The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 05, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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6 iHERE is a something which many peo- I pie call “Society.” In almost every | community there is what the people s denominates the 4 'best society.” Some times the people who compose it are called the ‘‘leaders in society,’’ the hoi aristoi,” the “up per ten,” the “four hundred.” It is often times an exclusive set, and because it is ex clusive, many people otherwise informed who do not understand what this “best society” really is, desire to get into it and become a member of it. They are like the flies that are struggling to get into a trap which has been set with a savory smell. Poor, deluded ones, they do not know r that the thing they crave is the thing that kills. Sometimes this “Society” is spoken of as be ing composed of “the best people.” That does not mean that they are righteous, that they are pure and clean, or even outwardly moral in their conduct. The fact is that the “best society” may be and often is the worst society in the community in which its members re side. The people who compose it may be weal thy, may be thought cultured, may even be members of some “fashionable church,” but the fact is, that the influence of that “best society ’ is often baneful to the last degree. The “best society” is often composed of the leaders in extreme, extravagant and vulgar fashion. When a dance more obscene than the rest is devised, they are the first to be come and adopt it. If the saloon invents a new form of evil and introduces into it inde cent, degraded and prostitute women who serve drinks to besotted and degraded men, moving up and down among the tables only half clad, exciting the basest passions, and by their very bearing inviting the vilest sugges tions and engagements for the most immoral purposes I say, if the saloon introduced a A SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM. Two Grateful Users of Horn of Salvation. Carrollton, Ga., March 1, 1902. It is with genuine pleasuree that I testify to the wonderful curative pow er of Horn of Salvation. For years I was afflicted with .rheumatism and used the Horn of Salvation in Novem ber and I was relieved from first ap plication, and am now clear of pain and feel certain that I am curede. I cheerfully recommend it to all who suffer with any kind of pains or aches. Respectfully, GEORGE F. CHEENY. Mrs. Mary J. Eroadwater, Newnan Ga Sprin S of 1901 . I was affliet ad K ith^ ga l s^ on f’ aud after being treat outblnvhrl?- I he beSt P h y si «ans with out any relief, I was told by them that ° n era ii°n would be necessary before I cotild get well, but being unwilling to undergo an operation, I tried Horn of Salvation and was relieved of the excru ciating pain from the first dose, and con tinued to use it for several weeks, at the expiration of which time I was relieved of the gall stone, and have been an en thusiastic believer in Horn of Salvation ever since.” Horn of Salvation is equally effective in cases of indigestion, kidney and bladder troubles, or applied externally for chron ic sores, sore throat, eczema, backache and lumbago. Promptly ends colds, fevers, whooping cough and croup. Best for children because it is pleasant to take and absolutely safe. Ask your druggist for a 25c bottle, or send 35c in stamps to Newnan Medicine Co., Newnan, Ga., for a bottle postpaid. THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF FEB. 5, 1914 “THE BEST SOCIETY.” The Bible has been the basis and mainspring of Anglo-Saxon develop ment for the last three centuries, hav ing moulded its morals, lifted its leg islation and its jurisprudence and in spired its literature. —Whitelaw Reid. TREATMENT FOR STOMACH DIS TRESS SENT FREE. If you will send me your name and address together with a two-cent stamp, I will send to you a two-day treatment of my famous Di-Pepsi-Tone. I will also send you a talk on the care and treatment of the tomach which is writ ten by the best of authorities. It was after a great deal of study and untir ing effort that I arrived at my Di-Pep si-Tone formula, and I make you thia generous offer to prove to you that I can save all suffering humanity from the great distress of Stomach Disease Will you give me your confidence T Are you willing to pay the postage (two cents) and receive instant relief! Write today!—Edward D. Curren, Pres., GREAT NORTHERN LABO RATORIES, Kalamazoo, Mich. Dept D. B PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation, of merit. Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. 