The Cordele dispatch and daily sentinel. (Cordele, Georgia) 1920-1926, July 17, 1921, Image 1

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THE ONLY NEWSPAPER * In Crisp Cqunty. reaches 26 towns and postoffices in the hest section of Georgia. VOL. 4. WASHINGTON CONFERENCE MUST CONSIDER LEAGUE'S PLAN RESULT OF INVESTIGATIONS WILL BE CALLE DTO ATTEN . TION OF THE MEETING IN AMERICA. o . Paris, (Asso) ‘July 16.—The tem porary ‘mixed commissipn for the re duetion of armaents appoint=q by the L2ague of Nations decided today that the conference on tliis question to he called by .President Harding would not conflict in any way with the League's disarmament move. In stead of adjourning the commission, will therefore, K continue its sessions, expecting;jts work to be useful in a prepar*tq;:,flay for the Washington deliberafions. . Rern'2 Viviani( chairman of the com mittee, in gpening the meeting declar ed the Washington conference, in stead of;conflicting with the commis sions study, -of disarmament, fitted in with such. study. He devoted con siderable‘time to discussing Harding: plan; The chairman’s attitude was ap proved by H. A. L. Fisher, British rep resentative, 'who said the league’s commission should - continue ity la< bors. * Other delegates concurred in’ this opinion. The view ‘expressed by dalegates was tha' while the United States was declining” contact- with the leagu: of nations, the forthcoming confercnce nt Washington would find itself obliged To consider such conclusions as the leagu'es commission might pre pare. It was - also suggested that some of delegates to Washington would direct the attention of the con ference to the result of the league’s disarmament commission’s investiga tions. ? The principal work planned for th commission is the preparation of a re port on the political, social and econ « ~ic aspects of disarmament, which will be submitted to a meeting of the assebly of the League of Nations nexi September, BILLION DOLLARS INTEREST OWED U. S. BV THE ALLIES Washington, D.. C,, Jul:v 17—Ap proximately -one ‘billion dollars inter esit was owed to the United States by European debtor naions up to about May 15, treasury officials told ther senate flinance committee Wednesday in explaining the administration bill to gi\'e the seeretary of fthe treasuvy broad authority in funding the allied debts. Assistant Secretary Wadsworth placed the amount of - interest due” at 943,534,750, . A Great DRINK It Never Fails to Satisfy o i ."_.J:' ””In | : iy ‘?‘l;"“ | ;t? fi ":\ ;{ 5¢ a Bottle | CORDELE COCA-COLA BOTTL]NG CO. THE CORDELE DISPATCH MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS TWENTY MILLIONS ADDED TO TREASURY FROM TAX DODGERS ‘ Washington, July 16.—Approximate | ly twenty millions were added to gov ernment revenues during the fiscal year just ended . through recoveries from false and fraudulent income tax returns, Commission'r Blair announ ced today. Indictments have heen re turned during the year in ‘every se: ‘ tion of the country, Ite said, and many ‘jail sentences have heen imposed in addition to fines and penalties which have also been assessed. - INMURDER VERDICT ‘ . | | = | WITH RECOMMENDATION FOR‘ MERCEY—NO HOPE FCR PAR. DON UNDER OHIO LAW, ~ (Cleveland, July 16.—NM\irs. Eva Caih erine Kaber today was founl guilty of first degree murder but with a recommendation for mercey by the jury which trizd ‘her on a charge of plotting to ;kill her hushand, Danizl F. Kaler. Under the verdict Mrs. Kabers inust serve the remainder of Ler life in prison, Though the jury had not reportad officially to the court, Julze Bernon announced the decis’on to Aitorney Francis Poulson, the womean's person al counsel, so he might inform her in the hop~ that she wonid revive suf ficiently from her stunor tc be brought into court to hear the officiai au-' nouncement. She