwAy UHmmShH I and its carrying out by foremost preachers and theologians j secures scientific and scholarly thoroughness along with pop- |, | imMBMIIM Il I 188111 i* u >1 Il ffiW - ular and practical interest.” The Christian Intelligencer. Ml | I MMWjli I ij j ||kH ijjjjjl||||Ss9pn||||j injljliijmMSffl iI ilili i||. “The scries is proving that the exposition of the Scriptures SffijH > I|MmMI!| ■!WHM J IHIHwW I Ilill'illWl need be neither dry nor wearisome, and preachers will do well Ui |l| Ivi’llHssffl I IHB I i W NHKmu ll Hi' ImMm 0 I IIM ’’ to study thi-se volumes, as examples of expository style and ’’ MHaM lllllMwilHW* I I jfflHnHdlli llilllBRMfi!|ll| |llllli IlilMfflillHI: I BS method.” — The Watchman. Mwl ff' ifflWßnMnilMMM T OHHH ct!' MHn ! WI Il'jllMH | FOR THE PREACHER HIM 11 |||M | | gram h jj si I ffl iillaiWliiiSl «| it affords endless material to enrich his sermons, MB I W rHMm Ip IlHflßp I PwMMM I IlMWil l] i|fflßHllW llllllllli'l Wj fl both in history, criticisms, and Mmi PmEo I■*' Sr ' IMH P|'l jjifm g FOR THE TEACHER ■ iIMWi flB I; BIM iMlli MBliliM gg IMwI i|MM i-iIHIMW Wm I llih it provides overwhelming resources of attaining or MMIIIIMNW W ijllMMlii P iMM In 9 communicating Scriptural knowledge or answering questions. ||||| iMgSIW PMK >MM H'” I FOR THE LAYMAN MMH ML JM fll ■! it spreads a matchless f east of instraction and IHIIwMMKp Ml comfort, This great work consists of seven large volumes solidly packed with thousands of the most practical and valuable helps for the preacher, teacher and Bible student. Unlike the ordinary commentary with its details and technicality this vast library of Bible helps actually ex ■ pounds the Word of God. The contents are made up of scholarly, suggestive and intensely interesting expository lectures on all the books of the Bible, contributed by the foremost preachers and theologians of the day—men whose very names are the highest assurance of the far-reaching value of their contributions. The work has won universal praise from the entire religious press and pulpit. QFVFN MAQCIVF VAI lllflCQ averaging 876 pages each, 10 3-8 x 7 1-4 inches, ■ uCIEII IvlAwvIVC wULUInCv strong handsome buckram binding, (including Indis pensable New Index Volumes) Containing nearly 1,400 chapters, 5,261 pages, exhaustively illuminat ing every topic and every phase of each chapter and book of the Old and New Testaments. Twenty "Seven off the World's Most Eminent Biblical Scholars I Distinguished Authors and their Contributions:—g e o n “£. g D. D. Leviticus, S. H. Kellogg, D. D. Numbers, Judges, Ruth, Job, R. A. Watson, D. D. Deuteronomy Andrew Harper, D. D. Joshua. B First and Second Samuel, W. G. Blaikib, D. D., LL.D. First and Second Kings, Daniel, Dean F.W. Farrar, D.D. First and Second Chroni- B cles, W. H. Bennett, M. A. Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Song of Solomon, Lamentations, W. F. Adeney, M. A. Psalms, Colossians, Philemon, I Alexander Maclaren, D. D. Proverbs, R. F. Horton, D. D. Ecclesiastes, Samuel Cox, D.D. Isaiah, Twelve Minor Prophets, George Adam Smith, D. D., LL. D. Jeremiah, C. J. Ball, M. A. Ezekiel, John Skinner. M. A. St. Matthew, J Munro Gibson, D. D. St. Luke, Henry Burton, M. A. Acts of the Apostles, G. T. Stokes, D. D. Romans, H. C. G. Moule. D. D. Second Corinthians. Thessalonians, B James Denney, D. D. Galatians, Ephesians. E. G. Findlay, D. D. Philippians, Robert Rainey D. D. First and Second Timothy, Titus. B Jhines, Jude, A. Plummer, D. D. Hebrews, C. T. Edwards, D. D. First and Second Peter, J. R. Lumby D. D. First, Second and Third B John, W. Alexander D. D. Revelation, W. Milligan, D. 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The Bible’s Richest Treasures A Library of Right-Hand Helps New Beauties of Scripture The richest, most suggestive, and most in- Preachers, students and teachers can not New beauties of Scripture are disclosed to ■ aspiring portions of the Bible are selected, Ulus- afford to be without this massive library of the preacher and student, and a treasure trated, and analyzed in the most helpful and helps to the more thorough, scholarly and seed thought is provided which is aJLmast B interesting way. satisfying interpretation of the Scriptures. inexhaustible. I “The series is planned so as to give the reader all the good of a scientific commentary without the padding, technicality, and detail. ... In every book of the Bible the rich, fertile, and perpetually significant portions are selected, and continuously analyzed, illustrated and explained by interpreters who I are scholarly yet interesting.’’—British Weekly. UfWUJ Trt ARnFR On the Monthly Payment Plan we require <2 with order, and your promise to pay $1 monthly for ten months. Books forwarded HTIWV HW V nwtii on receipt of cash price or first installment of |2. Customers pay freight or express charges. Those at remote points or in B foreig n countries desiring us to prepay will send 30 cents per volume to cover cost of postage or express. Safe delivery guaranteed to any station in the country or I to any mail point in the world. We will take back books that are not satisfactory if returned within ten days and refund money, deducting QQly UIQ return I transportation charges. As to our reliability, we refer you to the publishers of this paper, or to any commercial agency. Established 1866. I S. S. SCRANTON CO., 118 Trumbull Street, Hartford, Conn. that sermon, and how little those men thought when they published it and sent _t abroad, that that sermon away in America some day after Spurgeon was in glory would convert a lawyer and make a preacher. Somehow as I have come to see this thing it has gotten on my nerves. Everything I touch is to live on and on, and is to do something in the making or un making of the Kngdom of God. We owe it to God to be faithful. — God has done so much for us. God has done everything for us. Oh, His matchless goodness to us! Never mind who we are we are under obli gation to God. We owe to God for the next breath we are to take. We owe to God for the watch care He takes over us. We owe to God be cause of our protection. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS PALLING Save your Hair! Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine right now—Also stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff —that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish ness and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die —then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight—now—any time —will surely save your hair. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton’s Danderine from any drug store. You surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a little Dan derine. Save your hair! Try it! 15