The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 11, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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Paring a corn brings I only • brief relief. And there is danger in it. The way to end corns is with | Blue-jay. It stops the pain instantly. Then it loosens the I corn, and in 48 hours the entire corn comes out. Blue = jay is applied in a moment. From that time on you will not feel the corn. I Leave it on for two days, until it gently undermines the corn. Then lift the corn out. There will be no pain or sore- I ness. I Blue=jay has ended sixty | million corns. Nearly half the corns in the country now are | ended in this way. There is nothing else like it. And no man who knows will I even suggest any other way for 1 dealing with corns. Blue = jay I For Corns 15 and 25 cents—at Druggists >1 Bauer & Black, Chicago and New York I Makers of Physicians’ Supplies I CANCER CURED AT THE KELLAM HOSPITAL. The record of the Kellam Hospital is without parallel in history, having cured without the use of the Knife, Acids, X-Ray or Radium, over ninety per cent, of the many hundreds of sufferers from Cancer which it has treated during the past eigh teen years. We want every man and woman in the United States to know what we are doing. KELLAM HOSPITAL, 1617 W. Main St., Richmond, Va. Write for literature. Appropriate Designs.... FOR Business Stationery Letterheads Statements Checks Cards Let Us Make Your Engravings Halftone Cuts ♦ Zinc Etchings Electrotypinb Our work will be found best. Our service the quickest. Our prices are the lowest. Advertising matter written, illustrat ed and printed. Our work in this line is highly commended by experts. Write for estimates. JACOBS & COMPANY CLINTON, S. C. THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF JUNE 11, 1914 “WHAT DOEST THOU?” Do you half do a thing, Or does a thing half do you? Does your common work sting, Or does a sting” help you through? Does your mind go with you, Or do you go with your mind? Does your Brain know what to do, Or does what you do kill time? The thing you wish for most is your idol. Very few of us ever “dip into the future far as human eye can see” because to most of us the future is filled with darkness, and human vis ion does not penetrate where there is no light. Generosity rarely ever dies in pov erty. Father had been away for a week, and itoday he is expected home. “Papa will soon be here,” cried little Wil lie in his childish glee. Mother, with quick footsteps went about doing lit tle things for father’s comfort, and now the kettle was boiling, the cable was set, and in ten minutes time he would be among them. “May I go to the bridge to meet him?’ said Willie. “Yes, dear, if you are very careful.” The little boy, flushed and happy, ran across the field to the bridge which h e knew his papa must cross before reaching home. In the excite ment oif the moment, Willie never knew how it happened, and there was no one else to explain the ac cident, the boy was in the deep wa ter of the creek, screaming in the frenzy of despair. A tall gentleman, turning the cor ner of the road near by, hearing the cry, hastened his footsteps into a run. “Somebody’s boy has fallen into the water,” he exclaimed. Throwing aside his coat he made a quick dive and rescued the drowning boy just as he was sinking for the last time. “Somebody’s boy is saved,” said the father, as he reached the bank, “and O, God, how gracious thou art; it is my own boy, my Willie.” Somebody’s boy is in danger. There is a gilded saloon across the way, and the keeper is anxious to attract him. Last night he crossed the threshold for the first time; today he is there again. Oh, what untold mis ery is this? Somebody’s boy is on the way to ruin. Somebody's boy broke the Sabbath. He had not meant to do it, but his camrades pleaded so hard and he could not withstand them. It was the CHAT. (Continued from Page 12.) ed. To dress properly and to fulfil their social obligations are for the time theiri only duties. How easily the experience leads to deterioration in character, and a positive unfitting of the girl for the duties of a wife and mother! She is more or less consciously waiting (Continued on page 15). Proverbs of Today T. Erie Hillard. Somebody’s Boy The world is made up of Pushers and Pullers and Drivers. All three are a