The Cordele dispatch and daily sentinel. (Cordele, Georgia) 1920-1926, February 27, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PAGE SIX Churchwell's TUESDAY FEBRUARY 28 ONE DAY ONLY COATS THREAD 3 "u c SPOOL WITH EACH DOLLAR PURCHASE TEN GOOD HUCK TOWELS FOR % 1 .00 TUESDAY ONLY New Arrivals Daily IN MILLINERY AND READY TO-WEAR Churchwell’s Sells It ‘l';c;r Less 4JEORGIA MOONSHINE LAW HELD VALID Washington, Feb 27 —The’ Georgia gtatute placing the bur den of proof upon persons upon whoge premises illicit distilling apparatus is found, tp establish their innocence, was held today by the supreme court to be valid WITH THREE SONS SEVERAL OTHERS ARE ALSO BROUGHT INTO CHARGES OF FRAUD AGAINST U, 8. | | Washington, Feb, 27,——<hnli(:t,mcnlx} against Charles W, Morse, ship build- ‘ ‘l‘l'. his three sons, Benjainin, Harry,i rvin, Colin H. Livingston, presidcnu of the Pirginia Ship Building Co., and saven others, were returned by lhr" federal grand juury which is investiga- | tieg the war time transaction of Morse and his associates with lhe’ shipping board, The indictments charged (~(ms'vir:my{ to defraud the government and con gpiracy to commit an offenie againgt the government, ; s v —— 'CANADIAN BROTHERHOOD | SPEAKING FIGURATIVELY OF KILLING CHILDREN AND AGED Nelson, B. C., Feb. 27,—The Douk. hoburs of Canada, otherwise known| ag the Christian Community of Univt versal Brotherhood, merely expressed the advocacy of the massacrc of lhc} children and the age®, uccording to| an explanation now offered by P(‘tcrl Veregin, president of the band in a letter to thn Daily News herc. In the letter Veregin expresges some varm at the apparent indignation of the Canadians over the announce ment of the seet some days ago that members were contemplating emigra. tion to escape taxation —in which kill off the children and aged, whe impeded the progress of the wanderers, %M" VINSON AND WARE WILL RECEIVE ARMENIAN FUND FOR RELIEF OF ORPHANS The Armenian children whose fa thers were killed in battle for the al lied cause are going to be provideq for by America in the future as in the past. These children not only have no fathers but there is no nation Jhind them nor have they any means ,of existence except that provided by ,their gooqd friends in America, . This state has been allotted 2500 of ! the 200,000 and the allotment has been sub-divided between the counties, Crisp county has been organized by Miss Apphia Jackson, organizer for Southwest Georgia, with Mr, I, A. Vinson of the American Bank and ,Trust company as county chairman, yand Mr, B. T. Ware, cashier of the } Citizeng Bank, as treasurer. l All parties who degire to contribute rtn this cause call by the Citizen lHunk and Mr, Ware will receive, re. ceipt and forward your mouey to the I Armenian sufferers, MRY. LAURA KIMBROUGH N & 3 A STOMACH TROUBLE? HEALTH IS MOST IMPORTANT T 0 YOU Columbus, Ga.,—*“Doctor Pleree's Golden Medical Discovory is certain. ly a grand medicine for stomach trouble., Thave suffered greatly all my life from a diserdered stomach My food seemed to set so heavy, no matter what I ate. I have taken many of the meoedicines advertised for thig trouble, but none of them has ever come up to Golden Medieal Discvery for giving prompt and last. ing relief. Whenever I have a slug. gish liver, with sick headaches and constipation, 1 have found Dr Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets a very ef. ficient remedy. They do not gripe: or cause any. other distressing condi. tigns such as great many pills do’'— Mrs. Laura Kimbrough, 3503 Erlene Avenge. Obtain this Medical Discovery of Doctor Pierce’s at yvour nearest drug: gist in tablets or liquid, or send 10 conts to Doctor Pierce’ss Invalids Hotcl in Buffalo, N. Y. for trial package and write for free medieal advice, GOOD RED BLOOD I STHE ONLY SURE FOUNDATION OF PER MANENT HEALTH AND VIGOR b | Good color, bright e yes, solid flesh, erect bearing are (l(-p('ndcntl upon rich red blood. If