The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, March 04, 1915, Page 16, Image 16

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16 PROPOSES STATE WIDE PROHIBI TION FOR PENNSYLVANIA. A state wide prohibition bill has been introduced in the legislature of Pennsylvania by Representative Glenn of Venango county. Mr. Glenn, while a Democrat, has strong prohibition leanings. He sought the prohibition nomination for the legislature last fall but the prohibitionists named their own men and refused to fuse. It i i thought that Mr. Glenn’s bill may complicate the passage of the local option bill which the administration ia having prepared. WHAT A CHRISTIAN’S ATTITUDE SHOULD BE. (Continued from page 2.) namely, to enforce ib<? la wand tneie by maintain its majesty and make it hard for people to do wrong and easy for them to do right. Just now is a great moment in the history of Atlanta, God is moving among us. Hundreds are confessing Jesus Christ. God be merciful to any one who would place a stumbling block in the way of a sinner by a needless word of criticism of methods. If any one objects to Dr. Chapman’s methods, let him be big enough and good enough to keep silent. Remember the words of Jesus to John in Mark 9:38-39: “And John answered him saying, Mas ter, we saw one casting out devils in thy name and he followeth not us; and we forbade him because he fol loweth not us. But Jesus said, For bid him not; for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me.’’ In the same connection the Lord said, “And whosoever shall offend (put a stumb ling block in the way of) on e of those little ones that believe in me, it is Whole Family Benefited By Wonderful Remedy There are many little things to annoy us, under present conditions of life. The hurry, hard work, noise and strain all tell on us and tend to provoke nervousness and irritability.. We are frequently so worn out we can neither eat, sleep nor work with any comfort. We are out of line with ourselves and others as well. A good thing to do under such circumstances is to take something like Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills to relieve the strain on the nerves. Mrs. J. B. Hartsfield, 82 Plum St., Atlanta Ga., writes: “I have on several occasions been vastly relieved by the use of your med icines, especially the Anti-Pain Pills, which I keep constantly on hand for the use of myself, husband and two sons. Nothing in the world equals them as a headache remedy. Often I am enabled by the use of one or two ot the Pills to continue my housework when otherwise I would be in bed. My husband joins me in my praise of the Anti-Pain Pills and Nervine.” Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills are relied upon to relieve pain, nervousness and irritability in thou sands of households. Os proven merit after twenty years’ use, you can have no reason for being longer without them. n At all Druggists, 25 doses 25 cents. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.” WHO ARE THE “UNFIT.” (Continued from page 6.) that education is not wasted on the “unfit” were it only necessary. But why waste the time that might be used in adducing history to prove that, proportionately, a larger per cent, of the educated “unfits” have made success in the -past than the “fit,” and a still larger per cent., pro portionately, have made lasting names in spite of the deplorable “unfitness?” Many may wonder why Europe seems to furnish a larger number of successful and immortal “unfit” than any other continent. Education is the answer. Europe is the only con tinent that makes general provisions for the mental training of the cripple and the weak. No doubt if the professor will only ponder a little over his own words he will change his mind. Because a youth undergoes suffering or is bur dened with some sort of deformity is no reason that he should go through life doubly burdened with ignorance. And again, because the soul often consumes the body is no reason that the flames will be worth less ! It can be easily seen that if boards of examiners had existed in the days of all these great crippled men’s lives —boards like those that Dr. Butler would have to examine the prospec tive student with the rigidity of an army recruiting office—history would never have given us an argument for education for the handicapped, for none of these “unfit” immortals would have come up to the standard. They would have .died, in ignorance and been forgotten. But, as it is, long after the names of many of the physically fit have vanished from the tongue of man and their works have crumbled to the