The Cordele dispatch and daily sentinel. (Cordele, Georgia) 1920-1926, June 02, 1920, AFTERNOON EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO 94,299 FORD.CARS o , ez TURNED OUT IN MARCH NEg Onlly ant Monthly Records Ev H tablished ,@lnrch Mroke all production records eve .m%by the Ford Mitor Company, oit, Woth tor the number of cars pipduced in ong day and one month, N h 27th, 4,266 carg left the assem ines dat the home plant and branch -41 ! while the recold for the month | 9¢,299 cars. These figures repre -8 porduction in the United States opif, and do not take-into consider ign the Canadlan; or foreign plams.' ifere’s an illustration of the amount gpallroad cars it would take to ship thid vast swarm of Fords. Loaded ¥ lin a freight car with fifty treight (Sv* to ach tratn, ) would taky 314 trains to carry them, and there m.ild be enough left over to start a{ pé Bde. i -.‘;otwlthmandlng the fact that pm~i paion n Aptil dropped to less than :fi?@ per cent of normal, hecause of the strike, Ford officials say that fm‘ thieltigonl year, which ends July 81st, they will have attained the mlllion{ wt{k of production. -+ ’,;l#uring' the sirike, mateyrial was gought in by ‘truejs, he id, eleetyic ht and' every otblet, pfimlhle Wiy, iz ' ¢ PBOFESSIONAL CARDS g YU IDR. FORD WARE ;Z Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat ; 2| DR AJ. WHELCHEL g | Gynieology | DR. M. R. SMITH ' faternol Medioine anc Burgery ' Office: American Bank and ‘ Trust Co., Building. 8. 5. F. WILLIAMS—SpeciaI atten o given to Diseases of Women and dldren. - WA’PT-I{()I4NIF18 BLDU. -iune 177 Cordele, Ga. Bl crinrptiiontin e iions i s it svey fIUM & JONES, LAWYERS, Prac v in all courts; §tate ‘and ‘Federal, RDELE, " GEORGIA, & ‘ DR, W. A. DOWNS VETERINARIAN @inice Phone 242 Res. Phoue 304 | W. E. EDWARDS '?RP!'I"(NGIAN -and. WN?EON b icah Bank & Trust Co. Buliding gt A e sl s CORDELE LODGE, NO. 223,1.0.0. F MEETS EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT AT 8 O'CLOCK T \@*Membarfi\_@mwfiy ' ,hivlt'_nl.,, . alawh LLI THOS, J. McAR‘THJ;I. M. D.—Speclal Attention to dnrgery and Gynlecolog CORDELE, GEORGIA DR. BYRON DANIEL Stomach : Internal Medicine Radiology Office—Marman Bidg. DR. T. £ BRADLEY Eye, Kar, Nose, Thrcat and Fitting of Glasses. Office Ye.tbrook Bldg. A. > Bussey T.A. McNicholas BUSSEY & MeNTCHOLAS Attorneys at Law . State and Federal Practice Offices over Exchange Dank CORDELE, GA. e e SR FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF RICHWOOD, GA. Sérvices on Second and Fourth s Sundays and Saturday Before T. B. AVERA, Clerk. DR. A, H. KENDALL, DENTIST Special Attention to Gum Diseases ang the correction of crooked testh, "hone 40 WHolmes Bidg. CORDELE, GA. HARRIS & BALLENGER INSURANCE AND TURITY BONDS. tordele, (eorgia, L; L. DAVIS, Attornay at Law. Office Phone 130, Farm Loans at 5 1-2 po cent interest. (‘ORDELB, GA. J. 8. McKenzie Q. 8. McKenzie ' McKENZIE & MCKENZIE Practising Physicians American Bank ard Trust Co., Bldg. P i e b e e s JoC.PATTEN DENTIST Cardele. Geargio -éb::x s WO eTY R it g WALKER'S BARBER SHOP #"@EQASQE'&\;‘{{;{ CopNER e - CORDELE, GEORGIA TR b U e BB O e L FARMER HENSLEE CAN NOW BEAT HIS HANDS AT SPLITTING WOOD After Four Years of Stom ach Trouble He Was Fast : Going Down Hill--Is Now ~ Picture of Health. “LOOKS FOR WORK . TO BLOW OFF STEAM “After What Tanlac Has Done For My Wife and Me we Wouldn’t be With out It at Any Price,” Is What He Says. When the Tanlac representative czlled on Arthur HeHnslee, well-known and prosperous farmer of Villa Rica, Georgla, he found him with two of his men, hard at work splitting wood, but he immediately dropped his