Barrow news-journal. (Winder, Georgia) 2016-current, November 09, 2016, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2016 BARROW NEWS-JOURNAL PAGE 3A 50 Years Ago tttdicr Yaur Monts N*w*|. ar . #r n*» vln U ! »«■* A ai |i on f. or I M H 4 Car Smash Up Is Fatal To Mrs. Dean Loti Maddox Wins Barrow; Amendment 23 Loses Over M®if a C • nlury We're Hnilding A City Here Callaway Leading In State By Diminishing Majority ' Jut u\i i', I : I • ivival Services Al First iristian Church Next Week jn Maridw TTr~ 1 £ i?i * 13 ‘ 119 s 11 i 1 ‘4 i 1 4 * n LA*! r:1 !h 1 Art Id \Y Z3 Vo S3 ■" ) J ' »?2 Hti 1 1 1 ‘41 11*17 No 111 |llS |« SI IB 1 . 1 PA' 1 J4j 341 p- II ihlnil Miilo?fs (rill'll [lllM/IU’l Sahirilm \i"hl u( Lilt' \V l lean* riotMId- ■■id hub Memorial I «» Ht* N>l<| U\ l.irl s rout" a nk d Caldwell Named President 01 Ga. Optometric Assn. from 1914 the tear* fulti mall v, Ii 1> ! ea the Mem- ils on© tvaj union Li *13 will as- Lhc \ t* riddo By p #13 wl r Citizen taking part Day Poppy 11 bo work- \t,C. h r and x, Jr, Nc- in i rule. he Memorial is Day one Is e great debt nd no. TTICd f night m AhUmhi retugnlLiuti of a fUiCmathm lMr»c- L irj- of binder, >»t- shir of ceremonlui Barrow Superior Court In Session This Week Only nu Btrrm* .Superior { ourt, i man Novwmlwr term, cnnwiwd M on - I wbii day morntnt of to l ■ «e«k Thi* I a U.nri Is ingitUrb h*ld without *mu. filed in order to stay the ac-1 tion of the legislature, If such | be necessary, until the legal j status has been determined, i This cuuld probably takerenai- deruble time U> b* determined* perhaps necessitating Uhj poa- ] sibiltty of Governor remaining In erffi legal issue* can Meanwhile In Barrow Coun-1 ty, the voters sp«he in no un curtain terms, giving Maddox better than a two to one do-1 ciston. The unofficial figures i Ninctor s until all settled. ly 14H votes Houses District ln>tde the t,lt> of Winder poll ed *72 For and 4U? Against, (hitvide the City In Houses District the figure was 450 For and 34i Against, thus pla cing Houses District in favor of Amendment No, 23 by ap proximately 465 Majority. An- show Maddox defeating Calk-1 ij urn Dlstiicf voted 56 For and way by 2935 tu 123F voles. Mr, m Against the Amendment to Maddox In all nine pro- I |*, me only other precinct be- elncts In Barrow County t Jos- s ides Houses in Barrow to fa- ing only >n the Absentee vote by yor the Amendment. 914 to 42. No other races were at stake The unofficial figures show t n Barrow County except for tivat tire Barrow County School mi to-In votes which apparent- Myi’ger Amendment No, 23 has \$ did not nutei talizc much been defeated by approximate- force, The Tomboys Are Comingf, Coach Osbornes Boys Ready inn er Film j Srh oilu In I For \oreml>er 17 cee Americanism Contest Winners »live m a coun- - men are willing ver to i link is right. 1 think that A- lenca should be over in Viet am helping them fight the :j doesn't help other cuun- ies Communism will soon rule ie whole world. As long as America will a- ide with Cod and as long as uteri cans will elect good hristian leaders to make our junto's decisions for us, I fin’t think that America will live anything to worry about," The first runner-up was An- i jfiy Wheeler from the Auburn Chtwl and following Is his es- Amedcanlsm Is being an men can A person lust living id existing in America is not, j, rtl , . iryiy patriotic citizen* I lOF Ixj a good ex- By J, C. COOK City Becreation Director The Delta Drug TOMBOYS one of the South’s finest and most colorful girls teams, will invade the Winder-Barrow gym Thursday night, November 10 to match their basketball ability with Coach D, F. Osborne's men faculty All-Stars, The Tomboys wUl feature this season 10 of the finest girls ever to play on High school teams in Gtorgla, plus 2 girls from Knoxville, Tenn.* 1 from Jacksonville, Ik.