The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 11, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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The International Sunday School Convention By A. G. Fegert, Chairman Publicity Committee. Sunday School leaders from all over this continent will gather in Chicago from June 23 to 30 for the fourteenth International Sunday School Convention, to consider the conquest of North America for Christ. Four thousand four hundred regu lar and alternate delegates will bring credentials from their respec tive state and provincial Sunday School Associations. Other thou sands will attend to avail themselves of the opportunity afforded them of participating in the monster parade in which 50,000 men are expected to march Saturday afternoon, June 27. “Jesus shall reign,” the keynote of the convention will be sounded in the songs that will be sung by the great choruses and in the addresses that will be delivered by Dr. F. B. Meyer of London, Marion Lawrence, Bishop J. C. Hartzell, J. A. McDonald, editor of the Toronto Globe; Fred B. Smith and a host of other speak ers. Not only will the new Medinah Temple, Ontario and Cass Streets, with its seating capacity, filled to its limit of about 6,000, ring with the slogan of the convention, but twelve of the largest churches in Chicago and suburbs will be the scenes of the simultaneous duplica tion of the convention program the evenings during the convention. Thus the people of Cook County who de sire to hear the speakers of the con vention will be enabled to do so. THE GREAT REFUSAL. June 21, 1914. Timee—3 A. D. 0 Mark 10-17 to 31. Place—'Perea. THE GOLDEN TEXT: “Y e cannot serve God and mammon.” —'Luke 16- 13. Suggestive Thought. I. 'Seek Eternal Life —Vs. 17 to 20. In this lesson we are told of a splen did young man. He had great pos sessoins. (Luke 18-18; Mark 10-22). He was a man of exemplary moral character. (Mark 10-2)0. He was lov able (Mark 10-21). He was intensely earnest, sincere and possessed great moral courage. (Mark 10-17 to 21). He was a man of high and noble as pirations. Yet with all this he was not satisfied, and he realized he did not have eternal life. Therefore, he came to Jesus asking “What shall I ERUPTIONS CAN BE STOPPED by internal blood purifiers because they are caused by blood disorders. However, Ee lema, Tetter, Ringworm, Itch, Scaly Patch es, etc., cannot because they are parasitic ■kin diseases. It takes a positive skin rem edy like Tetterine to destroy the germs ■nd heal the Surface. Dr. W. S. Fielder, Electric, Ala., says:—“l never use anything else but Tetterine in all skin troubles. •Oc at druggists or by mail from Shup trine Co., Savannah, Ga. PINEY WOODS SKETCHES ' By MARGARET BEVERLY UPSHAW SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF JUNE 11, 1914 Every phase of Sunday School ac tivity will be considered in the vari ous conferences of the convention under the guidance of the experts of the International Sunday School As sociation and of the denominational Sunday School boards. Besides these regular conferences to consider grad ed lessons and the work of the dif ferent departments of the Sunday School, there will be conferences on evangelism, rural Sunday Schools, Sunday School music, social service, temperance, and purity. Special conferences will be held for workers among college students, among for eign speaking people, for ministers, superintendents and field workers. In preparing the program, the pro gram committee kept in mind the va ried needs of the seventeen million members belonging to the 173,459 Sunday Schools spread over the whole North American continent, and di rected by 1,670,846 officers and teach ers. Fred A. Wells is chairman of this committee and Marion Law rence, recognized as the best inform ed Sunday School man in the world is the Secretary. Only once before, in 1887, has the International Sunday School conven tion been held in Chicago. Chicago Sunday School history is interest ing. The first Sunday School Insti tute was held in Chicago in 1865; the first system of Uniform Lessons issued in North America was produc ed in Chicago in 1866; the first Sun day School Teachers’ Journal was de that I may inherit eternal life?” He, like many others .thought that eternal life could be obtained by do ing something. Eternal life is the gift of God. (/Rom. 6-23). “By the works of law shall no flesh be jus tified.” (Gal. 2-16). As he sought life by doing, our Lord sent him to the law, that he might realize his guilt before God. (Rom. 3-19 and 20). The place to send the self-confident is to the law, while those who realize they are sinners need to be sent to the gospel. (I Tim. 1-15). Our great est need is eternal life. The man that fails to obtain eternal life lives this life in vain. No matter what he gains he loses all unless he obtains eternal life. Eternal life is a gift, so go to Jesus and ask and receive it from him. 11. Follow Jesus. —Vs. 21 and 22. Jesus looking upon this young man of clean record and noble aspirations, loved him, but Jesus was not pleased with him. (Rom. 8-8). Jesus’ love for man never keeps him from deal ing plainly with him. So we see him dealing very