work and gave the yisjitor a hearty welcome, "lf 1. hadn't: been for Tanmlac you wouldn’t have caught me working like ‘that,” declared farmer Henglee. *“To look at me now you would hardly thinki that for four years 1 was a sick ‘man and sffered from chtonic stomach trouble, but such is the fact. My food used to lie like a stone on my stom ach for hours after I had eaten it, the gas that formed always gave me a tight full feeling, and I was continu ally constipated, Being unable to eat gutficient nourishing food, 1 got so but it served mainly to keep Ford men_at work, rather than to main: tafn any ‘semblan¢e of the regular ’utput. Assembled cars were shipped ;l,y water where possible,” but most of them were driven from Detroit to ithelr destination. Many Ford trucks ’loade(l each with a Fordgon tractor started from Dearborn for Eastern, iSnut}lem and Mid-Western points. FOUR MEN. SHOT IIN OLABHi CAUSED BY LIQUOR RAID | . Calumbfa, 'B. €., May 30.—Four white men were shat, one pro:ably fatally, at an early hour this morn ing in Lexington county, when o federal agent and his tweo aides clashed with r‘typ:{mputy sherifts, o magistrate, con ‘stable and another Lexiigon ‘county citizen In a liquor raid, The car in which the feredal agent and his companions were riding was struck by thirteen hulleis. The wounded men were W. N, Brown, ra'l road employee; J. W Ott, federal agent; Willis Neely, transfer duivér, R WL B, Mitghell, shorlif's deputy. Alvey Dew, magistrate’s constable, parrowly excaped, a bullet n‘:msin‘ through his hat. Each side claims the other fired the first shots. A quantity of liquor has been geized in the community where the tragedy occurred, It heing glleged that twenty gallons was taken a short time Lo fore Friday night's raid. The lguoy wag unearthed in the woods, where i had heen buried in cans and kegs, | 3aye Backache is a sign you have been eating too much meat, which forms uric acid. v . When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the Kidney region it gen erally means you have been eating too much meat, says a well-known authority. Meat formg uric acid which ®verworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; re moving all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the wegther is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to scek relief two or three times during the night. : Either egnsult a good, reliable physi cian at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a {ablespoonful in a glass of water before bréaktast for a few days and your Kidueys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralige ecids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delightful, effer vescent lithia-water drink. 5 11l .Stomach ills ermanently disappear after drinking th celebrated Shivar glineral Water. Positively guaranteed by money-back offer. Tastes fine; costa o trifle. Delivered anywhere b our Cordele Agents, Heard Grocery Co Phone them. SLA R I weak that my work was too much (m me, and big strong-looking man though 1 am, I €¢d to stagger even when‘(-,mj'.-f rying g bucket of water. I can assuré you 1 just felt that 1 was golug dowd hill fast. : : *“My wlf;e had taken Tanlac whl; snch \'.'mmlr'rl‘ul reclts, that T though! 