Barrow news-journal. (Winder, Georgia) 2016-current, September 21, 2016, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2016 BARROW NEWS-JOURNAL PAGE 3A ffe’re Building City Here ■V 0ur Horn. N.w.pap.r' - S.rvl n8 Thl. S.etlon For Ov.r H.lf A C.ntury NO, LXX[ DIRECTORS ole clod at Uto annual mod' ■*-KVjn EUiCTItlC MEMBBHSII1’ CORPORATION N Mj in Jolfcriwn Iasi .Saturday ore shotm obovci loft W r and Huy ward Q'Kullcy, ■Ight, E, BMlon Cook, It, L, liar. 50 Years Ago | | — I 20 PAGES THIS ISS Un R Arnall-Maddox, Geer-Smith In Run-Off; gentley, Caldwell, Landrum, Minish.Paris Win ' I arm In I pre.., EREV. HUBERT FLtVNAGAM, pastor ot First Methodist Church nidi Winder Girl Scouts, Chris Iboim, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franhlln House; Sue Parker sor. daughter of Dr and Mrs. fewtje Farkerson; and Mary G« Morgan, daughter ofMr, and Mrs, Worth Morgan, isho were presented the ,f God and Country' 1 Itollgtous Award at church services last Sunday momlrtf:,-- ''■hMohySicH) Story on Socond Front, 1,500 Consumers At IEMC Meet Saturday Consol it! ut ml It el urn u- Scptember 14, 1966 Barrow County Democratic Primary Paris Defeats Florence In Local Representative Race Elinhurg Withdraws From Run-Off Against Minish- Jlore than 4,500 member-consumers of JacKsoo Electric *rshlp Corporation attended the 28th Annual Members' tebrtg of their cooperative tn Jefferson on Saturday, Sep- Youth Electric Project Youth Electric pins wore also pre sented to boys and girls com pleting the project niguiro-- ments. rl7> | j^stratlon of members be b « 8; 30 a.m () and the pro- ; under the big tent start- 9:30 aum- The morning's itMUetj were punctuated by tiling entertainment and t awarding of valuable prk- [ A^rtij and price money to- : $500,00 were presented I'.tte dinners of Jackson EMC William N, Welch, general manager of Jackson EMC, re ported that the KWH sales of the firm should Increase 2 1/2 times by 1975 and that the val ue would almost double in the next ten years. Walter Harrison, executive manager of Georgia Electric Membership Corporation in- treducod the keynote speaker, Senator Herman E, Talmadge. Senator Talmadge praised rur- al electric cooperatives for EUGENE COOK 113 U2 JDS 47 72 1719 34 SO 270 2695 tholr service to the nation. G, HUGHEL HARRISON 49 39 109 32 34 737 36 36 96 1170 During the business session, member - owners elected Ha>- woed U’Kolley as director from Lumpkin County; £• Barton FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, SUPREME COURT OF GEORGIA HENNING M, GRICE (Incumbent) 171 156 336 SI 116 2320 (130 126 395 3S35 Cook as director from Clarke (Continued on FagO 7-A) % FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, SUPREME COURT OF GEORGIA CARLTON MOBLEY (Incumbent) 172 15? 336 SI 121 2517 130 126 397 4039 t down i 4-6 at half * tnenty- ,v. fi! third quarter to down ^dtr.fjjrroh Jkilldogaby econd Half Puts minesville Past W-B 'jT■ <* 33-20, is y, e re heavy fa - * i Ule lw.t Uwy Kolng rough Jn the ■ ' d *' team ( (AJ y any. j “-•'Us) in || r<t q Uiir . "W the tom and t^, v ll) receive, Edward a kick utf, hut dm ve against (he ^RMsa. lid wards Lalnonvlllc 29, * . 44 , li rotho r olJ-'a I - billy f picked up 17 * J 4 »wotp on fl r^t £ * Bulldog* held at (hat ! 