The Cordele dispatch and daily sentinel. (Cordele, Georgia) 1920-1926, November 17, 1920, Evening Edition, Image 1

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MEMBERS OF ASSOCIATED PRESS EVENING EDITION VOL. 4. B O UGHT RS R P ¢ 7 -TINE SOUGHT AS KING W [T LT “SMYRNA - % S e 'SET UPBY GREEKS N “'SOLDIERS OF GREEK ARMY MAY TAKE SUCH COURSE. iy Athens, Nov. 17.—The resigna- Mfl of Premier Venizeios has _/ (Beew made public. Majority :(’, speak of the restoration 8 ffmer Kink Constantine as 2 boomplished fact. %M Nov. 16.—There are yrs ANtk plggiblc the Greek army WSROI ito be loyal to VeniZeee the republic of Smyrf = fbr. The present regenCy g Bl Coundouriotis has LeSEENSCORINES by the opposition and it lEEEDIDIC: that’l.he cabinet selected will"ho ey o 1 fice femporarily until a Plebescite 18’ held at which the people will vote up on the return of former King Con stantine. It is also believed the opposition will make an effort to determine the views of the outside world relative to the result of the election. Thera2 wag a panic on the Bourge when it became known that the Veizelist gov ernment had been defeated, the Uni ted States dollar is doubling in val ue. The city is quiet and the parlia ment house is occupied by troops. T Expects Constantine. Athens, Greece, Nov. 17.—(Assdcia ted Press)—“Constantine is our right ~ ful King and we expect him back as goon as a plebescite is held showing the people want him,” former prem . jer Counaris, leader of the successful party in the election, told a corre spondent ‘today, “we expect to as ,sume government in a few days when cause. the poople -regard the Venizal: {'iste as usurpers by force, we shall pursue a policy of conciliation, not ‘vengeance. toward the Venizelists' and do not anticipate a revolt in the army which is really constantine.” i ? Mother Olga For Regent. i . Athens, Greece, (Ten thirty this | morning) Nov. 17-—Queen Mother, Olga, widow of King George, who | 1 ” ; ey 5 : TAR -Yo SR ! T L : . * | { 5&3 i ‘ % -—__—::——:.:i:: X We bottle and? aistri ' bute the qxiginal | Orange Crush tfxrougn out “Cordele trade ter -3 ritory. ‘ You get tbe product . "of an up to date, | clean plant. Buy it with the satisfaction 1 of knowing you have a pure fresh drink. | R e CORDELE COCA COLA BOTTLING *° COMPANY CORDELE, GEORGIA. B HS BUSINESS ON B 8 TRIP TO JAPAN R B on, Nov. i7.—Moré than sixty German merchants have arrived recently in Japan to solicit trade, ac cording to advices to the dapartment of commerce from Kiotc. They meet with little hospitality, it was said the anti-foreign feeling being confin ed largely to Tokio and Yokohoma. LEAGUE CONFERENCE SENT MESSAGE OF SYMPATHY TO PRESIDENT. ) S - Washington, Nov. 17.-—Pregident %Vison in a message sent today to "Paul Hymans, president of the as sembly of the Léague of Nations, ex tanded his personal greetings to the Issembly and expressed the hope and belief that €heir labors will be of immense value to the whole civilized world. The message wag an acknowledg: ment of one from Hymans conveying an. expression of sympathy voted President Wilson unaaimously at the opening of the assembly last Monday Very Much Alive. Geneva, Nov. 17.—“ Very much alive’ is the condition of the league of nations as shown by the report of the council of the league, Lord Robert Cecil declared at todays ses sion. ; German Protest Geneva, Nov. 17.—Germany is un derstood to be planning a proiest t. 4ions mpainst. the allocation of WMF gian by the Council of League, Dr ‘Sunha, Brazillian representativ to as sembly declared, ';od’ayshrdluauaua\' sembly declared. Today the Brazil lian added he was firmly convince: that the United States would ente the league. was assassinated in 1915, will prc! _ably assume the regency today, i was learned here this morning. BRIT'SH EMBASSY - WANTS NO PART IN | IRISH HEARING Washington, Nov. 17.