1 would try it myself, as I rsflsmmfi that if it could make a well woman o. her after all she hid heen through it could also mak: a well man of me So about last Fail I started in to tak it regularly, and it sure did work & greatchange in me, 1 got such and ap petite that I wanted to eat:everything I could lay my hand on, and the Tan lac so settled my stomach that th gas stopped forming and I could dig st my food without any trouble. Whe as, before I only did just whet work | was absolutely obliged to , I very sooh f_ellrfl(lell" of life and enm:gy that ‘,l was looking for work ‘in’ order to let off steam, 1. can now split more wood In a day than any hand on my farm, and 1 feel & hundred per cent kood in every way. After what Tanlag has done for hoth my wife and myself. I wouldn’t be withot it at any price, and 1 alwoys keep a supply on hand for any of my neighbors who may need it.” Tanlac is sold in Cordele by Jen. nings’ Drug Storve. In Her Mother’s Home, Safllm | Georgia Lady, Rei_nrding | Draught. Relief From E'ml- | ache, Malaria, Chills, Ete. R,lnfgold, Ga.— Mrs, Chas. Gaston, l of this place, writes: “I am a user ] of Thedford’s Black-Draught; in fact, it was one of our family medicines. Also in my mother's home, when 1 was a child. When any of us child ren complained of headache, usually cauged by constipation, she gave us a dose of Black-Draught, which would rectify the trouble, bften in the B&fln(. we would vh?e malaria end chllls, or ‘troubles of this kind, we would take Black-Draught pretty res ular until the lMver acted well, and we would soon be ®up and around again, We would not be without it, for it certainly has saved us lots of doctor bills, Just a dose of Black- Draught when not €0 well saves » lot of days in bed.” Thedford's Black-Draught has been fn use for meny years in the treat ment of stomach, liver and bowel troubles, and the pupularity which it pow enjoys 18 proof of its merit. It your liver is not doing its duty, 7gu will guffer from such disagree able symptoms as headache, billous ness, constipation, Indigestion, etcs and uunless sowething is done, gerlous trouble may result. Thedford’s Black-Draught has been tound a valuable remedy for these troubles. It 18 purely vegetable, and acts in a prompt and natural Wway, regulating the liver to its proper functious and cleansing the bowels ot ls.wurltles. Try it. Insist on Thfild ford's. the orjginal and genuing. B 79 GROCERIES AND MEATS When in need of Kresh Meat give us a trial, we keep nothing but the best in Beef and Pork and anvthing kept in a first class meat market. We also carry a line of nice, fresh Staple Gro cories. When in need pive ns a tmal. We will appreciate your busi eSS, i Phone 316 SANITARY MARKET R. C. Boulwars ''m ‘A SHAMPOO THAT WILL The serious objections to cheap shampoos are that they contain in purities and alkalies. They bunr and woden the hair, Jdeprive it of life and color, make the scalp and hair dry and eventually white, Only natural ‘blends of the purest and most ' - refined Cocoanut and Palm Oils as blended in Shuco Shampoo should be used. Shuco Shampoo is a perfect saphonification suspended in « tion that easily changes into a bush | of vich, ereamy, bubbling and spark-l ling lather. , Apply to the noistaned heir )'){il rab well adding water and shampoo | as needed, It vanishes all dirg, dust and dandruff, rinses out quickly :mx‘l perfectly, leaving the hai rsoft as vel 00l ety Your mingor will | il you why Shuce Shampoo mahesl THE CORDELE DISPATCH STEEL SPLIT PULLEYS It will pay you to call us for steel split pulleys, Buy fro'm us and save time and money, We a'lso han die belting, Shafting, box ing, castings, and all kinds uf mill supplies, All your heavy repairs and foundry work can be done in our plant at a m'("ut saving, TOMLIN.HARRIS MACHINE COMPANY PHONE 25 CORDELE, GEORGIA. 5 " : iSR e e, i Faed ~...%zg‘,§ 4 e eN o SRRSO übaticy SRR S 8 AR AERORT ‘ 4et LR eR,*°BO S 1 S oM s e :‘@ .. "/)i"é . s ,‘,.‘;,b’i Vo 3ARR S R = . Sy’ - # ¥ boe il Faliat A BG g iot N RN R j;(, 4 ol ] 5;." ; " B\; \ e 45,,: ;’: J, \e ‘ ‘/{/} VRN ‘r;;.';‘?