3 ^ever, and Tommy Valentine punted w u ™ w ' !3 31» Winder eras aiislu forced to punt, and Gainesville got the bail on tlieir own 44, Tw run* pained four yard*, r|i«o entlne lilt rtodniu McKinney ,1 and »n'r»t down. Tw i»m- e, and u run felled hi jn »j nod Vslenliiw punled out 10 die winder again failed to more the, nnd iHinwd uguld Ul the (ialnovlllc 4S, Valentino and .Morlln »JW- pud curries to tfie W*» Id u" the fiuartor ended. Martin carried twice, endU* ba |j rested on die Winder M. McKinney corned u> Martin tiroke around end for u» Ipifaea' first store. Barry Coin blocked die ex tra point attempt, but Uie Iflc- pllanli led, n-ll, Thu MulldiSiS could not move ftfl5r the Kick-off Odd ponUjd once again ODlno#*Ul« nnde one first dom, but wo™ for ced to punt back to die W ll 37. Latfull Sboploy Umn «ol «Jw nulldoH* moving for die II r* time, Employ first tried to h Don iunldi vrltli I P"’*; 11 fell Incomplete. Then ran ii,» uptlun for ton yord. and a first down. Tommy IbJvti* « al,ll!d w,c * (Continued on P«*» WU KtAMES OF CANDIDATES FOR UNITED STATES SENATE HARRY U HYDE RICHARD B RUSSELL (IocumbcnO FOR GOVERNOR (To succeed Cart E, .VindorsJ ELLIS All NALL GARLAND T, BYRD JIMMY CARTER J«IES H, GRAY LESTER G, MADDOX HOKE O’KELLEY FOR LT, GOVERNOR (To succeed Potcr Zack Geer) tV, RANDALL BEDGOOD, JR. PETER SACK GEER GEORGE T, SMITH FOR SECRETARY OF STATE BEN W. FORTSON, JR, OntumbonO FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL ARTHUR K. BOLTON (Incumbent) FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, SUPREME COURT OF GEORGIA (For the i.novplrcd form ofT. GH.YDV HEAD, Expiring Decombcr 3t, lOTOl FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEALS (For a term to succeed BrnsKcll n, Docn, Jr, beginning Novomber S. 19130 and exjilring Do-. comber 31. [90G) BRASWELL D. DEES, JR, 171 FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OF APPEALS (For a full Mx yen: term beginning January I. IUG7) (To succeed Ilraxiwil D, Doen, Jr.) Braswell, i), Seen, jh, igb FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE COURT OF APPEALS JjjLB A'. FELTON (IneunibenO FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICE, COURT OP APPEALS JOHN E. FRANRUM (Incumbent) FOR COMMISSIONER OR AGRICULTURE PHIL CAMPBELL (Incumbent) FGII COMPTROLLER GENERAL JAMES L BENTLEY (Incumbent) EACH D, CHAVEY FOR STATE TREASURER JACK 1) RAY (Incumbent) FOR STATE SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT JACK P, NLY (Incumbent) FOR COMMISSIONER OF LABOR (To Succeed Ben T. Hufot) SAM CALDWELL BEN T, HU1ET FOR PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER (To succood Ben T, Wlgglnn) ben t. Wiggins FOR PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER CIIAWPOHO L PILCIIER, (Inttlmbotst) FOR UNITED STATES IlEPHliSENTATIVK IN CONGRESS FROM THE COjflltKSSIONAL mSTIHCT OP GEORGIA PREII C, JONES', JR, PHIL M, LANDIH’M SELL MILLER FRANKLIN STUNK UHL, SR. FOR STATE .SENATOR FROM THE iHTII DISTRICT lilt, It A, LLtNIlUItti. JR. DR. J. ALttl JIT MINISH IV, I 1 , (DILI.) IVtlJIANKN, .III. poll KEFRHNENTATIVIi IN THE tiliNKIIAl, Wxl YIHI I I HUM I’dlll* HISniRT FRANK W, FlifSIHNCH JAMILS W, PARIS 172 .137 s 6 i | U5 2 § 5 < CQ C3 O -U X O rt & fc os O 15 10 30 6 6 150 5 B 16 246 143 135 275 74 103 2231 112 109 337 3519 20 30 GO 2 10 356 5 10 61 534 5 31 12 3 1 77 4 11 14 138 55 6? 