your blood is not up to the mark your general health eanmot_be, Latc hours, eating the wrong foods, ‘working indoors, fatigue, affect the blood. So many| people cat well and take exorcise,) yet never scem to improve in health,’ Gude’s Mangan taken regu-" larly for a while gives the blood! that richness and redness that pro duees bounding health and vigor. It is a simple, natural way to get we 11 and strong. Gude’s Pepto.Mangan comes in liquid or tablets—at your druggist’s. Advertisement. | l LOST . i . Promissory note in principal sum of $495 payable to™ Dorris and Brown, signed by 8. R. Fenn, Also deeqd for securing same covering 1038 acres nland. {All parties are hereby warned not to trade for same. Liberal re ward if returned to L. C. AVERETT, Cordele, Ga, Itw for 4wks IF YOUR DISPATCH is worth any {hing to you attend to your subscrip tion account before March Ist, 2-27-2 t EGGS DROP IN PRICE WHILE HAM CONTINUES UP GRADE IN MOULTRIE MARKET (By South Georgia News Service) Moultrie Ga., Feb. 27,~The hog and egg market in Moultric Thave swapped places. Back in Dracember hogs were down close to five cents a pound, or lower than they had becn quoted in seven years, while eggs were worth 60 cents, or more than a bushel of corn. Saturday number one hogst were quoted at 8 cents a pound, while the same market column gave the price of fresh country eggs at 18 cents a doz. en. The busy hens around Moultrie have been producing so many cggs gince the weather has heen holding forth during the past fow days that the supply is far ahcad of the demand and the price has been dropping steadily. Hog growers are greatly pleased hy the advanec in the market, many holding back their herds ir. the hope that there woupld: be an advance be fore spring. Receipts at the stock yards here continue heavy. A grape vine planted in an Fng. lish palace yard in 1768 still is bear ing about 400 buunches a year. Groceries at Bargains W SIX DAYS IN THE WEEK Cobbler Per peck ecwes-- 650 Red Bliss Lor pock - .-n 7oc Fresh Country Eggs Pop 4Oz .ihenmav~n 30c Large Octagon Soap S HALRTOD . ceceirncen 15c Argo Starch ROk LG 15° Luzianne Coffee This Wetk ccuencnnsa zsc We have just what vou want and deliver promptly. W. I. HARRIS Tel. 55, Cor. 10 St. and 12 Ave. Spires & Atkinson Shoe Repairing 323 12th Ave., West /»:,.‘:‘ ] «" - “ b ‘Q‘,\» A Ly | go e 7 - We do any and all kinds -of shoe repairing. All work guaranteed and \ & Reasonable Prices THE CORDELE DISPATCH WOMAN SUFFRAGE = GEfS LEGAL OK Washington, Feb, 27.—Wo man suffrage, or the nineteenth amendment, today was declared constitutional by the supreme court, Just after the charge to the grand jury in superior court this morning ‘™Mr. J. D, Coghlan, splendid specaker Bind farmer from Texas, presented a cotton marketing address which took well with the farmers attending court. CLASSIFIED WANT ADS TWO CENTS A WORD Cash In Advance, Three Times For Price Of Two OPPORTUNITIES Make your nickle have more cents, Eat Butter Kist, 2-2/-3t KODAKS and Fresh Films at Jen nings Drug Store, 10-20-tf —Frank E, Williams sells mules and horses and will trade for any thing. 2.16-26 t ADVERTISE— In South Georgia through the Classified Page of the Wayjeross Journal-Herald, the only daily newspaper in eleven adjoining countics. Rates 10 cents a line first insertion; 5 cents a linc repetitions. I'ive words is a line, 1-16-tf. MARKET PRICE—Paid for Peanuts warehouse close in. See W. I BARTEE, 207 Bth Ave East, 2-9-26 t JUST RECEIVED—II-2 car load of new Singer Sewing Machines, all of the latest and prettiest models we have cver had. Call around at the of.| fice and we will take pleasure ninl showing you through. Als¢ have a nice little hand machine, motor at-| tached, which can be placed on tablcl See them all. Singer Sewing Machine Co., J. F. Doolittle, Mgr. All hem. stitching 10 cent per yard. 2.20-6 t FOR SALE FOR SALE—Ford Sedan in excellent shape. Real bargain, O. E. SCOTT, JR. 2-22-6 t FOR SALE—Three milk cows fresh in milk at real bargain. Auto and Radiator Repair Co. 1-24-3 t. FOR SALE—=Seed Cane—twenty thou sand stalks, right price. Phone 352 C. B, WHATLEY. 