The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, March 19, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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10 I love thee Cromwell for to me thou art The grandest hero in all history! Os iron will, of iron hand and heart, Half pictured, half concealed in mystery The Lord Protector and the Puritan Blent in one candid, calm courage ous man! Large was the part that it was thine to play Upon the stage where many moved ■with stumbling; Where kings like gods, claimed wor ship day by day And human rights like walls of sand were crumbling. A “scourge of God” wast thou by heaven designed Destined to stroke the fetters from thy kind! Thine was the hand wherewith that We see much ado in the papers about women trying to obtain their rights. The divine vitality of the Bi ble is shown by the fact, though it was written three thousand years ago. it is in perfect harmony with the most advanced thought of the latest and best century. Sojourner Truth in a woman’s rights, conventions said what is the use of making a fuss about your rights, why dun you jes go along an take em? It seems to me that the surest way for all of us to get our rights is to read and study the Bible, get everybody to do the same and live by its precepts. It was placed in the sacred cannon and given to the peo ple by men who were too honest in their scholarship to vary from the text taken from Proverbs the 31st chapter, no matter how private opinions and practices may have been at variance with its teachings. These sentiments are not the whims of sensationalists writing about the new woman, but the scripture given by the inspirations of God and describing for us God’s model woman. This wise Queen Mother gives her son a charge that if obeyed would not make him only a good king, but the father of his people. She urges FOOT COMFORT ASSURED; BROOK LYN MAN SOLVES THE PROBLEM It is no longer necessary to suffer agonies that are caused by misfit shoes. Simon’s Ezwear Shoes are built to give every possible foot com fort They are soft and stylish and do not need breaking in. They fit like the proverbial “old shoe” the min ute you wear them. Every pair is guaranteed to give satisfaction and to fit perfectly. Mr. Simon will gladly send a free catalogue of over 450 styles of Ezwear Shoes along with self measuring blank to all who write him. Write for your copy today and make your feet happy. Address Mr. O. Simon, 1589 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y. THE HOUSEHOLD ▲ DEPARTMENT OF EXPRESSION FOE THOSE WHO FEEL AND THINK. CROMWELL By ARTHUR GOODENOUGH. God’s Model Woman THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF MARCH 19, 1914 heaven designed To tear the mask from leering royal features — To demonstrate in sight of all man kind, That kings are men —and subjects more than creatures. And publish’d by the sword —at home abroad — That all are equal in the sight of God! The world had need of thee in that dark time, God knew that need and prepared thee to fill it! Blood only could efface the guilt and crime, Os royal wrong, and it was thine to spill it! Statesman and warrior! even from thy dust Comes inspiration, for thy soul was just! upon him temperance, the care of the poor and then she tries to tone up his domestic life by giving him the token by which he can know a good, true and right minded woman. The wise writer of the finishing of the book of Proverbs says of the woman who is full of mental energy and spiritual power that her value is far above the rarest and richest gems. Ever since women began to defy masculine rule. feminine physical beauty and sensuality of woman has been bought and sold at a very low rate. Even in our own country and in this generation the head of a Mor mon church said in their temple, “Brethren, why do your wives make a fuss about every little sickness? It is easier to get a wife than a cow.” But the scriptures start out with the statement that there is no such thing as setting a price on this model wom an after the grace of God. A good wife is God’s best gift. Her hus band’s heart rests safely in her integ rity. He is rich enough without spoil. “She will do him good all the days of his life. She is industrious, she seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands.” She adds to the comfort of her house by. im porting luxuries. She will not be kept in idleness not to be a consumer; she becomes a producer; she is careful in the use of her time. She looks well to her domestic affairs; she is a busi ness woman. She sees too clearly the great work God has placed in her hands to indulge in silly idleness fainting at a spider. She feels the nobility of labor not leaving her hus band to drudge in his business to make the where-with-all to keep her in idleness. She shares his business burdens that he may share her stud ies and culture and the blessed, beau- tiful care of their children, and the two are one in sen-ice and one in pleasure like our Lord. She delights not to be ministered to, but to min ister. She is benevolent. She stretch eth forth her hand to the poor, she reacheth forth her hand to the needy, she is far from being stingy with her family. She keeps her dependents in comfort, she is not afraid of the snow, for all of her household are well