dust of earth, hundreds of “un fit” will live in the heart of humanity and their labors, done under suffer ing and handicaps, will endure to b’ess the world! _ t PARENTS SUPREME. All nations, all churches, all organ izations are but an aggregation of homes. In this earthly Eden, the parents are priests; the children are the congregation in the church in the house. Jesus, reared and instructed in such a godly home, at the age of twelve years confounded the doctors in the temple. Timothy, Paul’s no blest he’per. had the faith that was in his grandmother, Lois, and his mother, Eunice and from a child knew the Holy Scriptures. Body, mind and soul are in the molding hands of parents. What immortal stewardship is theirs !—The Christian Herald. THE BEST SI,OO FOUNTAIN PEN IN THE WORLD K K^PWlj^sKWESjßg^S^W^^^^Sß^^tfßSsPHlMßSiijSjtfHMHKM^yaM^Meawy^^pw—~ , | - ""H i '■'■ . TJ 16 ' V™®^ 8 c ?“? wh °n m s“ ufa ® tur ® r s will have t 0 Q ui t making such enormous profits on fountain pens. You can now buy a fountain nen at $1 that will do all the work of the $3 and $o pens. This pen we sell at sl, postpaid, has the following features: P 1. It is the actual size of the illustration shown above, 3. It is a self-filler 6 It has « ™tal niin +v,<,t «. i , „ Ith^ d n i^nHra a t UO i S ii < t Of a i l^iH n<l ®l penS ‘ *' 111 has a beautifully chased barrel. 7.’lt h?sa guarantee that you will w« 2. It has a guaranteed 14 karat gold point. 5. Ithasametalringthatsnuglycoversthefillervent. will take it back. * llascdorw* Send SI.OO today and get this remarkable pen postpaid. UNIQUE FOUNTAIN PEN CO., Box D, Clinton, S. C. THE GOLDEN AGE | TO CINCINNATI | $ AND OTHER POINTS | 1° NORTH OF THE OHIO RIVER j TAKE THE < OHIO SPECIAL Leaving Atlanta daily at 8:20 p. m. Two other i daily trains leaving Atlanta 6:20 a. m., 4:55 p. m. < SOUTHERN ♦<>◄><>♦<>♦<>♦<>♦<>♦<>♦< SPECIAL TRAIN TOURS Independent Trips Tours One Way Through the Panama Canal and Special Train Overland TO THE California Expositions DURING JUNE—JULY—AUGUST VIA THE SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY The Tours will consume 26 to 50 days, including ALL EXPENSES, such as Railroad and Steamship fares; Pullman and stateroom berth; dining car and steamship meals; the highest class hotels on American plan, excepting Los An geles and San Francisco, where rooms only are furnished; attractive sightseeing and side-trips. MANY DIVERSE ROUTES Including Denver, Colorado Springs, Cripple Creek. Pike’s Peak, Royal Gorge, Salt Lake City, Yellowstone National Park, Grand Canyon of Arizona, Orange Groves of Southern California, San Diego, Los Angeles, Coast of California, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Puget Sound, Victoria, Vancouver, the Canadian Rocky Mountains, St. Paul and Chicago. All Trains equipped with ALL STEEL Pullman drawing room, stateroom com partment and observation cars and diners for the exclusive use of our parties for the entire trip. Personally conducted and satisfactory chaperoned. Ladies unescorted assured of every attention. The highest class of service and the “BEST OF EVERYTHING” everywhere. Write for booklet and detailed information. GATTIS TOURIST AGENCY Tourist Agents, S. A. L. Ry. RALEIGH, N. C. COMFORT SELF HEATING IRON Two Points. Both ends are Front Ends; Costs half C€nt P er hour to operate. Burns 5 hours on one filling. Lights in 36 seconds. The heat can be regulated to |( any degree and maintained to suit work in hand. Saves Vs., ---yWMWIfy cos t * n aew mont hs, also saves thousands of steps amd eliminates discomfort. ..No more hot stoves neces sary - Comfort is entirely portable and will operate *“ outdoors or indoors. Satisfaction guaranteed. Price, ■I. $3.75 at your local dealers or direct by mail upon re- Oi! W ’- MW-jy ceipt of cash. Order Today. NATIONAL STAMPING & ELECTRIC WORKS, Dept. 3, Chicago, 111. If you suffer with stomach trouble, faulty nutrition, indigestion impoverished blood, Kidney or Liver Disease, or nerve trouble, you should know the value of MILK DIET. Properly taken it is Nature’s Certain Way of rebuilding the wasted organs and rejuvenating the entire system. Let us tell you how it successfully restores Digestion. Pure Blood, overcomes obesity, builds flesh, etc., and how it can be taken at home. PARTICULARS FREE. Write at once. WAYNE HEALTH INSTITUTE, Box 835, DETROIT, MICHIGAN TIIE old reliable -glWgfe.. GREENSBORO NURSERIES Ogfe Salesmen Wanted for Fruit, Shade and frwfe' Ornamental Trees, Vines and Plants. , Write for Catalogue and Prices. JOHN a - young & SONS, Owners, JuJJI GREENSBORO, N. C. _ -—2- • March 4, 1915