The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 11, 1914, Page 16, Image 16

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16 account for this victory?” We had perfect field, in which to fight.” One man said one thing, one another. Fi three to one, a superior army, and a nally, one arose and said, “I think I know the secret of it.” They said, “Well give it.” He replied, “Those fellows had Jackson in their midst.” And, my brethren, that is the secret of victory in all life that abides. You ask, ‘How is it that that man and that woman seem to have such spir ituality and experience? How is it that that that church seems to over ride all its difficulties and moves straight ahead? And how is that that community overcomes its diffi culties and marches ahead in the progress of civilization?’ How is it? There is but one answer. That man, that woman, that church, that community has God in the midst. When God is in the midst there is no failure. I remember when I first came two years ago to take up the work of this church some friends of mine in this country said, “Are you not fear ful of the outcome of your under taking? I wonder whether you have really counted the cost and seen to confess, “No, I have not; I have the problem ahead of me.” I had practically seen nothing, but of this I am sure, God is in the midst, God is here to save.” And, my brethren, as God is my Judge, today I have no more fear about the ultimate is sue of anything than I have about my being in this pulpit this morning, provided I can feel sure God is in the midst. When God is in the midst all the issues are from Him, and when all the issues are from Him we may rest assured that all victory is His, and all the failure that the devil may make can’t overcome. So I feel, not only about, our own work but all the work of the Kingdom of God. The only thing that makes me nervous about the work of the King dom of God is to know whether un der existing conditions God is in the midst, for I know if God is in the midst all the forces of evil can not destroy it. Finally, the protection of angels. “For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder the young lion and the serpent shalt thou tram ple under feet.” I remember very well the first time that text ever gripped me; — a very, very gracious experience in my life. For more than three months 1 had been pros trated upon a bed of illness, the re sult of a long and terrible siege of typhoid fever. When a few friends were allowed to come and speak to me they found me all to bits physi- TRY THIS SPLENDID FLOUR. Get a sack of Mother’s iSelf-Rising Flour today and try it first for bis cuits. It will prove the best, quickest, easiest flour you have ever used It requires no leavening and can’t dis appoint by making heavy, soggy bis cuit or pastry. You can secure a splendid COOK BOOK FREE by writ ing the Mountain City Mill Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn., stating your grocer’s name and whether or not he keeps Mother’s Self-Rising Flour. This is a valuable book and worth asking for. THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF JUNE 11, 1914 cally and nervously. I remember a dear friend, one of my intimate as sociates at that time —a splendid Bi ble student though not a minister, one of the best Bible students I had up to that time ever known —as he sat by my bed and saw I was so nervous I could hardly lie on the bed, and so overcome by emacia tion that it looked like, “no hope;” I can see that man as he leant over and said, “Don’t despair for 'He shall give His angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways.’” When he went out of that room and T was left alone I could almost feel the very presence of the heavenly host. It was one of the greatest benedic tions a man ever brought to a poor, discouraged, almost ready-to-give-up Will Any of Them Beat This Machine in Looks, Efficiency arid Low Cost? IT SIMPLY CANNOT BE DONE. ... . Every woman who sees one of them wants another like it. We want every woman who reads this ad to have one like it. Hence we are going to ask you to test it in your home for thirty days, free of all charge, and then return it to us. if you do not want to keep it. We pay the freight both ways. No charge for the trial. But you must give us a guaran tee ot your good faith, vve want you to join the club by paying down five dollars, which will be returned to you if vou decide not to keep the machine. If you keep the machine, that amount will apply on the purchase price. It costs you. nothing to join and there are no fees and no liability except for the sewing machine you order for yourself. How The Club