2-16-26 t FOR SALE—Seeq cane that will aver age 4 feet, $15.00 per thousand or let out on ghares; would exchange for corn. J. T, PERSALL, Police. 2-26-6 t BROWN LEGHORN EGGS-—ll'ure Bred, reliable fertility, s§l.oo per set ting of fifteen; $5.00 per hundred. A. J. STEPHENS, Rt. A, Cordele, 2-21-26‘ € P t - eanuts : TO ROAST PEANUTS—PIace on two layers of shelled peanuts in a pie plate or other flat pan; place in a moderately hot oven and stir pccasionaly until the husks can be rubbed off about 15 to 20 minutes depending on heat. Care must be taken that peanuts do not get too brown, remembering that just ag soon as the husks can be removed or rubbeq off the peanuts are roasted and have the best flavor. SALTED PEANUTS—Roast peanuts, remove husks and place them in a bowl with a little melted butter or cooking oil. Remove to brown paper and sprinkle lightly with table salt to taste. BLANCHED PEANUTS—.nother method is to take unroasted or raw shelleq peanuts, and by pouring boiling water over them, or submerge in boiling water in a ladle. Remove hugks and dry on a towel, place one-third cup of butter, cooking oil or other fat in a small saucepan. When hot put in some of the blanched peanuts and fry until delicately browned, stirring to keep the peanuts con stantly in motion. Remove with a small skimmer, taking up as little fat as possible. Drain on brown paper and sprinkle lightly with fine galt, repeat until all-are fried. PEANUT BUTTER—Roast shelled peanuts remove husks and grind the nuts in a food chopper, using the nut knife or finest knife. Grind them several times in order to make them as fine as possi ble. Add a small amount of melted butter if needed to reduce to a paste, add salt to suit taste. The more pains taken the better beanut butter you have, PEANUT BRITTLE—I 1-2 cup granulated sugar; 1-2 cup corn syrup; 2.3 cup water; 2 tablespoong butter; 1.2 1b raw shelled peanuts; cook sugar, syrup ang water slowly uyntil a hard ball is formed when trieq in cold water. Add the butter and peanuts blanched or not, as desired. Stir and cook until they are thoroughly coated Add a teaspoon of cold water, Stir vigorously and when mixture is no longer forming, pour onto a greased platter or marble; let copl somewhat, turm and pull into a thin gheet. PEANUT AND POPCORN BALLS—I tablespoon butter; 1 cup “wrown sugar; 1-4 cup water; 1 quart popcorn; 1 cup blanched or raw peanuts. Bring the butter, sugar and water slowly to a "oil end boil few minutes or until a drop hardens when tried in cold water. Pour it over the mixed popped corn anq peanuts and stir until en tirely coated. When cool enough to handle, grease the hands and form into balls, about the size of a small egg. r . Call Your Grocer; He Will Send Them Out It was part’ of the campaign 4] put two hundred thousand bales of cotton into the Georgia Cooperative Marketing Association’s pool for this year. Mr. Coghlan was introduced by Farm Agent C. B. Culpepper. His argument ercated a fine impression. Mr. J. B. Drake is here to remain long enough to give the oportunity to all local cotton growers to poo. ag much cotton as they may ydesirc on this plan. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS RIGHT TO REGUIATE PASSENGER RATES IN'STATE Washington, Feb, 27.