The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 11, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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12 The Home Circle for Our Young People HOW "TIZ” HELPS SORE, TIRED FEET Good-bye sore feet, burning feet, swob len feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet. Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions and J raw spots. No more shoe tight ness, no more limping with z pain or drawing u p y° ur ace *** pCOf agony. “TIZ” is magical, acts right off. “TIZ” I draws out all the \ poisonous exuda fllfrgß tions which puff up the feet. Use “TIZ” and for get your foot misery. Ah! how com fortable your feet feel. Get a 25 cent box of “TIZ” now at any druggist or department store. Don’t suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A year’s foot comfort guaranteed or; money refunded. The Celebrated Effectual Remedy without laternal Medicine. ROCHE’S Herbal Embrocation will also be found very efficacious in cases es BRONCHITIS, LUMBAGO and RHEUMATISM W. Edwards & Bon, 1»7 Queen Victoria Street, London, Eng. All Druggists, or E. FOCCERA k CO., Ine., 90 Beekman BIG MONEY tFOR SPARE TIME WORK TAKE ORDERS for our CELE BRAIED Custom Clothes, made in our own mill at Lawrence, Mass LEADING TEXTILE CENTER OK AMERICA. Bigger Profits for YOU by dealing DIRECT with the Mill. 4 Middlemen’s Profits go into Your Pockets. Agents earn $25 to SSO a Week Learn how to get WHACKING RE DUCTIONS on your own clothes. Suits, $ll.OO up. We furnish handsome samples, measurement blanks, tapes and style book FREE. Business established in 1892. Send now, TODAY, for special money making proposition FREE. COLONIAL WOOLEN MILLS Dept 83, Lawrence, Mass. I will gladly send anyone suffering with indi gestion, a recipe from which can be made a simple but splendid remedy. My physician charged $2 for this prescription, but I am able to send you a copy of it for 25c. Send stamp or money order. J. L. KECK, Box 452, Clinton,S.C. Children Teething BABY IS VERY COMFORTABLE AND LAUGHS DURING THE TEETHING PERIOD. THANKS TO Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup PURELY VEGETABLE—NOT NARCOTIC Real rland Woven I Panama I enulnePanama, Blocked fl Ilk eight, Durable. State she.Gua nteed like SSbrand, only not as Postpaid $1 .Bargin Book FREE HER SWEAT BARD, 25c. Eltfl SerafftHfep. GEO. J. BUNGAY, 2B So.Wiffiam St.NewYork THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF JUNE 11, 1914 by MRS. G. B. UNDSEY A Junior and his girl, one day, Were out a-larking, strange to say. He looked down in her eyes so blue And said, “Dear, I’d face death for you.” They were walking thus, as lovers may, When all at once they were brought to bay By a bulldog’s harsh, discordant bark, Which made them both repent of their lark. “Go on, dear sweetheart,” said she to him; I must stop amid the busy rush and constant demand of “things to be done that can not wait” long enough to talk for a few ministers with our great army of boy and girl graduates that have just closed the school gate behind them and wandered out they know not where to find try out un tried paths. Just beyond that little play ground of recreation lie the paths that lead to usefulness, and success in life through determined effort, or those that lead through thoughtless laziness or careless pleasure seek ing into the “slough of despond” and utter worthlessness. A bit harsh you say? Yes, but true never the less. For the boy whose father has paid all expenses, let me say this, and 1 beg you not to take it lightly as the fault-finding of an older person forgetting the demands of young people for pleasure, “for I have not forgotten, but let me impress this on your hearts, the money spent on your education is an investment of your father’s money that only you can pay the interest on. Every investment is either wise or unwise, dividend bearing or falling below par value. Are you worth the money your father has put into your life? If you think so prove it. No problem is absolutely cor rect, until it can be “ proven,” and no other life can prove this problem for you, it is yours. If you will pardon the slang, “It is up to you,” what will you do with it? Begin by taking hold of the little tasks that no one really likes to do about the home, make yourself do them until you don’t dread them. Look out for something, and don’t be too choice as to what, just so it is something that will help you to really earn your everyday expenses. Give from the first one-tenth of every dollar to the work of Him who gives you the Strength without which you could do nothing and then whether you live at home or not make your income cover your living expenses, cut out