—The Britis’ embassy today notifiedd the commi! tee of one hundred investigating th | conditions in Ireland thgt it did'nc approve the purpose to be served o the methods to be followed in th committee’s hearings to begin her !tomorrow, therefore could not ar cept an invitation to be representer The tembassy declared the only ov Jcome of the inquiry would be ‘th pread of propaganda. E‘ ; Irish Witnesses First ’_l Washington, Nov. 17 —Witnesse from Ireland will be the firet to b heard dby the commission of one hul dred investigating conditions in Ir land. The opening of public hear ings set for today, were postponed u til tomorrow after the commigssio! was informed that two such witnes« es had arrived in New York. Leaders Organize Washington, Nov. 17.—The Amer’ can association for recognition of the Irish Republic organized here toda by Irich leaders from over the coun try and is designed to supplant th’ friends of Irish freedom. M. C. Car roll of Atlanta was named directo for the organization in Georgia. BRINDELL UNDER BAIL OF % $lOO,OOO TODAY. New York, Nov. 17.—Robert P. B Brindell, president of the building trades council was indicted for alle ged extortion in connection with the building trades trust and was hel’ in a hundred thousand dollar bai’ when arranged today. v ¥ THE CoORDELE DISPATCH CORDELE, GEORGIA: WEDNESDAY, NOWEMBER 17, 1920. STRONG ALLIED 9 ; EFENSE LINES DEFENSE LINES FOREIGN MINISTER SAYS IT I 8 AN OFFENSIVE NOT DEFEN SIVE STAND. Berlin, Tuesday, Noy.‘fllg{' The ak lied armies of o:cupat!’o‘i&%‘ 0 ny are being maintainad at guigmn which is unnecessary, said foreign Minister Simons in a speech at Co logne today. He contendad that al lied intervention in thus keeping the forces in a ‘high state of efficiency was not defensive but offencive, Simons asked the reason why the Rhin2 bridgeheads had been exten ded, why military bakeries capable of turning out four hundred thousand rations daily had been established, why new stratagic bridge: over the Rhine had beea prepared, why Bel giz?n troops equipped almost ready for march had been stationed in tac tical positions behind the armies of occupation. Warm protest against Germany being saddled with the expenses of these armies was voiced by ministe:. COMMITTEES ASSIGNED TO VA. RIOU# DUTIES AND SPEED UP BUSINESS. Geneva, Nov. 17.—A - plenary ses: sion was held by the assembly of the leagne of Nations this morning to consider a report from the counc:l of the league relative to its activities since ite formation. Work of the -assembly meeting be -348 %mfl: ing up todey fim‘* ted a he-opening o the séssion and ‘he ‘election of a chairman, It has yeen decided that these committees work in private, the subject matter 5 be referred to them by the assem - )ly without debate. FULLY EXPLAINED \CTRESSES DIED OF ALCOHOL AND EXPOSURE. v | Chicago, Nov. 17.—Confessions wom two men held in connection rith the death of the two actresses Tari Ramey, and Lillian Thompson yund in Grant Park Sunday morning ave cleared up nearly all the detajls “e police said today, and they have ~tablished that the girls died from lcohol, exposure and without vio ncee. The police~still are searching for vo other men who were said to have sen with the girls early Saturday vening. A F 'OURT TO DECLARE TORMAL DECLARATION COMING NEXT THURSDAY Mexico City, Nov. 17.—Reports that he supreme court of Mexico had is wueq orders vrestraining authorities vom issuing a formal decree declar ng Gen. Obregon next president were lenied by officiale of the court. The ‘ormal, promulgation of the decree leclaring Obregon the next president? vill be on Thursday, it is expected.]