—Passenger fares within a state are subject to regulation by the federal government the suppeme court today declared in a decision in the Wigconsin rate case, LOANS MONEY TO LOAN-—-I am still get ting money on farm lands. W. E. GRUBBS. QUICK LOANS—Made on both city and farm lands. See C. M, McKenzie 7-9-tl. WANTED WANTED TO BUY—Country Butter, Eggs and Chickens. L. L. HELMS MEAT MARKET, 108 Wall St. 12-28_tf WANTED—Chickens and eggs. Un limited quantities. Ask for prices. Egg cases and fillers for sale. Geor gia Poultry Co., Albany, Ga., 2-17-3 t FOR RENT FOR RENT-—Two connecting rooms with kitchenette and bath. Eleventh Avenue and Fourth 'St. Phone 498 FOR RENT—Residence cloge in with all modern conveniences. Apply J, L. MIMS at J. L. Mims Co, 2-24-6¢ | _ -s - s —_— FOR RENT—One front room furnish- | ed or 2 unfurnigshed rooms at 407 Fourteenth Ave,, west 2-24-3 t FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms; lights, hot and cold water, bath. Nice Jocation, 315 Seventh Avenue East. FOR RENT—Bungalow, 405 Ninth Ave. Telephone 449, 2-24-3 t FOR RENT—Two or four rooms. All conveniences. 512 Twelfth avenue E. Phone 531. 2.20.6 t. e R B oe S ' FOR RENT—T7-Room residence, light ' and water connections, six lots and garage. F. G. BOATRIGHT. 22026 LOST STOLEN—I 922 auto tag No. 23542. Please notify J. F. DOOLITTLE, at Singer Sewing Machine office, Cor dele, Ga, 2-24-3 t TYPEWRITER REPAIRS—I will be at the Suwanee Hotcl Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and woul] #ke to do your repair word on all makes of typewriters. You can get me over Phone 26. R. E. CURVIN 2-26-3 t 5 ~_.,‘u_flr, , H_H i : == S R I ] | = — ) ‘“s——;'/» EVe B = ‘Q@i‘i; ‘er""” T Vel ' Gl Whißndy LR il N 1 e .c‘ l . g ti i_’!_? S it Wbt i |\“ @| Nl ,*.-mfi'\/: ",f,'[ i ;:‘{"l“i/‘t\l\:/étlfl\\“' )// \“W*V N\ & &Q{ | g\l * &) ; . j Getting All of It— \ WHEN you milk your cows, you make it a point to do a good job of it and get all the milk, don’t you? You milk the cows dry. But after you've got the milk, how about getting all of the cream out of it?> Do you cheat yourself by skimming only the cream that rises to the top overnight? A Primrose Cream Separator will skim cream out of the milk that you'd never know was there otherwise—will add about one-fourth more to your cream volume if you have been in the habit of skimming the old way. : If you don't believe this just allow us the privilege of proving it. Let's talk it over when you have a lew mirutes to spare. ' See us at once. QOur terms are easy on these machines. Palmer-Jones Co. THE LiACHINERY PEOPLE CORDELE, GEORGIA. . The Early Bird Gets the Worm and the Early Gardner Gets the Money ! Our Curb Market was fine last year. If you patronize it you made money. Plant your Gardens early and get good prices for your Truck. We have a complete line of Garden and Field seeds, all fresh new stock. Red Blisg Irish Potatoes, pk 75¢ Irish Cobbler potatoes, pk -_7s¢ Spaulding N. 4 potatoes, pk 75¢ Golden Dent Corn, peck --75¢ White Dent Corn, pegk --_-_7s¢ Hickory King Corn, peck 75¢ Snow Flake (Roasting ' Har)- per peck _......--.51.00 Stringless Green Pod, per pt, 20c, per gt 35¢ Red Valentine, 20c pt; qt 35¢ Bountiful __.___ pt. 20c; qt. 35¢ Black Wax .....- pt. 20c; qt. 35¢ Fat Horse of Crease Back pt. 20¢c; qt. 35¢ Jennings Drug Store - PHONE 92 Cordele, - - - Georgia. COAL! COAL! High Grade Domestic Ceal, Blue Gem Caol and Standard Jelico Block, high in heat and low in ash JolieaComl Wl .. 0.0 it i G e Plhoe B TR ... .. coniviviiinides iTN Also Dry Pine Wood W. M. HUTCHENS Phone 504 Cordele, Ga. THECRYSTALCAFE THE BEST PLACE TO EAT Prompt and Polite service. The best that the market affords at all times, prepared in the best of style. Norfolk Oysters - THE CRYSTAL CAFE _,5 Eleventh Avenue J. A PHOTIANOS, Prop. J. B. RYALS INSURANCE AGENCY . We write Dwellings, Private Garages, Barns, and Household Fur‘.‘&‘e, Automobile and Truck—Life and Acciden; Insurance, Call us be¥re placing, Phone 157 Cordele, Ga, Suwanee Blayg, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1922, Kentucky Wonder pt 20¢! qt 350, Nancy Davis .. pt. 20c; qt 35¢ Radishes (long and short, oz 5¢ Beets, long and short, 0z --10 c Mustard, Southern curled oz 5c Mugtard, smooth leaf oz -.--5¢ Tomatoes, Pondarosa 0z -.--20 c Big Boston Lettuce, 0z ..--10c Long Green Okra, 0z -......0--5¢ Acme Tomato, 02 .c-.caru=-206 New Stone Tomato, 0z -..-20 c Sweet Pepper, per-pkg -...--5¢ Egg Plant, per pkg --i....-.B¢ Cabbage, per DKg ...ceae-..--100