The Cordele dispatch and daily sentinel. (Cordele, Georgia) 1920-1926, June 16, 1920, AFTERNOON EDITION, Image 1

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MEMBERS ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. 3. CONSTANTINOPLE BECOMES ITS OWN INDEPENDENT STATE; FRENZIEDWHITES TRY, CONDEMN AND HANG THREE BLACKS TURKS SWEPT R e TREATY SIGNED INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION . TO HAVE CHARGE .-‘_ ‘ STRAIT TO REMAIN OPEN Wide Territory Given to Rule of City Under Turkish Treaty. A :Y .o @ —— .~ Washington—Limited international izaton of t.z ports of Constantinole and its inclusion within the “zone of staits” i§ provided for in the provision al terms of the Turkish treaty, as dis closed in an official summary received here today, of the jurisdictien provided for in the inter-allied commission of control. It 'was granted its own flag, budget and separate organization. The com mission by the lines of the boundries fixed for the “zone of straits,” will have authority over a territory greater than some of the smaller nations of Furope, and is made almost soverign in itself. The commission is to be practically independent of the eague of Natons as a stipulation was ex' pressly made that should it find the liberty of passage of the straits inter fered with'it is to take such as may be deemed necessary »to pre _serve-the-freedom of the siraits. ~ The zone includes not only the Bog phorus, the Sea of Marmora and the Dardanelles, but also three miles oft the shore from the Mouth of the Dar danells and the Bosphorus and several of Algean Islands to the land zone.] . It is also provided for extending ten to seventeen miles northwedt of the sea of Marmora and 8 to 28 miles southeast of it. Itds northeastern limit is partly common with the new Greek frontier, 52 .mles west of the 10 & lac ——————————————— There seems to be a misunderstanding about the f)ricv of our bread. Prices are the same— 10c and 15¢c—Size of the loaf has been slightly reduced, but prices maintained. : ’ If your grocer cannot supply you phone us and we will. L " Phone 121 C. L. Lifsey D. L. Bullock’ THE CORDELE DISPATCH TOOK BABY TO SCHOOL DID 3 YEARS WORK IN 1 AN HONOR GRADUATL ,Chicago—The highest honors. among ‘the eight hundred &nd seventy-eigh' persons graduated today f{rom the Northwestern University were award ed to Mrs. Howard Tracy Evanston, who took her haby daughter to’ college with her and completed the four year course in three years. Mps. Tracy was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, The baby was forn four months after the mother entered col lege, in the fall of nineteen seventeen. e A MIAMI POST TELLS DELEGATES TO TURN DOWN BONUS OFFER Miami—The M;ami post of the American Legion has instructed its deiegates to the state convention of: the Legion at Tampa next week to oppose the payment of a bonus to for-] mer service men. | IN CASE OF DISPUTE BETWEEN ; JAPAN AND U. 8. Tokio, June 16—The Japanese in serted an article infthe Anglo-Japa nese alliance pact of nineteen-eleven to remove the risk of England becom ing~involved in any dispute hetween’ the United States and Japan it was-de clared today by Viscount Kato, former foreign minister, i an interview urg ing the renewal of the treaty. Bosphorus bxf the Black Sea. Its eastern limit is forty miles east of the mouth of. the Bosphorus and its southwestern limit, is. pavtiv. commod: with the District of Smyrna. The zone also includes an_area on the western side of Gallipoli Peninsu-- la which Turkey cedes to England, [France and Italy for memorial and cementeries. ! | ON SHARP LOOKOUT \ - FOR JACK JOHNSON IN DISFAVOR OF MEXICAN AUTHORITIES : San Diego—Agents of the Depart ment of Justice and Immigration arc on the watch along the Mexican bor der a few miles Solith of here today to arrest Jack Johnson, negro pugilist should he enter the United States. He is wanted under conviction for violation of the Mann act. Johnson, according to common talk here, has been in the disfavor of the Mexican authorities for sometime. He is said to have resented admonition from the Mexican police conceg‘ning his conduct. LOCAL CONCERNS WILL HAVE ‘' DEMONSTRTION. Cumming & Wolf have a two-day tractor demonstration scheduled for the Jackson