The Cordele dispatch and daily sentinel. (Cordele, Georgia) 1920-1926, June 24, 1920, AFTERNOON EDITION, Image 1

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MEMBERS ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. 3. ' ;?“6Vi-:hn”pN"i-iALL 'READY FOR SESSIONS AS PROMINENT PARTY LEADERS ARRIVE; { SUFFRAGE ADVOCATES IN SENATE PASS MEASURE TO MONDAY FOR FINALACTION LIQUOR QUESHION o b g ol AR % -~ FIGHT ON FLO ey INTEREST RISES ON APPEAR ANCE TAMMANY LEADER 4 1 CUMMINGS AS CHAIRMAN Wonl& Dispense with For-§ ' malities of Second _Con - wention Organization. ‘San Francisco, june 24—Murphy is the center of specuiution on the sub ject of prohibition. The declaration of the New York State convention fov a repeal of the eighteenth amendment and widely circulated reports, of the pz'ftching of the anti-bone dry plan at. French Lick, helped to bolster the im pression among many delgates that Tsramany would lead in an effort to write such a plank into the platform. Many of the party leaders, including National Chairman Qummings, reiter ated the confidence that no other plat form plank would lead to a fight on the convention floor. A suggestion that Cummings, who will be the temporary chairman, be continued as the presiding officer was put forward today as a means oi shortening the convention proceed ifigs by dispensing with the 't'ormali~ . ties of a second convention organiza tion. g Y * Glass and Murphy Arrive. San Francisco, June 24.—Prelimina ries to the Democratic convention got into the inevitable period of hurry and sorambig today with the appearance of one after another of.the men to play the leading parts in the big drama. Two newly arrived figlires attracted p@rticu‘lar attention. Senator Glass, fresh from Washington, generally re portéd to have brought Wilsin's own draft of the platform and Charles F Murphy, Tammany leader, direct from 10 & lac T — There scems to be a misunderstanding about. the priec of our bread. Prices arfe the same— 10c and 15¢-—Size of the loaf has been slightly reduced, but prices maintained. Tf yowr grocer caunot supply you phone us and we will. Phone 121 C L. Lifsey D. L. Bullock THE CORDELE DISPATCH (TURN UP GAMBLER, SHOT THROYGH HEART _Ghattanglis, Jig 21-Scu “'r L 4 ’ E;‘ ; orhj_,nent coal l@&f’k ;“gl" : i, A la,, was Shot ‘throughdleehenrt and in ' -’.'{’{i i ; a}nillg by V&ffilter% ’:" e alle ged turning wp ot ~%§mpliug game by Lambert in which' Ea son’s son-indaw was capturéd at Chicago. i ORGANIZE AGAINST PROFITEER: ING BY LANDLORDS. / N Bii‘mihgham. June 24.--Following his appointment as fair price commis sioner for Alabama, Frank Spain to day announced he would grganize n fair rent board in Moptfilery, Mo bile, Selma, Dothan and gther cities in a campaign against profiteering landlords. ! TRIE?.(}\OVS%LF%CES FORMER GOVERNOR MAKES SE RIOUS CHARGE. Sedalia, Mo-.,_ June 24.~As€él‘tioh% that the alleged el’fdtts of certa}u Mis souri republican,lead_er‘s to thrgw the support of the state’é delegatiovx'i»"to the presidential eandidate trom‘f_j'f:whoszr campaign’ fund whey had I:@}:éiyed money were not new, and that-similar attempts {nada- in 3&3"'9“,9{“% 3‘}#4 m@a»@% aade by forimei govermor. Herbe Lo at a meeting of Missouri 'mpublican: heré today. The meeting was called to consider the testimony given in the senate inquiry that Jacob L. Babler of St. Leuis, National committeemar:. and W. L. Cole and E. L. Morse rc ceived money from the campaig: funds. of those seeking the nomination In his letter Hadley said he heartil - a_pprove'd of tl_lg meeting and its pur poée, and said he was told that in nineteen-eight “the Morse Babler crowd” received money (\vas told th: amount was $15,000 dollars.) to deliv er the delegation toTairbanks but laid down on him. In nineteen-twelve h: said he understood they received $50,- 000 from the Taft organization, and in ‘nineteen -sixteen they tried to organ }ize and sell to Senator Weeks, as this year they tried to sell the delegatiou [ to Governor Lowden. the widely heraled conference of the old line strategist at French Lick, 1m1.., are both busy. The convention hall was compléted today, with the perfection of an elec tric megaphone system. ’ GREEKS GEBIN DRIVE ON KEMAL PASHA FORCES Smyrna, Wednesday, June 24.