The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, February 05, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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“A Little Nonsense Now and Then” Gathered Here and There He likes to be a fellow, Who does as he is bid— The lady told him to skiddoo, And he —skiddid. “Why do you praise him? he inher ited all his money—” I know it, but I believe in giving him credit for knowing how to take care of it.” The bat has fur and not a feather, His wings look like they’re made of leather, He sleeps all day well out of sight And only flies about at night. Why was it decicded to sink the Merrimac? Because it was “Hobson’s choice.” What New York river asks a ques tion, and a Vermont river answers it? “Hoo-sick?” “Pa-sum-sick.” CHRIST’S HATRED OF SHAMS. February 15, 1914. Time 28 A. D. Luke 11:37-54. Place, Galilee. The Golden Text: “Be not deceiv ed; God is not mocked.” Gal. 6:7. Suggestive Thoughts by B. Lacy Hoge, Norfolk, Va. WHAT SHOULD I DO? 1— Have a Clean Heart —Verses 37-41. The Pharisees were more concerned with the outside than with the inside They cared more for clean hands and a clean platter than for a clean heart. They were careful to keep clean from ceremonial defilement, “extortion and wickedness.” We have many at this day who, outwardly are clean but in wardly, unclean. They are careful as to how they appear unto men but do not care how they appear unto Goa. The Word says that such a man is a fool. Verse 4*6. Be wise and have the heart cleansed from all sin. “The pure in heart will see God.” Malt. 5:8. Without a pure heart we cannot enter heaven or see the Lord. Heb. 12:14; Rev. 21:27. 2 Be Ail You Seem To Be—-Verses 42 to 44. Our Lord pronounced His woes up the Scribes and Pharisees because they sought to make people believe they were much better than they knew themselves to be. In Matt. 23, our Lord pronounced eight woes upon the Pharisees. Here He pronounces three. The woes are not the same. The first one here is pronounced be cause they were only doing a part of God’s will and pretending to be doing all while they knew they were neg lecting matters of the greatest im portance. Verse 42. The second woe was pronounced because they loved to have the pre-eminence. This is a great sin and yet we have many that “love the uppermost seats in the synagogues.” Verse 43. This love of pre-eminence is condemned by the PINEY WOODS SKETCHES SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF FEB. 5, 1914 Why is Haverhill so clean a city? Because they keep Hannah Dustin there all the time. Have you heard the secret of the heart of the ear of corn? No. Well you can ask the kernel. What is a counter-irritant? A woman shopping. When Woodrow Wilson said to George Harvey “Get out of my band wagon,” is that what made the edi torials in Harper’s weekly? The prize for the most vivid imagi nation goes to the man who discover ed sewer gas in a Pullman car. Anybody who is interested in help ing people to understand the Bible is a patriot.—Justice David Brewer. By B. LACY HOGE, Norfolk, Va. word of God. Matt. 23:8. Luke 14:7- 11. Rome. 12:10. 3 John 9. One that is truly great will show his greatness by taking the lowest place. Matt. 23-11; Matt. 20:28; John 13:14-15; Phil 2:5-8. Don’t try to appear to be what you are not but try to be all that you wish to be and be sure to ' '' all that you seem to be. The third woe was pronounced upon the Pharisees because of their outward pretense of purity while within, they were Pke graves, full of death and decay. Don’t be like a beautiful se pulchre which outwardly, is attractive but within, full of corruption. “Let your light shine before men so they will see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven” but don’t live so as to appear fair to men while you are an abomination in the s’ght of God who reads your heart. Have the heart right with God and the life, right before men. 3 —Practice What You Preach— Verses 45 to 54. The lawyer, spoken of here, is not a lawyer in the modern sense of the word. He was not a member of the legal profession but was a theologian or an expounder of the Mosaic Law. have many’ of these theologians and ethical teachers among us today. Our Lord pronounced three woes upon the lavzyers. The first one was be cause they placed heavy burdens up on others which they would not touch themselves. Matt. 23:4 —Verse 46. Our Lord’s teaching is that we should meet the obligation ourselves that we teach and require others to take. We should practice what we preach. It was said of a certain lawyer who gave up the practcice of law to go into the ministry that he had” quit practicicng and gone to preaching.” Our Lord wants us to continue to practice while we preach. The sec ond woe was pronounced upon the By Margaret Beverly Upshaw. THE STRONGEST MAN. Here is a story that is just too good to be passed around by word of ist be preserved to pos terity by means of print. An Anderson Sunday School teach er was telling his class that Sampson was the strongest man, when one of the pupils interrupted to say that he thought Roosevelt was entitled to that honor. “Why do you think so?” asked the teacher. “Well,” replied the boy, “Sampson took the jawbone of an ass and slew four thousand Philistines, hut Roose velt took a bull moose by the horns and killed the whole Republican par ty.”