farm close to Richwood on for tomorrow and Friday. They have all arrangements made foy. a splendid show. . The Hard-Parr tractor aa the We terleo will do heavy duty side by side and ti.ose who wish to learn something o’ power farming ought to be pi.esunt The show will be enlightening for these attending. s | A e+ S g e : SWIMMING PRIZES At the Swinllfi{n_gm Pool Thursday night, June 17th, there will be a prize of $2.00 given to the best girl or boy diver or swimmer; also best man 01.' wbman dtiver ir swimmer. There have been lights arranged’ over the high dive so that everybody in the pa villion can see good. ' Judges: Chas. E. Brov(m. R. L. Dekle and Geo. Hatcher. 6-15-2 t Visit the Swimming Pool. It custs‘ nothing to look on, fi]l!’»ltf; CORDELE, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1920. 'DINES WITH LODGE, SMOOT, ' BRANKEGEE AND FALL | ik i |SILENT ON THIRD PARTY E Chief Interest Centers in ; ‘Restoring . Republicans | to Power. 5. Washington, June 16.—Senator Harding announced today he had a general discussion of his campaign last night at a dinner with a number of republican leaders. These includ ed Lodge, Smoot, Brandegee and Fall. The senator said he knew nothing of any plan for the formation of a third party, and consequently had nothing to say on the subject. i O ) Acknowledegs Congratulations Washington, June 16.—Senator ‘Harding today sent a reply to Gen, Wood answering the latter’s telegram of ('ollFrat'ulations. ~ “I don’t qnow quite how to express 'my feeling in dictating an acknowl }edgement to one who was a contender for the distinction which came to me,” { he said. "Pgrha,ps i shall express my seli_suificiently. if 1 say.had the dis tinction come to you instead of to me, I should have found very great pleas ure and satisfaction in conveying (o ‘you a very cordial message of felicita tion and good wishes. I know we both are interested in the same great zood to our common country and I feel confident you will be very deeply in terested in bringing about the restor ation of the republican party admin istration in Washngton and the return to constitutional methods of govern ment which was the common concept of the founding fathers.” ®- R 7 T e P, Prepares For Vavation Washington—With no fixed engage ments: or political conferences slated tor today, senator Harding hoped to make rapid progress in clearing u'p his work in preparation for a vacation of two weeks or mirc. } CAUSED BY CITY'S REFUSAL TO HEAR BANKERS Chicago—Jamles B. Forgan, chair man of the Chicago clearing house today notified the city that its request for a fifteen millicn dollar loan h been refused by the Chicago banks and that no more money would I« lcaned the city at this time. ; The refusal of the city to adopt the hanker’'s suggestion that improvement ‘rojects bhe curtailed until a more op nortune time, was responsible for the «ction, Forgan said. | POLES RETREATING IN KIEV REGION | London-—Bolshevik forces in the Kiev region are still pressing baclk the Pgles, following the capture of the city 9y Soviet forces, geeording to an offi iial statement from Moscow. REV. WALLACE WEAR COMES HOME SUNDAY Rev. Wallace Wear, pastor of the First Baptist church will be home for the Sunday services. The Americus meeting will be closed in time for him to be here to take up his regula;. engagements. He will have no sum mer vacation, P AND DAILY SENTINEL ATLANTA SCENE A \ \ | | e | TAKEN FROM P. 0. TRUCK | | ENROUTE TO STATION G & e ;ROBBER STILL AT LARGE ’ | } s | | ’Clerk and Negro Truck ' Driver Quizzed —No Ar rests Made. Atlanta—Between fifty and sixty thousand dollars in honds, government and corporation, were stolen when a postoffice truck was held up and tem porarilly kidnapped ‘while en route from the postoffice to the terminal station hecre last night. This an nouncement was miade today after an unsuccessful -all night search for the robbers. John T. Widener, registry transfer [clerk and a negro driver named Craig, on the truck at the time will be quiz zed for an hour today. No arrests have been made. . ;LITTLE BOY TAKEN l -IN PATEVILLE DISTRICT ! Little Oscar Virgil, twenty-one . months old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. | J. B, Brown, digd at the family home | near Pateville ‘Mondd# ‘evening ‘after | a brief illness from stoinach trouble. f’l‘he efuneral occupred yesterday at ' Zion Hope. AMERICANS HAD NARROW ESCAPES IN'KIEV REGION Whrsaw—All Americans who were in. the Kiev region which the Bolshe viki swept in their westward drive, have safely emerged from that sector, according to word from the front, al thouzh seve:el had narrow escapes. MOSQUITOES AND —FLIES— Why b e bothered with these pests? Try a bottle of Walker’s Devilment A sure prevention. Don’t delay longer. Orderabottletoday. Price 359. STEAD’S DRUG STORE ! WHIPPLE & McKENZIE BLDG PHONE 1 A. M. STEAD, Prop. no "N e BV é‘f‘w‘ifi.:‘& OF rONGRTee ™) .3.