has Yaen in 2 stu por all the morning. Under the Ohio law these is no hope for a pardon under such o ver dict. 5 The jury announced i'2ady to report the verdict at 8:45 this morning, after having deliberating in all, four hours. Mrs. Kaber, according to her counsel said she understood the verdict and she wag carr.2d into the court room at ten thirty. The jury, brought in a few minutes later, made its official report. Mrs., Kaber, who was lying limp in‘ the arms of the deputy sheriff, was ashtd if she had anything to say. She; merely shook her head, indicating she had not. . None of the remaining defendants in the Kaber case will be tried until the September term, Prosecutor Stan ton announced today. ‘Application for bond for Marion McCardle was r-e fused today by Judge Bernon, follow ing the verdict in Mrs. Kaker’s cas@. Judge Bernon then pronounced the sentence and she was taken back to her call, The jury took only three ballots, it was said, the first two being nine for mercy and three for first degree mur der without mercy. Befor2z balloting the jury had discnrdgd the insanity plea. Attorney Poulson said he would not appeal the case. Marian McCardle was with her mother when she was told of the verdict by Poulson, saud she was well pleased with the verdict, according Poulson. ) Mrs. Kaber is the first woman in Cuyahoga county to be convicted qf first degree murder. William Corri gan, her counsel, said he was well satisfied with the verdict and the same expression was made by the county prosecutor, Edward Stanton. CONTRACT LETTO - .COMPLETE SCHOOL CITY BOARD EDUCATION CLOSES WITH H. L. FINGER TO FINISH UP HIGH SCHOOL STRUICTURE | oom—p— ) The City Boara of Kducation Satur day awarded the contract to H, L. Finger for the completion of the new high school building. Work on the; structure was held up in the Parly‘ spring because of an insufficiency of funds to complete it. Only several rooms in the lower fjoor of the puilding were complitely finished, ana practically the entire upper floor of ‘the building was left in-| complete. It ig stated that a splen did saving will be effected in the completion of the puilding at this time over several monthg ago in view of the reduction in price of material and labor. | The contract to Finger also in(-ludefi‘ work of recafcamining and making other repairs in the auditorium of the grammer school building and | the installation of a large number of window lights and the replacing of glass in coors that have he:,-omp{ broken, together with other rcpairs and improvements. The improvements and repairg on the grammer school building will be started at once. e 8 PRESBYI£RIAN CHURCH REV. R. L. BENN, Pastor. | o | Sunday school 10:15 a. m. B}i{hle classes 10:30 a. m. , ours of worship 11:30 a. m. ¢ 8:30 p. m. ; 2 5 ane The ministers subjects are ““The Flesh Pot’’ and ‘‘The Seriousness of Life.”” Everybody cordially invigad, See Palmer-Jones Co. for Calcium Arsenate, 7-16-6 t. CORDELE, GEORGIA, SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1921, HO HOT FIGHT BREWING - SIDE .TRACKING OF BONUS .BILI. PUTS G. O. P. LEADERS UP IN AIR. Washington, July 16.—Another gpir ited struggle is promised in the sen ate next week as the i'2sult of an-effort late yesterday to take the Willis- Campbell anti-beer bill up for consid eration. Following the recommittal of the soldier bonus measures the sen ate adjournad yesterday until Mondey without debating or acting upon :he beer bill motion, but there are promn ises of opposition Monday The laying aside of the penus moas ure has left the whole future progran of the senate in doubt and the repib lican steering commitree as a resuld, is planning a meeting early next week in the hope of working out a program for the gdisposal of th= beer bill, tnhe Morris agricultural export finance and other agricultural