clothed. The husband of such a woman has the gentle manners that belong with such a home and with her faith and love beside him he succeeds in life; he is known in the gates when he sitteth with the elders of the land. In all heathen lands and even among degenerate Christians women are spoken of with contempt. It has been one of Satan’s shrewdest tricks to degrade the mother, knowing that her hand shapes the life and forms the civilization; strength and honor and the clothing of God’s model wom an and she shall rejoice in time to come. She has no anxiety about the future; she knows her beauty may fade and her social charms grow less, her strength and honor will grow rich er as the years go by; she knows something and can tell it. It has been one of the devices to padlock the lips of the woman most loyal to God and who has the most helpful knowl edge of human nature. Where women are held back from large interests, their energies are apt to expand into idle gossip and make mischief. This is true also of men. When God’s women have the chance to speak, they do it well. “She giveth her mouth with wisdom and her tongue is the’law of kindness.” She aims to secure the salvation of every soul possible. We can say of our Mrs. Mary Har ris Armor, she is equal to the Queen Mother spoken of in the 31st chapter of Proverbs. Her husband is never afraid to say many daughters have done virtuously but thou excellest them all and her children rise up and call her blessed. The crowning glory of this woman’s life is /her Godli ness. KATE STRICKLAND. THE JOY OF REAL TRUST. Dear Golden Age Family: G’ory and honor and praise and dominion unto the Lamb forever, for he is worthy. Praise his name! That is the way I feel and I just want to wit ness for him in the faith and obedi ence of life so far as he has been able to lead me. Oh, that I might surren der to him more and give him great er right of way in my life! Three months ago God clearly called me out to represent in the churches a work of his own planting, and let me realize something of what it means to have the “woe is me” if I go not. He seemed to be holding me respon sible for everything every child of His would do, for this special phase of His work, but didn’t do because of any failure to tell them about it. At first I shrank back in perplexity; there seemed so many reasons why I could not go. I placed my excuses all be fore him and he melted them away likw mist before the morning sun. The needed articles for my ward robe came from sources least expect ed; the suitcase came; a teacher came who could take my classes. The ticket :ame. Already had one invitation come to go back to the church I had visited last summer. The only open door that I knew of, but I entered this only to find it opened another and this an other. Each succeeding one opening several others. Thus my Father made my dates, and gave me the message and took charge of results. Each church responded. Country churches with wagons of pro duce such as corn, potatoes, turnips, cabbage, pumpkins, etc. City church es sent in purses and boxes of clothes, Christmas confections, toys, etc. He bountifully supplied all my m needs according to his riches in glory; paid all my expenses, furnished use of buggy and horse for several weeks for reaching places off the railroad. After three months’ absence. I re turned to find the work at the insti tute and orphanage moving on as well or better than ever. Praise him! Sure ly he would not thus bless the repre senting of a work that has not the seal of his approval. Am more convinced than ever this is God’s very own work and that he has in mind for Elhanan greater usefulness than it has ever known. Just recently he sent us a very ac complished and talented music and art teacher from Missouri; sent us a mag- WHERE DRUGS FAIL. Many chronic diseases fail to re spond to drug treatment, even in the hands of the best physicians, whereas acute diseases usually respond readily. When a disease has become chronic, drugs often seem to do as much harm as they do good, for the stomach re bels against them. It is just this class of cases which derive the greatest benefit from Shivar Mineral Water. If you suffer with chronic dyspepsia, in digestion, rheumatism, gall stones, kidney or liver disease, uric acid poi soning or other conditions due to im pure blood, do not hesitate to accept Mr. Shivar’s liberal offer as printed below. His records show that only two in a thousand ,on the average, have reported no beneficial results. This is a wonderful record from a truly wonderful spring. Simply sign the following letter: Shivar Spring, Box 1.-F, Shelton, S. C. Gentlemen: I accept your guarantee offer and enclose herewith two dollars for ten gallons of Shivar Mineral Water. I agree to give it a fair trial, in ac cordance with instructions contained in booklet you will send, and if the results are not satisfactory to me you agre to refund the price in full upon receipt of the two empty demijohns which I agree to return promptly, Name Address Shipping Point (Please write distinctly.) Note: —The Advertising Manager of The Golden Age is personally acquain ted with Mr. Shivar. You run no risk whatsoever in accepting his offer. I have personally witnessed the remark able curative power of this Water in a very serious case.