-— Greek army begun its offensivi against the forces of Mustapha Kema Pasha, Turkish nationalist leader, i' was officially announced in Greek ar my headquarters toc2v THOMAS COUNTY FIiAR . PLANS UNDER WAY Thomasville, June 24.—Plans for | holding a Thomas county fair this fall l are now well underway and many par 'tieslare arranging for exhibits. The fair will not be on as large a scale as would have been the case had it becc decided upon earlier, but there are expected to be same fine exhibits, and it iz expected that the stock gxhibils will bg particularly good. CORDELE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, /91D COLLOSALFRAUDS REVEALED WHEN OIL COMPANIES AND BROKERS INVOLVED | | USED MAILS:TO DEFRAUD e | oil. Compganies Paid. Divi« dends g?with Money Re ceived from Sale of Steck - New York, June 24.—Four oil r:::m-€ panies, ten brokerages houses uml‘ about fifty individuals have been in dicted by a federal grand jury ou“ charges of using mails to defraud in-i vesters out of millions of dollars, it was learned today when the seals miJ the indictments were -ordered brok en. Federal agents throughout the country are now engaged in rounding‘ up the men indieted. They are char ged with having m®de gross misrepre: sentations regarding oil properties and with paying dividends out of the money obtained from the sale of stock. The companies are the Ranger Oil Company; the W. P. Williams Oil The Great Western Petrolenm Corpor ation and the Crown Oil Compan” The vbrokerages houses nearly all had headquarters in this city. The brokerage concerns indicted were Stickney, Rawlinson and Col clough, Beston, Curtis Paker company. United Securities eompany, H. Kent Hiclmes company, Géorge A. Lamb company and Greenbaum Bigelow and Greenbaum. ~ ; Py ELpeßp AR 2 n r " NOT - NEEDED TO RATIFY \ o e e TENNESSEE GOVERNOR SO AD VISED BY ASST. ATTY. GEN. Sty Wasington—Assistant Attorney Gen eral Frierson has advised Gov. Rob erts of Tennessee, that the legislaturc of that state could ratify the Suffrage amendment, without submijtting the issue to the people. Frierson’s opin ion, given orally and in writing, hoth to the governor and, the Attorney Gen cral of Tennecssee was based largely on a decision of the Federal Supreme Court in the Ohio referendum case In that case the court held that rati fication of amendments could be had only by the legislatures of (:on'vention.s of the state, and that the pruvisiohh of state constitutions that ratifications be referred to a vote of people con flicted with the Federal constitution. LOCAL TEAM MADE | GOOD SHOWING GAMES PLAYED TO DATE i 15;; LOST 6, WON 9 [ ' e 1 The local Base Ball teaw is to bhe, (:orlgl'a.tufu.te(l on the showing madu; against Souther Field yesterday. Thr.:i Americus team came loaded, bringinr.:” five league players, having had the |- dope that since our defeat over ;hemt' we had hired a league teant to dufeatl them, and was surprised to find that‘ we'were playing our own boys. How-‘ lever. we made a good showing and but‘ ffor a few errors the game would have 4 'been close. ‘ { Today we plu:v Hawkinsville and ¢x ‘ pect a fast game, but the snappicstl game of the geason will 'be pulled off tomorrow between Sylvester and the home team, These teams are pretty |well matched, the last game played on the Sylvester grounds being 6 and % Syli’ester has strengthened her team since, and our bhoys are playing hetter ball, to the public is promised a tcday. AND DAILY SENTINEL ULTIMATUM;;‘W‘ : CARRANZA DECREE Mexico Ci;fi’_;-fi‘_mn’asday. June 23.——Reqfi§3fi‘b?§the cai cellation of afi’lfl'; joum d crees promul‘s’hte‘dik.;,‘Ctyfr:mzu and the right of ;@‘i‘l;‘?stricted exploration of ofl | ’was pre presented this‘a&:gn O Gen. ' Trevino, secretary. of Industyy and commercg hn&gabgn, by representatives of foréign petro . leum interests',_,ia. f':iéh' Varpea:s sal. It is'asge‘ri‘fh(_ b requests were made in the ‘ of an y tmatum. :‘ The @ld men :" g quoted - by El Universafl )'&eclaring they are .withdltt} ’f make any other propqglé‘:f'gv‘ accept any other solutfi {'“."