The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, April 22, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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8 The San Antonio Campaign—A Glorious Work Done The three weeks’ campaign con ducted in San Antonio by evangelists of the Home Board has come to a successful close. 601 members were added to the churches co-operating. Rev. Raleigh Wright had charge of the forces, and right nobly did he do his part. The churches in the campaign, with evangelists assisting were as follows : First Baptist Church, Dr. S. J. Por ter, Pastor; Evangelist, Raleigh Wright, singer, J. P. Schofield. Calvary Baptist Church, Rev. W. W. Lee, pastor; evangelist, A. J. Fisher; singer, S. C. Hubener. Pegues Memorial, Rev. R. F. Bird, pastor; evangelist, C. L. Skinner, sin ger, R. G. Baucham. South Side, Rev. W. T. Hillman, pastor; evangelist, L. C. Wolfe. Hillcrest, Rev. B. A. Owen, pastor; evangelist, C. F. Andrews. Prospect Hill, Rev. T. V. Neal, pas tor; evangelist, A. J. Copass; singer, W. A. Gardner. Beacon Hill. Rev. T. C. Long, pastor; evangelist, Ray Palmer. Mexican, Rev. Filia Buldain, pas tor; evangelist, Andres Moye. , Several Negro churches also co operated. The campaign opened March 7th. At three p. m., a great “get-together” meeting was held in the beautiful auditorium of the First Baptist Church. A thousand people filled all the available space. Addresses were delivered by Dr. S. J. Porter and Evangelist Ray Palmer. Day meetings were held each day from nine to eleven a. m., Evangelist J. A. Scott, presiding. Dr. Raleigh Wright delivered a splendid series of lectures on Personal Work. He also gave a number of masterly addresses on “Russelism.” Evangelist L. C. Wolfe preached several strong ser mons to great congregations at the day meetings. Evangelist J. A. Scott preached a great sermon on “Child hood the Battle Ground of the King dom.” , Evangelist A. J. Copass had charge of the street meetings. An automo bile was provided for the speakers, who included pastors Porter and Long, and evangelists Wright, Co pass, Scott, Skinner, Andrews, Wolfe and Palmer. Throngs of people heard these gospel messages, and many ex pressed their desire to be saved. Evangelist L. C. Wolfe preached to a great mass meeting the second Sunday of the meetings, at the First Church, and on the third Sunday, at three p. m., he spoke to fifteen hun dred people in San Pedro Park. A telling service was held March 19th, from ten to twelve o’clock, p. m., at the First Church, conducted by Dr. Raleigh Wright. At midnight Evangelist Palmer preached on “Im mortality of Well Doings.” Meetings were held in the Rest ed District, Evangelists Wrigb Skinner preaching telling ser jui> m z Rev. Filia Buld Cat! NEWS FROM THE WORKERS is a man of scholarship, ability and consecration. Street meetings for the Mexicans were held by the pas tor and Evangelist Moye. During the meetings three hundred were con verted, fifty-seven, of whom had join ed the Church when the meetings closed. This was the greatest meet ing, according to the pastor, ever held in San Antonio or even New Mexico, among these people, consid ering the shortness of the time. The campaign closed with a great mass meeting on Sunday afternoon, Dr. Wright presiding. Different col ored ribbons were worn by the con verts of the respective churches, each delegation being seated by itself. At this service Evangelist Ray Pal mer gave an address on “The Rela tion of the New Convert to the Church,” and Evangelist J. A. Scott on “The Relation of the Church to the New Convert.” Many Mexicans were baptized at this farewell serv ice, Dr. S. J. Porter, officiating. It was a beautiful and impressive sight to see old men and women, young men and maidens going down into the liquid grave with their Lord: having found in Jesus satisfaction for their hungry souls—that which they had never found in the dead formal ism of the Church of Rome. These Mexican brethren are laboring under great disadvantages. Many times.the members of the church leave the building that the unsaved may get in. Money invested for the Mexican Bap tists in San Antonio will prove a great investment. The Negro pastors in San Antonio are superior men and their people are loyal. The force of singing evangelists deserve special mention for their faithfulness and efficiency. San Antonio is largely a Catholic city, with a population of 135,000 souls. The liquor power is strongly entrenched, and all sorts of sin abound. The Baptist churches, for the most part are weak, and have little of what the world calls'social prestige. Despite all, God gave us a great victory. As a result of the campaign the churches were greatly strengthened, and 601 persons were added unto them. The pastors of our Baptist churches in San Antonio deserve praise for their heroism and consecration. Their patient perseverance in the face of walls of worldliness and wickedness, puts to shame the shallow souled ser vice of many who think their road is rough and P task is hard. All these belo ->rs and their peo ple mar -al loving spirit tF ?e, for which we eful. God 1 nd their onio. PALMER, at for Campaign. Jiat an old junk dealer that kind of a horse ais wagon? THE GOLDEN AGE BENWAY DELIGHTS THE CHAU TAUQUAS. Popular Illinois Pastor Comes South As Recipath Superintendent. It was the good fortune of the Edi tor of The Golden Age to meet last week that popular Redpath Chautau qua