* and i from Blxby, Oklahoma. The Delta Drug Tomboys are opening their 23rd season under (he management and coaching of Johnny Moon, one of the most famous girls coaches In Amer ica, The girls have played In27 states and 3 foreign countries, in 19.1-1 arid 1951* they played a goqd *111 tour o( Cuba ns guesl of tilt* Cuban Government. In in in enievt with head closing coach Uhbo rnc and A* blatant coach and miner F ra nk Fly Traff lng»toi i Mu nday both men a- tvroon h greed that air boys ar © better Drive v than they have sh >wn In In the fiie p<. si th re© Ramus against reel. There . bach Usbome excuse for our vei by a bunch em, we have a ball players md wt> are expecting them to jot down to business Thursday light," I acuity members to see ac tion ed c The junior and senior girl; of Winder-Barrow High School and their mothers will be shown dit American Cancer Society film "Breast Solf-Lxamlna Uon" Thursday evening, No ! vember 17 at H o’clock at the I Winder-Barrow High school auditorium. The film Is sponsored In the school by the Anchor Club and presented by their span Mrs, C, l red Ingram. The showing has been ap- Chief Gerald Thomas, of the | proved by the Principal, U«U Winder Police Department, Part 01 Church Street Is Now One Way Traffic stated this week thatthoportion of Church Street between Midland Avenue and Kelly Drive has been declared a one way street to elivata the congestion of traffic during peak hours when school Is In session# The Winder Grammar School is located in this are and at times during the morning and afternoons at the opening and if school, traffic be- Imost at a standstill. o« Church Street he adland Avenue and Kelly will now bt* one way south, direction of Candler St- Chlef Thomas has re- dvllciouh mo j i, prepared bj U» nnsUmi . of ilit; players, Mi. • <*yfe Introduced Cuack Bob l>ix- on wtic gtva the principal ad- Grtdi Dinfl *pokt wtU'i Inspiration url tj;njd ad>ire to Uw young fortbalT player*. His woivifc fell on rooxt rece|jtlw iMHfc as all the boys iistcr^jd In tensively to every potni die «dt ra-ide. 1 lyctlre and de- rminiitlin, cuoihined with a Umgitoas to study and be a gr»jd atudent/' coach Dixon said, 1 are e^ential element*; in being tin* kind of player a tvjach de»Lrwi* In hi a team. The affair was a Father-Son t;pe binqueL It was difficult uner to tell who did Uie best of ealing the mother* Imr- burgerv-a boy ur lus Dad. Of ui se, Uk; modiers of Un 1 play- s prepared and served the al eonshung of hambui-gcr«, french fried potatoes, pickles, onions and milk, limmv Taylor, of Barrow Tractor Company r niied by Mr. Cook In recog nition o! his lung and corvd*tent support of tike Midgvi and Lit tle League activities in tho Uoc- tMiiun Department of the CUy f Wlndei, Mr, Cook said that Mr. Taylor Isas supported Lhe outh programs since die wmy beginning, and deserve* thanks ind recognition for his many contributions and supptjrt.’" Mr. Cook also nici^ruzcd Jolin Deal Tor his untiring efforts for Uie promotion of the boys and theu prcgiam. Mr. Deal responded (Continued on Pago 2' igukrly U« turvicru if it 111jut*j Jury, TImj pftMint Jh*n l* belt*, provided uver l>j ; Mark Durto- hjo, Judge iJ ttw Piedmont ttreutt, nf which Barrow |v a l Inyd Ci, Hoard,.’uiBclinr, is ropru>wnttiig the state This flCHil'jn of cotirt was In- ter copied Tuesday due b) the <«tr*j‘al Kluctlun be I ns I it id ui the Harrow County tAsiftiviuso. iUmovtr, 'MKr cave wws tried tn criminal court Moada.?. otsi Villlle Hal! wav. Iren y iUty on a charge of puss***- l*wn *jf nan-u.vpaid whiskwy. Hall was previously tried for the manufacture < paid *1il»kbjr ftumbci */pkis Istvr Wj. r«l at Uus u.rm id cart, I hree frf tiwr-i* |»Wa» i*>r V u-pud if .lodge I/-. hK' kditla I suPswquenti> " Airti' an uarti in 12 month v. Judge Ikmehuu -Li! wily one w*t>V of c.'furt Kd winch will Inch ri'impui arid civil Tho ease u v* ‘NuaJm^Ai tl i lv being lK‘Hrd The New t-i sUvsd that Mtvurel O ■ tit be fiaan} wilt ‘ •a: ion rrf pr*r* f vent u*rm atitii f rtdey Wore ad>x»riuntni i that plriv- Mfi bright alb *4 Far- It t> uw ^1 ri.t civil tn j tv tend I Winder-Barrow Blanks Franklin Co., 34-0 Ttm Vtioder-BarrowBulldott rolled up 44b yards total i>f- fonse, F riday night, and racked up five UHiCridoWYia u> defeat the Lions A F rankllB County by score of 34-0. The BuUd>s>* took the0|ienlng kick-off, and prumptly drove tkifflifiold for a fcCore.The TMc*- drove M yard a in nine plays to put thegame’s first pulnU on boards. From the 39 Foy Hall led off use drew with 3 svvwj yard pick up to the 40. Tommy Down', then moved tho ball eight yards for a first down, Hall carried twice for another first down at the Franklin 36. Mike Newell ihen blasted foi four consecutive snaps, a»xl the ball rented on three. Hall moved it over from this point IL NL Bramlett added the ex tra point, and the score was7-0. Franklin could oot get much of an offense in their f au ball, but fumble recovery, threatening In Bulldog tory, Lamar LdwariD K»L ihreat, however , with toraspUon at th« 2!» Hall went for w on down, then ^ im-te I plot®. On third down Hail fc k-jae f-?r Id vards and t down. Newell then tuofc t«1 sling jftunl of Li ranit back for twelve Downs vK-ht for < V-well hit fit; !