Barrow news-journal. (Winder, Georgia) 2016-current, August 24, 2016, Image 5

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 BARROW NEWS-JOURNAL PAGE 5A Libertarianism and abortion Most of my readers know that I have adopted the political philosophy of Liber tarianism, which means that I believe that individuals have the right to live their lives however they wish, as long as they are not infringing on the rights of others, and government should exist only for the purpose of preserving the rights of individuals. With that said, I will also declare that I submit myself to the Christian principles, which means that I have chosen Christ as the person who guides my moral principles — or rather, he has chosen me as being part of his body to help spread his kingdom throughout the world. It is because of Christianity that I came to Libertarianism, and a very important question was asked on a Chris tian Libertarian platform: How can Chris tians be libertarians when that philosophy supports abortion? The answer is not simple, as the person is not asking the right question. Truly, libertarians (or Libertarians — for those who are registered Party supporters), are split on the issue. Libertarians such as the presidential Candidate Gary Johnson believe that abortion is an individual right of a woman, and that government should not regulate her body. On the contrary. I am one of those Lib ertarians that fall under the “pro-life” cate gory who believes that rights are extended to the unborn. While this issue is very sensitive, we need to understand what sort of assertion we are making when it comes to how we see human life. We cannot deny the fact that a fetus is, in fact, a human life, as science even defines it as such. Princeton University has a page that is dedicated to medical research of scientists who have studied the beginning of life, declaring that it begins at the moment of fertilization. This moment of fertilization between two human beings is, in fact, defined as a human life. With that said, we need to study the actual language of The Declaration of Independence, which could arguably be seen as the first legal document of the United States because it declared us as a sovereign nation apart from Great Britain. In this Declaration, Thomas Jefferson states that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are CREATED equally, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable rights — among these are LIFE, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness; that in order to preserve these rights, governments are instituted among men deriving their just jessica swords powers from the consent of the governed.” Here, Jefferson is declaring that the government’s job is to preserve the right to life, which we already know begins at the moment of conception. I do not think people truly understand the implication they are making when they justify one person having the authority to be judge, jury and executioner over another human being. If we do not have the basic right to life, then what right do we really have? People want to discuss this as a woman’s right, yet what about the rights of those whom you cannot see? Is this the reason why it is easier to justify the termination of an inno cent. human life — because you cannot see the atrocity of what you are doing to your victim? If anyone were to see the documentary entitled The Silent Scream, they would see the pulling apart of a human being alive, watching the unborn life trying to move away from the abortion utensils, even early within the first trimester. We have survival instincts within the womb, sug gesting that this unborn baby wants to live. What about the rights of women such as Melissa Ohden, Gianna lessen, Sarah Brown, Brandi Lozier, Claire Cul- well, Carrie Holland-Fischer, or Keira Harmsworth? What do all of these women have in common? They are abortion sur vivors. Or what about men like Finley Cramp- ton. Dr. Imre Teglasy or Josiah Presley? These were also abortion survivors. Some of the people — yes, I said people — mentioned above are disfigured or have suffered from life-long handicaps because of their mothers’ decision to abort. These people are also a minority, so do their lives, their stories, or their sufferings not count? I do not think that abortion will end if it is prohibited, but neither has murder of human beings. We need a true change in culture if we are to see the end of abortion, but this will not happen until we first understand what our rights are, and how to value them for ourselves. We need to remember that once we start denying any right to another human being, it is only a matter of time before these same arguments can be used against the rights we demand for ourselves. Jessica Swords is a local columnist. She can be reached at CASA seeking area volunteers Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is look ing for volunteers for chil dren in foster care. CASA volunteers advo cate for foster children and help them reach a perma nent, safe solution faster. They also make sure their assigned child receives tutoring when they are struggling in school. When a child is uproot ed from their school and activities, a CASA volun teer makes sure they get plugged into activities they enjoy: maybe it’s joining the local soccer team or signing up to participate in the school play. Most foster children spend at least one birthday in foster care and a CASA volunteer makes sure that day is still special, offer ing a personalized birthday greeting card or maybe a small gift to celebrate and remind the child that they are important and they are worth celebrating. Piedmont CASA has new volunteer training classes starting on Aug. 25. Visit www.piedmontcasa. org for more information on CASA. Washington’s take on Trump Don’t you just love Washington, D.C. and the liberal writers on the left! On Monday, I was reading an article by Washington Post columnist Greg Sargent talking down, actually bashing is a better word, Donald Trump. I don't follow the Post often but his article was posted on one of the internet news sites. Since I wasn’t familiar with Sar gent, I googled his name to see what might pop up. The exploration was interest ing to say the least. Sargent was described on one site as a . .leftist journalist who has been accused of uncritically promoting lies that serve left-wing interests.” The source further said Sargent, “...will leak anything you give him. He was the go-to guy to leak stuff.” Well, so much for fair and impartial journalistic writing. I was thinking far left anyway while reading the column so I wasn’t surprised by his emunctory style and position. Sargent was highly critical of Trump’s debut election ad, calling it an “ugly and dishonest production”. According