cigarettes, whiskey, pool and cards, dancing and gambling. The rest will be easy, A Diplomatic Junior CHAT But sweetheart, trembling in every limb, Had turned to flee away from the sight And from his beloved, whatever was right. Then, suddenly, she made a last ap peal: “Surely,” said she, “your heart is as steel; Death for me you would face, you said.” “Yes,” said our Junior, “but he isn’t dead.” before you know it there will be a modest bank account growing under your every week’s salary and your parents will rejoice in this invest ment. Looking over some clippings some time ago I found among them one from the Youth’s Companion in which are some thoughts for our girl graduates that are well worth while and I feel should be passed on into every home possible, because there is no greater need today than that the home life ideals be placed on a higher plane. The rearing of children needs again to be considered a blessing from Godfi the making and keeping a home the high est honor to be conferred on any woman. Nor must the boy forget when as a man he becomes under God the “head of a home,” that on him rests even a greater responsibility. Women’s Early Leisure. For most well-to-do girls there is a period of leisure, if not of idle ness, from the time when they leave school until they marry. The ef ficient home machinery permits them to give only casual service. The systematic claims of school have end (Contoinued on Page 13.) HAS A CURE FOR PELLAGRA. Parrie Nicholas, Laurel, Miss,, writes —'“Seems to me if I had not ob tained your remedy when I did I would not have lived much longer. I am glad, you discovered this wonderful remedy that will cure Pellagra. When I began taking Baughn’s Pellagra Remedy my weight was 60 odd pounds; now it is 90 odd. I would like to have this published and sent to sufferers of Pellagra.” This is published at her request. If you suffer from Pellagra or know of any one who suffers from Pellagra, it is your duty to consult the resource ful Baughn, who has fought and con quered the dreaded malady right in the Pellagra Belt of Alabama. The symptoms—hands red like sun burn, skin peeling off, sore mouth, the lips, throat and tongue a flaming red with much mucuous and choking; in digestion and nausea, either idiarrhoea or constipation. There is hope, if you have Pellagra you can be cured) by Baughn’s Pella gra Remedy. Get big free book on Pellagra. Address American Com pounding Co., 587-W., Jasper, Ala., re membering money is refunded in any case where the remedy fails to cure. FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots There’s no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othine—double strength— is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othine—double strength—from any druggist and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine as this is sold under guarantee ol «ioney back if it fails to remove freckles. cimhnrt ■ 4* jflfflssr BELLS Im I XjrW Memorial Bells a Specialty. sSSSvfeP Mcßhano BallFowMlry Baltimore, THE PANGS OF RHEUMATISM, give way to Smith’s 23 for Pain as they do to no other liniment. H. E. Cabaniss, Savannah, Ga., says of this wonderful re lief—“l have suffered with rheumatism from boyhood, muscular and inflamma tory, but since using your remedy, must say I have never yet had a return of my old favorite.” Almost any pain in any part of the body will be relieved by it. 25c at drug stores or postpaid from Co lumbia Drug Company, Savannah, Ga. MONEY LENT ON SCHOLARSHIP Positions guaranteed, |SO to fTB start. We pay your railroad fare from home. Writs for catalogue, terms and contract. Piodmont Busines College, Uyachbarg, Ta. WANTED—SALESMAN. Just beginning the sale in Georgia and South Carolina of an entirely new premium (proposition. Men making $25 to SSO weekly in other territories. Splendid op portunity for young man of en ergy and sales ability. For full particulars write P. F. Collier & Son, 407 Austell Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. B Going To Build? You will save money and get a better job if you use KEES METAL BUILDING CORNERS These are little galvaniz ed iron pieces that fit over the ends o f the weather boards, forming a perfect “mitred” corner. Take the place of corner strips. Write for free samples and pictures of houses fin ished this way. KEES MANUFACTURING CO., Box 80, Beatrice, Neb. “The Pick of the Picks” I They are antiseptic and peppermint flavored A delicious toothpick Let us send you a 15-cent box for 10 cents in stamps. Cutter Tower Co., I Established 1845. 184 Summer St., Boston, Mass. L J - HYDE '■ w Manufacturer of I J Progress Improved Afcfc&J/ SELF-TRAMPING . Ww COTTON PRESS Capacity 25 Bale* Per Day. C. I. Hyde, Meridian, Mlee.