relief measures | The passage of the Sweet bill for the consolidation of soldiar relief agencies and the administration bill for refund ing allied war debts also will be con-' siderad. With these measures completéd, Senators hope that late in this month, after the reference of the house tariff bill to the-committee, series of recess s may be arranged to afford some rest during August while the commit tee work proceeds on the tariff bill. | THE CLUB GIRLS MISS HAMILTON WILL CONDUCT TRAINING AT DEMONSTRATION KITCHEN FRIDAY AND SATUR DAY. Miss Lou Hamilton, home demon stration Agent, will conduct a two-day short course at the demonstration kitchen in Cordele next Friday and Saturday, July 22 and 23. The course will be for the club girls and special instructions will be given afong partic ular lines. This is the bheginning of a series of short courses to be conducted by Miss “Hamilton at the demonstration kitch en. |At these short courses she will assist the club girls in best methods of arranging their exhibits for tht club contests during next fall. The demonstration work in the course next Friday and Saturday will be particu larly along the lines of making pre gervaes and pickles. The home demonstration agent re quests a large attendance of the club girls at the short course this weck. 1 | - DRAW FOUR YEARS GERMAN OFFICER CHARGED WITH FIRING ON HOSPITAL SHIP LIFEBOATS. Leipsic, (Asso) July 16.—Li2uts. Dittman and Boldt, Germans, charged with th'e murder in the first degree for firing on lifeboats after the Canadian Hospital ship, Llanlovery Castle, had L'2en torpedoed in the summer of 1918 Each was sentenced today to four years' imprisonment, The sentence did mnot, however, carry hard labor with it, as demanded by the public prosecutor. The cases differed from others which have L@en hearq in as much as they were brought to trail by the German public prosecutor. (‘.reat‘ Britain had only demanded the trial of Commander Patzig, of the subma rine which torpadoed Landovery Cas tle, who fled the country. FINE SINGING AT THE . METHODIST MENS CLASS ‘Prof. H. A. Conner and his quartette will be a feature attraction in the sing ing services at the Men’s Bible Class of the Methodist church Sunday. This quartette, known throughout this and other counties, will give s2veral num bers and those who enjoy good sing ing can be assured chat they will be afforded a splendid treat in these s'e lections. The song service at the Methodist class opens at 9:45 sharp. The pro gram Sunday will be under the leader ship of J. Henry Pitts, Crisp’s tax col lector. A large attendance is urged for the class Sunday. . NEW YORK COTTON MARKET Open Close P-Close Giwd. ... lagr . g October _..... 1296 = 13,03 12.90 December ... 13.38 13.45 13.82 ganiary oo 1389 1346 13.35 Manen -t o 18,63 13,14 13.58 CORDELE COTTON MARKET Goet-Naalng o coiaaiiai 20 11.00 AND DAILY SENTINEL 1 "o} ‘| FAIR WEATHER | | 'PROMISED | IS PROMISED | Washington, July 16.—Goner i ally fair except for widely scat | tered thunaershowers and nor | mal temperature is predicted f for southeastern states the com }I ing week, Pl o n sl g gl | CHARGES AGAINST - I 12 - . i ~ OFFICERS DROPPED ’AFTER PERSCNAL |NVESTiGA-1 TION BY ATTORMEY GENERAL. ’ DAUGHERTY. b ‘ Washington, July 16.—A1l the fed | eral proceedings against Capt. Robert‘ i Rosenbluth of New York, and Sergeant l Pothier, of Jrovidenct, in connection ' with the shooting of Major Alexander . Cronkit, at Camp Leiwis, Washington | in Octobar, 1918, are {o be dismissed, | it was announced today by Attorney | General Daugherty, who has made 1 | personal investigation of the case. i The cag'> will be turned over to the prosecuting attorney of Pierce county | Washington, “for suc¢h action as he - deems proper.” ¢ e e ey ] ]HIDES REMOVAL l - FROM FREE LIST HOUSE READY TO TAKE UP OTHI-‘l ER AMENDMENT FOQDNEYI BILL | Washington, July, 15,—action un! |fir3t contested section of the Ford-| " ney tariff bill having resulted in the | |lxmn\'al of hides frcm the free list l:md the imposition of a fiftecn p:’rl cent advalorem ‘duty, the house is ready to take up the amondment f(n_"‘ the climination of dve control and cmbargo provisions of the bill. ThP! | dye stuffs schedule is second on thc‘ lis tof fivo open to amendment lfmm the flgor under the rul eunder which the bill is being considered. