The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 23, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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8 TAYLOR IN ST. PETERSBURG. Stalwart Young Georgian is Preaching In Famous Florida Town. “Change The Golden Age from the Seminary, Louisville, Ky., to my ad dress at St. Petersburg, Florida.” This request from Rev. Wm. C. Taylor, one of Georgia’s ablest young preachers brings news of peculiar interest, no<« only to his old college friend, the Editor of The Golden Age, but tv many others who know the gifts of Taylor and the needs of St. Peters burg. No town in Florida, unless it be Miami, has grown more rapidly in recent wears than St. Petersburg-on the Gulf. It is a city of enterprise and a dream of beauty. Wm. C. Taylor, the eloquent son of an eloquent sire, was one of the strongest men in the famous class of 1900 at Mercer University. The Lord turned him from the law whicn he then contemplated to the min istry which he now loves. For the sake of that growing Florida city we hope there will be an autumn wedding with Taylor and St. Petersburg as the con tracting Parties. PRIEST FINDS BEACH DANCE RE VIVAL OF EVIL OF PAG t ANISM. New York, July.—The growing fad of beach dancing in bathing suits is sharply condemned by Father John Belford, of the Church of the Na tivity, Brooklyn. “Sometimes,” said the priest, “we think we have seen something so bad that there can be nothing worse. Bui. as time goes on we find there is prog ress in evil. It seems to have reacned its zenith in the shameless and un speakably vulgar dance on the beach at Brighton. “But one degree, and that a very thin degree, removed from nudity, these creatures locked in each other’s arms, whirl and sway and bend and ■dip upon the sand before the assem bled throng. “Has paganism revived and are we •going to permit its votaries to parade its rites before thousands of decent men and women, not to speak of in nocent children, whom it must infect with its poison? Are we not inviting divine vengeance? We certainly seem to challenge God.” Can’t our Baptist Methodist and Presbyterian ministers do as well as this Catholic priest? “SPIDER WEB” GOWNS STARTLh DREXEL PARTY. Paris, July 14.—Guests at a dinner dance given recently by Anthony J. Drexel at the Hotel Ritz were startled by the costumes of several princesses, who appeared in the latest develop ment of filmy tulle skirts. The gowns were so thin and shad owy that they seemed made of spiders’ webs. In many cases the entire figure was revealed from head to foot. Among those present at the dance ONE LITTLE 50 CENT BOX of Tetterlne will often cure cases of Ecse me, Tetter, etc., of ten and fifteen years standing. It Is because this salve embod ies correct scientific principles in the treatment of skin diseases that it relieves Tetter, Eczema, Ringworm, Itch, Chil blains, etc. It is the absolute master of skin diseases as thousands will testify. BOc at druggists or by mail from Shop trine Ce H Savannah, Ga. NEWS FROM THE WORKERS THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF JULY 23, 19U were the Grand Duchess of Mecklen berg-Schwerin, Prince Ferdinand of Spain the Dutchess DeChaulnes, who was Miss Theodora Shouts, of New York; Princess Murat, formerly Miss Helen Stailo, of Cincinnati and Mr&. Potter Palmer. * * * Are we really going back into heath enism? And are Christian women con tent to follow and let their children follow such immodesty? / ' Ink /f - r . f ‘ A jgigK BMW OPPORTUNITY It is said that opportunity knocks at the door of everyone during life. This is your opportunity to make an investment at Virginia Beach, the most beautiful spot on the Atlantic Ocean, an investment that will make money for you just as sure as night follows day. Virginia Beach is situated eighteen miles due East from Norfolk,Va., and is reached from Norfolk by a splendidly equipped electric road with frequent service. There is no Beach on the Atlantic Coast that can surpass it. It was established about fifteen years ago, and to-day it has a Summer, or visiting population of about 15,000. Virginia Beach was incorporated in 1906, has sewerage, electric lights, water supply and miles of granolithic walks, one of the best public schools in the State and Churches of all denominations. During the past eigh teen months over fifty new residences and public improvements have been built here, costing over one-quarter of a million dollars. The United States will construct the most important fortifications on the Atlantic Coast at Cape Henry, only a ten minutes ride by trolley, spending millions of dollars. These and other improvements contemplated, are bound to make Virginia Beach property become very valuable. map NO. 4 Please, remember, that this is no catch- Lots were first put on the market • MlLJt|L _/// P enn y advertisement, but is a proposition at about $200.00 each, which have made ? oa b y a . st J on ? rel^ e since sold as high as $3,000.00. This Hg BBUH 7 SSOO 000 00. We Company owns all the unsold land of ggg house in Norfolk . the town, consisting or about 500 acres. It has been our policy to put it on the CT3 E? IP , Send us a dollar at once as you may hot market in different sections, that is to they may all be sold, say, we will plat certain sections and ,« gW, gfflf *■“ “>«» l ° r *>» the very best lot, g.v call them Map No. 1 -2-ete., and when mm unso ld lot any time before the deed is made, we sell that section we start another gw £g|a gw map - VIRGINIA BEACH the Ska MapNo3. a WeZId P "he°se |J ® S® DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, lots to bankers, business men and the B/ / /'INrADDfID ATl7r\\ s very best citizens in Norfolk, Rich- -SW (UNCOKrUKA 1 ED) Z mond, Washington City and through- VJ J|| 7//L r\ 223-225 Monticello Arcade / out the country. All of these lots on u //t j \ . . / Map 3, have doubled in value, several Building / have sold as high as $2,000.00 each. /Z \ /J, x, We sold the Clerk of the Court of 1 NORFOLK, /£> Princess Anne County 16 of these lots tri / e & on Map 3, for which he has refused ? VA. / $15,000.00. lifeimisi Z G 0 / We now have on the market I IfH Httfflttl'l . Z/v\.«'’ * Map No. 4, and for a short time we „ are going to offer 100 of these lots at - /dv the small sum of $ 100.00 each, on the ; ~ _zzzzz~zj ZC\> ’ easy terms of $ 1.00 down and $ 1.00 ATUttTtr S A per week, no interest or taxes until Z -Z you get your deed. We will mention that we have sold the / < V Z Clerk of the Court of this County over 30 of these lots on Map 4, to whom we j' (y refer you, as well as many other prominent citizens. Remember, please /V* . * • * that these lots are situated in the town limits of Virginia Beach, within j 1 * five minutes walk of the new $15,000.00 brick High School Building and V V •* •* •* within five minutes walk of the grand old Atlantic Ocean. They Z' •* •* •* are all high, dry and beautifully situated. . Every reader of this • * • * • * article can afford to buy one of these lots at this low price and Z , • 4 • e • i on these easy terms. Buy one for each of your children; you r* Z * • * . * can not lay aside a little money for them that will prove / ZjZ . Z O’ , * more profitable. / *o° cr * • The power of the Holy Spirit gives grace as well as faith. We read of Stephen: “He has a man filled with grace.” He could pray for those who BLAIRSVILLE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Blairsville, Ga., —in the Blue Ridge Mountains, —beautiful, healthful location. Courses: Literary, Bible, Expreysion, Music, Art, Domestic Science, Board and Tuition in Literary Department, $65.00 to SBI.OO per year. Expression, Music and Art, $2,00 each per month. For catalog and other information, write to T. E. ELGIN, A. M., President. stoned him to death, and pray with a smile; thank God for the power of prayer, as he prayed for their forgive ness.