80c. and §I.OO at Drnirgists t (By Sylvanus Stall, D. D.) thing of this kipd, and calls it a “cabaret,” then these people who call themselves the “best society” introduce a cabaret party, and appear in costumes which simulate the cos tumes of the girls in the real cabaret, and whose appearance cannot do other than excite in the men vile passions and, indeed, in some considerable measure at least, the same moral degradation and the same social and physical ruin as the real cabaret. These “best peo ple” instead of imitating the best things and setting the best example, imitate the worst things and exert the worst influence upon the community at large of any people who reside within its bounds. The dastardly doings on the first floor of a “house of shame” are not more disgraceful than what these “best peo ple” of the “best society” often pride them selves upon in many of their fashionable pub lic gatherings. And even then, if they were ashamed of their doings, it would not be so bad; but, in their cabaret attire, they have pride and pleasure in posing before the cam era to aid in the penny-policy of the editor who is willing to use the pictorial pages of his Sunday issue to debauch the public at EVANGELICAL EPIGRAMS (By Elam Franklin Dempsey, B. D.) An aspiration is a whisper from the heaven In the desert of this world, the heavenly of the Infinite; an ambition is a voice from vision goes before each believer, the sure guide the hell of the Finite. of his feet ’ When the heavenly vision becomes the es- The people must hear God’s call to follow tsblished habit of the soul, the man is grown, the God-called leader, before victory is pos ***** sible. “Night cuts” to God’s purposes are to be #****. suspected. The Methodist Parsonage, Milledgeville, Ga. MORE PROFIT FROM COTTON There is no surer way to increase cotton profits than by taking advan tage of every opportunity offered to reduce the cost of production. One of the most expensive operations in cotton growing is that of chopping, yet the cost of chopping cotton can be reduced more than can the cost of any other feature. This is made pos sible by the introduction of the Amer ican Cotton Chopper—a recent inven tion of Mr. D. S. Ballance, a farmer, of Wysocking, N. C. This machine is operated by one man and one mule and does the work of eight men chopping by hand, at one-fourth the cost. For instance, it takes eight men one day to chop eight acres, and they cost eight dollars. One man with one mule and the American Cotton Chopper can chop the same eight acres in one day at a cost ot two dollars. In other words, the chop per saves its owner six dollars on every eight acres of cotton, and on fifty acres it would save $37.50. Aside from the standpoint of sav ing, there is another very attractive feature about the American Cotton Chopper. This is the fact that it re lieves the farmer from his dependence upon lazy, shiftless labor, and elimi nates the possible loss from shortage of hands. Mr. Ballance’s invention has been dem onstrated entjrely practicable upon all kinds of land by many wide awake farm ers. Anyone desiring more information can secure same from the manufactures. American Cotton Chopper Co., 225 E. German St., Baltimore Md. large by giving the indecent exposures of these “best people” of the “best society.” When you come to analyze the character of the “best people” of this “best society,” as judged by their entertainments, their cigar ettes and the effects of their champagne, a sane and sensible person cannot but be forced to the conclusion that as for himself, his wife and his children, their social and moral well being is greatly advanced, and their happiness greatly increased by contentedly dwelling without the pale of the “hoi aristoi,” the “up per ten,” the “four hundred,” the “best peo ple” of the “best society.” In the small towns “the society people” may not be able to frame their entertainments upon the basis of an outlay of from $15,000 to $20,- 000, spending as much as from $6,000 to SB,- 000 for plants and cut flowers for use in a single evening. Champagne, cigarettes and in decencies may not constitute so prominent a feature in their entertainments, but too often these “people of the best society” are never theless the leaders in the very worst that the public sentiment of the community in which they live is willing to tolerate. Thia plan makes a pint of better cough syrup than you could buy ready made for $2.50. A few doses usually conquer an ordinary cough—relieve® even whooping cough quickly. Simple as it is, no better remedy can be had. at any price. Mix one pint of granulated sugar with 1/2 pint of warm water, and stir for 2 minutes. Put ounces of Pinex (fifty cents’ worth) in a pint bottle; then add the Sugar Syrup. It has a pleasant taste and lasts a family a long time. Take a teaspoonful every one, two or three hours. You can feel this take hold of a cough in away that means business. Has & good tonic effect, braces up the appetite, and is slightly laxative, too, which is. helpful. A handy remedy for hoarse ness, spasmodic croup, bronchitis, bron chial asthma and whooping cough. The effect of pine on the membranes is well known. Pinex is a most valu able concentrated compound of Norwe gian white pine extract, and is rich in guaiacol and other natural e healing pine elements. Other preparations will not work in this combination. This Pinex and Sugar Syrup remedy has often been imitated, though never successfully. It is now used in more homes than any other cough remedy. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, OF money promptly refunded, goes with this preparation. Your druggist has Pinex, or will get it for you. If not, send The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. This is Guaranteed to Stop Your Cough Make this Family Supply of Cough Syrup at Home ana Save $2.