! ol s il g STORM NOW CENTERNG 1 OVER NEW YORK CITY Wiashington, Nov. 17.—The south rn storm moved rapidly northward nd gained greatly m intensity., This norning it centered in the vicinity t New York city.. It has been at ended by general and heavy rains 1 the sputh, and snow in the Ohio ralley, accompanied by strong wnds nd gales on the entire Atlanticl oast. - The .snow 'is twelve inches leep this morning in Buffalo. , *TRAYED OR STOLEN—BIack am‘]| vhite lewellyn male setter. Reward! or information or return. O. Wl Nalden, 511 Twelfth St. 111173 t SCSC GUNS TURNED ON; : < LEAGUE COMMISSION ‘,\f.;ng N ——— Warsan, Nov. 17.—Lithua nian troops fired upon the League of Nationg control com mission as they were c¢rossing No Mans Land from Gen. Zeel gouki’s lines to those of the Lithuanians, according]',:o dis patches ehre today. The Lith _unanian commander said -the o firing was due to misunder l standing. ' & . I [TW %\Rs WINS MUNICIPAL BRECTION HELD THURSDAE In the municipal election pe_rday former mayor, J. Gordon @Res was elacted over Mayor Max Eh‘fi ";rfi':i J. F. Morris and thus becomes m‘fwor for the next two yeafii‘. For couuncil R. .E. Hu “( headed the ticket. J. Homer Lfmb and Rome 8. Sheppard were spe other two winners. The election #@as mark ed by steady downpour of @ain and a lighter vote was cact thall® was ex pectad. ; o G The old city 2xecutive d@mmittee was reelected. The full t@ket. was as follows: B+ < For Mayor: @ % J. Gordon Jones 328 Max B, Land ... sl 166 I, F. MOITIS ......croinnieuinitri Gl .95 For Aldermen 48 C. HiBAY oo ieirmmatimr ... 280 R. E. Huie é. ei..334 J. Homer. Lamb ..........c..ige......349 R. L. Wright ... loce i 208 Rome S. Sheppard ... Executive Committe® F L. Barrtholomew, T. M ?j}&ker. B. S. Dunlap, G. B, Wilkegs W. H. Westbrook, Jr. S = | A S ; SOVIETS INFLICE 3 : ~:‘,,;::-,,'.',,vu & 3 = ee TR A The Ukrainians have evacuated Kiev and other towns they have occupied and are fleeing defeated before the New Russian Soviet Offensive. Bolshevik cavalry has swept throu’ the Ukrainians line at various points. Three of Gen. Petlura’s divisions were surrounded Lky Soviet « troops when the Ukrainians left the wing broke because of bad communica: tions. 25c¢c Onion Sets and Fall Garden Sceds of all kinds. Good healthy sets and Fresh New Seeds, the kind that come up and grow off rapidly. A full stock to seleet from. STEAD’S DRUG STORE WHIPPLE & McKENZIE BLDC PHONE 1 A. M. STEAD, Prop i ; THREAT REVOKE CABLE GRANT ¥ ot BTN COW !;’\TATE DEPART- T FOLLOWING YESTER DAY'S TURN. e Wit N*@ ) Nav, 17.—Veiled threats" g preml'wuted for the land‘xeatern Union cables in the Uni ig’fltates would be revoked unless tha chmpany continues to ac cord the American government the same privileges it accords the Brit: ish and other governments in hand ling cable messages were contained in 4 formal statement today by the state department. It was the first statement by the department on the controversy. LEAGUE NOT NEEDED WHEN UNITED STATES AND RUS SIA JOIN ENGLAND. Norfclk, Nov. 17—~The League of Nations will not be necessary when Russia is put on her feet and stand: together with America and England Because that country is now over ridden with Bolshevism, it will event ually be a republic and the threc great nations “united will be strong enough to keep the peace of the world was the view expressed by right Rev. Herbert Bury Bishop o northern and central Europe in ad dressing the Fifth Episcopal Synod ¢f the Province of Washington. Now in session here. ; “The Bishop does not oppose the Leogue of Nations, hut belives and al liance between the three greatest powers will be stPong enough to prevent futurs wars, {de said Bolshevism was %‘h : wane in Russia. ‘;‘;‘:"‘ : 3 b g MORE DONORS TO ACCOUNT AR! LISTED TODAY The Josephine account which is b ing raived for a new Ford car fo Miss Lou Hamilton has reached a to tal of $153.00. These lines are writ ten to announce the late donors. Previously acknowledges .........