--,’»‘,.»‘:"‘ s ¥ "l FVOTIIRT *'De AND OTHER ASIATIC IMMIGRAFJ | TION INTO COUNTRY CONDEMN SECESSIONISTS Convention Rejected De fense Clearing House Re solution for All Labor. Montreal—-The American Federation of Labor convention today called upci the congress ?f ghe United States to cancel the “gentlemen’s agreement’” with Japan and absolutely exclude Japanese and other Asiatic imuivia tion into this country. The exclusion of “picture brides” was also demand«d Declaring that a band of “irrespon sible agitators” are attempting to diy credit the recognized organization in the zailway service, the Federation unanimously condemned the “secoc sionist movement” which rcsulted in the recent railroad strike. Montreal, June 16.—Plan; tio hous organized labor form with the emplo: ers aud business men of the country, a “voluntary arbritation body” to “set e labor. s grievances in the future” was rejected. Other lggislation along legislation along this line 'will be ‘brought before the convention later, it was announced. ; ~ The convention so instructed its affiliated organization to “refrain from moral or financial support or assis tance of any knd to any secessionist movement.;”” The executive council was instructed to investigate the de sirability of forming an nternatonal unon of building service empliyes of America to include janitors, janitres ses, scrrub women, window workers and watchmen. ( Convention rejects the resolutiony that would have established a legal[ depalrtment to serve as « clearing | hous for the defense of “all labor or~% ganizations against whom the use of| the injunction is directed in:the coursc‘ of ther legitimate trade union acLivi"‘ ties.” | | GEN. AGUILAR BIDS TIL.L COUNTRY’S POLITICAL PAS. SIONS HAVE COOLED Mexico City=-Gen. Aguilar, former governor of the State of Vera Cruz, son-in- law of Carranza embarked on the steamer Yuma at Vera Cruz yester day to leave Mexico. He issued a statement saying the present political gituation forced him o leave the coun try, but when “the political passions of the country have cooled, I'll be ready to be judged before any tribunal as an official, soldierr and politician.” COMPLAINT AGAINST LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES Whshington-—oOn its own mition the interstate commission today ordered an -invegtigation of the “practices of the telegraph companies in adjusting ?c];'n'ms for damages arising from er vorg and delays in' transmission o delivery of messages.”. Complaint has been made to the commission against the limitation of liability of l:w'uvh companies, The hearings will be 'held in New York, July 26. S ke it Cordele Swimming Pool has got the hest artesian water in the country Drink some and carry some of it home | with you. 1t is all free. 6{ls]tf | G end ~ Norton McKenzie spent today 1r Maeon, F FTAMOUS HUN RAIDER WILLGO TO HIGHEST BIDDER ON JUNE 30 Washington —One o#the tamous Ger man commerce raiders, Prince itel I'rederich, which took refuge in Hamp ton Roads during the early months of the war, is to be offered for sal: by the shipping'board June thirdeth. 