Superintendent, Rev. William G. G. Benway, who began his work this year at Waycross. Several hours of delightful fellowship left the impres sion that we had met a gentleman of rare accomplishments, charming per sonality and genuine consecration. Mr. Benway gives up ’for a time a highly successful pastorate at Mo mence, Illinois, for a change of work and a larger platform audience, but Mr. Benway says that he has fallen so completely in love with the South that he has decided to locate ulti mately in this section. Speaking of Mr. Benway’s resignation the local paper at Momence, 111., says: Rev. W. G. G. Benway tendered his resignation as pastor of the Bap tist church of this city on last Sun day morning. The resignation is ef fective on April 15. Mr. Benway has signed a contract with the Redpath Chautauqua, as circuit superintend ent, the same position he held last year. Mr. Benway was very successful last year as a superintendent and the Redpath people offered him so flat tering a contract that he could hard ly pass it up. Mr. Benway is pre paring a series of morning lectures and has a contract with the Dunbar Chautauqua as a lecturer for 1916. He expects to again re-enter the min istry, but may remain in the Chau tauqua work for several years. He has been in Momence for over three years, and has accomplished more than any previous pastor. He has made many friends both in and out of his church, who will be sorry to have him leave. He is an excellent talker, as well as an ideal pastor, and his work here will long be remem bered by the people of our city. That he also made good as a chautauqua superintendent is evidenced by the fact that in every city where he ap peared last year, the Redpath people have been asked to return him, in fact some of the places made this condition a part of their contract. Mrs. Benway has also made friends on every hand here, and she will greatly be missed in church circles of Momence. WATKINS LEADS GREAT RE VIVAL IN JACKSONVILLE. The Woodlawn Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida, of which Rev. J. W. Senterfitt is the popular and beloved pastor, has just enjoyed a wonderful revival meeting. The preaching was done by Rev. F. H. Watkins of Valdosta, Ga., who re cently resigned the pastorate of the Tabernacle Church there to enter the evangelistic field. In speaking of one of the great days of the Woodlawn meeting, The Jacksonville Metropo lis says: •‘Yesterday was one of the great est days in the history of the Wood lawn Baptist Church. The day be gan with an evangelistic series in the Sunday school. A goodly number of the Sunday School pupils professed conversion, and quite a number join ed the church at the 11 o’clock hour, with several others of them to fol low. In the afternoon, at 3 o’clock Mr. Watkins, the evangelist, spoke for an hour to the house filled with men and boys on “Men Living the White Life.” At the close of the ser vice almost every man in the house crowded up to the front to shake hands with the preacher, pledging themselves, under God, for a pure life and to stand for chastity every where. The day reached a climax in the night services. Standing room was all taken, and many people were turned away. After an earnest talk by the preacher and a heartfelt ap peal to decide for Christ, many came forward to join the church. During the day there were twenty-nine who united with the church, and others who will come. The oldest members of the church say that they have not for many a long day seen the power of God so manifest. HON. CLIFFORD WALKER AT BLAIRSVILLE. Hon. Clifford Walker of Monroe, Ga., attorney general-elect, delivered a great commencement address on “The New Patriotism.” On Sunday afternoon, he also delivered an ad dress under the auspice of our Young Peoples’ religious organizations. Col. Walker is an inspiration to young people. Great crowds of our people heard him gladly. While up here he delivered addresses at Young Harris (Continued on page 9.) RHEUMATISM CONQUERED I say that I can conquer rheumatism with a simple home treatment, without electrical treat ment, stringent diet, weakening baths, or in fact any other of the usual treatments recommended for the cure of rheumatism. Don’t shut your eyes and say “impossible,” but put me to the test, 111 if x Jf •:< ?A- Tx . -■ f ' ¥J8«j88888888aa8888i88atk •X«:>»w:SX .:•■•. ■ x You may have tried everything you overheard of and have spent your money right and left. I say “welland good,’’let me prove my claims with out expense to you. Let me send you without charge a trial treatment of DELANO’S RHEUMATIC CONQUEROR. I am willing to take the chance and surely the test will tell. So send me your name and the test treatment will be sent you at once. When I send you this, I will write you more fully, and will show you that my treatment is not only for banishing rheuma tism, but should also cleanse the system of Urie Acid and give great benefit in kidney trouble and help the general health. This special offer will not be held open indefi nitely. It will be necessary for you to make your application quickly. As soon as this discovery be comes better known I shall cease sending free treatments and shall then charge a price for this discovery which will be in proportion to its great value. So take advantage of this offer before it is too late. Remember, the test costs you absolutely nothing. F. H. Delano. 541 F. Delano Bldg Syracuse N. Y. April 22, 1915