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 0. B. CHESTER, P. C. Sunday school 10 .a: m. ‘ Puldiec worship with preaching by the pastor TTSB‘O’L;T.'IN. and” 8:45 p. m. Third Quaiterly confersnce Mon day 8:45 n:. m. B:ble reading and prayer Wednes day &:45 p. m. l 'Re\'i\‘;J meoting will begin August Tth. A subterranean g'nllmfi three mi'-z_-.a_ IPEU waey v lopun Pljesor s 1 yisusy ut New Market, Va. Turkish tobacco in California yields ‘ from 300 to 800 pounds an acre an nually. } Py LI N , b /*\ ¢ o ) 71 ( Adjusters Laxative Tablets of a simple new compound that is Marvelously ef fective. They correct irregular habits Price 25¢ » GUARANTEED STEAD’S DRUG STORE WHIPPLE & McKENZIE BLDG PHONE 1 A. M. STEAD, Prop. i [y | i e : o cJan-fox M 5 1 ,» i"’xt PAR ‘\T‘“NS 4818 TOILET & HYGIENE o . e ! ON BONUS QUESTION: \ SAYS LEGION HEAD | NATIONAL COMMANDER DE-? CLARES FIGHT WILL BE CON- I TINUED WITH RENEWED VIGOR Chicago, July 16.—The fight . tue nus will be continned with renewed Anierican Ltgion for tha soldier ho i vigor, declarcd Major John Kmery, na tional commander of the legion, in commenting today on the sidstracking of th'a bonus bil in the senate. “We consider Harding all wrong in his attitude,” he said. “Why, the senale committee in its report declar ed untrue ihe claim that the Sweet bill .and adjusted comp:cnsation pro gram would bankrupt the treasury.” Bmery asserted the legion has a well defined program to fight for the bonus and this will not be modified. FAST SELLING AT ~ THE CURB MARKET ’ NT———.| i PRODUCERS AND BUYERS AP PRARED TO COMBINE IN EF FORTS TO MAKE SATURDAY’S I MARKET THE BEST i It appeared that producers and huy ers combined in their efforts to make ":z‘»ahn’day'g curb market the best yet held. Products of the farm, garden |and poultry yard were on sale in splendia vaviety and large quantity and the large number of huvers !:‘IDEE“JGG up the selling, tiaeras being noticable competition in buying and [:1 rush to make first purchases for the bhest. Maay of the buyers were 'dis::m;mimnd in finding the quantity of snap and butter beans limited. l]t had been announced that thcsa pro fdur:ts would be on sale Saturday in ample quantity, but the bad weather Friday qfternoon prevented the pro wucers gathering them for the Satur day’s sale. Among the producers deserving special mention for the success of l Saturday’s market are, L. F. McAfee and G. J. Stephcns extra fine | watermelons; E. P, Faircloth, chick iens and ecggs; A. C. Hogan, choice Isize tomatoes; E. J. Flowers, chick ens and grapes; J. J. Roland, water ground meal; J. V. Daves, ux22ap‘ion ally finc potatoes. Begides thege '\\"jl’l' others who brought melons, corn, fies and other articles much in demand. [ The ladieg and gentlemen who re present special commitiees are al !v.w\": on hand at th- carb market and 'ill'e always attentive to their dnties. It is thiz kind of spirit together ,wiih the spirit of cooperation that ‘makes the curb market such 111 e¢plendid success, | DEATH CLAIMS LITTLE . SON RGY THOMPSON FUNERAL CONDUCTED FROM RESTDENCE SATURDAY AT TERNOCN; BURIAL AT SUNNY SIDE. Jack, 11-vear-old sou of My. Roy 'Tlmmps“n, di~d early Saturday morn ing near midnight at the family 1]1(,)11(- on Fourth avenusf between IS‘}\‘('nth and Eighth streets, North/ ern Heights, following seven weeksg’ ‘illnv‘:::; from typhoid fover. Phe ! funcral serices were conduted from !Hn- residence Saturday afternooy at 4 o’clock by Rev. O. B. Chester/ pag. tor of the First Methodist r;}iuruh. i’.