$l4 Gordon A, Cox, $2.00; Cash, $2.50 G. L! Dekle, $2.50; R L Towns $l,O J. W, Biving, $5.00 Those who have money for thi fund ought to lea¥e it at their banl and ask that it be reported. REVIVAL GETS i |‘ ( AWAY FROM RAIN: BETTER SHOWING TODAY AT ‘ BAPTIST MEETINGS. The revival at the Baptist churc’ !has been hindered somewhat by th iweather, but the congregations hav - been gcod and there have been er 'cnuragmg results at each service an 'additions for each day’s reward. ’ Good ‘reports come to us of th ;afternoon meeting and a large crow iis expected tonight. Dr. Powell i :gmwing in favor with the congrege "tion with each sermon and the pe« ' ple are delighted with his deepl spiritual messages. The services ar ‘at three o'clock in the afternoon an ‘seven thirty at night. ~ The noon day meeting tomorrow iwill he at Jennings Drug Store. SPANISH STEAMER YUTE SENDS OUT CALIS HELF New York, Nov. 17.—The Spanis} steamer Yute, two hundred and forty miles east southeast of Cape May, N J., sent out a wireless call for hely early today, the naval communicatior cffice has announced. Nothing fu ther was reported up to ten o’clock NEW YORK COTTON MARKET Open Close P<(logs T b 1,800 21010 17,62 May rasad . 17,20 16,90 17,34 MAY. e YETD - 21680 17.10 by Llien 21690 16.65 16.9! WRe S IRO P 18,15 TAKE BUSINESS COURSE. Places open for a few more pupils Prepare yourself for good salary now See Miss Rowden at Woodmen's Hall. 11'17f4t BANDITS TRIED TO HOLD UP UNION PACIFIC TRAIN Denver, Nov. 17.—The police are‘ searching today for armed men who‘ last night flttemptpd to hold up and} rob a Union Pacific passenger train; at Sandow, gix ‘miles east of here in and exchange of shets with the train crew one of the Bandits was believed 1 to have been wounded. i BY BOLSHEV J o CONFUSION INDESCRIBABLE EX-‘ ISTS IN CAUCASUS, SUPPLIES MOVED FROM BATUM. 1 Constantinople, Nov. 17.—Reports that Batum has been captured by the Bolsheviki have been received here, but thus far they have not been con firmed. Supplies collected in the city were rémoved sometime ago and a Georgian division was sent to the south for the purpose of checking the advance by Turkich Nationalists. The confusion existing in the Cau casus region cannot be described. Traing between Tiflis and batum arc runging badly overcrowded. —————————————— go ’Yo P‘ U§ ARaE M STARTS THURSDAY FIRST MEETING HELD AT THREE O'CLOCK. e e The B. Y. P. U. Convention meet’s here tomorrow in the First Baptist Church. Already the delegates have pegun to arrive and it appears from reports that there are to be more lelegates. than there have been homes provided. The committee se suring homes asks for the hearty “o-operation 1( all the members of “he gehurch and friends to ‘assist in nte¥taining thede delegates. 150 theif intention of com: g ang there will be Bt least fifty ',,: _\:,u' n..,"“:;;’" na ”-"‘ ,tf*'a;,',.,l ,g,,“ "ty A SPlendid - Prograiil a 8 peen” ar !r anged and a fine convention “witl' no Totht be the result. At the annual “tate Convention in Gainsville last “une it was found thag the Conven: ‘on was too large for an average ‘eorgia town to accommodate and e State was divided into five di {gsions, and this is the first conven ion to be held under that plan. It ill be known as “Reginal Conven ‘on” of the B. Y. P. U. | Mr. Frank Leavell, the State Sec:. ‘atary will arrive tonight. The speak rs will arrive tomorrow morning “he Convention will open at 3 P. M. with Mr. Herbert Bradshaw of Fitz ‘arald presiding. There will be spee ‘al features. The Sunrise Meeting ™riday morning will be the most piritual service of the Convention ‘t is to be the Consecration Service. The appearing of ten Bessie Tift *irls will be another feature. Every winute on the program will be inter sting and profitable. Let the jyoung seople in and around Cordele take dvantage of this opportunity. I TEXTILE MILLS 3JOME ARE SHUT DOWN ENTIRE LY IN EAST. | Boston, Nov. 17.