94 19 52 1143 47 40 150 1667 15 14 32 12 (10 181 10 14 37 325 68 44 125 42 46 645 60 44 127 1201 4 10 9 3 2 46 1 3 4 84 13 7 16 4 4 240 16 10 82 392 85 98 192 47 79 1312 SO 72 200 2168 IS 42 96 25 26 653 25 35 93 1212 171 156 33S 80 123 2519 131 124 3S8 4030 171 155 338 81 123 2516 124 126 393 4027 156 333 St l3l 2317 129 12S 392 P)!9 338 80 121 2525 129 125 393 1036 338 SI 121 2591 tao 123 39i 4034 338 at 121 2513 129 124 395 41)20 338 81 ns 251S 131 125 400 4033 172 38 58 14H1 as SO 197 2240 134 44 56 946 so 61 170 338 tu j21 2530 131 126 399 4064 338 at 121 2534 131 124 sun 111 56 140 54 70 1131 as 65 1A? \m in® 41 1254 09 in 209 1040 3118 an 191 2328 ISO ISO 400 4031 338 HJ 121' uaj ISO ISO ■urn ■WHO a 116 A it 1* VM .13 21 AS nsa 94 4S 149 178 A 13(1 13 .W f(138 S3 SO 179 tons tn 2 l 411 S 0 4 TO (III 21 94 sia 29 A3 33 m 171 17 7(1 im (III AS 930 sal? in 19 11 dm 34 IK *3 041 III) 211 Sit too II All 47 97 1119 nr 33 US l.MIA M Tl Still S310 e,E;--'V ,1 L, Jit, WF, iMiii i r £ivj^k ■ -d. tvu-' .-LftMCHE ■ v'.,.': V' ' )• (1 A mall was top nun among tho six candidates, loading his nearest opponont by bettor than 45,000 votes. Horo'slhevfaytho voting want state-wide; Amall, 211,981; Byrd, 35,364j Carter, 154,210; Gray, 139,622; Mad dox, 166,739, andO*Kelley,12,- 46G Barrow County voters sup ported James Carter with l,- 667 to Maddox's 1,201 In sec ond place. United States Senator Rich ard B, Russell soundly defeat ed Harry L, Hyde without a campaign, SenatorRussell’sat tention being focused towards Washington the entire time, George T, Smith forced a runoff against Peter Zack Geer in the Lieutenant Governor's race when Geo.r failed to gain enough for a majority in tho three-man race. The two can didate tor second place office for the state waged a vigorous campaign* In fact, they did not let up last Wednesday follow ing the Primary , as both men wont right on with the cam paign first thing Thursday mor ning and have been at tl all week tong. The vote In lfcu> row- County' (or Lieutenant Gov ernor shows Goer took the coun ty by almost two to one a In defeating Zack D. Cravey James Bentley, Incumbent,gar no red 2,240 votes tn Barrow t« carry 1 the county. Sam Caldwell, newcomer,do footed Incumbent Ben T, Hulet However, Hulet carried Bar row County by tho close mar gin of 1,940 to Caldwell's 1, SSI votes. Congressman Phil Landrum In hU btd for the Ninth Con gressional District, carrier Barra# County while winning the state. Ho defeated '/ell Mil lor, his closest opponent In Bar row County, 17SD votes Wl6$2 Dr* J. Albert Minish over- wholmtbgl)' defCxitod hbtwuop ponents lit Barrow when he 2,347 voles against Elinberg’ S33 and Wilbanks',041, Dr, Min Ish, did nol jxvll enough nvtjtvr Ity to win without riinoffagalai Glitiburg lUnvewr, Saturday morning, Dr, Kllnburg ah nwinced hb wilhdrtivsal from runoff, staling tint Dr, Minish' showing througltou; the ISth V iwiorlal District tyajt so eon elusive that he did not ftel nocosKtvj' to cvmtost the r.u* ill a riuteff. This leaves two races In the runeTtr-ro Ocwurilor airi Lieutenant Gbv tMiior. JATOOs \\ , Barb, (MyseAritlvv from ICavio County hi the Mate Leglsbuir defeated b'vank J. I'Luvnw both or Winder b)’ better tha .1,100 votes In adOUirit to the ohu'bUab tilatlwtst hi thb XtW tultnmt tlvw tvcv-hvd tm\ l\»r<w\y Util ridns, IMriow CvMtnvj ivma erntle Committed CKvinnvaan Jlh) K, KMWN N'Oivtaiv A n Ttvasutvi , ivtviwv Counia’ mceivulc Ivvociulw Commit^ the toltiwfiwt wetvthMHmawxla DomtvcwHe lbeculivv CvMnnvIi