Saves You Money. JL_ ® Join ,he c,ub The plan is simple as falling off a log. A machine X y A . .. . that sells for SSO to S6O through agents really costs th 6 1 SdV6 S2O 10 S4O r, ”nwK| rr" * Ona II Nigh Grad® vr Machine ' x manufacturer about sl4 to sl6 to fl make. This great difference is a ! made necessary by the tremen- 'Bll| "ifi' l dous expense of marketing ma- JI . H' '* chines. Manufacturer, jobber, <|j commission man, dealer and B -Hla}X■■ agent must each have a profit and expenses. It taMISF ■■ •*........MTl ! | The Club is a short cut from 1 I the manufacturer to the consumer. ™ I 1 It cuts out more than half the expense of marketing the ma- BlWwl It chine. ■UmJkJiM ■] Hit v mH™ If you went into the market IB to buy 1,000 machines you could H IB is IB get the manufacturer’s lowest |B |li|| SI9 75 price. But you need only one 11 ▼ ■**■■** machine. The Club supplies the Jll Tfi other 999 buyers and gives each iji ■** of the 1,000 buyers the advantage H i||R|| 11l Al IID of the low prices. Hi JB* W ULUB But, to protect the Club W Jffij M j| laro against losses from failure to col- Mr iwW W jW MEM" ‘ lect for machines shipped to irre- /» n restricted to regular subscribers AObJo BERS T of Religious magazines (white) B W FRFIRUT and their friends who deposit $5.00 uh) AhM fUEIUIII with the Club, this deposit to be w nnr applied on the cost of the machine Wl Vj T"2 ' ™ PKt- if you keep it, —and to be returned ■*■■■* to you if you return the machine. r AIDi The advertising management ' 4 Dorcas No. 2 of this paper has entered into "TWP a contract with the Religious Press Co-operative Club by which each party guarantees the faithful discharge of the obliga tion to refund the $5.00 deposit fee should the purchaser decide to return the machine. You, therefore have a double protection. Write for free catalogue of machines, or if “Dorcas No. 2” suits your fancy, fill out the coupon below. With each machine we include a complete set of attachments of the best quality, representing the latest labor-saving inventions and improvements, thus enabling the operator to do every conceivable class of work done on a sewing machine. The set includes: One Tucker, one Quilter, one Ruffler, one Braider Foot, one Braider Plate, one Shirring Plate, one Binder, four Hemmers, one Hemmer Foot and Feller, (one piece). In addition we send free with each machine one package of assorted Needles, Bobbins, Screw Driver and Oil Can, thus making a complete outfit. coupon ————— jjj —————— Religious g c x Religious Press Co-operative Club. Inclosed please find S 5 for wliich’you may ship me Dorcas Sew- 102 Bailey Street, Clinton, S. C. ing Machine No. 2. If I find it perfectly satisfactory in every way Please send me catalogue and full particulars of how I can get i 1 in th l ee e .? u .. a ) mont11 " the best kind of a sewing machine at half the usual price or less. ' ly installments on the first of the following months, but I reserve t le right to return the machine at the end of thirty days, you to pay the freight and to return the $5 on receipt. Name— NaDQ e- Post Office. Post Office „ . , . Freight Depot Freight Office.. State State OTHER MODELS AT LOW PRICES—WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE TO-DAY RELIGIOUS PRESS CO-OPERATIVE CLUB CLINTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. soul. “He shall give His angels charge over thee.” I don’t know what you think of an gels. I am not thinking of how they look.. I hope you don’t think them beings with wings, or all women or children; that robs them of the ma jesty and mightiness of their being. To me they are somehow next akin to the Trinity; so closely related to Him as not to be pictured at all. An gels everywhere, all about us all the time. When we are high in spirits and when we are low down; when we are sick and feeble in body and when we are strong and able; when we are discouraged and when we are encouraged; all the time, filling the atmosphere, a host of them around everyone of us. Thank God! they are not with us simply when we are on the mountain top or in- the val ley; but in the valley and on the mountain and all the time, the an gels of God, the next akin to God, the intermediaries between God and man, ministering spirits doing the will of God, often indicating the way of Gcd. Oh, these are our heri tage in the “shadow of the Al mighty.” TOBACCO HABIT BANISHED In 48 to 72 hours. No craving for tobacco in any form after first dose. Harmless, no habit-forming drugs. Satisfactory results guaranteed in every case. Write Newell Pharmacal Go., Dept. 90, St. Louis, Mo., for FREE Booklet, “TOBACCO REDEEMER” and positive proof.