‘wr, jjvJ a first down on the Si. Then HaU mov ed to the 1L On ** tend down, LomJlShpc- ley r^Led to hi - right, found the way crowded with gre-'n shUt&« cut back to hJv left, ami i* *d to Don bmitb who blasted into the end yon*. H. M. Brindtit (t inuad w Pagw j-G) tliu trofik signs hi fills aroa ar¥ j | ie asks motorists to ad just their driving habits in fids ai ua to conform with the now renulaUfflis* T. Park. The program Kill follow plarti set up b> tire (Ulls boro t rainij, Florida school which [uosram wa. featured at rhe Satlosial 1’ubltc Lducatlon Conference in ht. Louis, Letters are Ix-Lng rbut- ed to tho junior , and seniors pi be sfenod b> their mother s and returned to Ihotr home* room representatives. Mrs, Dean Thompson, Field Heprvsentative of tho Lancer Society, from the Adicns office stated, "Voung peoph' m»d learn about Lancer because what the) leant about oar l> de- Uutioft IW sovo thntr liresur the thus ot some older mem ber or their tamilios." i)r. (.corse II. Parker«m will be In attendance to answur questions which will be' submit ted on cauls ratlior than «r- (Cnnllitiied «t I'at’e 2-A) timt Lllh AM) Uliua TORS or tho lurrw tremtv tarm I niembershlp drtte and to make plans for the nmuln* ot 1, « 6 la Men President,Cioorsiaf *rmtkuv,iludtrmiwv.teftt-rtW c MutUedte.r H. "Hobbj smith,0.«mh«u» ? n In'o v,title Perkins Jr„ 1'resldenl, tack row, left to«*ht UareneCh aim, 1 ester Hall aid Mw IW wall, Petri Seed, KnnrveUi Patrick, JulM *«». 0 O'hotu Ijy Nun G- Duntway LOCAL HISTORY Continuing with this issue, past newspaper front pages will highlight local news and history from Winder and Barrow County. This front page is from the Nov. 9, 1966 issue of The Winder News. Affordable Care Act navigator to be at Winder Public Library this month On Monday, Nov. 28, beginning at 10 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., the Wind er Public Library will be hosting an Affordable Care Act all day event, con ducted by Affordable Care Act Naviga tor. Kate Malone. Malone, a trained enrollment spe cialist will be available for assisting in signing up individuals for health insurance, Medicaid, and PeachCare. Get answers to questions about afford ability, dates, financial help and addi tional materials with free, in-person confidential assistance. Information about status changes, renewing and reviewing coverage, plus different options, will also be covered by Malone, She will be available to help with shopping and enrolling in a plan that fits individual budgets and needs. Malone will explain essential guar anteed benefits including low or no cost vaccines, screening tests, check ups, emergency services, maternity, mental health and prescription drug coverage. Medicaid and PeachCare information and questions will also be answered. Julia Simpson, library manager, said, “If you don’t have healthcare coverage, have concerns about Medicaid or need to know how to get PeachCare cover age for children, don't miss this day long event. “The library will also host other des ignated days for this event in Decem ber and January. I invite everyone in the community to participate in these extremely informative sessions.” Open enrollment begins November 1— first day you can enroll, re-en roll, or change a 2017 insurance plan through the Health Insurance Market place. Coverage can start as soon as Jan. 1, 2017. The last day to enroll in or change plans for coverage to start January 1, 2017 is December 15, 2016 The Winder Public Library is locat ed at 189 Bellview Street and can be reached at 770-867-2762. All library events are free. View event calendar at or Facebook/Winder Public Library. ‘Awake America’ prayers to be held in Winder this month Awake America Prayer meetings will be held every second Thursday of each month at Veterans Memorial Park, Winder. The next prayer meet ing is set for 11:59 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 10, according to a news release. “Please join elect ed officials, pastors, community leaders and concerned citizens as they meet to pray for our nation, its leaders and revival for Ameri ca,” leaders stated in the release. Veterans Memorial Park is located at 113 East Athens St. For more information, contact Lynn Adams, Awake America Prayer Meetings facilitator, at the group’s website: You can also email her at awakeambarrowcty@ “Please join us as we lift this Country in prayer,” Adams said.