twmeit of trirvou ' Xl11 Mllula Dlstrietsi Houwh Pbirtfb'Ue^s aWivw n, i>rf> tUuvSmlH'HbL *A\A\bi\ tieihlritem Di>L **R*,v(dU ,, . , Lll Mi l>Ul. ’• ^ r^w »i«i - K - tan. LOCAL HISTORY Continuing with this issue, past newspaper front pages will highlight local news and history from Winder and Barrow County. This front page is from the Sept. 21,1966 issue of The Winder News. Auburn continued from 1A OTHER ITEMS DISCUSSED Other items discussed at the work session that could be on the agenda for a vote at the Oct. 6 council meet ing included: •a new contract with Elbert D. Blackstock. indepen dent contractor, to serve as Water Quality Assessor for the City of Auburn at an hourly rate of $20 for a period of one year beginning Oct. 1, 2016 and ending on Sept. 1, 2017. Public works director David Hawthorne said this is the same fee as the previous two years. The city is required by the State of Georgia to have a licensed operator to perform numerous tests for water quality and to submit the reports to the Environmental Pro tection Division (EPD) to be eligible to provide water to the public. •the purchase of a Anixter-Sentry 360 body camera system, 12 cameras, for the police department for $7,612 and the purchase of a CDW computer server for the storage and management of video/audio data from the camera system at a cost of $10,999. •a 12-month usage contract with LeadsOnline for an investigation system service package to assist the police department's Criminal Investigation Division (CID) in tracking stolen property and identifying those associated. The cost of the "TotalTrack" service package is $1,758. •a 12-month usage agreement with ID Pursuit for full access to ID Pursuit’s data resources at a cost of $637. This data will also be used by the police depart ment’s CID. •a lease renewal for city property at 1354 Fourth Avenue. The property is currently leased to HUE Graphics and Apparel LLC for $600 per month. The council recommended doing a comparison on neigh boring properties before setting a monthly fee. •the purchase of eight vehicles - one Ford Explorer for city hall, one Ford F-150 truck for parks and lei sure services, one 8-10 passenger prisoner transport van for the water department, two Ford F-150 trucks for the water department, two Ford police interceptors and one Ford Taurus for the police department - at a total cost of $211,034 financed for five years through First Capital Equipment Feasing Corporation, payable at $45,795 per year for principal and interest. The city plans to sell six vehicles on gov deals once the new vehicles are in use. Square dance set for Friday The Winder Square Dance Club, “Jug Tavern Squares,” will dance on Friday, Sept. 23, with an “Old Time Country Fair” theme. The dance will be at the YMCA Winder from 7:30-10 p.m. No YMCA membership is required. Visit the group’s website at for more information or contact club presidents, Boyd or Teresa McLocklin at 770-540-3341. Senior Center plans Charleston trip The Barrow County Senior Center is offering a three day trip to Charleston, South Carolina on December 5, 6 and 7. The trip includes a Christmas show and guided tours. The trip is open to adults 50 and over. Prices start at $349 per person. For more information, please call the center at 770-307-2025. Send community briefs: Let us know about your club or civic group activities. Email items to