The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 23, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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Let us send you this Oliver No. 3 Typewriter on FREE TRIAL If it is what you need, if after the trial you find it is a help to you, send us $4 and thereafter $4 a month until you have paid us $56 for this well built writing machine. ONLY $4 A MONTH No money down, no chattel mort gage, no red tape If you want to send back the machine after using it a month or more, you have that privilege. THE Oliver is sold under a positive guarantee for the entire life of the machine. This is the famous Oliver No. 3 the same machine that is used by the rail roads, big mercantile establishments, and offices everywhere It is sent to you complete- just as it comes from the factory, and no “extras needed. Each machine is fully equipped includ ing a metal cover all necessary tools, ribbons, carbon paper paper to write on and a large and easily understood in struction book. Any person can learn to operate it within a few minutes, and in three days you can learn to write faster than you can by hand. This is the same machine that retailed at $97 50 from the factory, and is complete in every par ticular We cut the selling cost, and not the manufacturing cost, and do it by selling a thous and typewriters a month, without salesmen or 1.-anch offices. Write us a postcard for our descriptive liter ature and term s. Typewriters Distributing Syndicate | 166 (C-95) N. Michigan Blv’d., Chicago, 111. J The Celebrated Effectual Remedy without Internal Medicine. ROCHE’S Herbal Embrocation will also be found very efficacious la cases es BRONCHITIS, LUMBAGO and RHEUMATISM W. Edwabds & Son, 157 Queen Victoria Street, W. Eng ; All Druggists, or E. FOUGEKA k CO., Ine., 90 BrrkmaM St., N. Y. * NEUBAU.IC PAINS SOOTHED AWAY. Smith’s 23 fur Pain penetrates deep into the flesh and its soothing anodyne effect Quickly alleviates the sharp pain of the neuralgia in any place. A little applied on a pellect of cotton and placed in a tooth will at once stop the throbbing ache. The best remedy on the face of the earth for man and beast. Try it for spavin, lame ness, swollen joints, etc., in horses cat tle and mules. 25c at drug stores or post paid from Columbia Drug Company, Savan nah. Ga. SPECIAL, SUMMER CREDIT OFFER. Complete Tuition Scholarship sold on credit. Repay us monthly from your sal ary. Position upon graduation guaran teed. Salary SSO to $75 start. Railroad fare from home. July enrollment means a January position. Get our liberal terms today. PIEDMONT BUSINESS COLLEGE, Lynchburg, Va. , PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. 50c. and SI.OO at Druggists. Ball-cup Nipple FREE Mothers, send us this advertisement jm and your address on a postcard, with druggist's name, and we will mail you a Ball-cup Nipple jnfiSßX to try. Fits any small-neck bottle. Only nipple with open food-cup and protected orifice at bot tom—will not collapse, feeds regularly. Out lasts ordinary nipples. Orff/one to a family. Stats baby’s age, kind andqnsntlty of food. Hair s«tion Hygeia Nursing Bottle Ca„ 1384 Maia St., Buffalo, N. Y. THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF JULY 23, 1914 his arm around me, and we knelt to gether. What a prayer father pray ed —R. S. Satterfield GOD’S CARE IN JAPAN. A Japanese police officer had two little daughters who were extremely timid. One evening after the servants had gone out, he wished to have a message delivered at a house about a quarter of a mile away. He could not leave to deliver it himself, and was much disturbed because he could find no one to carry it. He was great ly surprised when the little girls of fered to 1 take it, but, thinking it would be a good way to overcome their timid ity, allowed them to go. They set out fearlessly, hand in hand. When they returned, their father looked at them curiously, and asked, “Were you not afraid?” “Oh, no-” they replied; “at the mission school the teacher said God would take care of us whenever we asked him; so before we started, we went up-stairs and asked him not to let anyone hurt us, and then we just trusted him, and taere was noth ing to be afraid of.” The father de cided that a religion that could make his little girls so brave was worth knowing about; and, as a result of his inquiries, he became an earnest Christian. —Selected. AUBURN NEWS. The new “Auburn” catalogue, which is being mailed out to the high school graduates is well illustrated and gives full information concerning the Ala bama Polytechnic Institute. There are cuts of the different buildings and views of the campus, shops, and lab oratories. Among the notable improvements has been the erection of the wireless telegraphy in the department of elec trical engineering. Another notable change has been the advance to four teen units, or four years of high school work, as the requirement for admission to the freshman class in the regular degree courses. The enrollment of the past session was 820, from sixteen states and five foreign countries. In the college of engineering there were 401 students; college of agriculture, 325; in veteri nary medicine, 69; pharmacy, 68'; ar- HAS A CURE FOR PELLAGRA. Parrie Nicholas, Laurel, Miss., ♦ writes —“Seems to me if I had not ob tained your remedy when I did I would not have lived much longer. I am glad you discovered this wonderful remedy that will cure Pellagra. When I began taking Baughn’s Pellagra