to Trump's ad, the Republi can candidate says there are two possible futures for which the American voters may choose: one proposed by Trump and one Trump says will come from Hillary’s election. Trump said, “In Hillary Clinton's America, the system stays rigged against Americans. Syrian refugees flood in, ille gal immigrants convicted of committing crimes get to stay, collecting Social Secu rity benefits.. .our border open.. .it’s more of the same but worse.” The ad goes on to say, “Donald Trump’s America is secure, terrorists and dan gerous criminals kept out...the border secure. Our families safe. Change that makes America safe again. Sargent argues that Donald Trump is being dishonest in his ad campaign. If he had his way he would probably cry “wolf’ and ask the Federal Communi cations Commission (FCC) to block the Republicans from running the ad. That would be a typical ambush from the left side of our governmental equa tion. Personally, I can't find any argument with Trump’s position. Both the current Washington adminis tration and Clinton have said we need to admit more refugees even though we do not have the capability to vet them. In addition, the current President has released nearly 60,000 immigrants with criminal records in the past several months from our prisons with no argument from the Democrats or from Hillary Clinton. There is little doubt that our borders are insecure and open. Hillary Clinton appears to be running on exactly what Trump has identified as being a prob lem in this country. It’s hard to see the lies Sar gent claims exist in Trump’s campaign ad. If there are any lies being perpetuated, they seem to be coming from the left. And, if either of the Presi dential candidates appears to be lying, everyone should look first at Hillary. She lied about the death of four Americans at Benghazi, she lied about her emails, she lied about the FBI report, she lied about a conversation with Colin Powell and she has lied about her interactions with the Clinton Foundation while serving as Secretary of State. In another day and time, her lies would have disqualified her as a candidate for any political office. I don’t understand people like Greg Sargent or the way they think. If he lived in another country he would probably be in jail or working as a servant of the government pushing propaganda for a government that controls every inalienable right to which a person is entitled. In his Post column, Sargent said Trump’s ad, “ filled with precisely the same sort of dark, dystopian themes and content — even some of the same sort of grainy, dark footage depicting illegal immigrants as invaders...”. Well, yes Greg, they are invaders and they want health care, Social Security and other benefits at the cost of the American taxpayers. It is what it is. While society in America certainly has not reached a level of utopia for everyone, it’s not a “...dark, dystopian...” society that Sargent would paint it under Repub lican leadership. The Washington Post writer would have you believe “...the Trump ad echoes some of the ugliest elements of the pic ture Trump's convention speech painted of what ails America and what must be done about it.” I beg to differ. America is sick because of what the Democrats and a few gutless Republicans have done for this country since the mid-90s. We, the people, see very plainly, what is wrong and know what needs to be done. Donald Trump may be our last hope. Jimmy Terrell is a retired law enforce ment official. He can be reached at ejterrell65@ gmail. com. Bethlehem Star Festival set Oct. 8 The 11th annual Bethlehem Star Festi val is set for 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. Oct. 8, in the Bethlehem town square. The family-friendly event will include arts, crafts, food and music. The town and the Nativity Lutheran Church sponsor a free kids zone that includes games, arts and crafts, inflatables and more. Vendor applications are welcomed. See the web site at August 24, 2016 ~ Crossword Puzzle Headmaster’s Corner by Steve Cummings OPPORTUNITY TO HOST - This past Saturday, Athens Christian had a wonderful op portunity to host Opening Day for the Northeast Georgia Youth Football Conference. This Ath ens youth league includes the Downtown Falcons, Classic City Cowboys, Stonehenge Panthers, AYA Trojans, East Athens Dol phins, CYA Raiders, Holland Park Ravens, and AYO Lions. All three football fields at ACS were busy venues for screaming fans, hustling players, and in tense coaches late into the af ternoon. We loved being able to open up our facilities to hundreds and hundreds of our neighbors from the Athens community. A special thanks to Coach Chris Williams and all the volunteers who worked tire lessly to make this a great event. Best wishes to the NGYFC this season! ATHENS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL “Affordable Quality Education Since 1970” K3-12TH CALL (706) 549-7586 Across 1. Feminist Lucretia 5. Lacrimal gland fluid 9. Airborne (abbr.) 12. Double-reed instrument 13. De Mille (dancer) 15. Burn plant: vera 16. Represent by drawing 17. Roy Harold Scherer 19. Point that is one point N of due E 20. Causing vexation 21. Belonging to a thing 24. Leg joint 25. Suffragette Anthony 27. Form a sum 28. Point midway between E and SE 31. Convert a hide into leather 32. Radical derived from butane 34. Priest’s liturgical vestment 35. Goat and camel hair fabric 36. Sticky 38. Talk 39. Committed information rate 40. Strong twisted cotton thread 42.331/3 rpms 43. Honey (abbr.) 44. Founding Father Franklin 45. Frees from pain or worry 47. Tennis player Bjorn 48. Not inclined to speak 49. Shoulder blade 53. Express pleasure 56. One week before Easter 60. Attired 62. Chew the fat 63. Weighing device 64. Captain British pirate 65. Tropical American cuckoo 66. Any place of bliss or delight 67. Remain as is Down 1. “Rounders” actress Gretchen 2. Off-Broadway theater award 3. Grave 4. Court game 5. Pitch 6. Sense of self-esteem 7. Mandela’s party 8. Lights again 9. Likewise 10. Film set microphone pole 11. “Housewives’” Leakes 14. Atom off strip 15. Promotions 18. A. Godfrey’s instrument 22. Bill in a restaurant 23. Cozy 24. Knocking out 25. Polio vaccine developer 26. Numeral system 28. Former gold coin worth $10 29. Swats 30. Flows back or recedes 31. Rotation speed indicator 33. Respect beliefs of others 37. Original matter 41. Cologne 44. Small round soft mass 46. Kisses noisily 47. Large passenger vehicle 49. Prevents harm to creatures 50. Songwriter Sammy 51. Jai , sport 52. Payment (abbr.) 54. Settled onto 55. Incline from vertical 57. Father 58. Brew 59. Strong desire 61. Insecticide CUSTOM PRINTING Custom Sheet-Fed & Web Press Printing •Stationery • Flyers • Bus. 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