The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, October 01, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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8 believing? 1 say to you frankly, af ter she believes, she is as one dead. She is more helpless, believing, left in that brothel than she was before. And yet that is the way we are do ing it. What are we going to do with her? She is legion in our cit ies today. What are we going to do with her? Are we going on this way, sending missionaries to foreign fields? This thing we should do, by all means ; only multiply what we are doing in that direction. But while we are doing that are we go ing to neglect this growing army of girls that are here at home? We may just as well neglect them if we are going to keep on working with them as we have done. For all our work for them is of no avail unless we follow the Master and, after we have got hold of them, help them to their feet. Do you know T that kind of life becomes a disease, as much a dis ease as leprosy. Will the Church of Jesus Christ ever come to see this? Who would expect a leper, simply because he accepted Christ, to instantly become clean in flesh? We do not preach that kind of doc trine to lepers. We do not tell them that they have a right to expect that after salvaion. Why should we ex pect it of the moral leper, whose lep rosy is just as much a disease, may I say of the mind, as is leprosy a disease of the body? What are we going to do? We are going on, I trust. I believe, to follow the Master all, the way; to evangelize, and then to extend to the hand of help. And we are going to do it as a church and not in the name of some so ciety outside. AMERICAN MISSIONARY IN CUBA PRAISES PIANO CLUB The following letter just received by the Managers of The Golden Age Piano Club shows the tremendous sav ing in price which you can secure bv placing your order for a Piano or Player-Piano through the Club of One Hundred. Owing to the high import duty on new Pianos we recommended to this Club Member that he select a slightly used instrument which could be shipped to Cuba, at reduced rate of duty, and which cost him only one hundred and ninety dollars. Read Mr. Mullen’s letter and you will see that, according to his estimate, the Club has saved him two hundred and sixty dol lars. Here is the letter: Aug. 3rd, 1914. Guantanamo, Oriente, Cuba, Ludden & Bates, Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sirs: —The Piano came about the 23rd or 24th and was in our home on the 27th. I was absent, in Havana, attending an Institute, and did not get back till the latter part of the week. So this is the first chance that I have had to answer. We are very much delighted with the instrument, and are fully per suaded that we did a wise thing in buying from you. An instrument not a whit better would have cost us at least $450.00 down here. In fact we were interested in such proposition when we heard of your plan. In all that long trip and in the hands, here at least, olf inexperienced handlers, it does not seem to be in the least out of tune. Sincerely yours, W. M. Mullen. If your home needs a good Piano or Player-Piano we cordially invite you to write for your copy of the Club’s handsomely illustrated cata logue which describes and pictures the many beautiful instruments and explains the great saving in price, the protective guarantees and the conven ient terms. Hundreds of Club mem bers have written letters similar to that of Mr. Mullen and we are sure that you would also be delighted with the Club and its instruments. Address the Managers, Ludden & Bates. Golden Age Piano Club, Dept., Atlan ta, Ga. THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF OCTOBER 1, 1914 Again here is a man in the public house. What is to be done with him? We preach the Gospel to him, have rescue missions for drun kards. Yes, that is all right, but are we not going a step further? That man who has for years been addicted to strong drink is also a diseased man. He has a great phys ical malady with which he has to contend. It is not because he wants to be a brute and cut his wife and children out of their rights in his earnings, that he does it. It is not that. It is because he is dis eased. He may have inherited it from a father or a grandfather. That taint is ps much inherited as the colour of his eyes or the crook on his nose. Believe it! What are we going to do with him? I trust we are going to get him saved and then SAVE 5 4 35 BIBLE This is only the second time in 47 years’ history of the S. S. Scranton Co., known Regular S@QQ everywhere as the pioneer and leader in reduced prices and phenomenal bar- List Price C? gains in standard religious books, that we are able to present such extraordinary "■ Bible value. We offer for immediate delivery, OUR S'OGS THIS INDIA PAPER | I ikk BAGSTER BIBLE a l with * ts l um i nous red under gold edges, beautifully clear, large type, the size of this), about half the weight, thickness, and bulk t^Le ordinary paper edition. The India paper used in these genuine H Bagster Bibles is the costliest, thinnest, the whitest, the toughest, the most opaque that the world's best mills can produce. It has nearly 1,200 pages, including a complete Concordance, references and colored maps, so indispensable to Teachers, Pastors, Superintendents, Bible Students, Evangelists, and Christian Workers generally, but is only seven-eighths of an inch thick and weighs only 19 ounces. Its superb silk sewn. GENUINE MOROCCO l?l ©Trills eat^er biding is not only exquisitely beautiful, but is protected by its PATENTED UNBREAKABLE BACK because of which we absolutely guarantee the binding not to break or crease, and to outwear any other. i onvAi piet A Kll ■AI h 11° I Wr 1 ■ ■lk? wf I ■ i ~ ——■— 9 for the Scholar, Teacher, Pastor, Superintendent, or Friend that will not only delight the recipient, but a credit to the giver. WHH 01 num laipirtance ""'""x/SX ™ tions claimed to be printed on “thin” paper or “Bible" paper and bound in so-called “leather.” “Thin" paper and “Bible” paper are not the expensive INDIA paper on which this genuine Bagster Bible is printed. The edition is limited and only when orders are sent in promptly can we guarantee immediate delivery. Money cheerfully refunded and delivery charges paid both ways if you do not agree that this is the most extraordinary Bible value you ever saw. NOTE—For 50 cents 'additional we will furnish our Thumb Index Edition and *tamp name In oure gold on outside cover. THE S. S. SCRANTON COMPANY, 118 Trumbull Street, HARTFORD, CONN. take him by the hand, at all costs and keep him until he is able to stand on his feet. , .(Ed. Note : —We are very sorry to cut Dr. Broughton’s sermon here but. the small edition gives us no more space and as the conclusion is a beau tiful teaching on “The Second Bless ing,” and how to obtain it, we will give it to you under that head next week.) Force of Habit. A minister once noticed a crowd of urchins clustered around a dog. “What are you doing, little boys?” he asked. “Swappin’ lies,” volunteered one of the boys. “The fellow that tells the biggest one gets the dog. “Shocking!” exclaimed the minister “Why, when I was your age I never thought of telling an untruth.” “You win,” chorused th'fc- urchins. “The dog is yours, mister.” DON’T RISK YOUR LIFE Don’t let a wound or bruise or sore go neglected. 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