plainly with this young man. The Master did not dispute the claim he made for himself, /but said to him, ’"One thing flhou lacked.” By B. LACY HOGE, Norfolk, Va published in Chicago in the same year, the first General Secretary in North America to give his full time under pay to Sunday School work was employed by the Cook County Sunday School Association, of which Chicago is the larger part; and the first central offices of the Interna tional Sunday School Association were located in Chicago in 1907. Special Features of the Convention A Sunday School exhibit showing all the devices employed to increase attendance at Sunday School, the work of graded students in the Sun day School and the literature avail able for Sunday School workers will be displayed in the lower part of the convention building. A festival concert will be given Fri day night, June 26, under the aus pices of the Cook County Sunday School Association in the Auditorium Theater. The May festival chorus of a thousand voices, said to be the largest ladies’ chorus in the world, will sing special selections composed for the occasion. A historical pageant will be given Saturday night, June 27, in which twenty-seven Sunday will participate, showing by tableaux and by performances the methods em ployed of teaching the Scriptures from the time of the patriarchs to the present time. Reunions, banquets, denomination al rallies have been arranged for Saturday night. Sunday School sermons will be preached all over the continent Sun day, June 28, and a specially prepared responsive service will be used in thousands of Sunday Schools. Spe cial Sunday School services will be held in the Chicago churches Sunday night. The one thing he lacked was fatal. He lacked supreme love for Christ. There was one thing he loved better than Jesus, and he was not willing to give that up to become a follower of the Lord. Money was his idol, so the Master put his finger on that to make him see his sin, and to what stood between him and his Lord and kept him from receiving eternal life. It is not always money that stands in the way, it is often other things. That thing you love more than you do Christ; that thing that you are not willing to give up to do what Christ bids you do, that is your idol. It keeps you from follow ing the Lord and will rob you of eternal life. Are you following Jesus? Are you doing what he bids you do? If not, why? What is it that is keep ing you from so doing? This young man kept his earthly treasures and lost his soul. 111. Consider the Dangers of Wealth. —Vs. 23 to 27. When the young man turned his back on Jesus, rather than give up his wealth, our Lord began to teach the disciples the dangers of wealth. (Prov. 30-7 and 9; Matt 13-22; I Tim. The most spectacular feature of the convention will be the parade along Michigan Boulevard, Saturday afternoon. The reasons why the parade is being held are published on a card issued by the Parade Com mittee. They are as follows: 1. To give a united witness for Christ. 2. To promote a continent-wide movement for Christian conquest. 3. To provide a tonic for Bible study in the churches. 4. To present a mighty challenge to the men and boys of Chicago. 5. To strengthen public sentiment for civic reform. 6. To help Christian men to dis cover their combined strength. 7. To furnish a proper reception for the adult Bible class guests from all parts of North America. 8. To increase the number of men teachers in the Sunday School. 9. To impress the continent that more than 3,000,000 men are attend ing the Sunday Schools of North America. 10. To enlist the men of America in a campaign to win -the men of the world to Christ and Bible study. For over a year past committe of Cook Sunday School leaders, headed by William A. Sherer as chairman, has met every week to provide for the many requirements of the con vention, the simultaneous mass meet ings in different sections of the city and the men’s parade. William A Goodman is Secretary of this Com mittee. "I A preliminary convention will be held Monday, June 22, the day pre ceding the opening of the great In ternational Convention by the Illi nois Sunday School Association in Medinah Temple. 6-8 11; Mark 10-23 to 25). In spite of this warning most men are willing to run this great risk. They seem to think there is no danger. Yet many have lost their souls in seeking wealth. It is very seldom we find wealth and piety together. We have known many who were poor and spiritual, that lost their spirituality as their wealth increased. How of ten do men, who were once active in the Lord’s work lose all interest in the work of the Lord when they get wealth. Not many rich men are saved. (I Cor. 1-26; J ames 2-5 to 7). Jesus used a very strong figure of speech to illustrate the impossibility of a rich man being saved. We have no warrant for tearing down this figure. Jesus informs us that it is possible for God to save a rich man, but it takes the special grace of God to save him. IV. Give up all and Gain All. —Vs. 28 to 3L Jesus gave up all for us. We must give up all for him. The one that gives up all for Jesus will get It back a hundred fold here, and In the world to come fullness of life and bless ings. 9