\[zlny beautiful floral offerings/ were ‘eent by friends of the little hoy lznul mcmbers of the family,/in ex-. pregsing of their deep sorrgw and |.-;‘\'mp:llh)'. Interment ocenrred let Sun nyeide cemetery, i | The death of littls Jack # a se vere blow to the . parent :nid other relatives and friends extend their heartfelt sympathy to them ’n their )s:ul bereavemont. § . FSSEMERCERON - AITATE PROHI ENFORCEMBANT OYFICER DECLARES THAT NE HAS NOT ‘‘LAID BY’? T CROP. Hon. Jesse E. Morcer, State Pro hibition Enforcement Officer, was ‘in Cordele for a short time Saturday morning making a pleasant call at The Dispateh office. Prohibition en forcement is improving throughout the State, ddelared Mr. Mercer. ,(‘il}', state and county officors. are, | generally speaking, sriving as never before to e¢nforco the law and strenu oug efforts and effective methods of coping with the lawless element who make and peddle moonshine liquor are being applied, he statod. T have worked the cron’’ con tinned the prohi #'fiv 'r, meaning that he had complete® covered the state in the past several months. ‘‘No nu,‘ I haven't laid by’ and wont have the: next time yvou hear from me,”’” he answersd to a question put in unmr»r-' | ous wvcin, | ESTABLISHED IN 1908 DREADNAUGHT AND CRUISER TO JOIN SUNKEN WARCRAFTS Norfolk, July 16.—" ix former enemy warcrafts now have found their last resting place on the floor of the At lantiz, 76 mil2s off the Virginia Capes. They will be joined next week by the cruiser Frankfurt and the Dread naught, Ostfriesland, the last of the German ships turned over to the Uni ted States for experimental purposes. Th> navy and army aircrafts will undertake to destroy the Framkfurt Monday, and the Ostfriesland Wexd nesday. Shonld they fail, destroyers will shell the Irankfurt and the lat ter will fali a target for the fourteen inch guns of thte Pennsylvania, the flagship of the Atlantic fleet, CONFERENCE T 0 DISCUSS UNEFORM -LOANS (M COTTON SOUTHERN RESERVE HEADS PLANNING FOFK COMING SEASCN Washingtoa, july 18-—jov., Havding of the Federal Rese:ve Board 2n nouncsd today he hag cailed a conter ence here Twesday of the goveraor's of the five reserve banks in the great cotton producing secticas of the coun try to adopt a uniform policy on cot ton loans during the coming market ing season. - INFRIDAYS GAME WHITE SOX GALLOP ON BASES IN FINAL AND WIN FROM CARDI. NALS 20 TO 9. he game b:tween the Whire Scx and the Carzinals ja tho Biusiness Men's League Friday aftrncei was an exciteing affray, punctured with sev eral star features, It was a closely Coniested game up to the list inning, th. score lead going rrom first cue tcam and then to the sther., Howaver in the final the White Sox got to hit tine hard and regular anq msde more }runs than they had in all”ather’in uirgs together. Tweive raliles wore put over by the White 30x in the last inning, and the final score stood 20 to 9, ’ Bryant Gunn featureq with a clean ihon‘.'.,: run, but unfortunately for the Cardinals, there were no men on the bags ah2ad of him. Joe Jordan of the White Sox secured a home run, though not a clean drive. The ball was driv en far out and was lost under an au tomobile parked near the field, Lat imer, White Sox player, stretched out the old pill for a thi'ee bagger. Batteries: White . Sox, Christian and Walters; Cardinals, C. B. Mil]er‘ and Adams. BUSINESS MENS LEAGUE STANDING Clubs PW.L PC AW T G e SRS ' | (B V 1)) Cardinglaes oo L 0 T a 0 Pinatesie- - o w e u b 0 gt [otl Migens s oo -0 gl e it Gfaclrers i o 10 a 8 000 Giants = -0 s Jes) e o g 00) 0. M. HEARD IN{fITES FRIENDS IN AND BIG FELLOW = WELL FEEDS TWENTY OR MORE. The Heard Grocery company Fri day