Remedy my weight was 60 odd pounds; now it is 90 odd. I would like to have this published and sent to sufferers of Pellagra.” This is published at her request. If you suffer from Pellagra or know of any one who suffers from Pellagra, it is your duty to consult the resource ful Baiughn, who has fought and con quered the dreaded malady right in the Pellagra Belt of Alabama. The symptoms —hands red like sun burn, skin peeling off, sore mouth, the lips, throat and tongue a flaming red with much mucuous and choking; in digestion and nausea, either diarrhoea or constipation. There is hope, if you have Pellagra you can be cured, by Baughn’s Pella gra Remedy. Get big free book on Pellagra. Address American Com pounding Co., i587-W., Jasper, Ala., re membering money is refunded in any case where the remedy fails to cure. chitecture, 38. President Thach states that the spirit of the work for the past year was the best in the history of the Polytechnic Institute. Sister: Read My Free Offer! •lam a woman. ® I know a woman** trial*. I know her need of sympathy and help. If you, my sister, are unhappy because of ill-nealth, if you feel unfit for household duties, social pleasures, or' daily employment, write and tell m e j ust how you suffer, and ask for my free ten day*’ trial of a home treatment suited to your needs. Men cannot understand women's sufferings. What we women know from experience, we know better than any man. I want to tell you how to cure yourself at home at a cost of about 12 cents a week. If you suffer from women’s peculiar ailments caus ing pain in the head, back, or bowels, feeling of weight and dragging down sensation, falling or displacement of pelvic organ*, causing kidney and bladder weakness or constipation and piles, painful er irregular periods. Catarrhal condition* and discharges, extreme nervous aess, depressed spirits, melancholy, desire to cry, fear of something evil about to happen, creeping feeling along the spine,palpitation,hotflashes, weariness, sallow com plexion with dark circles under the eyes,pain in the left breast ar a general feeling that life is not worth living, I INVITE YOU TO SEND TODAY FOR MV FREE TEN DAYS’TREATMENT and learn how these ailments can be easily and surely conquered at home without the dangers and expense of an operation. When you are cured, and able to enjoy life again, you can pass the good word along to some other sufferer. My home treatment is for young or old. To Mothers of Daugh ters,! will explain how to overcome green sickness (chlorosis), irregularities, headaches, and lassi tude in young women and restore them to plumpness and health. Tell me if you are worried about your daughter. Remember it costs you nothing to give my home treatment a ten days; trial, and does not interfere with daily work. If health is worth asking for, then accept my generous offer and write for the free treatment, including my illustrated booklet, “Women’* Own Medical Adviser.” I will send all in plain wrappers postpaid. To save time, you can cut out this offer, mark your feel ings, and return to me. Send today, as you may not see this offer again. Address, A MRS.«M. SUMMERS,Box 576SOUTH BEND, IND. Tickle the Kiddies Just s en d 25c For These a ttOli / \ A JOY BRINGING IM 1 iJ? 1 ® W * V * TOYS 1 H IK H A* /AxYAyA. I /■ There is a beautiful big doll for the 7 /TTIV V A ’ ■ little girl—lß in. tall, with pretty golden 7 A jl A 1> H *** ! hair, attractively printed on muslin, all y / ready to cut out, sew and stuff. Then W 7.■ there is a true enough Drum Major’s Cap and Belt for Billy, just as attractive as Jane the doll; and a wondrous colored / \ I txx *’ ' nAJo ° rM> "ball for Baby Bunting. All colors per- m W' fectly harmless. Full directions for com- 111 pleting. Send 25c in money order, ACTV*I MCrvK uis.. stamps or Cash. Write plainly, men- ——' tioning this paper. e<Lv-YCOaT * —SOUTHERN NOVELTY CO., CLINTON, S. C. AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA A High Grade College For Women Has an established reputation for thorough work and good health. Boarding students intentionally limited to eighty, fl Beautifully shaded campus of 20 acres. fl 21 experienced teachers from noted American and European universities and conservatories fl Fire-proof Dormitory. fl DEPARTMENTS — A. B. Course, Music, Art, Expression, Pedagogy, Domestic Science, fl Cost very moderate considering the advantages offered. Catalogue and Booklet of Views sent on request. CHAS. B. KING, President. NORMAN INSTITUTE For Boys and Girls, Young Men and Young Women. A Christian school fully equipped for thorough teaching. Cultured teachers, educated in the best colleges of the South. Each an active Christian worker an a specialist in his or her department. Teachers live in Dormiories with pupils, special attention given each pupil during and after school hours. Care devoted te health and physical culture. The following courses are offered: Regular college preparatory, Art, China Painting, Piano, Voice, Elocution, Oratory, Domestic Science, Do mestic Art, and Bible. Situated between Tifton and Moultrie on the A. B. & A. Healthful climate, Artesian water, modern buildings, heated with steam and lighted with electricity, hot and cold baths. EXPENSES UNUSUALLY REASONABLE. For catalogue giving detailed information write to J. A. SCOGGIN, President Norman Park, Ga. CITI I I Tnrrc Summer work SELL TREES. dents, farmers. Our trees easy to sell. Big profits. Write to-day. SMITH BROS., Dept. 45, Concord. Georgia. 13