The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, October 08, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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and had power to overcome in that hour of trial. Jesus prayed for the same thing three times. He never ceased t@ pray until the battle was over and the victory won. We should always gain the victory in the gar den before we meet the danger and the trial that is to follow. Jacob gained the victory the night before he met Esau. (Gen. 32-26 to* 30). The next day when he met Esau they met as brothers. (Gen. 33-34). IV—DON’T LET YOUR OPPOR TUNITIES PASS-Vs 41 and 42. When Jesus returned the third time to His disciples the battle was over, and it was too late for the disciples to give Him sympathy, He needed but a little while before. The Master needs you now, don’t sleep so long that the hour will pass by when He will not need you and when you can not be of service to our Lord. SUNSHINE AND SHADOWS. (Continued from Page 5.) so tired, for I must sit in my rocking chair all day. I have stayed at home so long, I am sick and tired of everything. On October 4th I will be twenty-seven years old and I want you every one to write me a letter for it seems so long since I had a birthday letter TRY THIS FOR YOUR HEALTH For diseases which do not readily yield to drug treatment, such as chronic dyspepsia, indigestion, rheu matism, Bright’s disease, gall stones, uric acid poisoning, and diseases of the kidney and liver, the best physi cians send their wealthy patients to the famous mineral springs. Some even spend months at the Spas of Europe and are almost invariably cured or greatly benefited. I believe that the Shivar Spring is the greatest mineral spring ever dis covered and I believe it so firmly that I offer to send you enough water for a three week’s treatment (two five gallon demijohns) on my guarantee that if you do not say that you are benefited I will refund the price. You would hardly believe me if I told you that only about two out of a thousand, on the average, say that they have received no benefit. The water is cur ing thousands. It cured me when my friends and physicians thought that my case was incurable and I am willing and anxious for you to match you? faith in the Spring against my pocket book. If I win you become a life friend of the Spring. If I lose I will be sorry (for you, but I will appreciate your courtesy in giving the water a trial and will gladly refund your money on request. Read and sign the following letter: Shivar Spring, Box 1-C, Shelton, S. C. Gentlemen: I accept your guarantee offer and enclose herewith two dollars for ten gallons of Shivar Mineral Water. I agree to give it a fair trial, in accord ance with instructions contained in booklet you will send, and if the re sults are not satisfactory to me you agree to refund the price in full upon receipt of the two empty demijohns which I agree to return promptly. Name Address 'Shipping Point (Please write distinctly.) Note: —The Advertising Manager of the Golden Age is personally acquaint ed with Mr. Shivar. You run no risk whatever in accepting his offer. I have personally witnessed the remark able curative effects of this water in a very serious case. STOP PLASTERING AND PARING CORNS. Neither does any lasting good, while the latter Is exceedingly dangerous. There Is an easy, sure and safe way to remove corns, bunions, callouses and warts. East India Corn Paint Is applied twice a day with a lltle brush —in a few days the corn or wart comes off—no pain, no burning, no scar or stain on the skin. A certain cure for warts. 25c at your druggist’s or post paid from The Abbott Company, Savan nah, Ga. THE GOLDEN AGE FOR WEEK OF OCTOBER 8, 1914 and I enjoy them so much. It has been twenty-four years since I walk ed a step or stood upon my feet, or raised a hand to my face and I have been drawn in a sitting posi tion all those years. Do you won der that I get so tired sometimes that I long to have my neck broken. I still live forty-five miles from any city or railroad among the Boston mountains. I am even more helpless than ever and I shall be glad when Jesus says “Enough, Come up higher.” You can not realize what it means to have everything on earth you have to live for snatched away from you in the midst of pleasant dreams and happy anticipations, nothing left but crushed hopes. At first it seemed more than I could bear to give up writing. I have no reading matter (Sew Mgk Cut out the Coupon below and Mail Today These are the teaspoons you get. Genuine Rogers silver spoons of a beautiful new pattern. Real German silver throughout. No plating to wear off. Will last a lifetime. [F wT w iiW »w Special October Offer I One of these Aft m. A. Rogers German Silver teaspoons for I one signature cut from a one-pound package of Arbuckles’ I Coffee and one 2-cent stamp. I More Arbuckles’ Coffee is sold than all other pack- are as good now as they were the day I got them.” aged coffees combined. With your spoon we will send you the big, new I So many women have used it for years that we know premium catalog, which shows over 150 of the most I you will like it, will feel that no other coffee offers popular premiums, the ones for which a million other ■ such great value for the money, no other is so com- women, all over the country, are saving Arbuckle A pletely what you want. signatures. You, too, can make your coffee purchases B Get a package today am. see for yourself. earn lovely gifts for you, without extra expense. I To have you act now, to have you know its full, Get a package of Arbuckles’ today at your gro- ■ rich flavor and get the advantage of it right away, we cer’s—either Arbuckles’ Anosa (whole bean) or ■ make the special introductory offer announced above, Arbuckles’ Ground B good only until October 31, 1914. Coffee. It is better , 1 " x than ever now. Cut |J| Used hers 15 years the signature from Jml || One woman says: “The six teaspoons I got with the package and get O Arbuckles’ Coffee just after I was married, 15 years ago, your first spoon now. || Mail the Coupon today to 9 Arbuckle Bros.,tikio Water St., New York. I rM****l. 14 Offer F » Good until , l| H Arbuckle Brothers, 71K10 VxVVvXxW U 1 B rr 4J ' Water St.,NewYorh. fl! ~ ~ 0 1 With thia coupon I enclose 2c \ “V'X 11//, liJi fi/ fl I 1 stamp and one signature from Arbuckles’ VVi % nI S fyNcS/ i 1// \ ‘v\ Coffee, for which send me one genuine ®/PA A / - I Jflj <V\ Win A. Rogers German Silver teaspoon, If 1 Xand your big. VI /ill /Wl_^v_\*\v^ o ' an<Z ° r R’D’ i \\ I ■ and could not read if I had but my sister could read aloud to me after her day’s work is over. Winter will soon be here and I dread it so much for I must stay indoors all through the long dreary months with nothing to help pass the time away. Listen my dear friends, I have fifty of “Sun shine and Shadows,” the books I had published three years ago. They are a true history of my unfortunate life. They contain eighty-eight pages and two of my photos, and the prices is only thirty-five cents, and I want you and your friends to order them. I do so much want to sell seven dol lars worth. I can get a typewriter for that, and I want it so much. Let ters are everything to me and I can learn them on it by touch. Now I must close. Don’t forget to order my books or my birthday GUARANTEED FOOT COMFORT. If you have tired, tender, aching or burning feet and try “Sanatite” with out relief, your money is your again. Sanatite is the soothing, cooling, healing antiseptic powder that has brought foot-joy to so’ many poor suf ferers, and it will do the same for you. Sanatite is an immediate relief —the first application is beneficial and the second generally ends all troubles. In handy sprinkler cans ready for in stant use —no muss or fuss. Send 25c to the GERMICIDE CO., 2414 16th St., Denver, Colo., for a can postpaid. $120.00 Absolutely Sure $120.00 ABSOLUTELY. SURE • Man or woman to distribute religious lit erature. Sixty days’ work. Quick promo tion No experience necessary. Spare time work also. ZIEGLER CO., Dept. 22, Philadelphia 7