‘ \ SIEh ARPt e v, 8% B 0 s A 'f ol JERE .~ SIS RN 2 S (R G \ v ,';’-‘g“' ol RS St 2 T by B S / \ o 7 Bl -:'., "'4“» V," “;:::;:f:’;::;:l;\.fi‘, '-% A% B ny ) A 7 l,(- " 4 2 \ & AN Lg&ooL’ ] R AN / i Rty Pa YL\ e S Fon gL bd3o e Pt /B \ A \“B / o k\' L '*m g biAN LJ g; i e »;,‘}? .Gt y i by ) $ & gitsß g Mo oWY ST AR R A 8N N T NC DT PTG N 7/ M {oll ‘( iST SRe 1y N pr— S ~,,_, AL “1% 15 : *;"“) e B ont 'bslY 5 AR a" .it L LT 8 b S t:’"if;‘: §hil 14 soe i, - T B TR e eey ROy —% &[ I 1 ' H“‘P\ : @gt sy Pt }r""'"‘“ Pt i\ SR S NB M SP= L gY=L ey | '“ ‘' ] : w.’-‘fit ‘{ ~,&:‘”\*wa }‘fi s %—a .|5 T IR -: iBT \’f Al T:g::'if:.f m— - s 4 2 Rl 1t gl “.;:;EE::;S""”E’”5=‘:. :_:_ ‘“f":: ,: "7'3;:' :‘f-‘ftf":,?gt' fi:£ : fl‘* oy ”‘”w“‘ ¢ ,fi' i=g ’ . L AN ¢ 3 BT/ ROy e ::.A.:.,Eh e ‘ ,:""E :": W 27 To) ;ls,‘“‘ e:W gi‘_’..‘-, -E _“ fepi sSy ‘: 4 l ;‘-’/ i j efia Rl ,‘ 2&5 \.‘f\; 'E-o e { ! 774 |IAR!IRR s R e e W SIS To, RN A ey R UL ;/ e Pg| Lo ATEE TR u?f L) TSy PRV TSR “:«@5 TR o *‘f, o ;j“g“:s».;.x POo o i ‘x‘ D d 3 K j§) S I&f '_ ¥PG O “wquw "*g*,r e o NN iIB el el §g} "“{rfi”n} BY P, SR ’?*w:”e&‘,]f:héfifi Al RAL 7S (iR Eag '{" "{"“"‘y‘-«"i‘.’. ,m"" "x¢‘%~,“"r*¥“vxfl‘ Bl i *‘;’ AERIER ¢e S s {45 ‘«",?a, it 2 N XAk BRYS N O R SSITOAE: iAk py¥s 74 RR)SRTPeAL R R TN L 4 5 }sl \ fi-’ *‘fé‘%i gfi*;y‘ v,j’,t;““”?‘*%&» SR i ESI & LSRR "s W ' \K l F“‘W ‘w“*u*,,w fl’i:‘?’”‘“"u&’,” o !144‘*“"‘ ‘ sxabbtritd s|, g Bbnol ¢MI Ve s i ) A =t ‘«,-:.;A FoR . &»’ we{m T Seiee BBP/ ] 3*@&3 SeR SN R S e : =33k Q..-:vw\'..:&‘_fi‘“ AN (..3‘;:,,:}_“, "".:h_;.q_') Fodßt AR B o ,j:'z'“m:‘.;;l Ry . 3 ‘ 3 it ¥ fn,x~és«~a~v"° MRS, / . D() YT 1 : s:’.‘,»\‘“"“:% fatst i ";‘—’.v,'f“’:‘z],’.‘g. NIRRT ‘ yfi;r;:,m;.«‘mt;‘ : You? u\;fi;“‘v‘f BA e : : SE R eT AL R " / B ;“-"' S© AT ’,‘s‘;,l,*'3?'"if};i?&l::ff’ . ’ Leng for a irip n R\ e S . ; a irip around e e _ *J"‘-’ \ 5‘35:14#"%" LGS Lo Ty { Like a¢ ; i : o R -i{"i:?:?.“‘; 3 \ ; H tear. wholesome iove story? i, e & 3‘s.:“\\« '_ unger fur he excitemeni of 4 Caas ol Y : sxf‘ e Admere an ftionest- i i A ,‘fv#??{g\h"i{.‘{f‘fi.\' ; Vi - o-goodness hero: M & ‘.l:‘-{(_?(\. \‘}r\zl‘lk\ : riits romane Lo % =7, RTINS i ance and funf &Q '4'3 Bo = Qx:\?{"})“’ N :BT i N A \""‘Y.‘f ",i"l‘:' Y B L e i 2hy P ey : l‘-‘l(,‘[“ [J‘\)h RTOQT 5 N J ,v Lo SEE/ i AYI‘;) TYT* o G TR R \ : s 0 ¢ s ' “THE LU AT Tl , IRV |C I( |4 o | ; : 5 1 * B N Y g Ty e4\ n : 7Y i ](7|Ve R 4 : & . 77 3 YG4§ Y R Tk : ‘o LYY NN ' An ALLAN DWAN P BLN | s hisen tnade itk the Sistons: 4 B - N | adventure by HAROLD | amous novel ot (£ .. B = : : MACGRA’ | g4\— o an Nnow 1s L ACGRA FN “ e 13 preaemed by T'H and : ?N ' BI L\YFLOWTER e g ,‘**" NG ' g / eg-i 7 e L el . o %@flfié’ . | PHOTOPLAY COR ; fi”fli‘fgfifi . A B PICTURES ‘ & Sl L | Ao Tkt . ¢ . b S 4/ !PLR i L At (i 0 (’ p:(YUR['f Ao ' CIRC T -;l ".l‘ ‘ LE TH | ‘ | 5 EATRE - The automobile owner wants to eut tive mileage.. That is a part of s purpose to save money. One sure way is to buy n Ctillette. It costs a little more at first, bt the :‘un\'nle nl«i'l«;ang‘ puts vou far ahead in the Tong run. Make it'a (?lill'(~_tto’lls.\fil' time, ~ - We sell them, ; g AT T T ET YOUR GRAIN CRADLE FROM U 3 S y ; ) ‘v‘. . : : We have a splendid new stock of the very best and most - service able grain eradles on onr floor. W can supply evervhody ¢ within veach, T you need one, eall us or order today, You get a hetter value for the money in these than vou can find auyvhere. We settled that before we chose those we ave sclline, Yow get a . aood one at the right price here. ekle ¢: bro @ 8 ) e j Cordele, Gerrgia WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1920.