—Anderson Daily Mail. DAINTY COOK BOOK FREE. We are mailing free, our book, “Dainty Desserts for Dainty People,” to anyone mentioning the name of their grocer. This book is beautifully illustrated in colors and gives over 100 recipes for the daintiest Desserts, Jellies, Puddings, Salad, Candies, Ices, Ice Creams, etc. If you send a 2c for 15c a two quart package, if your grocer does not sell it. KNOX GEL ATINE, 201 Knox Avenue, Johnstown, pint sample of KNOX GELATINE, or lawyers because they honored the prophets of the past and built tombs and monuments to them while at the same time they were persecuting the prophets of the present. Verses >57 to 51; Matt. 23:29-35. Our Lord here teaches that it is better to lis ten to the message of a living prophet than to build the tombs of dead proph ets. It is better io give flowers to the living than to put them on the graves of the dead. It is better to treat God’s servants right while they are living than to build monuments to them after they are dead. As we treat the living so we would treat the « d we honor if they were living. The third woe was pronounced upon them because they had taken away the key of knowledge from men. They were supposed to interpert the law but had obscured it. They were supposed to lead men into the truth cut they had shut the door of truth and would not enter in themselves and were h’ndering others from enter ing in. Be a teacher of the truth and also a doer of the word and a leader that leads others into God’s truth and God’s way. ABSURD IDEA. No honest man who has his own neighbor’s welfa e at heart will vote for saloons. When you vote for sa loons you sanction crime in all its phases. You can’t bar the “bad” saloon. That would mean that all saloons must be closed. The good saloon we hea rebout is the same as a “good dev’l.” The idea is absurd in the extreme. License and “regulations” don’t stop drunkenness, not in any single instance. The saloon is a lawless institution in every case, and it breeds more lawlessness, suffering, want and national debauchery than any other force known to history. If you worked in a U. S. hospital would you rather have the job of Lan sing Michigan or Wheeling West Vir ginia? Many an American family has not a drop of Royal blood but al! can boast that at some time they have possessed a prince and princess of wails. SHE WAS SMOTHERING. Rockford, Ala. —Mrs. M. C. Paschal, of this place, says: “I was taken with nervous prostration, and had headache, backache, pains in my right side, and smothering spells. I called in physi cians to treat my case, but without re lief. Finally, I tried Cardui, and it gave perfect satisfaction. I recom mend it to every sick woman.” Are you weak, tired, worn-out? Do you suffer from any of the pains peculiar to weak women? Cardui has a record of over fifty years in relieving such troubles, and will certainly benefit you. It prevents those frequent head aches, and keeps you up, out of bed, stamp, we will also send you a full feeling fresh and happy. Try Cardui. If -41 s St > lan Bl GIVE ME A CHfINCE‘TO CURE YOUR RHEUMATISM FREE Mr. Delano took his own medicine. It cured his rheu mutism after he had suffered tortures for thirty-six /ears. He spent 820,000 before he discovered the reme iy that cared him, but I will give you the benefit of his jxperience f or nothing. If you suffer from rheumatism let me send you a pack age of this remedy free. Don’t send any money. I want to give! tto you. I want you to see for yourself what I» will do. The picture shows how rheumatism twists and distorts the bones.® Maybe you are suffering the same way. Don’t. You don’tneed to. I havethe remedy that I believe willcure you and it’s yours for the asking. Write me today. F. H. Delano, 541-B Delano Building. Syracuse, New York, and I willsend you a f ree package the very day I get your letter. HE REDUCED 57 POUNDS New Method of Flesh Reduction Proves Astonishingly Successful Johnstown, Pa. Special:—lnvestiga tion has fully established that Hon. H. T. Stetler, of this city, has reduced his weight fifty-seven pounds in an incredibly short time by wearing a simple invisible device weighing less than an ounce. This when worn as directed, acts as an infallible flesh re ducer, dispensing entirely with diet ing, medicines, and exercises. Many prominent men and women have adopted this easy means of reducing superfluous flesh, and it is stated the inventor, Prof. G. X. Burns, of No. 17 West Thirty-eighth street, New York, is sending these outfits on free trial to all who write him. 9