‘a-, \ T Nt SUFFRAGE OUESTION AT on I AT SPEC w@* SION ; ,';l.-i' ! NORTH Jw _ ¥BLY IN| JULY OR AHGUST. « e | g | ' Raleigh, June 2; ‘e‘ question ot’| ratification of tlih;?'ifrill suffrage amendinent will t:o;,np before the North Carolina assefbly to be called in ei&traordinary ':sfiu?fbeuveen July! 20th and Auguqtfi'to receive th revaluation repq‘l':f;-;; X commigsion, it was stated tod %t the office of Gov- Pickett. t';m*}f“mbcmtic state convention ‘reé':;fijgi;,;podied a plank in its platform mem@malizing the leg islature tc latflyfi; nthony amend ment at a speg_ifi;" 'ion. : e B B ;«-.“ P ] *KILLED NEAR SMITHVILLE An alligator seven and one-half feet long was killed Thursday by J. W. McDonald in Well's Mill pond, near Smithville. The ‘gator was lying on a log in the sun some distance from the h.'mk of the pond and was killed with Tckshot. o g MOSQUITOES AND ‘ —FLIES— Why b e bothered with these pests? Iry a bottle of Walker’s Devilment A sure prevention.. Don’t delay longer. Order abottle today. Price 35c. STEAD’S DRUG STORE WHIPPLE & McKENZIE BLDG PHONE 1 A. M. STEAD, Prop. BOARD PROMISES QUICK AC . TION IN MESSAGE BARTON CLEARS MYSTERY Said Telegram Received . Monday Marked Personal Had Not Told Oothers. Chicago—A well confirmed report in circulation in labor circles today said the Railroad Labor Board had divided three ways on the wage controversy, the labor group helding out for an award which bqj.:pfthe company and the public ufii"géentatives thought exhorbitant, and the company group refusing to concede the award the pub lic group held reasonable. The mystery surrounding the tel:- gramgram sent by the President to the railroad labor board was cleared today, when Chairman Barton said he ll:l(l’ received the telegram. last Mon day marked “personal, confidential,”’ and had not cpmmunicuted it to the other members of the board. ‘ Reply to President. Washington, June 24.—The Presi dent has received a reply from the railroad labor board in Chicago prom ises to expedit the award in the rail road wage controversy. The message was in reply to one sent by ;hé Pre;:- ident. ! ! PLANTER AND SNAKE X AREY fp e g 1 | Atlanta, Ga.—Word has heer !brought to Atlanta c¢f a remarkable !fight to the death between an aged ifarmer, living near Buckhead, a su burb of Atlanta and a giant rattle lsnake, in which the man finally con -1 quered. ; i The farmer( Mac Richards, who i iwe]l advanced in years aml conse , quently not able to move with the lulucrity of youth, was mending a tence 'when he disturioed a rttlesnake sc ’iz:gu that when piled in a coit its head was. more than two feet al:ove the ground, The snake struck at him and would have reached its mark if it hadn't been deflected by heavy briars. inefore it it. could coil to strike againl ' Mr. Richards seized a rail and 'withi llhs: end of it pinned the snake agains' ]llw ground. He tried#to call for heh)j 'I;-ut none was near. The snake by maini ‘slrength twisted itself out from unde;'i the rail and prepared to strike again f'l‘his; time Mr. Richards got beyond ”\;t.riking distance, but the snake fol lowed hm, an unusual thng n a rat tle snake, and contnued the attack. Ml. Richards finally picked up shorte: rail and with it gave battle, finally |killing the reptile. It measured six ‘ifeet, in length. TRAIN HITS COW AND FIREMAN LOSES LIFk Greenville, Alu.——Samv Mal(fne,, n¢ gro fireman, was Kkilled, and Comer Wilson, engineer, on Louisville and Nashville southbound passenger train No. 5, was badly scalded at 9 o'cloc! this morning at Chapman, Ala., whe: the train was wrecked as a result of striking a cow. The train threw the cow against o awitch, causing it to fly open. Th« engine baggage and mail cars wer. ‘derailed. No passengers were hurt. g | | Tho first experiment in long- dir }t,anca telephoning was mtade in 1914 the attempt resulting after many ef ’form in successful transmission o speech, from Washington {o Parig and PRIMATE WARNED HIS TIME IS OUT Dublin, June 24.