purchased the largast watermaion brought to Cordele this season, pro hably the largest that has heen proguced in this immediate section. It was a monster fellow of mixed variety, weighing 73 pounds, gnd Mr. O. M. Heard, heaa of the concern, invited a number of his friends, of which memberss of the Dispatch staff were lucky to he included, to help make way with it. The mea: of this huge melon was of the finest, sweet est quality, and sufficicnt in quant ity to give about twenty all they could eat. The melon was grown on the farm of Joe Turner at Richwood. It was a mixture of the Tom Watson, \C{Qf and Kleckly varieties. N BT i A CLABSIE. OF THE. .. MOTION PICTURE ART Suppose vou were a poor girl and ambitious. A wealthy man paid you marked attention. Yoy discovered he wae not the marrying kind. You were forced to chooze eithzr FAME and FORTUNE or LOVE and HAPPI NESS, which would YOiJ choosz? In addition to ihe ahove one of thogse good Educ.tional Itwo reel comedies will be shown, Afl children will be admitted for sc, tomorrow Monday at the Circle ‘Theatve. We sell Calcium Arsenate at 15¢ per pound.Palmter Jones Co. 7-16-6 t < s - THIS NEWSPAPER - . Devoted to good =Farming. and Industrial Development for over 100,000 people. ' . NO. 207. IRISH LEADERS - - . ADOPT POLICY OF - RIGID SILENCE WITHHOLDING OF COM'MENT : BEST AID TO ATTAINMENT -OF PEACE. o » London, (Asso) July 16.—What™i8 happening behind the scenes in the consultations of Irish parties prelim inary to the remewal of conversatians between De Valera ‘and Lloyd George Monday, is screened by -what- 'St James Craig, Ulster premier, te¥ P this moruing “rigid silence,” ' - Cralj used the phrase in explaining to intér viewers his belief that everything des pended on the way the question wga handled. hEa “The slightest indiscretion or: infgs interpicetation may easily cause’in calculable harm,” he said; “*“What 18" the best aid to the attainment of peace: is for everyone concerned to withhold comment outside of official cém tions.” W w 4 Dz Valera and colleagués went this afternoon to view the exhibits of Bit, John Lavery's paintings which ip= clude pictures of the trial of Sir Ro ger Casement, the funeral processidm in London of Lord Mayor MacSwiney, of Cork, and a portrait of Ar¢hbishop, Mannix, of Australia. ¥ : Requests for comment at DeValera . headquarters on the published re ports as to the terms and other mat ters was met by the official rejoiner:’ “We are pledged to secrecy. These reports are pure fabrications coming out of the minds of their writers and: wholly unwarranted.” ; : BROOKS WOMEN WAGING WAR ON . " E & SHINE INDUSTRY: ‘Albany, July 16.—The women of the nortwestern part ef/Brooks Couns ty have declared war on moenshiners’ and have recently ‘burned two’ stills there, according to :reports;redching here today. The women are said 't have served notice ‘that th‘ey‘.wil? crestroy all stills set up in their see: tion. ‘ ; 3 % S BN R - CHRIST- EPISCOPAL: “CHURCH eyt AW E i S 6 W. B. BAMS. Vicar, .- -.-, . The regular services aill:bg-held in this church today, July 17th, (Bth Sul_x;' day after Trinity) gs.followsf™ =% 10:156 a. m. Men's 'Bible : Class Judg's ‘Strozier, leader. T e 10:15 a. m. Sunday school.- Clagg~ es for all ages. ; S e 11:30 a. m. Morning Prayer:.and Sermon. W S Y Everybody is cordially - invited o attend these services.” You-will' Té ceive a hearty walcome, e n L one (C ONVINGING . Proor - ——— ' \A saving account ‘is proof that you are “ogetting ;\‘lead”. We want . . you to have such an _account and . will do our best - to help youte. - o © Get Ahead . - Come in and talk * . this important = matter over with us. Yoo 40/0 on saVingS\-' 7.' /Deposits s, . ... 41 5%, on Time Deposit’ - dao CORDELE - . - BANK AND TRUST CO;: CAPITAL $lOO,OOOOO = . “The Bank ™hat , Apprecistes. : Your Accoumt.” - - ..