Driver, don’t go to sleep; if if you are a Puller, don’t be a bal ker; if you are a Pusher, don’t ever hang on the back end. Get right, and in all thy gettings get right. Practice smiling! The angels are always smiling—and there are no habits formed in Heaven. What you see determines what you’ll be. Wine, theaters, cards, a dandy good time —• Sod-like! Birds, flowers, purity, thoughts sub lime— God-like! first step to a life of degradation and somebody’s boy was ruined thereby. Somebody’s boy was tempted to steal. “It will not matter,” he plead ed with his conscience, “it will not become known, and I will never do it again. The money was taken from the drawer; it was the first step, and somebody’s boy ended his life in the state prison. Somebody’s boy -had fallen from the high estate for which his Master had designed him. Father, mother, pause not in your endeavor, for in sitriving to save the weak and erring, somebody's boy, over whom your heart yearns, your own son may be snatch ed from eternal ruin and restored again to you. Somebodys boy may mean your own.—Ex. 50 BEAUTIFUL TRANSFER RY PATTERNS * POSTPAID FOR ONLY 25 CENTS. //Designs for shirt waists, kimonos, towels, pillow cases, belts, night gowns, baby caps, collars, jabots, corset covers and chemises as well as every letter of \ Ie alphabet. /I Full Instructions and illustrations of different 1.-I stitches for each and every design, thus making it SrSy eas Y for even a child to embroider beautifully. ys.,, N° Special Transfer Ink Required. No Transfer Paper Needed. Mt p y Mention this paper and we will send postpaid the xa y 50 patterns and full details for only 25c. Stamps Xt , ™ 7 not taken. AGENTS WANTED. SOUTHERN NOVELTY CO., Clinton, S. C. SPLENDID SCHEDULE TO TATE SPRINGS and BACK GOING RETURNING Lv. Atlanta 6:20 a m Lv. Tate Springs 1 1:30 a m Ar. Ooltewah 10:20 a m Ar. Morristown I2;OO noon Ar. Knoxville 2:00 p m Ar. Knoxville 1:45 p m Ar. Morristown 3:25pm Ar. Ooltewah. s:lspm Ar. Tate Springs 4:11 p m Ar. Atlanta 10:45 p m All Meals on Dining Car Going and Returning. Parlor Car Accomodations in Both Directions. Low Round Trip Summer Tourist Fares. For full information and tickets call on ticket agent or address J. C. BEAM, A.G.P.A. R. L. BAYLOR, D.P.A. SOUTHERN RAILWAY ATLANTA, GA. That’s the Way. When you set out to make ice cream, do not try the old way, but use Jell-0 ICE CREAM POWDER Stir the powder in a quart of milk, without adding anything else at all, and then freeze it, and you will have nearly two quarts of de licious ice cream, at a cost of about nine cents a quart. That’s the way to make ice cream. Five flavors of Jell-O Ice Cream Powder : Vanilla, Strawberry, Lemon, Chocolate, Unflavored. 10 cents each at any grocer’s or general store. The Genesee Pure Food Go., Le Roy, N. Y. WASH DAY PROBLEM SOLVED The ASCO VACUUM CLOTHES j?' h I z ~orl\ WASHER successfully does its K «i» ) work in five minutes. Simple and easy. Children love the work. / \ No more aching backs or scalded Zi=—hands. Does not wear or tear the most delicate fabric. Compressed a * r a,1(1 suction is the latest known. B science for perfect cleaning'. The J water and soap are forced through the clothes. It is the AIR that does the work—not a CLUB. It is /compressed Allf\ unnecessary to pound with the I and vacuum svcnonl -vasher. Take it easily. It will do \,noEs the woßK_y the work. Send us $1.50 and we will guarantee to s'd ve your wash day p-oblcm. American Supply Co., Jacksonville, Fla. > Massaging is Life Health, strength and beauty depend upon circulation which can be secured by use of the ASCO VACUUM MASSAGE. 11 i s com pact, convenient, can be used anywhere as i t carries Its own power. In dem and by both sexes. The facia massage problem for milady has been solved. It brings rosy tints. A guaranteed machine. Price $2.50. Agents can make big money. American Supply Co., Jacksonville, Fla. Qri I TDETC Summer work □t L L IKII b. dents, farmers. Our trees easy to «e” Rig profits. Write to-day. SMITH BROS., Dept. 45, Concord, Georgia. DAISY FLY KILLER flies. Neat, or namental, convenient, K vjvy cheap. Lasts all 80 aßon • Matle of metal, can’tspillortlp •sI over ; will not soil or IgCy > n i u r e anything. Guaranteed effective, sold by dealerH ' or 6 sent by express pro paid for sl. HAROLD SOMERS, MO DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn. N. U 13