'he vessel, now named DeKalk is in the Hudson river, as is the case witl the gilaut liner, Leviathan, whch wili ise otferel the same day the sealed propusals tor the DeKalb will be ro ceived. FIKE REVIVAL WORK { Y “t AU AR AMERICUS MEETING REV. WALACE WEAR DOES POW ERFUL PREACHING. Fourteen conversions with six addi-‘ tions to the church marked the Sun day efforts in the revival at the Cen: tral church in Americus, where Rev. Wallace Wear, pastor of the Firsi ehurch of Yordele is doing the preach i}u;' The Times-Recorder has the follow ing 1o say of the Sunday meeting: “fhose attending® the services al (nival Bapttist church Sunday saic the corvices both morning and even iny were the most spirtual of the meeting now in progress there. Dr. Willace Wear, of Cordele, the preach «r, presented his message, they sald yaost happily, and he seemed inspired vith' the transcendency of his houghts, many of his hearers being vceedingly thrilled. - The musical pro oyam by the three choirs, which ar: } .sisting in the services, was splendid .nd a number of conversions markcd }-.m close of the service. Intterest it (the meeting, it is said, continues ¢ ~row with each service, with ncreas ing congregations daily. “Tonight Dr. Wear will present on® cf his most remarkable sermons, hix cubject being “Jesus, tle Savior. of Others ‘Whi~ Could Not Save Him: salt.” ‘Tomayrow the text will be' “Th New Testament Church,” dnd this will 1 include the origin, conditions of mem | bership and its obligations assume!. livery church member in Americus i urged to be present and hear thege ad- Iresses. I “pr. Wear has been a pastor for wenty years, and does not enter into ‘he sensational evangelistic platform. e rightly divides his words of truti .0 plainly and clearly, it is said, that Ye smallest child may understand hi! emarks. His vocabulary is very sim vle,. thus rendering his remarks the qJore enduring. He is not beligerent 2 his remarks concerning other meth ‘ds ofdoctrine aside from his, and re ‘rains from wounding the feelings of thers. /This attitude alone has rrought many people to! the ehurch, wrhis is the last week of thte meet ng. and larger crowds are expected han dufing the two preceeding recks.” 30Y SCOUTS ARE 'NLISTMENTS ARE UNDER WAY FOR NEW BODY The Boy Scouts of Cordele are form g troop number two. There are elev n members of this organization al pudy and thu‘ work of enlisting is selt upder way. Those whowish to ot in with the organization ought to ke it known at once. After the full nota has been chosen, it will be im ssible to become a geout till there i ae vacancy. Troop number two never would hd&e cen possible hut for the fact tha! wmber one has f:een full the longes' vt of time. Boys enongh to fill w e new troop are needed. Better 1 sady. Any boy can join at the court ouse square whire the enlisting force g waiting. "ARPENTIER ISSUS CHALLENGE Wiafta, Kans.. June 16.—Georges arpentier, who is here today, issued challenge to Dempsey to meet him fretr October 10, at any time or any ace. AFTERNOON EDITION MINNESOTA MOB - MAKES QUICK JOB ON THREE BLACKS AFTER ,WRE—;T_I-NG POWER; FROM POLICE COMPLETE JOB IN 2 HOURS Victims Wéi';——l-lfeld in 00an nection With Attack on l'f Year Old White Girl. When two companies of Nlt!onag Guardsmen arrived here early today they found only the damaged ’:'pbllc;j station and littered streets as evidence of the mob’s agivity. For at'ple't‘sfi' two hours last night the mob held sway, only relinquishing its powg after the negrroes had been lynched. ; The six negroes who were ‘attaéheé ‘o a circus as.roustabolts, had been aurrested in conuection with their ati tack on the girl at the circus g‘réun% Monday night. ey The mob held a mock trial and founqg three guilty and acquitted thre:eiwhfigj are still in the hands of the poufi'g. 4 | It took three starts to hang the firs® negro as the rope broke the first twa times. ol 6 ' OF COTTON FIBRE STEPS FOR PRODUCTION BEGIN IMMEDIATELY -/, Petersburg, Va.—After experiménts lasting several months the Stamscott company, of Hopewell, announced to- . day a process of making paper pulp * from cotton fibreé had been developed. Steps toward prroduction will begin immediately. Buildings formerly occu: pied bg the Du. Pont company have already been taken over. e Accessories 1 We carry a complete St * 1 line of Automobile As cessories. % . Pa.rts for Ford c‘”,; Efi‘ and the best Auto § . ° Pump on the market.. .!j Don’t forget us when 1. 3 / in need of Dry Cells | *\ ‘| We sell the famous T “Red Seal” the kind | ¢ that is guarantéed to i give service. | % Our prices are al- ‘ ways right. ; ‘ I Thank You. ] Phone 483 Ty i B o et eot . OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT j ¢ N e A T R | : GEO L. RILES PHONE 483 EIGHTH ST, McCollum Building - NO. 183 =