-—Cardinal Logan, arch bishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland, declar od while speaking at Maynocti college yesterday, he had “re ceived a warning that his time was out.” There was no indica tion of the source of the warn ing given out by the aged, cardi nal. * - TROOPS ACTIVITY \ | QUIETS IRISH CITY ONLY OCCASIONAL SHOTS HEARD} LAST NIGHT. | Londenberry, June 24.—More Brit ish troops have arrived in the city. Their greater activity has had a quiet ing effect. Only occasional shots were heard after midnight. This morning two snipers were arrested by soldiers and the gag gupply ceased at five this morning. London, June 24,—S8ir Hamar Gree woed, chief secretary for Ireland, to day received another urgent tele:'gram‘3 from Londcnberry magislrat'«es expre:s-ii sing' alarm that no action is being taken by the government in the fight ‘ ing in that city between the unionis’a:s‘ and nationalists. They consider the sifuation desperate and fear it will be-1 come worse, the message adds. The fooc'l supplies ave running low and the gas supply for the city is almost ex | hausted. Greenwoed replied that Gen. Camp bell, commanding the British troops in Londonberry would take every possi ibb_le, ,§t_ep,' with the government’s ap proval, to remedy the situation. £ BOYS WILL FURNISH BiG CROWD WITH REAL MUSIC The Cordele Band announces that they will give a free concert this even ing at eight-thirty on the Library lawn.; They have been getting in some finei practice of late :un! are prepared m; give a most entertaining program to-“ night. The public is cordizlly invitcd} to cime out and hear them. A s]uz(;ml: invitation is extended the members of the BLmrd of Trade. | IRKUTSK IN HANDS SOVIET RUSSIA A STORES CLOSED—FOOD CONDI.| ~ TIONS DEPLORABLE i . i i Irkutsk-—Soviet rule .hus beeil lhorzi sughly estallished in Irkutsk, all insti| tutions have been nationalized und‘. most of the stores have heen close(lt to permit the necessary even to pur-i‘ chase newspaper. 4 IFood conditions are most deplorable f ind few foreigners and no forcip;n‘ onsuls remain here. i The Associated Press correspondent in reaching Irkuesk made a two thou sand mile detour which took six weeks I!’rnm Vladivostok through China, ;\lonff }_'nliu‘ He was the first American to enter the Soviet boundaries from the! ) iast since the collopse of the Kolchak! regime, f | LR g | I NEW YORK COTTON MARKET — | ‘July hesur 36,9547 3665 ::c:.::i LOt B 3370 . 33.26 A 3.621 %;n;:-. A EAER eOB SBLED 33 62‘& | Dec. ..iyisn... 32.65 3206 325683 | Jbl. oty 3183 3150 3 s7§ FMas mlan - st on ISIOO <ST AFTERNOON EDITION - SUFFRAGE COMES GEORGIA SENATE - PASSES - MEASURE TO THAT DATE . Hopes 'Grow in « Tennessee el Following Announcement of Extra Session. ‘ Atlanta, June 24.—The Georgifi Sen ‘ate passed until Monday for final ac tion 'on the proposed amendment to the state constitution for woman suf frage. An e ort\to table the amend ment today was dbfeated by a vote of eighteen to nineteen. ' Hope Griws in Tennessee. Nashville—Suffrage hopes rallied to day when it was learned that governor Roberts planned to call a special ses sion of the legislature to act on the ederal Suffrage amendment, following ihe receipt of a telegram from Presi dent Wilson urging such action in the interest of “Ijeal service to the. pa.ljt.y and to the nation.” s AMERICUS TO ENTERTAIN =~ 25 ARKANSAS FARMERS .Ampricus, Ga.—One hundred and itwenty—tive Arkansas farmers and | farmers and business men v&fo will | vigit Americus and Sumter * county v o ; e Monday, August 2, will be éhtextta;in’qq Eut a big barbecue being arranged by :'(mamber of Commerce officials here. :GOV(‘l‘n(‘.f Braugh, of Arkansas, is at 'the head of the party which is nia:kiqg E:l tour of the southern states. Athens and Americus are the only points ip ‘Georgia at which stops will be made.. Accessories 0. We carry a complete line of Automohile As cessories. . Parts for Ford Cars and the best Auta Pump on the market... Don’t forget us when in need of Dry Cells . We sell the famous “Red Seal” the kind that is guaranteed to | give service. OQOur prices are al- | ways right, : ; | Thank You. | Phone 483 OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT ' e b kel GEO L. RILES PHONE 483 EIGHTH BT. McCollum Building NO. 189