—Curtailment of yroduction which began some months go in the New England Textile In lustries employing three hundred housand operatives has now reached peint where the total output is less han half that of a year, ago, accord -12 to estimates made today from a anvass of the great mill centers. In some instances the curtailment an as high as eighty percent and ome mills have shut down entirely ‘hus far only isolated instances of ‘age reductions have appeared and hese for the most part in small mills ‘here employees have been present. d with the choice of a ten percent vage cut or shut down. fa THANKS VOTERS I wish to express my deep appre ‘lation of the splendid support which he voters gave men in reelecting me o council. I promise the best ser ‘ice | can give to everybody, those like who thus manifested confidence n me, and those who may have pre ‘erred some one €lse. l J. H. LAMB. THE CORDELE COTTON MARKET ° GOOD MIDDLING 17,75 ' Y R VBN e PLAIN T e ABOUT MEXICO ) FROM UNCLE SAM N NO CORPORATION TO ofl.‘lvfi AMERICAN RECOGNITION. «/& Washington, Nov. 17.~“No. corpes ation, no group of corporations & no group of individuals is so!_l(;p. Q deliver American recognition to Mex: jco,” it was stated authoritative today at the State l'epartment, ' ‘."f It was stated the United Bta did not insist, as a prellmlnary‘?g recognition, upon Article 27 of 'th® Mexican constitution, provided | operation did not infringe upon'ftg rights of Americans. 3 It was added however, that if th® operation of Article 27 was confl tory or retroactive, the United Statd ‘ could not accept recognitiom: ‘lt declared the United .States was g uated solely by a desire to protect gl valid interests of Américans in l(e'ir e¢ ; - In the discussion officials disel that various Amerjcan corporatiofs and citizens having interests in southern republic, had filed *Mrt : department statements of their dg gires in the way of protection and '@ guaranty of protection before ree p nition is accorded. The statemgn were filed in response to an inyitg: tion of the State Departmen twhigh sought information as to the p'!,é'illgt condition of industries. e —— s e e e aE TUNNEL AROUND - ’? MINE FIRE AND 4 5 RESCUE MIN Earlington, Nov. 17.—Ten migefé were rescued today from. the burpl j Arnold coal mine 'near -here. THa bodies of five others were: resendd and one person, trapped in the 1& 5 is gtill ‘missing. The-wacue.i@fi by tunneling around;the ‘fire iw 2} shut off the single entry, came;twenty, ‘hours after the flames: broke jout.’| * ‘ il e ';,a STV 5 VAR ‘&_‘_%&,fi “w”%‘ @ 7 WITH MASSING TROOP . ¥ " S . ’.' "'1 > r..‘ Berlin, Nov. 17.—-Conflden§;ld_ re ports that the Poles’ are. cof cbfitfl? ting large masses of troopq"‘%g@t_ha frontier in upper Silesia were receiy ed by the German Government, says Lokal Anziger. S The attention of France, Gredt Britain, and Italy has béen called to the situation. | I Did d You Get Our & | Circular 7 Sale commences toiilof- " row, Thursday, Nov. 18 lasts until Wednesday, Dec. 1. Shoes and Ho siery for the entire fam ily of the Kantziper . standard will now be sold at prices far below . what you have to pay - for just and shoes, . | KANTZIPER’S - 105 Lighth Stregt CORDELE, GA. SCSC Bt 121 T 0!